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A Social Media and Marketing Plan Hayley Larson

Contents Who Are WE




Capstone concept


Current Social Media


Analysis of Current Social media


Social Media Analysis/Revamp


Blogger Collaboration


Logo Redesign






We look for designers with great quality products that fit our vibe. We love to support emerging designers and give them a sales platform.

Who Are We?

Inspired by two girls sharing a love for travel, fashion,

and adventure, Romance Riders was born. Riders believe in the ocean, fringe on everything, and clothes that make you feel your best without compromise. The heart and soul behind Romance Riders is driven by us. Two girls who dream, believe, and truly love the brands we carry. If you’ve made it here, we’re sure you’ll love them too.

We are barefoot sun seekers and creative souls in love. We are weekend gypsies and day dreamers. We break the rules and live free.


History Started in 2014 in Miami by Lucy and Natalie as an oniline boutique featuring up and coming designers with bohemian inspired clothes and accessories. The majority of the designers that romance riders works with produce their clothing and accessories in the united states, typically New York and LA. STill a young brand Natalie and Lucy are striving to make romance riders a household name.


Concept To analyze Romance Riders current social media plan and assess what is successfull and what is lacking results. Assessing what the brand can do to improve consumer engagement on social media and spread their influence further. partnering with bloggers to garner positive customer reviews about products and spread word of mouth reviews. Analyzing the differing consumers that use various social media platforms, Along with planning branded photoshoots to prep photos for a new social media campaign and a styled lookbook. Create a new logo for the brand and implement it on all social media platforms to provide unity across all social media accounts.


Current Social Media Twitter






Analysis Currently all of Romance Riders social media is linked, initially this appears to be effective because all social media accounts have content. However, with all social medias being connected your consumer is being fed the exact same information and images on each platform. meaning the brand’s following has no reason to follow all various social medias. Mostly, their twitter page consists of links because it is linked to the instagram page. in order to see images the consumer must click through to the instagram page. the images on each social media are the same. Each consumer is different and the consumers on one social media want to see different images and messages than consumers that are on another social media.

Social Media Analysis

Tumblr is a more positive social media platform than any other social media network

Tumblr is the 5th most visited site in the U.S. According to, it is the 30th highest traffIc site on the internet


Tumblr does not have as many monthly users as other social media outlets but Tumblr’s audience is extremely valuable to brands because they are young and extremely engaged. Tumblr is strong with teens and young adults who are interested in self-expression and means that you really need your content to connect with them on a personal level in order to spread. Most users reblog content that reflects their personality or in terms of a brand, products that they want or think are interesting. The 53.5% of Tumblr reblogging of content means the brand will be present on dashboards that visitors are female they normally wouldn’t reach expanding their market. All of this information means that Romance Riders cannot ignore or misMore than 70% of market to their Tumblr following. Right now, because their social media pages are all linked and the same content is being promoted to their Tumblr’s users fall various social medias, they are mis-marketing to their consumers. within the ages of The Tumblr consumer wants the cool boho, hippie, festival fashion photos, 16-34 along with behind the scenes content that catches their eye. they want content that relates to them, lifestyle pieces or random articles that are aimed towards millennials will promote reblogging and the spread of Only 31 of the Top 100 Romance Riders content. Romance Riders also needs to be sure to link to brands use Tumblr – their site, you cannot access their ecommerce site via their blog and each this means the market is ripe for new brands of their posts with product should have a link back to the site along to get a foothold with ecommerce access somewhere on their blogs page.

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research


Romance Riders current Tumblr is great, except they aren’t utilizing hashtags, a huge part of tumblr. Also the same photos are being posted on all their social medias. I mocked up a tumblr feed that utilizes hashtags and unique photos and videos.

T u mbl r

Behind the scenes shots Behind the scenes videos Branded content How to style posts Reblogs of consumer photos


Twitter Twitter is everywhere, the underdog social media network that fought to the forefront of the social media game. Almost everyone in America has heard of Twitter, 87% of those asked knew about the social media network, close on the tail of Facebook with 88% of respondents having heard about Facebook. Unfortunately even though 87% of people know about the social media, only 7% of Americans actually use Twitter, which translates into 17 million people. Twitter is really focused on brands and 49% of monthly Twitter users actively follow brands or companies. Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users, which means brands need to make sure their Twitter pages are interesting and worth following. Twitter users have a natural tendency to interact with brands which means this is a super easy way to engage with your followers and encourage conversation to gain first-hand knowledge of your customer’s opinion.

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research

29% of millennials 42% of Twitter users learn about products and services via Twitter

29% of Twitter users check Twitter multiple times a day

use Twitter

40% of Twitter users are between ages 18-29

81% of millennials check Twitter at least once a day


Out of all of Romance riders social media I believe their twitter needs the most work. they do not post anything directly to twitter, all their posts come from one of their other social medias. Mostly their twitter consists of links from instagram.


random company culture updates interaction with consumers retweeting of celeb/magazine posts photos posted directly to twitter not via instagram


Y o u T u be YouTube is a great way for brands to promote themselves without being over the top. Brands that compile intriguing fashion films are on top of the YouTube game, it tells a branded story rather than typical retail video promotion which is the cheesy TV commercial about a typical consumer. Making the consumer want to seek out the video and show it to others is the most effective way to promote yourself. Behind the scenes videos, fashion films, an office culture video, how to style the brands pieces are all great examples of how to use YouTube as a marketing technique.

4 billion videos are viewed on YouTube everyday

YouTube was rated by millennials as the top place to watch content

72% of US millennials use YouTube

Average time spent on YouTube every mobile session is 40 minutes

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research



P i n t e re s t Pinterest has been gaining popularity as a place for women to go and plan their dream weddings, closets, vacations, houses, etc. What brands need to capitalize on is the woman who is on there building her dream closet and wardrobe and happens to love your clothes! High quality photos are a great way to catch the readers eye. But what differs on this social media is that people would be okay repining a picture that is just clothes lain out on a solid background. The reason behind the activity for such a stagnant picture is that women are just looking for outfit inspiration or even separate items that they want to add to their closet. Adding links to your products is essential when posting to pinterst.

83% of active Pinterest is now the third most popular social network in the US in terms of traffIc

users prefer to follow a brand than a notable celebrity

69% of online consumers who visit Pinterest have found an item they’ve purchased or wanted to purchase

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research

Pinterest pins with prices get 36% more likes than those without

49% of Pinterest users use it instead of browsing catalogs


Romance Riders’ Pinterest page is currently one of their strongest social media platforms. They effectively ustilize the social media network by posting braded imagery that consumers want to repin. The only improvement would be is to add more images of their product selection and direct links to their site.

P i n t e re s t

They currently have a few boards at the end of their pinterst page that have clothing from various designers they showcase on their site but they are the last thing you see when you are on their pinterest. they are already effectively using pinterst, changes were not necessary. Below is their pinterst feed.


F a ce b o o k 91% of millennials 34% of Facebook users are between ages 18-29

use Facebook

Facebook is still the social media powerhouse and will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future because they keep bringing new and interesting features to the site to keep users engaged. Overall growth for the social media has slowed but the user engagement has increased, which is important for brands looking to use the site to promote and engage with consumers.

70% of Facebook users engage with the site each day

4.75 billion items are shared by Facebook users on average daily

23% of US teens consider Facebook the most important social network

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research


Romance Riders’ facebook is very visual, but unfortunately it is linked to their instagram which means they are running into the issue of posting the same exact content to both social medias. they should keep it visual but post more consumer photos as well as interesting articles.

F a ce bo o k

Articles about festivals Celebrity style look book photos status’ that engage the consumer consumer photos


S N A P CH A T 70% of Snapchat users are female

71% of Snapchat users are under the age of 25

58% of college students say they would likely purchase a product from a brand that sent them incentives via Snapchat

18-29 year olds are spending an average of 20 minutes a day on Snapchat

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research

E ve ry o n e has a d i f f e re nt v i e w o f s na p ch a t a nd i t s us e s . S o m e s c o rn b ra nd s a nd co m p a ni e s w h o a d v e rt i s e o n s n apchat an d s o m e a p p re c i a t e t h e p e rs o na l t o u ch i t a d d s . T ho s e a r e w h o w e w a nt t o t a rg e t . Ro m an c e Rid e rs n e e d s t o c re a t e a s na p ch a t a cc o u nt t h a t is t o be us e d fo r B RA ND E D c o nt e nt o nl y, W h i c h i s v e r y im po rt an t . t he r e a s o n s o m e b r a nd s g o w r o ng w i t h s na p c h a t is t he fac t t hat t h e y v i e w i t a s t e m p o ra r y a nd r e a l l y h o w m uch d ama g e ca n o ne q u i ck p i ct u re d o ? T he an s w e r is a l o t b u t i t c a n a l s o re a l l y b e ne f i t y o u r b ra nd . T he n e w chat fe a t u re a l s o p ro v i d e s a no t h e r a v e nu e t o pro vid e e xce l l e n t cu s t o m e r s e rv i ce . Ro m a nc e Ri d e rs s h o u l d t ry t o t ak e t he Re f i ne ry 2 9 o r Co s m o p o l i t a n a p p ro a ch . Ro m an c e Rid e rs w o u l d b e s t b e ne f i t f ro m S na p ch a t b y al l o w in g cus t o m e r s t o a d d t h e m o n S na p ch a t a nd t h e n Ro m an c e Rid e rs w o u l d a d d t o t h e i r s na p c h a t s t o ry . back an d fo rt h c o m m u ni ca t i o n w i t h co ns u m e rs a b o u t t he ir Ro m an c e Rid e rs p i e ce s v i a S na p ch a t w o u l d b e a v e ry in t e re s t in g w a y t o c o nne ct w i t h a c o ns u m e r. Pro m o co d e s co ul d b e i ns e rt e d i nt o t h e e nd o f a s na p c h a t s t o ry s o t hat c o n s u m e rs w h o w a t ch t h e e nt i re s t o ry w o u l d hav e i nce nt i v e t o c o m e b a ck.


These mockups simulate the images a consumer would click through on a snapchat story. At the end they get a promotional code, as incentive to keep checking back.


Behind the scenes shots Behind the scenes videos Photos of company culture Exclusive content


53% 49% of I nstagram users are women

32% of US teens consider Instagram their favorite social network

I n s t a gra m

of instagram users are ages


Instagram reaches 34% of the US population

See Appendix A for more Social Media Research

Instagram provides a platform for your company to promote its prettiest pictures and best decorated desks in the office. Not only is it a very easy way for companies to put their best foot forward but they can also easily see who is wearing your product by encouraging their consumer to post photos of themselves wearing their clothing and using a brand specific hashtag. These customer photos can then be either reposted by the brand or even just liked by the brands account. It is an easy way to engage with your consumers and spread word of your brand via your current consumers. Since most consumers take the word of peers more seriously than that of online reviews or product descriptions. seeing a real person wearing a brands clothing on Instagram is a great way to promote. 22

Romance Riders’ instagram is another strong social media. This is because they post directly to instagram and link their other accounts to their instagram posts. this results in links being posted to twitter, identical photos being posted to their tumblr and facebook pages.

i n s t a gra m

their instagram page did not need to be revamp ed their instagram prominenetly displays their brand. Below is their most recent instagram feed.


Blogger Collaboration


Logo Redesign Inspiration


Final Logo Redesign


Credits Photographer

Miranda Wood


Kelsey Magennis ryanne Frazier Kae riley


Krystal Nicole Oblinger

Stylist/creative director

Hayley Larson 30

Appendix A Tumblr : Tumblr does not have as many monthly users as other social media outlets but Tumblr’s audience is extremely valuable to brands because they are young and extremely engaged. While Tumblr’s following may be less than other social medias, according to GlobalWebIndex “34 million Internet users globally say they contribute to or use Tumblr on a monthly basis.” Out of these users, 46% were between the ages of 16-24, which happens to hit on Romance Riders prime target market. Tumblr is strong with teens and young adults who are interested in self-expression and means that you really need your content to connect with them on a personal level in order for it to spread. Most users reblog content that reflects their personality or in terms of a brand, products that they want or think are interesting. The reblogging of content means the brand will be present on dashboards that they normally wouldn’t reach expanding their market. Tumblr Fun Facts: Roughly 83.1 million posts are published to Tumblr each day Tumblr is available in 13 languages In the United States alone, Tumblr attracted 35 million unique visitors in January *unique visitors refers to the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period* Tumblr is a more positive social media platform than any other social media network More than 70% of Tumblr’s users fall within the ages of 16-34 Posting activity reaches a peak at 4p.m. EST with Sunday being the busiest day (Stats from 21 Statistics to know about tumblr) Tumblr’s yearly global user growth rate is 74% The top Tumblr tags are lol, fashion, food, art, vintage, landscape, tattoos, black and white, makeup, and illustration Only 31 of the Top 100 brands use Tumblr – this means the market is ripe for new brands to get a foothold Tumblr is the 5th most visited site in the U.S. (20 Tumblr Stats Marketers Can’t Ignore) Average daily Tumblr sign ups – 120,000 Tumblr is more popular among 13-25 year olds than Facebook Average user spends 23 minutes on Tumblr per visit (Who uses tumblr? 17 stats marketers need to know about . By the numbers: 70+ Amazing Tumblr stats and facts) According to, it is the 30th highest traffic site on the internet 65% of users have a college education 53.5% of Tumblr visitors are female 78% of Tumblr posts are photos or other images and they’re the most popular to reblog All of this information means that Romance Riders cannot ignore or miss-market to their Tumblr following. Right now, because their social media pages are all linked and the same content is being promoted to their various social medias, I believe they are miss-marketing to their consumers. The Tumblr consumer wants the cool boho, hippie, festival fashion photo’s along with behind the scenes content that catches their eye. But not only that they want content that relates to them, lifestyle pieces or random articles that are aimed towards millennials will promote reblogging and the spread of Romance Riders content. Romance Riders also needs to be sure to link to their site, you cannot access their ecommerce site via their blog and each of their posts should have a link back to the site along with ecommerce access somewhere on their blogs page. The use of branded hashtags is also very important on Tumblr because the fastest way to reach new consumers is by hashtaging using relevant and popular hashtags. Interaction with consumers is so easy via social media and across the board Romance Riders needs to be commenting on posts and letting their customers know they are being heard.

Twitter : Twitter is everywhere, the underdog social media network that fought to the forefront of the social media game. Almost everyone in America has heard of Twitter, 87% of those asked knew about the social media network, close on the tail of Facebook with 88% of respondents having heard about Facebook. Unfortunately even though 87% of people know about the social media, only 7% of Americans actually use Twitter, which translates into 17 million people. Still not a small number. Twitter is really focused on brands and 49% of monthly Twitter users actively follow brands or companies. Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users, which means brands need to make sure their Twitter pages are interesting and worth following. Twitter users have a natural tendency to interact with brands which means this is a super easy way to engage with your followers and encourage conversation to gain first-hand knowledge of your customer’s opinion. 42% of Twitter users learn about products and services via Twitter 41% provide opinions about products and services via Twitter 19% seek customer support via Twitter 63% of Twitter users access it via mobile device (7 surprising Statistics about twitter in America) 316 million monthly active users 34% of active Twitter users log on to the social media more than once a day 29% of millennials use Twitter 26% of teens consider Twitter their favorite type of social media 29% of Twitter users check Twitter multiple times a day 52.7 million Twitter users in the United States Average number of times a month that Twitter users shop online – 6.9x/month 40% of Twitter users are between ages 18-29 24% of adult women use Twitter 81% of millennials check Twitter at least once a day 15% of millennials check Twitter more than 10x/day (By the numbers : 150+ amazing twitter stats) YouTube : YouTube is a great way for brands to promote themselves without being over the top about promoting themselves. Brands that compile intriguing fashion films are on top of the YouTube game, it tells a branded story rather than typical retail video promotion which is the cheesy TV commercial about a typical consumer. Making the consumer want to seek out the video and show it to others is the most effective way to promote yourself. Behind the scenes videos, fashion films, an office culture video, how to style the brands pieces are all great examples of how to use YouTube as a marketing technique. 4 billion videos are viewed on YouTube everyday Average time spent on YouTube every mobile session is 40 minutes 72% of US millennials that use YouTube Average length of YouTube’s top 10 ads of 2014 was 3 minutes Average length of the most-viewed YouTube videos is 31-120 seconds 8 billion views per month for the top 100 YouTube channels 70% of millennials visit YouTube at least once a month (120+ amazing youtube statistics) YouTube was rated by millennials as the top place to watch content One out of five people get news from YouTube

Pinterest : Pinterest has been gaining popularity as a place for women to go and plan their dream, weddings, closets, vacations, houses, etc. What brands need to capitalize on is the woman who is on there building her dream closet and wardrobe and happens to love your clothes! High quality photos are a great way to catch the readers eye. But what differs on this social media is that people would be okay repining a picture that is just clothes lain out on a solid background. The reason behind the activity for such a stagnant picture is that women are just looking for outfit inspiration or even separate items that they want to add to their closet. A great way to be able to post to social media without having an entire photo-shoot done. Below are some statistics to better help understand how to target the Pinterest user. 28.1% of Pinterest users have an annual household income of at least $100,000 Pinterest is now the third most popular social network in the US in terms of traffic The average Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per month on the site – US users spend an average of one hour and 17 minutes on the site Pinterest pins with prices get 36% more likes than those without 43% of Pinterest members agree that they use Pinterest to “associate with retails or brands with which I identify,” compared to just 24% of Facebook users who agree to the same use with Facebook 69% of online consumers who visit Pinterest have found an item they’ve purchased or wanted to purchase (stats: who uses pinterest and why is it important for marketers) 85% of total Pinterest users are female 67% of Pinterest users that are under the age of 40 27% of US Gen Y (millennials) use Pinterest at least monthly 33% of 18-29 year olds in the US have a Pinterest account 49% of Pinterest users use it instead of browsing catalogs (90+ amazing Pinterest Statistics) 83% of active users prefer to follow a brand than a notable celebrity 29% of active Pinterest users say that they choose Pinterest searches in lieu of traditional search engines Facebook : Facebook is still the social media powerhouse and will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future because they keep bringing new and interesting features to the site to keep users engaged. Overall growth for the social media has slowed but the user engagement has increased, which is important for brands looking to use the site to promote and engage with consumers. 70% of Facebook users engage with the site each day 968 million people are active on Facebook daily Users spend on average 20+ minutes on Facebook a day 91% of millennials use Facebook Facebook stores 300 petabytes of user data 34% of Facebook users are between ages 18-29 26.7% of Facebook users shared a post that they enjoyed 90% of ALL social media users use Facebook 66% of adult women use facebook 71% of US female internet users share videos on Facebook 83% of US female internet users discover videos via Facebook 20% of time spent online is spent on Facebook 62% of millennials use Facebook to post about what they are doing/ who they are with 4.75 billion items are shared by Facebook users on average daily Americans spend an average of 40 minutes a day on Facebook 20.66% of Facebook visitors go to YouTube next 84% of 18-29 year olds in the US have a Facebook account 23% of US teens consider Facebook the most important social network

Snapchat : Everyone has a different view of snapchat and its uses. Some scorn brands and companies who advertise on snapchat and some really appreciate the personal touch it adds. Those are whom we want to target. Romance Riders needs to create a snapchat account that is to be used for BRANDED content only. Which is very important, I think the reason some brands go wrong with snapchat is the fact that they view it as temporary and really how much damage can one quick picture do? The answer is a lot but it can also really benefit your brand. The new chat feature also provides another avenue to provide excellent customer service. I do not think Romance Riders should try to take the Refinery 29 or Cosmopolitan approach I think that Romance Riders would best benefit from Snapchat by allowing customers to add them on Snapchat and then Romance Riders would add to their snapchat story. I think that a little back and forth with consumers about their Romance Riders pieces via Snapchat would be a very interesting way to connect with a consumer. Promo codes could be inserted into the end of a snapchat story so that consumers who watch the entire story would have incentive to come back. Another would be sharing a photo of themselves in your product to their own stories and you could chat message them a promo code. 70% of Snapchat users are female 71% of Snapchat users are under the age of 25 100 million daily active users 18% of all US social media users use Snapchat 30% of millennials access Snapchat regularly 58% of college students say they would likely purchase a product from a brand that sent them incentives via Snapchat Stories are Snapchat’s most popular feature 1 billion Snapchat stories are viewed each day 18-29 year olds are spending an average of 20 minutes a day on Snapchat Instagram : Instagram provides a platform for your company to promote its prettiest pictures and best decorated desks in the office. Not only is it a very easy way for companies to put their best foot forward but you can also easily see who is wearing your product by encouraging your consumer to post photos of themselves wearing your clothing and using a brand specific hashtag. These customer photos can then be either reposted by your brand or even just liked by the brands account. It is an easy way to engage with your consumer and spread word of your brand via your current consumers. Since most consumers take the word of peers more seriously than that of online reviews or product descriptions seeing a real person wearing a brands clothing on Instagram is a great way to promote. 49% of Instagram users are women 53% are ages 18-29 20% of Internet users use Instagram Instagram reaches 34% of the US population 30.4% of social media users use Instagram 49% of US Instagram users use it daily 32% of US teens consider Instagram their favorite social network Photos generate 36% more likes than videos on Instagram On average Instagram users are spending 21 minutes a day on the application Instagram’s interaction-per-follower rate for brands is 4.21%

Works Cited Egan, John. “21 Statistics to Know about Tumblr.” 21 Statistics to Know about Tumblr. PR Daily, 13 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. < 72.aspx>. Smith, Cooper. “Tumblr Offers Advertisers A Major Advantage: Young Users, Who Spend Tons Of Tim On The Site.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. <>.

Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <>. “120 Amazing YouTube Statistics.” DMR. 23 Apr. 2014. Web. 12 Oct. 2015. <>. “Social Media Demographics for 2014 and 2015.” CodeFuel Blog. 4 Nov. 2014. Web. 12 Oct. 2015. <>. “Social Media Update 2014.” Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. 9 Jan. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. <>.

Smith, Craig. “200 Amazing Facebook User Statistics.” DMR. 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. “20 Tumblr Stats Marketers Can’t Ignore.” Search Engine People Blog. 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. < stats/5/>. <>. Wakefield, Kylie. “4 Ways to Use Tumblr to Connect With Customers.” Social Media Examiner RSS. 11 Gioglio, Jessica. “5 Creative Ways Brands Are Using Snapchat.” Convince and Convert Social Media July 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. <>. Strategy and Content Marketing Strategy. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. <, Kostas. “Who Uses Tumblr? 17 Statistics Marketers Need To Know About Tumblr.” brands-areKanguro Communications RSS. 22 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. using-snapchat/>. Smith, Craig. “70 Amazing Tumblr Statistics & Facts (April 2015).” DMR. 26 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Oct. Talbot, Kate. “5 Ways to Use Snapchat for Business.” Social Media Examiner RSS. 27 July 2015. 2015. Web. 13 <>. Oct. 2015. <>. “35 Tumblr Marketing Tips And Statistics That May Shock You.” Self Made Success. 2 Apr. 2015. Web. 10 Patterson, Michael. “Social Media Demographics for Marketers | Sprout Social.” Sprout Oct. 2015. <>. Social. 4 May Baer, Jay. “7 Surprising Statistics About Twitter in America.” Convince and Convert. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. <>. 2015. <, Craig. “60 Amazing Snapchat Statistics.” DMR. 2 Feb. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. twitter-in-america/>. <>. Smith, Craig. “150 Amazing Twitter Statistics.” DMR. 23 Mar. 2014. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. Smith, Craig. “150 Amazing Instagram Statistics.” DMR. 6 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. <<>. twitter-stats/>. Aguilar, Constance. “5 Ways Brands Can Use Pinterest to Boost Consumer Engagement.” Mashable. 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <>. “90 Amazing Pinterest Statistics.” DMR. 4 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <>. Dougherty, Jim. “25 Pinterest Stats, Facts & PR Best Practices | Cision.” Cision RSS2. 19 Jan. 2015.

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