Renal & Urology News - Jan-Feb 2021 Issue

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JA N UA R Y/F E B R UA R Y 2 0 21

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Researchers Zero in on Diet-PCa Link BY JODY A. CHARNOW RECENTLY PUBLISHED studies highlight a link between diet and prostate cancer (PCa) risk. In one study, a team led by Benjamin C. Fu, PhD, of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, demonstrated an association between hyperinsulinemic and inflammatory diets and aggressive PCa. Another study, conducted by Justin Gregg, MD, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and colleagues, found that adherence to a Mediterranean diet lowered the

likelihood that men on active surveillance (AS) for localized PCa would experience disease progression. Dr Fu’s team prospectively followed 41,209 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986 to 2014). They calculated scores for 2 validated dietary patterns from food frequency questionnaires that participants completed at baseline and updated every 4 years. They calculated hyperinsulinemic and inflammatory diet scores based on the propensity of various foods to cause hyperinsulinemia and inflammation.

High Mg in CKD Ups Death Risk HIGH SERUM levels of magnesium increase the risks for cardiovascular (CV) events and death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), suggesting clinicians need to be cautious about prescribing magnesium supplementation to these patients, according to investigators. In a retrospective observational study, a team led by Isabel Galán, MD, of

Elevated vs normal magnesium levels also increased the risk of CV events.

Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofia, Murcia, Spain, found that serum magnesium levels increased as kidney function decreased, according to study findings published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition. In adjusted analyses, patients with hypermagnesemia, defi ned as serum magnesium levels higher than 2.2 mg/dL, had significant 34% and 54% increased risks for CV events and all-cause mortality, respectively, compared with those who had serum magnesium levels in the normal range (1.7 to 2.18 mg/dL). Hypermagnesemia remained significantly associated with increased allcause mortality in a propensity score analysis that compared 287 patients continued on page 8


Hyperinsulinemic, inflammatory diets implicated

HEALTHY DIETS may slow progression of localized prostate cancer, new findings suggest.

A total of 5929 incident cases of PCa developed during 28 years of followup, including 1019 advanced and 667 fatal cases. On multivariable analysis, each 1 standard deviation (SD) increase in a hyperinsulinemic diet was significantly associated with a 7%

Advanced RCC Diagnoses Drop After ACA BY NATASHA PERSAUD IMPLEMENTATION of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 coincided with reductions in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) at diagnosis, especially among low-income patients, according to new data presented at SUO 2020, the virtual annual meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology. Using the National Cancer Database, investigators identified 83,310 patients (aged 40 to 64 years) eligible for Medicaid and who had newly diagnosed with RCC in the United States from 2010 to 2016. Following ACA implementation, the percentage of insured patients in both Medicaidexpansion and non-expansion states increased by 4.0% and 2.1%, respectively, Juan Javier-DesLoges, MD, an SUO fellow at UC San Diego Health in La Jolla, California, reported. The largest significant increases in insurance coverage occurred in expansion states, continued on page 8

and 9% higher risk for advanced and fatal PCa, respectively, Dr Fu’s team reported online in European Urology. When the investigators stratified participants by age, they found that a hyperinsulinemic diet was significantly continued on page 8


Tacrolimus plus low-dose steroids may have a role in MCNS


Testosterone therapy found to lower type 2 diabetes risk


Recruitment of young urologists into private practice challenging


Is the DRE for prostate cancer screening obsolete?


Apixaban may be a better choice than warfarin in advanced CKD


Use of innovative PCa treatment modalities varies by region


Q&A with LUGPA’s new president, Jonathan Henderson, MD

Proposed HIPAA changes would improve information sharing for coordinating health care. PAGE 16

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