Renal & Urology News - May-June 2021 Issue

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Study: ADT Does Not Raise CV Death Risk Finding is based on men in the PLCO trial BY JODY A. CHARNOW ANDROGEN deprivation therapy (ADT) plus radiation therapy for unfavorable-risk prostate cancer is not associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular (CV) mortality compared with RT alone, according to investigators. The finding is from a secondary analysis of prospectively obtained data from 1463 men with unfavorable-risk clinically localized prostate cancer (PCa) who participated in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) randomized controlled trial. The analysis revealed no significant difference in

5-year CV mortality rates between ADT plus radiotherapy (RT) and RT alone overall (2.3% vs 3.3%, respectively) or in subgroups of men with a history of 1 or more preexisting comorbidities (3.2% vs 5.3%), a history of 2 or more preexisting comorbidities (6.9% vs 8.3%), or preexisting CV disease (CVD, 3.6% vs 4.3%), a team led by Vinayak Muralidhar, MD, MSc, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, reported in Cancer. “These findings suggest that ADT may be a safe management option for men who have unfavorable-risk

ADT AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY A study of men in the PLCO trial found no significant difference in 5-year cardiovascular (CV) mortality rates among men who underwent radiotherapy alone or combined with androgen deprivation therapy for unfavorable-risk prostate cancer, regardless of preexisting comorbidities. 6


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Obese men are at particularly high risk of testosterone deficiency.

anti-inflammatory) to +5.48 (most pro-inflammatory). An inflammatory diet is characterized by a higher content of refined carbohydrates, added sugars, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and a lower content of unsaturated fat, fiber, and polyphenols. The mean total testosterone level was significantly lower in men with the most pro-inflammatory diet (highest tertile of DII) compared with men with the most anti-inflammatory diet (lowest tertile of DII): 410.42 vs 422.71 ng/dL, Shi Qiu, MD, and colleagues from West continued on page 9





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1 or more preexisting comorbidities

Preexisting CV disease

Source: Butler SS, et al. Risk of cardiovascular mortality with androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer: A secondary analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) randomized trial. Cancer. Published online April 27, 2021.

prostate cancer regardless of comorbidity status,” Dr Muralidhar and colleagues concluded. “However, the possible side effects of ADT and the high risk of other-cause mortality still should be weighed against the possible cancer-specific mortality benefit when

Low T Linked to Inflammatory Diet Men Rarely Die BY NATASHA PERSAUD defined as total testosterone levels from Early-Stage CONSUMING pro-inflammatory foods less than 300 ng/dL. Their calculated may increase the risk of testosterone scores from the Dietary Inflammatory Prostate Cancer deficiency in men, a new study finds. Index (DII) ranged from −5.05 (most During the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) 2013 to 2016, a total of 4151 men completed a 24-hour dietary history including 27 foods. Overall, 25.7% of the men had testosterone deficiency,

■ RT plus ADT ■ RT alone

MEN WITH EARLY-stage prostate cancer (PCa) are far more likely to die from other causes, especially noncancer ailments such as cardiac disease, according to a new study. The majority of men with advanced PCa, however, die from their cancer. Investigators said the study “provides the most contemporary and comprehensive evaluation of causes of death for men with PCa.” The findings are based on an analysis of data from 18 registries in the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program. The study examined the causes of death among 200,302 men with PCa. Of the 172,767 men with local or regional PCa, 29,048 (16.8%) died from PCa, whereas 33,176 (19.2%) died from other cancers and 110,543 (64%) died from noncancer causes, Adam B. Weiner, MD, of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, and colleagues reported in Cancer. Cardiac-related illness continued on page 9

making individual patient-level treatment decisions.” Of the 1463 men, 565 received RT alone and 898 received RT plus ADT. The investigators defined unfavorable-risk PCa according to National continued on page 9


Patients with advanced RCC can harbor occult brain metastasis


Urologists are performing more PCNL renal access procedures


Prostate radiotherapy found to increase survival in mHSPC


Prostate cancer ADT is linked to dementia in younger men


Ureteral stenting during bladder CA surgery may raise UTUC risk


Renal hypothermia during PN shown to have no benefit


Screening rates for prostate cancer fell early in the pandemic Treating psoriasis in patients with ESKD lowers their risk for some infections. PAGE 19

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