hayley emmons digital imaging 2018 portfolio
project 1 The task of this project was to learn and understand the basic interface of Adobe Photoshop, while digitally manipulate the three qualities of color; hue, value, and saturation. I was first instructed to take 30 different digital color photos of different textures.
project 2 Using Adobe Photoshop, I was tasked with taking three sequences of digital photos to display multiple perspectives and/or the passage of time. Each sequence of photos were then altered with different colors, opacities, and values.
project 3 In this project, I created “invented spaces� by using Adobe Photoshop to digitally manipulate images. My concept was to create a composition by combining digital and natural environments.
project 4 Experimental project with the basics of creating vector patterns in Adobe Illustrator. Using the swatch tool and panel, it was an efficient way to try different compositions, and colors.
project 5 I was tasked with creating and designing my own currency in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. My concept for the project was to redesign the United States Currency, with inspiration from the current European euro.
project 6 I created a series of portraits of three different people, and two self portraits. I wanted to use abstract shapes, color, and value to make a graphic portrait. I used a consistent gradient in all of the pieces to make them a true “series�. Lastly, I wanted to include my knowledge of typography, and use short snippets of type to share stories and my memories attached to the person displayed in the portrait.
This book was created as a portfolio for Digital Imaging Spring 2018. Included are 6 projects that were created digitally through my Spring term at Maine College of Art, in Portland, Maine.