Hayriye architectural portfolio 2016

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I recently finsihed my masters degree from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Architecture - Institute of Heritage, Transformation and Restoration. I am looking for a full time job, however I can be flexible with this. I am 29 years old and currently living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am passionate in what I do and have a poetic approach to the subject of architecture. If you decide to hire me I can guarantee a devoted and a highly motivated individual who can work independintly as well in bigger teams. I am an eager learner and always excited when trying to distinguish my own approach through understanding foreign visions and ideals. I take responsibility seriously but do know how to enjoy life as well. I hope that this selection of different projects of mine will give you an idea of who I am as an aspiring architect and hopefully you´ll find me as a suitable candidate for your architectural profile. Yours sincerely Hayriye Hatun Isik


Hayriye Hatun Isik Hayriyehatun@gmail.com + 45 22840787


- Layout - Graphics - Aesthetics - Concept development - Social competent


2015 Internship at Norrøn. The tasks durring my time at Norrøn was varying. Diagram developer, physical modelmaking in different materials. Analysis and project development. Participating in meetings with engineers and contractors.

- Model builder - Photography - Interior design - Visual communication - Material insight

2014 Winner of the national competition: Skills 2014. The task was to fill an object with tiles that had an architectural approach and a story along with it. The project was carried out by mason apprentices in 2015. 2014 Design of graphic visual identity, for the Danish clothing store Foxy Lady. 2013-today Bolia, Danish furniture store - Sales advisor and decorator. 2013 Still photographer for the short film Dinner for four. 2013 Production designer for the short film The boy with the little wagon.


2010-2016 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design Architecture and Conservation, Master at the Institute of Heritage, Transformation and Restoration. Bachelor degree in architecture from Department of Architecture, Technology and Development. 2008-2010 KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology E-designer (entrepreneur designer in spacial design and furniture) 2008 Borups Højskole. Photography, Graphic designs, Art and Music 2004-2007 Sankt Annæ Gymnasium (High School)


Adobe Photoshop, llustrator, InDesign, Autocad and some Google Sketchup and


Danish - Native English - Fluent Turkish - Good



5. semester Hamam / A Turkish bath


10. semester Master Thesis / An archive and an architectural museum in Istanbul


9. semester Social Housing / Transformation of the 40s and the 50s brick buildings, Dybbølshus


9. semester Survey / Studytrip Armenia


8. semester, Internship Camøno / Dark Sky


6. semester, Bachelor thesis / Pearls on a string, Copenhagen museum of modern art


7. semester Tiles workshop / Competition winner

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HAMAM / a turkish bath

5. semester The task of this project was to create a program after a thorough analysis of the area Vesterbro, Copenhagen. During my research, I went to explore the more secluded and quiet areas of Vesterbro, as one enters the buildings through small courtyard passages. This discovery of Vesterbro would prove to be an inspration in terms of my own programme. Many of the houses appear anonymous in public but as soon as one is allowed to step in between and behind the houses, new impressions, renewal courtyards, and lively colors appears. I wanted to avoid creating yet another wellness and spa center. Instead I wanted to get to the core essentials in a hamam and giving something back to the community of Vesterbro.

Axonometric hand drawing edited in photoshop

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Master Thesis / An archive and an architectural museum in Istanbul

10. semester Istanbul is a complex city told through its cultural, social and economic diversity. The city is where East meets West. Istanbul is ugly and beautiful at the same time. The materials in the townscape presents a wealth of opportunities and the color palette is wide. Istanbul is not characterized by the straight, symmetrical regularity which is encountered in many other Western cities. It is a dense, wild and labyrinthine city where you easily lose your orientation. The city’s history is reflected and represented in the streets among ruins and new buildings. The cadastral I have chosen to work with for my master thesis, are buildings I stumbled over accidentally on a walk through the streets of Istanbul. I was rejoiced of the sight that met me, but melancholic at the the same time. These buildings, like many others, will disappear from the cityscape and from our memories as a result of being neglected. Thus I became inspired to transform these buildings into a museum and an archive to save some of the remains of Istanbuls memory. The museum and the archive is a catalogue of the architectural heritage of the city; a collection of fragments, traces and recognizable reconstructions through time. This project was challenged by very limited information. I took on the approach of working with bricolage; memories, old photographs and the history of Istanbul. This way of approach resulted in a composed architectural character. My intention of this project was not to recapture the buildings to its original form, but as a performance of history. History is preserved as an imprint of what it once was.

Plaster and a wooden model

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Impressions of Istanbul/ Bricollage pedestrian

Impressions of Istanbul / Traces and layers






Museum Archive

Archive Yard



Archive Archive Archive

Reading hall



CafĂŠ and shop

Site plan after transformation





Wardrobe Yard



Wc Museum Museum


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Elevation / before

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Section, reading hall / before

Section, reading hall / after

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Section, reading hall / after

Transformation / reading hall

Plan / reading hall

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Social Housing / Transformation of the 40s AND THE 50s BRICK BUILDINGS, Dybølshus

8. semester The task of this project where a transformation and optimization of a building from the 40s and 50s Danish social brick housing. A technical registration and an analysis of the building was made in groups and so was the idea and result of this project. The residents of this building is primarily the lowest social stratum of Copenhagen which also appears in the size of the apartments 2-3 bedroom. The building today is unflattering, the balconies inclosed, the staircases and the apartments appears dark, the rooms are not fully exploited and the unfortunate placement of the windows in the facade not to mention the failed attempt of energizing windows with heavy frames of plastic/aluminium. The first and most important transformation of this building was to optimize the apartments for the residents of this building and not for a other audience then those who already lives there. It was important to create a landscape which was appealing for the inhabitants and creating a layer of green, so the apartments seems less exposed from the railway station which is a problem today. The facade towards the mainstreet was an other focus point of this project. Made in collaboration with Signe Reinholdt, Anna Kampmann, Casper Højer, Anne Almås, Pil Bjerre and Benjamin Egebak

A wooden model of the new facade

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Photo Collage of the existing building

Collage / regestration

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Detail / window before

Section / regestration of hall before

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Elevation / before

Elevation / after

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Elevation / Kitchen vafter

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Survey / Studytrip Odzun Armenia

8. semester This where a studytrip to Odzun a major and historic village in the Lori Province of Armenia. The purpose of this trip where to measure the 5th-7th century Odzun Church. The survey was done with help from a total station and old techniques as a hose, tape measure etc. Photo credit: Sebastian Mardi

Odzun church / Armenia

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Plan 1











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Trans formation

Arkitekt Ukendt Art Bygning Odzun Church Emne Adresse Odzun, Lori Province, Armenia Mål ..... Årstal 500-700

Opmåling Snit mod vest 1:50

Dato 01.09.15 - 12.09.15 Opmålt af Eva Sievert og Aasmund Vinje


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Camøno / Dark SKY

8. semester, Internship Norrøn architects are specialized in tourism and destination development with a focus on creating authentic and qualitative architecture. The Dark Sky Project came about, when a group of locals from the Danish island Møn approached Norrøn. They asked for assistance to help Møn gain certification as a dark sky park, because of the islands minimal light pollution and unique night sky view. The objective of this phase was to gain an insight into the authentic landscape, and to find the potentials of the island Møn, in particular the night sky. This was mainly expressed through diagrams. They indicate the diverse experiences throughout the winter period, which points at a new potential to keep and reinvent the interest of tourist to last all year round, and not only during the peak season. Made in collaboration with Jens Holm and Pil Andersen

Diagrams / the night sky and the daylight

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Diagram / light pollution and routes Diagram / light pollution and routes

Diagram / the night sky durring the year

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Bachelor assignment / Pearls on a string, Copenhagen museum of modern art

6. semester COMA is situated in the heart of Nørrebro, one of the most dynamic, diverse and multicultural districts in Copenhagen. On the other hand, the site is an exception. The nearest contacts consist of social housing, buildings that seems to take a distance to everything around it, as if it were a fortress closed in on itself. The catalyst of this project has been the street itself (Stengade) and the residents of the social housing. By creating volumes and spreading them out on the street and creating an underground passage, the creation of an other fortress is avoided. Instead spaces will appear between the volumes and the users of the site gets the opportunity to become a part of the passage of the museum. The volumes clasps on a path as if they were pearls on a string. The overground part of the museum appears through its simple materiality and simplicity as monoliths that have grown out of the ground and appears as an installation of art in the urban space. The transition from the passageway to the exhibition rooms is significant in its physical and spatial change from low to high, from artificial lighting to daylight. This creates a dynamic, albeit slightly understated architecturally surprise element in its individual but powerful design.

Concept sketch

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Section A-A

Section B-B

Section C-C

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Tiles workshop / Competition WINNER

7. Semester The object is considered as an architectural element. The elevations dictates what is public and what is private. The visible parts of the elevations are anonymous to the "public" through the use of the white color. The "private" part, on the other hand, are colorized in four different colors to stimulate the senses. These parts are dictated through the hidden angles you won't see in an elevation drawing, but only seen when you interact with the object - in this case the plan and the relief. The patterns are inspired by the geometric dynamic instruments, which creates a compositional depth-manipulation. Made in collaboration with Jens Bergelin


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Technical drawing

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Completed object

Hayriye Hatun Isik Mail: Hayriyehatun@gmail.com Phone: + 45 22840787

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