Renal & Urology News January 2014 Issue

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JA N UA R Y 2014








Stents Do Not Improve RAS Outcomes


Optimal medical therapy prevented adverse events just as well in patients with CKD or hypertension

STENTS DO NOT significantly improve treatment of renal artery stenosis (shown above).

Microalbuminuria Predicts AF BY WAYNE KUZNAR DALLAS—Microalbuminuria and microvascular abnormalities in the retina are independently associated with a higher risk of atrial fibrillation (AF). The two together increase the risk of AF by more than 20-fold, Sunil K. Agarwal, MD, MPH, PhD, reported at the American Heart Association’s

Scientific Sessions 2013. “The processes that change small vessels in the heart should probably change the vessels of other organ systems,” said Dr. Agarwal in explaining the rationale for the study. “We wanted to see how microvessel changes in the eyes and also albumin in the urine, meancontinued on page 8

invites you to Kidney Care Congress 2014, a virtual conference where you can earn CME credit January 22, 6-9 p.m. EST Register at

BY WAYNE KUZNAR DALLAS—Renal artery stenting confers no additional benefit beyond optimal drug therapy for preventing adverse renal and cardiovascular events in patients with renal artery stenosis (RAS) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) or hypertension, according to data from a randomized clinical trial. The research findings from CORAL (Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions) study, presented by Christopher J. Cooper, MD, at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013 and published online ahead of print in the New England Journal of Medicine, support those from other recent clinical trials of renal artery stenting and should prompt fur-

Dialysis Pts Have Higher Stroke Risk STROKE risk is elevated in dialysis patients compared with the general population, according to a study conducted in Taiwan. In addition, the study demonstrated that the risk of hemorrhagic stroke is lower with peritoneal dialysis than hemodialysis. Researchers analyzed data from 74,192 hemodialysis (HD) patients, 5,974 peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, and 669,773 individuals in a reference cohort drawn from the general population and who were older than 18 years, not on dialysis, and had no history of stroke or cancer. In the HD and PD patients, the incidence of hospitalization for ischemic stroke was 102.6 and 100.1 per 10,000 person-years, respectively, and the incidence of hospitalization for hemorrhagic stroke was 74.7 and 59.4 per 10,000 person-years, respectively. The incidences were significantly higher than those in age- and sex-matched

ther restriction of its use. After initial enthusiasm in the late 1990s and early 2000s for renal artery stenting for patients with atherosclerotic RAS or hypertension, use of the intervention had already been declining based on studies published prior to CORAL, said Mark Creager, MD, Director of the Vascular Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “I hope [the CORAL study] does alter how people take care of patients. I think what it shows is, that with good medical therapy, the majority of patients can be managed without the need for a stent,” said Dr. Cooper, Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of Toledo in Ohio. continued on page 8

IN THIS ISSUE 8 High BMI raises renal decline risk in young adults 10 Mortality in CKD patients linked to gum disease 12 High-potency statins do not hike risk of kidney injury

13 Arthritis drug may benefit patients with FSGS

15 Transplanted kidneys can harbor HIV-1

17 Bacteremias linked to central venous catheters


Reducing abdominal fat may halt CKD Testosterone therapy may help patients with Crohn’s disease PAGE 11

continued on page 8

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