Renal & Urology News - July/Aug 2018 issue

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Robotics’ Rise in Urologic Cancer Surgery In 2015, 69% of prostate, bladder, and kidney cancer surgeries involved robotics, meta-analysis finds



Robotic urologic cancer surgery cases increased substantially from 2005 to 2015, a meta-analysis found. Shown here are the proportions of major urologic cancer surgeries performed with robotic assistance in 2015.


Radical prostatectomy


Radical cystectomy


Radical nephrectomy

Source: Gill I, Cacciamani G. The changing face of urologic oncologic surgery from 2000–2018 (63,141 patients) Impact of robotics. Presented at the 2018 American Urological Association annual meeting in San Francisco, May 18–21. Abstract LBA3.

BPH, Peyronie’s Disease Linked SAN FRANCISCO—Men with Peyronie’s disease (PD) are at higher risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, and various malignancies, including testis, prostate, and stomach cancer and melanoma, according to study findings presented at the American Urological Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting.

The findings are from separate studies by the same research team led by Alexander W. Pastuszak MD, PhD, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. For both studies, investigators relied on 2007–2013 data from the Truven Health MarketScan database, which includes information on continued on page 24


Doctors must manage their own emotions, medical ethicist says. PAGE 27

BY JODY A. CHARNOW SAN FRANCISCO—Most urologic cancer surgeries in the United States today are performed with robotic assistance, according to the first meta-analysis looking at overall trends in the use of robotics in urologic oncology. Robotic surgeries are associated with less blood loss, fewer perioperative complications, and shorter hospital length of stay compared with open surgery, but it costs more and takes longer to perform than open surgery, the metaanalysis showed. Of 105,300 prostate, bladder, and kidney cancer surgeries performed in 2005, robotics were used in 29.6% of cases. This proportion increased to 69.2% of 88,198 surgeries in 2015,

Advanced PCa Predicts More Complications BY JODY A. CHARNOW MEN WITH ADVANCED prostate cancer (PCa), especially those with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), have an elevated risk of disease-related complications near the end of life, including spinal cord compression and renal failure, study findings presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s 2018 Annual Meeting in Chicago suggest. “Many patients with prostate cancer can expect excellent survival outcomes, even those with metastatic disease,” said lead investigator Divya Yerramilli, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “However, there has been no comprehensive examination of how patients with prostate cancer experience major disease-related complications, such as cord compression and renal failure at the end of their lives. In other words, patients with prostate cancer live a long time, but a significant proportion of these patients suffer for a long time, too.” continued on page 24

Inderbir Gill, MD, and Giovanni Cacciamani, MD, of the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, reported. Of all patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP), radical cystectomy (RC), and partial nephrectomy (PN) in 2015, surgeons used robotic assistance in 85.4%, 32.8%, and 66.1% of cases, respectively. These data show that use of robotic surgery increased 4-, 11- and 110-fold for RP, RC, and PN, respectively, compared with 2005, according to Drs Gill and Cacciamani. The meta-analysis, which included data from 181 papers comprising 63,141 unique surgical cases, also compared robotic and open surgery continued on page 24


Postoperative AKI risk linked to preoperative proteinuria


Black race ups survival odds among men with mCRPC


Nocturnal polyuria possibly linked to non-dipping BP


Pre-radical cystectomy aspirin use may increase survival


PUL is effective for obstructive middle prostatic lobes


TRT is associated with an elevated risk of urinary stones


Study supports percutaneous ablation for selected RCC cases

Imaging advances may improve the treatment of oligometastatic PCa. PAGE 26

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