No Time To Die by Godfrey Mawa

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No Time To Die

Godfrey Mawa foreword by

Dr. Nsaba Buturo

Minister of State, Ethics and Integrity The Republic of Uganda





No Time To Die

Godfrey Mawa foreword by

Dr. James Nsaba Buturo Minister of State, Ethics and Integrity The Republic of Uganda


No Time To Die

Š 2009 by Godfrey Mawa 1st Printing 2009 in the Republic of Uganda ISBN: 978 9970 171 00 2

Edited by Shana Marie Gilbert - CO, USA Cover and Interior Design by Hayro Luque Creative - NY, USA Front Cover Photo by Back Cover Photo of Godfrey by David Benjamin

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

Unless otherwise indicated, biblical quotations are from the New King James Version.

Printed in the Republic Of Uganda


Contents Acknowledgements Dedication Foreword About Godfrey Mawa Introduction


Section 1 Mawa’s Miracle Story


The Mission & Journey | Eve of the Tragedy | Cause of the Fate The Lord’s Voice | The Arab Woman | The Tragedy Behind the Scenes | Is Godfrey Mawa Dead? | Power of Prayer Effects from the Outlived Storm

Section 2 True Inspirational Stories


He survived the Storm | The Hiroshima Miracle | Surviving the Snakes The Tsunami Miracle | My First Car | Sudanese Minister Thieves on my Roof | Surviving the Rebel Ambush Persecution and Revival Outbreak

Section 3 God’s Protection and Refuge


Earthly Protection Versus Heavenly Protection God’s way of Protection | Trusting God | Divine Intervention How to obtain God’s Protection | God’s Protection is Necessary What the Bible says on God’s Protection | Praying for God’s Protection Revelation of God’s Protection | God’s Sheltering Covenant with Man

Section 4 Look Beyond the Storm


The Mind of an Over-Comer | Turn the Pain into Gain Man in Suit, the Pool of Crocodiles | A Night in the Grave Big Boy Cries in the Exam Room | Built for the Storms Palm Tree Lessons | Don’t Die in the Storm



Bibliography | Contact Information | More Products Off to Mission | Time is Out!




Acknowledgements So many people have had an impact on this book – from those who have made suggestions, to those who have given encouragement, to those who have influenced my life and ministry. I want to thank all of you and thank the Lord for placing you in my path. Special thanks to my beloved mother, Joyce, my family, and church for standing with me during the season of my fate. Because you stood with me in prayer and in all support, I was able to outlive the aftermath of the storms. I also thank my friends and well-wishers who showed me unexplainable love and care. I count you all a huge blessing in my life. I would also like to extend my thanks to the Uganda Red Cross for ensuring my safety, sending an ambulance to take me to a better hospital for immediate medical attention and the Uganda police for their instant reaction to save victims at the scene of the accident. Of those especially close to me during the long writing, editing and review of this manuscript, I would like to thank my friend Shane for her honest criticism and unwavering support to this entire project. Special thanks to my secretary Caroline Nakato and her assistants for their hard work and dedicated support towards the finishing of this book. Most of all, of course, my greatest debt is to God Almighty for saving my life and showing me His unconditional love and mercies.



Dedication This book is dedicated to all those going through storms and trials, attacks in their lives, horrific dreams, fear of failure in this world. Fear not! Put your trust in God and He will see you through.



Foreword Any attempts by God’s creation, that’s to say you and me, to navigate our way through the complicated maze of this world on our own and without recourse as well as reliance on God has been exposed as futile by our brother Godfrey Mawa. In the book, Mawa ably demonstrates that our God is both supreme and sovereign. When one reads between the lines of the book, one finds that there is unassailable message which states that the Lordship of Jesus Christ is the perfect antidote in an otherwise crooked world. The book is one of the finest I have read by a Ugandan Christian writer. As one reads it, its pulse as well as rhythmic tempo soothes one’s heart and mind directly into the arms of our living God. The larger than life figure of Jesus Christ, although not directly mentioned on every page of the book is evident throughout the book. This is as if to say that life without Jesus Christ is no life at all. This is a quality book, indeed. By narrating his story and experience with God, Mawa keeps the reader as close to His maker as possible. One is left with a powerful conviction that our God lives and that as long as His Hand is with one, the travails of this world are not a matter of serious concern. This is, therefore, a timely message. It is an inspirational book. At a time when Christians around the world appear to be on the defensive against secular forces, Mawa brings a message that says that He who is in you and me is greater than he who is in the world, the author of injustice, oppression, confusion and disunity. Mawa’s book is a practical book as well. It is written in a very clear style. It is as powerful as its message is powerful. It is a useful addition to a growing list of other books written by God’s servants. I strongly recommend it to you. Dr. James Nsaba Buturo (MP) Minister of State, Ethics and Integrity Government of Uganda



About Godfrey Mawa

Godfrey Mawa was born in August 25th 1979, in a small village called Namatogonya in Mukono District, Uganda. He is the only surviving child of his parents. His parents divorced at his infancy. One day, after narrowly escaping death in the village, Baby Mawa and his mother Joyce, traveled miles away to Kampala City in search of a new life. They ended up on the streets and in the slums where they lived through enormous suffering. He has faced many near death experiences, been beaten and attacked by robbers; his house burnt to ashes and his car stolen, heart-broken, lost his university education, his family shattered by the dreadful HIV/AIDS scourge which robbed the life of his father, stepmother and two of his younger siblings. When his father witnessed the slow painful agony of the youngest child, he couldn’t take it anymore; he decided to end its life by suffocating it with a pillow. And more over, Godfrey is a living survivor of one of the most tragic road accidents in Uganda that left 60 people dead. Through his trying background and the storms thrust upon his life by unavoidable circumstances, he has gathered important lessons to help outlive the storms of today, providing the strength and faith it takes to face tomorrow. His experiences have ushered in this book: “No Time to Die!” And through every daily storm, big or small, he never gave up the hope of seeing the sun rise after every storm. He believes the storms he has encountered are the foundation of his success and what he is today. He also believes God allowed him to experience the storms in his life so he would be able to minister comfort to others. In June 1992, he committed his life to Jesus Christ. This decision was the starting point of the journey of a revolution in his life. While a teenager, he was devoted to God, became a radi-


cal mission-minded Christian. He later became a youth leader at his church, the Redeemed of the Lord Evangelistic Church. Today, he’s a sought-after conference speaker and evangelist and travels extensively from Africa to the rest of the world. He’s also an author and broadcaster. He’s an entrepreneur with a financial institute, Matrix Financial Solutions Inc. and he’s founder of a cutting edge mission outreach organization, Commission International ( Mawa says, ‘Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.’ The making of this book has taken him about six years. He has re-written it several times as a result of losing it in mysterious ways, but never gave up until its release today.




Introduction I would like to first thank my God for sparing my life and giving me the opportunity to be able to share my amazing story with you. I cannot forget that all the years I live are a bonus from God so I may fulfill His purpose for my life. I could have dwelt among the silence of the dead if it wasn’t for God’s intervention. It was no luck, no tactic that saved my life from several near death fates. It was surely the Lord God who covered me with His wings of protection. “I have become a marvel to many, for you are my strong refuge” (Psalm 71:7) NASB. The same has become true to me and can be true to you! What the devil meant for evil, God has turned into good for His glory. When I was crushed for death, God made a comeback for me. With my wounds I confessed, “I shall not die”. Beloved, do you know that most times we disregard the fact that we have limited time in this world and worst of all none of us are sure of how much time is left? Sometimes, we live like we are sure of mortality and/or will never leave the world, especially when we are busy in pursuit of our dreams, careers, and goals in this life. We try to deliberately ignore the reality that none of us will escape - DEATH. But since my narrow escape from the gates of death, I have pondered these questions of the miraculous. And now, this experience has given me a second look at life that I didn’t have before. Often times, many issues entrap or distract us before the plan and purpose of God is fulfilled in our lives on this earth. How I pray that you, who is reading these true inspiring stories in my book, will find refuge in God. That you may pause for a little while and give a second thought to life, living purposefully towards the values of our creator. I pray you and every reader begins a new journey towards fulfilling your purpose on earth.


That you will stand, face, and outlive the storms and trials that come in your lives! It is, therefore, my hope and desire that if you have personally gone through or are still going through literal attacks upon your life by way of calamity, death threats, fear of evil and failure, broken and wounded in heart that this book will give you hope and encouragement to know God is real. Take refuge in Him and give no room to faint amid the storm. I am living proof of it! Enjoy your journey through this book. “Unless the LORD had been my help, My soul would soon have settled in silence.� Psalms 94:17




Mawa’s Miracle Story The Mission & Journey It was during my holidays from the university in the month of September 2003, that I received an invitation from the headquarters of Victory Churches of Rwanda under the presidency of Bishop Joseph Kamanza, to go and minister in Kigali City, Rwanda. As a young, upcoming Missionary and Evangelist, I was so happy and excited for this opportunity to serve. When the day for my travel commenced, I packed my luggage, dressed casually, fixed my shades upon my small handbag, a walkman player on my waist, my bible, notebook and camera in the hand bag. Not for a single day Can I discern the way. But this I surely know, He who gives the day, Will show the way. And so I surely go! On Monday, early in the morning of September 15th 2003, after a moment of prayer with my mother, she escorted me to the Jaguar Bus Station in Kampala City, so I could board for my mission trip. I have always loved sitting in the front seat or any seat next to the window for better sightseeing. The window of course helps me enjoy my long journeys as traveling is one of my hobbies. So, I sat right in the front next to the driver’s seat. As the bus moved along, I saw the most beautiful scenery. I wanted so badly to photograph it, but had limited space on my camera film. Instead, I had the idea of first sightseeing and memorizing the most beautiful spots. Then, on my return home, I would photograph them as not to waste a picture. It was an ingenious plan, and definitely fool-proof.


No Time To Die It was a long road trip, but we arrived safely in Kigali, the capital City of Rwanda where I found my hosts warmly waiting for me. They took me home, I rested and the next day the mission started. I ministered in what was one of my greatest ministries in my lifetime. Throughout the week, I witnessed souls commit their lives to Christ and the Lord healing, touching, changing and giving hope to lives of the Rwandese people. Remember that at that time, it had only been 9 years since the Rwandan genocide and only 5 years after the massacre of the Hutus. The whole country was still going through a lot of pain due to the loss of their beloved ones and they needed to hear the message of hope, healing and forgiveness. The harvest was so ripe. It was a great honor to witness many people commit their lives to the Lord and be set free from bondages. As a young upcoming missionary, I had already learned, while an ordinary man will be at liberty to rest anytime, a soldier will be called upon at any hour to serve his master. There’s no destiny without a journey – Whichever journey one may embark on, be it short or long, in the seas or in the sky, if not handled well, can lead to death and this will end your purpose on Earth. Every journey is a challenge, however beautiful, or rough it may be!

Eve of the Tragedy On my last day in Kigali City, the Sunday of September 20th, I ministered until late in the night as there were many people in need of prayer and counseling. We went back home and I packed my stuff because I had to travel back to Uganda the next morning. So before I went to sleep, I asked my hosts to wake me up very early in the morning and drive me to the bus station. I was most concerned about obtaining that front seat, so I could get my pictures taken of all the particularly magnificent scenes I had memorized on the way.


Mawa’s Miracle Story Early in the morning, my hosts did as I had requested, and so we got to the bus station ahead of schedule. The bus attendants were so impressed, they even welcomed me saying, ‘hey, you’re our first passenger this morning’ as they took charge of my luggage. With excitement, I rushed onto the bus. I wanted to secure the front seat by laying my handbag there, right next to the driver’s seat. Upon reaching the front seat and to my shear dismay, I found some people already in the front seat and resting there. I was so disappointed. What could have been my seat had already been occupied. My goal of taking perfect pictures would never be fulfilled. Of course, these people didn’t know how important this was to me. However, the bus attendants explained to me that the people seated in the front seats were from Burundi and they were just passing through Rwanda. So they had spent the night resting in the bus. I sadly looked for an alternative seat in the middle area of the bus where I placed my handbag. I tried to distract myself by moving out of the bus to keep chatting with my hosts while we waited for more passengers to arrive. But I was so disappointed. Little did I know that the Lord was involved in every move to save my life for His own glory. On filling the passenger seats, I bid good-bye to my hosts and boarded the bus. The bus set off for Uganda at around 6 a.m. that morning.


No Time To Die

Cause of the Fate Many people have invested too much in this life to material wealth, great careers and business establishments, and this gives them confidence of existence. They feel they have run a good race, fought a good fight, built security for their families, prepared themselves through hard work and struggled to achieve successes. But before you get into that coffin that you must get into someday, the day that you’re unaware of; are you really ready, spirit, body and soul? Have you walked your lifetime purpose-driven and worth your creator’s expectation? You could be running a thousand miles per hour (hooray!), but in the wrong direction. The Republic of Rwanda is a colony of the French and most colonies follow the judicial, traffic, language, rules and systems of their predecessor for official use. So the traffic system followed therein is derived from the French. Meaning that the Rwandese drive while keeping on the right hand side of the road. While Uganda is a colony of the British and the traffic rules require drivers to keep left. We had to drive for hours from Kigali City to Katuna - the Rwanda/Uganda border keeping right! When we crossed over to Uganda, our driver had to adjust and drive keeping the left hand side until our destination in Kampala City. At the time, our buses didn’t have speed governors. It wasn’t until after this day occurred that our government saw the need for the speed governors due to the rampant increase of accidents killing many people from speeding vehicles and reckless drivers. That’s when they imposed and enforced a mandatory rule for the use of speed governors in all road transport companies in hopes of reducing these avoidable accidents. These buses speed in order to make up time.


Mawa’s Miracle Story As we drove along the Katuna–Kabale highway, our bus was definitely speeding. Approaching our bus was a World Food Program (WFP) trailer carrying loads of maize sacks on transit to the Republic of Burundi through Rwanda. Both drivers of the Jaguar Bus and the World Food Program trailer, with confidence, did not reduce their speed or think of an alternative amidst the speedy motion on the highway. A little earlier after crossing the Rwanda/Uganda boarder, our bus drove keeping left. Yet later, our bus driver moved our bus from the left hand side to the right hand side of the road, which was actually wrong. It’s assumed that our driver was sure he was on the right side. Yet the driver of the World Food Program trailer coming right toward us was also sure and confident he was driving on the right side and he was right. Investigations assume that this was the cause of what I now know as my most life-changing event. Do you remember the great exodus journey? It’s about God’s love for His people and desire to save them from their tyranny while they were in captivity in Egypt. The only way from Egypt to the Lord’s Promised Land was the wilderness (a wilderness is known for lack of enough food and water, too much heat and bad weather, no refuge in case an enemy attacks to devour). Those that mishandled their lives in this journey died before reaching the Promised Land, though it was God’s original intent for them to reach there and not suffer in slavery or die on the way. Although I’ve always understood the Exodus journey, I was about to understand God’s message in an entirely new way.


No Time To Die The Lord’s Voice Earlier on, when we arrived at the border, we cleared our passports at the Rwanda/Uganda immigration office and crossed over to Uganda. I had real conversations and joked around with some of the passengers that were traveling with me. Little did I know that in a few minutes they would be no more! I was inspired to calmly sing a Swahili song I had just learned in Rwanda and the song goes like this: “Baba wambinguni, nyosha mukono wako, watu wakuwoone, walisifu jinalako”. The words translate into “Father who art in heaven, stretch forth thy mighty hand, that the people may see you, and glorify thy name.” Sounds as though my spirit had sensed the upcoming. I sensed an unusual restlessness in my spirit. We got back into the bus, and started our journey from Katuna towards Kabale district. A few minutes after we had set off from the border, the Spirit of the Lord deposited it strongly upon my spirit that something horrible was about to happen. It was quite scary, and I somehow thought this was a threat from the devil. I cast away the spirit of fear and the evil spirits in Jesus’ name in a short quiet prayer. My spirit so troubled and disturbed, rendered me restless. I began to sweat. I knew something was going wrong, though I didn’t know what it was exactly. We moved on, as we journeyed, the Spirit of the Lord again deposited the same message upon my spirit more strongly. I was so moved and became very nervous. This kind of message and experience was very unusual in my life. After singing the song I had learned and casting away the spirit of fear, the restlessness in my spirit simply increased. Though I didn’t know exactly what it was, I calmly and quietly said another prayer that’s hardly heard from young people:


Mawa’s Miracle Story “Lord, in case of anything, receive my soul” Remember, I am a young man, a visionary with lots of aspirations. I never contemplated dying young before marrying and having children, building a beautiful house, driving my dream car and building a career or establishing an investment. I mean, I have dreams. In spite of all these, I was compelled to make a prayer I never thought I would, more so, in my youthful days. This was not an ordinary moment in my life. This was my prayer, “Lord, should anything happen to us, please receive my spirit.” After the prayer, there was peace within me and stillness in my spirit. I am glad God holds the key to the unknown. We live in a contemporary era where the doctrine of intellectualism and reason supersedes any other such that if anything should be approved or accepted, it has to be scrutinized to fit in its system. Unsurprisingly, the existence of God and the fact He still speaks is too complex to modern world. Anyone claiming to hear the voice of God is mocked and his sanity questioned. But when we go back to the bible, we clearly see God speaking to His servants. Since God never changes, He who spoke to His people then, is still the same God speaking to His people today. Within each one of us, there’s a deep hunger to commune with God, and hear Him speak within our hearts. That day, I heard God more than ever before. God still speaks to His children. God’s children still hear His voice. If God is Spirit (John 4:24a), then God’s children must be led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14b). Spiritual things give birth to spiritual things (John 3:6b). But have you considered walking in the Spirit, talking to Him, and fully knowing He will talk back?


No Time To Die The Arab Woman Making a life decision “Life is too short to concentrate on things that don’t outlast it or contribute towards eternity.” Seated beside me in the bus was an Arab woman. She turned to me and inquired, ‘Hey Young man, are you a Rwandese?’ ‘No’, I responded. ‘Had you just come to do business or visit relatives in Rwanda?’ ‘No, Mama!’ I replied. ‘I came to Rwanda to preach’, I added. ‘Oh, so, are you a preacher?’ She inquired. ‘Yes’, I replied. I saw this as an opportunity to share the love of God and good news of Jesus Christ to this woman. I began to tell her more about Christ and what He did for all of us at the cross at Calvary. I told her of how He paid the price for the remission of our sins and God’s promise to anyone who believes in His son Jesus Christ and confesses Him as Lord in their lives. I even asked her if she wanted to accept Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, but she declined. “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9


Mawa’s Miracle Story Accepting Christ is a choice in life. So, I let her know the truth in love. A soul’s salvation is God’ interest for a sinner. I didn’t force her, she made a decision not to accept Christ and I left her alone. None of us knew what would happen in the next few minutes, though I had a glimpse, I wasn’t sure of what exactly would happen. Maybe, she had an idea of giving a second thought to accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at some other point in her lifetime. Yet no one knows their right season of parting from this world. A friend told me after serving his long sentence in prison, ‘prison is the nearest place to God’. He said the prison walls are closer to God than his church gates. He said this because he felt the nearness to death while behind the bars for a long time, that’s when all things became meaningless. People never consider God till they go through near-death experiences. In third world communities, due to wars, high levels of poverty, diseases, and high death rates, people easily turn to God. After surviving a near-death experience, sometimes that’s when people think of God or even care to believe.

The Tragedy The real feeling and experience! Lord, never will I forget this amazing experience in a lifetime. Those few minutes after speaking to the Arab woman still remain as one of the worst memories of my life. I suddenly heard a heavy bang, and then the munching crash. The two giant vehicles had crashed so hard into each other that we were all swooped off the road landing on a building beside the road. Seated outside the building were women who had been running their daily chores before they were instantly buried dead beneath the rubble of the building.


No Time To Die I remember the crash, like the sound of a heavy destructive earthquake taking us by surprise. It’s hard to explain this misfortune due to limitation in diction, but seemingly like a weird, lonely walk through a very scary forest amid a thunderstorm, whirling and blowing through a forest, breaking trees, and branches falling. Then came the frightful anguished cry of those dying -- glass was shattering, smashing, blood splattering, mixed together with the rush of terror and only horror to follow as everyone struggled to cling to live, if only there was a second chance. I can still hear the groans of those who lost all their well ‘invested-in’ lives and their deep regrets. The knowledge that this situation, this moment was irreversible. It’s over, it’s over, and the world is vanity. From my mouth I shouted ‘Jesus!’ It was a narrow spin from the gates of death – an absolute escape from the plot and snares that Satan had set against my life. All this happened within a niche of time. And suddenly, a calm silence! You could hear a pin drop…then, the groans of those dying started to erupt. I found my mouth uttering words I didn’t know or understand, until I began to say, I won’t die! But will live to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living. I looked around and all I could see were dead bodies strewn all around me. There were brains and bloodstreams all around. What a mess! Dead people had fallen from the back upon me; people’s blood was all over me. I looked so terrible. Multitudes of people gathered all over the accident scene. They began to wail and cry. Never had they seen such a mass of people perish at one-go. This was tragedy of the highest level. The people just stood there. They couldn’t help. They were so frightened and confused. I heard them cry out say-


Mawa’s Miracle Story ing, ‘Everybody is dead’. By then, I couldn’t help myself out because I was fixed in a corner of the wreck; dead people had fallen upon me, including the Arab lady who was seated right next to me. I didn’t know whether I was injured or not, all I knew was I was alive. I felt no pain. I was just amazed and overwhelmed. So, I waited. Shortly after, someone looked through the window and saw my lips moving and shouted, ‘someone’s alive in here.’ So the locals got an ax and broke through the wrecked bus where I was trapped. They pulled me out and laid me down. That’s when I learned that my left hand had sustained a fracture and my clavicle bone was seriously damaged. I saw fuel flooding all over the ground and I knew of the possible danger. I told people around me to take care as I got up and moved. Ladies began shouting, ‘lay him down; lay him down, he’s going to die’. Some men rushed and forced me down. I told them I was OK. I was only avoiding the fuel. They thought I was out of my mind. Until one finally listened to me and alerted the rest to watch out for the fuel leak. As the sympathizers and police pulled out the dead bodies, and the remains of the victims, they kept searching for any possible survivors and secure some of the victims’ property. I was carried into a small car that belonged to a Good Samaritan and they rushed me to the nearest hospital in Kabale. As I was being slowly driven off from the accident scene, I saw heads, hands, legs, bones of the victims aligned in rows and more were being collected. Blood, brains and liquids were all over. Human flesh plastered on the walls of the wrecked bus. It was a very horrible moment. You could literally hear the cry of the dead, while women and children wailed at the accident scene.


No Time To Die While in the hospital in Kabale, the mortuary had been filled by dead bodies. Newsmen were all around me, inquisitively asking for details of the incident and recording my testimony. Radio stations and media were spreading the breaking news. Later, the Uganda Red Cross ambulance picked me up and rushed me to Mulago hospital in Kampala City. I thanked the Lord for His goodness and mercies. It was in the hospital that I began to share the glad tidings of Jesus Christ and witnessed many lives committing themselves to Christ. This miracle lives on to this day.

Behind the Scenes Behind the scenes was the devil masterminding the tragedy. Remember, the scriptures say his work is to steal, kill and destroy. One time, Jesus rebuked his friend Peter saying, “Devil get behind me!” Later, when Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, He left the church to Peter’s responsibility. It’s so definite that Jesus could not have meant that Peter was a devil and if it was so, then we can be sure that Jesus wouldn’t leave the church in the hands of the devil, his enemy. But Jesus knew that behind the scenes, behind the physical, was an enemy. Before things happen physically, they happen spiritually. The enemy is invisible and his name is Satan, the devil. Jesus’ rebuke wasn’t directed to Peter, but to the devil who was behind the scenes manifesting or trying to fulfill his fight against Jesus through Peter, Jesus’ friend. Behind the fate that led over 60 lives into silence, was the devil panting for human blood and whose works are stealing, killing and destroying. I knew, as I was coming back from the mission as a child and servant of God, that the blood of Jesus


Mawa’s Miracle Story was upon my life and that the Lord had set angels on guard for my life against the horror. To God be all glory and praise, forever and ever. The devil knows you being alive may result in you leaving a remarkable kingdom benefit legacy in your generation which is a deliberate threat to him and his kingdom. The devil’s work is simply to steal, kill and destroy. It’s only Christ who came that we may have life and life in its fullness.

Is Godfrey Mawa Dead? Until you have finished the race, there is no power in heaven or earth that can take you out of this life or out of God’s plan. Of course we do not always know when we shall finish the race, but God does. Our confidence is that God is able to preserve us so that we can complete our calling in this life. If you are following Him, your calling should be the most important thing in your life. When we are in God’s will, we have confidence and have nothing to fear. The media reported twice that I was dead, even after my voice had been heard over the radio on that fateful day telling my testimony. Some of my friends wept and started to mourn when they read in the papers that I was among the dead. They’d known of my mission trip to Rwanda. The devil is so fast at making all possible ways for sad news to be transmitted, but good news shuts up his mouth, instantaneously. I left the accident scene crushed and wounded, but not destroyed. Behind every success story worth telling there’s a determined personality who overcame setbacks, disappointments and braved through the hardships only to turn out as an unusual example for others. Others then pick up the courage to endure their own challenges to make it in life.


No Time To Die God has all our lives planned even before we are conceived in our mothers’ wombs. Let’s look at the life of Moses who had a divine call of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. God makes sure he survives the killing of the male Israelite children. He sets him up for the best education in the whole of Egypt. He is raised up as a royal, yet never lived to be one. He is led into the desert for forty years tending sheep. He is called and sent back to Egypt to rescue the children of Israel. He does this up to the time of his death. In the same way God has each of our lives well-planned. If we follow His ways; we shall surely reach our destiny. God is not just seated up in Heaven watching us on earth, but He is involved in each and every activity of our lives especially when we cooperate with Him.

Power of Prayer After the tragedy, a woman came to me while I was still under medical attention in the hospital. She was amongst many who had come to see me, the Survivor. She caught my attention as she sobbed waiting for me to get done with answering questions I was being asked. As I talked with her, she told me of a terrific vision she had had the night before the morning of the September 21st 2003 – the very day of the fate. She dreamed of the occurrence of this particular tragic accident. She woke-up so troubled and she felt a direction to pray for a servant of God who was involved in this accident. She thought it was a pastor, until she met me. She prayed for someone she didn’t know and the Lord performed a miracle – I outlived the storm. This woman I didn’t even know listened to God’s prompting and interceded for my life.


Mawa’s Miracle Story I believe in the power of intercessory prayer. Intercessors talk to God on behalf of others, they may not even know. They pray for other people’s problems or issues. We see this in the book of Job 42:10, that though Job had his own problems, he prayed for his friends. This sparked or marked a double blessing in his life. Also in the books of Acts 12:5, the church learned of Peter’s arrest in jail, they didn’t strike or go beg for Peter’s life. They closed the church doors and prayed for him. Amidst the prayer session, God heard their cry and request. He immediately sent an angel who opened up the gates of the prison and led Peter out of the jail. Peter thought all was in a dream. As they continued praying, they heard a knock, one girl came to find out who was knocking, and to her surprise she saw Peter. She couldn’t believe it. But the power of intercessory prayer had been demonstrated. Do you know of anyone who is in trouble, amidst problems, trials or challenges in their lives? I believe it’s our duty, our message from God, to pray for them, especially when your own situation in life is not well. Looking beyond your troubles and taking up concern for others struggling will baffle the thought patterns of your adversary, the devil. Life is like a ship floating on the sea with a compass to give direction. When faced with a storm, our immediate concern is how to get out of the situation. Imagine a sailor who is caught up in a storm while on his way. His immediate reflex is to focus on navigating the waves. Anyone would understand if this sailor focused his concern on the looming danger ahead of him and a possible death. Yet if this man is to survive, he must find and pave way to a safe harbor, or else the waves will determine his destiny. One of the major ways to navigate through any kind of storm in life is through prayer. It is a powerful way to get us ashore sooner than we think.


No Time To Die Most of us have ever gone through rough and tough times. But let me ask you anyway: How did you feel when you came out on the other side? I’ll bet you felt relieved, but I’ll also bet you felt stronger, tougher and more capable as well.

Effects from the Outlived Storm Miracles of this Tragedy! The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That’s real glory. That’s the essence of it. Vince Lombard Many lives have been touched on hearing this life testimony People have been given a second option for how to run their lives. You don’t have to go through what I went through to know life has an end and is so short. The beginning of your storm should not be the end of you! It should only be the starting point to the full realization of your divine purpose in this world. It is important to know that after every storm, the sun must rise. The storm cannot go on forever. Sometimes the after effects may linger on for a while, but each day after the storm is a move closer to victory. I write this all down in words so you may maximize your lifetime. You don’t have to go through what I went through to know God loves you. God, in his infinite Wisdom, has designed ways of showing each one of us his unconditional Love. That is why the bible says in the gospel of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God seeks to show you his love in every situation you are facing. He seeks your responsiveness towards His love.


Mawa’s Miracle Story


No Time To Die


Mawa’s Miracle Story


No Time To Die




True Inspirational Stories He Survived the Storm I was so moved when I heard of Mike Frazier’s testimony on Trinity Broadcasting Network about surviving the storm. He said it was on May 5th, 1995 a storm swept through Dallas, Texas. Mike and his family were on their way to dinner. They attempted to drive across a bridge-flooded with water. This caused their vehicle to stall. Before they could get out of the vehicle it was tossed into a creek. His mother, father, twoyear-old daughter, eleven-year-old nephew, and fiancée all lost their lives that day, but Mike alone survived. Within the same year his brother went to prison and his grandfather passed away. A few years after that, he lost his grandmother and the remainder of his family turned against him. His friends also walked away. He was left a broken man. God has called him to share his story to the world. He said, ‘I had never been through anything like this in my life.’ Never had he suffered the loss of a loved one. Through this devastating time in his life he sought his Father above for the strength he needed to survive that storm. The journey had been painful, yet God has been his healer and comforter. He continued to say, ‘though we may feel we cannot go on, he assures us if we hold-on, God will see us through’. Surely, if God did it for Mike, He will do it for us. From Mike’s story, I also observe that each one of us has been given an assignment to accomplish in our lifetime. We must do whatever it takes to accomplish the task we have been given -- using everything God has given us. It is important to do what we are supposed to do whenever we have the opportunity with all our strength because we do not know what tomorrow holds.


No Time To Die We must also note that God allows these storms in our lives as a training course, to prepare us to minister comfort to those that may go through the same or similar storms. One who has been in the storm knows more than one who just studied about storms in a book. That is why the story of David Livingstone has always been very inspiring to me. This man, for the sake of the gospel, faced diseases, robbers, wild animals on the way as he travelled over 11,000 miles on foot through African jungles. He marched on in the unknown lands as he preached the gospel, as well as fighting slave trade until he sowed the seeds of emancipation in America and Britain winning the hearts of the two nations. On May 1st, 1973, he was found dead on his knees in a dilapidated hut in an obscure African village. All this was because he had a dream and he followed the calling on his life. As children of this vast African continent, we still remember him for the mark he left and the storms he survived. Martin Luther King left us with a challenge, “We do not need to look beyond the obvious responsibilities of our vocation for guidance. We should assume that its details are a daily sermon. It is our duty to do our duty�. Imagine with me the amount of storms Luther King weathered in his time on earth. Now try to imagine America without him. Thank God for the storms in King’s life that shaped him into the man he became. Each and every person goes through challenges and faces storms in this life. Some are brought about by personal decisions while others are thrust upon us by unavoidable circumstances. The storm, however, is not what defines us. It is the way we battle in the storm and how we come out on the other side that defines us. It becomes our Defining Moment. I heard about a story of two men who got into a similar problem. Each handling their problem in their own way, one man wrote a song based on his experience and earned a million dol-


True Inspirational Stories lars while the other committed suicide. Each of these men had a choice either to step-up or to sink low and that was there defining line. Sometimes people blame themselves for everything that happens to them or to their loved ones. When you are responsible for a certain tragedy, do not live in self-condemnation. Forgive yourself, ask God to forgive you, change course and then move on. There is a common belief that when bad things happen to us, God must be punishing us. However, we need to know God is not out there waiting for us to do wrong so He can release His wrath. He is instead waiting for each of us to turn to Him in the time of trouble so He can come to our rescue. Learn to believe in yourself first and then others will believe in you. Do not wait upon people to tell you that you can do it. I have learned I don’t need people’s consent to accomplish a goal, as long as the Heavens are in agreement. Do something in God’s Will and He will surely back you up, then the world will believe you can do it. “The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did.” African Proverb

The Hiroshima Miracle The Hiroshima story greatly moved my heart and showed me how amazing the hand of God can work. The story begins on August 6, 1945. The Japanese city of Hiroshima was decimated by the first atomic bomb to be used in war. An estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people were killed or missing as a result of the bomb. Within a two-mile radius of the point of impact, only twelve people survived that hellish blast. Within a one-mile radius, only two survived. One of them was Mr. Yoji Saito, who was 13 years old at the time. Read this incredible story:


No Time To Die My family was very well-known in Hiroshima. I come from seventeen generations of Hiroshima samurai. In modern-day Japan, ancestors of the samurai are often in the educated professional class. My grandfather was a famous doctor and owned a hospital where my father also practiced. We lived in a large house in the hospital compound. On that fateful day, I remember being awakened early in the morning by the wail of air-raid sirens. It seemed that an attack was expected, but by 7:30am all was quiet -- too quiet. As I walked to school, a strange and frightening stillness hung over the city. I arrived at the school building just before 8:00am and lined-up as usual with the other 250 students to do our morning exercise routine in the schoolyard. Then, suddenly, an incredibly bright flash of light struck us all. I don’t really know what happened to me next, or for how long I was unconscious. All I know is that some time later I woke-up to a living nightmare of horror and death. Stunned and bewildered, I found myself 200 meters from the place in the schoolyard where I had been when the bomb exploded. The bodies of many of my classmates were strewn around me. Not all of them were dead. But dead or alive, I couldn’t recognize any of them anymore. Their faces had melted, and they all looked the same! Some had been dismembered, or had the skin burned off their entire bodies. One boy was crying uncontrollably. I couldn’t recognize him, so I asked his name. To my dismay, it was my best friend, Suari! Pitifully he pled for water, but couldn’t see, so I managed to lead him through the rubble to a river a few hundred meters away. Once we were there, however, I couldn’t find the surface of the water. It was completely covered with the bodies of people and animals and wood and debris that had been blown into it by the tremendous blast. Suari died there at the river.


True Inspirational Stories I then tried to find the way to my house. Fires raged everywhere, and even though it was the middle of the day, the sky was dark and hazy and filled with smoke and an eerie glow from the burning city. Everything was melted and black. The very few buildings still standing were gutted and almost unrecognizable. Only one word can fitly describe the horrors that were all around me – Hell! It was really Hell! The pitiful moans and cries and sobbing of dazed and dying people filled the air. Normally it took me 20 minutes to walk from school to my house. On that day it took 12 hours. Sometimes hands reached up out of the debris beneath my feet, and grabbed at my ankles. I stopped and tried to help those I could. Not everybody died immediately in the blast; some groped and staggered through the streets for two or three days, scarcely recognizable as human beings – the living dead. About 8:00pm that night, I found the pile of rubble that used to be my house. I rejoiced to see that my mother was still alive. She too was overwhelmed to see that I had survived. We fell weeping into each other’s arms. “Why, Yoji?” she exclaimed a moment later, “You’re naked! Where are your clothes?” It was only then that it dawned on me the incredible thing that had taken place: The fiery blast of the bomb had blown every last stitch of clothing off of my body, and burned every single hair off of my head, yet I did not have a single burn! This was truly miraculous because, as I later found out, the schoolyard where I had been standing was only 700 meters (less than half a mile) from ground zero, where the bomb exploded. Later on, some soldiers on a truck came and took my mother and me to a bomb shelter, where we tried to sleep that night. By the next morning, most of the fires had stopped burning.


No Time To Die For the next few days I wandered throughout the blackened ruins of Hiroshima, searching in vain for my father. I can only assume that he was buried under the rubble of the hospital, because we never heard from him again. In those days, nobody knew anything about radioactive fallout and radiation sickness, so even though God had miraculously spared me from the initial blast, I soon became very sick from exposure to fallout, as well as eating and drinking contaminated food and water. I came down with a very high fever, and could no longer eat. I became delirious and had terrible dreams and hallucinations in which I relived the horrors I had witnessed. I expected to die any day. It was then that I began to pray to God-if there was a God-that He would take away those horrible nightmares and visions and save my life. The nightmares ceased and God miraculously began to heal my body in answer to my prayers. For the next five years, I remained very weak and sick from radiation sickness. During this time I did not grow at all. My voice remained the same, and I did not mature as normal boys did. My mother worried that I might end up a dwarf in a circus. But still I prayed daily that God would restore my health completely, and sure enough, when I was 19, I grew 15 centimeters (6 inches) in one year and my body matured completely. For many years, I told no one about my experience because others considered those of us who had been affected by high doses of radiation the living dead, as though it was only a matter of time before we would die. It was also thought that those who had been exposed to radiation would have abnormal and deformed children. I felt, therefore, that I should tell any girl I was considering to marry about my background and experience, and several girls refused to marry me because of this. Eventually one girl agreed to be my wife, and thanks to God, we had three normal, healthy, beautiful children – Another set of miracles!


True Inspirational Stories It wasn’t until many years after my Hiroshima bomb experience that someone told me about Jesus and His plan of salvation, and I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Before that I could never understand why God had miraculously spared me. But now I believe the Lord wants me to tell my story in order to warn the world of the nightmare of nuclear war – a war that unleashes the very horrors of hell on earth and is absolutely insane, suicidal, and without honor, where millions of innocent men, women, and children can be wiped out in one burning flash. God can do miracles. If God wants you to live, then nothing can kill you – not even an atomic bomb!! You will live beyond the storm. The way God created the human flesh is amazing. When a blade cuts one’s flesh, the white blood cells will run to the cut surface and begin stitching the flesh together and within a niche of time you will begin to see a reaction on the wounded surface; this is because when God created the flesh, he designed it to be able to outlast the cut or damage. So that the flesh does not go faint when it’s been cut, but lives beyond the wound. So are the storms in our lives, they are not meant to mark the end of our story, but the beginning of the real story.

Surviving the Snakes In the Latrine When I talk about God’s protection, I speak with confidence because I have witnessed God save me from very harmful experiences. When I was a young boy, I visited my auntie in Namatogonya, a remote village where I was born, found in Mukono District of Uganda. Our grass thatched houses were all surrounded by the bushes and this meant that we were visited quite often by uninvited


No Time To Die visitors like snakes and a few equatorial wild animals. We have no demarcated roads either, so no matter your destination you just decipher your own way by memorizing a tree or making friends along the way. The toilets in this kind of setting are grass thatched hut-pit latrines whose doorways always face off the road since there is usually no door to shut for privacy. The toilet etiquette is simple, one stands a distance away calling out to inquire whether there is someone in the latrine or not. When they hear no response, they are at liberty to enter. One particular evening, I entered into the latrine for convenience and as I serviced myself, a python crawled in through the doorway to where it was less than a meter away. I froze and remained mute. It then crawled fiercely all around me. Snakes are the creatures I have always feared most. I can’t explain how I jumped out of the latrine, raced through the bushes to our compound, without my clothes on and unashamed. But I did it. This moved my auntie to run to my rescue. She wanted to kill the snake, but it had already disappeared. I survived narrowly being bitten by this snake which is one of the most poisonous in our region.

In the Garden My cousins and I were sent to collect food from our cassava plantation. We started digging and collecting the food while telling each other stories. It was my turn to tell out a story – which is a hobby since I enjoy watching movies so much. I was standing next to a tree that had many small branches with many leaves and I talked while leaning on it. A snake rolled down the tree on to my arm. I felt it, but subconsciously thought the wind was blowing the leaves from the tree and thus, tickling me. My cousin saw the poisonous snake and she started screaming, ‘Mawa is dead! Mawa is dead!’ My other brother rebuked her and told her to stop it. He told her it was not good to joke about death.


True Inspirational Stories In Africa, there is a lot of superstition. And so people take caution in mentioning certain things or else they come to pass. Then my cousin shouted, ‘A snake on your arm!’ Amidst deep fright, I swung my arm round and the snake dropped to the ground. They started chasing it around to kill it, but it escaped.

Coiled around Me In my teenage years, I had a number of friends I used to hang with. We especially enjoyed swimming and fishing on the River Nile. We used to do this after helping our parents with some work. One hot afternoon, we went to swim and fish as usual. On some occasions, we caught an abnormally huge amount of fish. And such was the case that afternoon. There is also a superstitious belief that whenever such a huge amount of fish are caught, there is a snake nearby. So everyone had to take care and watch out for it. We always saw a snake, so the superstition never died out. Our usual routine was to stand in the water while fishing where we could feel the Silver fish poking at our feet all the time. So as I stood in the water, I felt the poking and I knew it was the Silver fish. Little did I know that a big snake had joined the fun. I guess the snake thought my leg was a stump in the water. I finally looked down to see what my eyes never wanted to admit -- a huge snake coiled all around my legs. I jumped up into the air while screaming at the top of my voice. Everyone saw the big snake swinging and fighting for its life. I jumped several times before totally shaking off the snake, without it biting me. I then ran out of the water like a mad boy. I was too frightened. My colleagues started hitting the snake until they killed it. They brought it out of the water and it was one of the biggest snakes we had ever seen. Everyone believed I must have been bitten. They checked all over my body and found no snake bite marks, not a single one.


No Time To Die In My Bed! After my mother and I moved to Kampala City, we lived in a small slum shack and we shared a bed. I slept so sound that whatever happened around us never affected me. One night, my mother came into our room to pick a few things and she saw something moving within the beddings. She picked up a bottle of kerosene gas and poured it on to the bed. On sniffing the kerosene, the snake rushed his way off the bed. In a total flurry, my mother then pulled me off the bed by the leg and I landed unceremoniously on the ground just in time to glimpse the snake scurrying for its life. Just as I have narrowly escaped many literal snake bites, so the devil is crafty and hard at work setting metaphorical snakes in our everyday lives. Just as he literally used a snake in the Garden of Eden to lead all humankind astray, he is still constantly trying to disrupt our daily lives using that same ‘snake’ to tempt us onto the wrong path. Remember the snake has no legs, but can climb a tree, than a four-legged dog and can catch a four-legged rat for dinner because of its cunning and crafty nature. So, whether hanging out with our friends, using the latrine out in an African village, or fast asleep in bed with mom protecting us, the devil is still at work. Yet God is our protector. And when we choose to make prayer our weapon of war, the devil has no power.

The Tsunami Miracle God saves a Christian Group in Aceh I was reading about the survivors and miracle stories that followed the towns hit hardest by the Tsunami storm. As I read, I learned that 80% of the town of Meulaboh in Aceh was destroyed by the Tsunami waves and 80% of the people also


True Inspirational Stories died. This was one of the towns hit the hardest by this storm. God has a way of providing for the safety of His people today just as He did in the historical bible times. In Meulaboh town, there lived about 400 Christians. They wanted to celebrate Christmas on December 25th, but were not permitted to do so by the Muslims of Meulaboh. They were told if they insisted on celebrating Christmas they must go outside the city of Meulaboh to a high hill and celebrate there. Since the Christians desired to celebrate the birth of Christ, all 400 believers left the city on December 25th and afterward, they stayed overnight on the hill. As most of the world remembers, on the morning of Sunday, December 26th, 2004, there was an earthquake followed by the Tsunami waves destroying most of the city of Meulaboh. Thousands were killed. The 400 Christians, however, were on the mountain and were all saved from demolition. It is said that some of the Muslims of Meulaboh believe the God of the Christians punished them for forbidding the Christians from celebrating Christmas within the city. Others question why so many Muslims died while not even one of the Christians died there. Had the Christians insisted on their rights to celebrate Christmas in the city, they would have all died. But because they had no rights in their homeland, they humbled themselves and followed the order of the Muslims, they all were spared annihilation and can now testify of God’s marvelous protection. This is a testimony of the grace of God and the fact that as a believer I have no rights in the world. My right is to come before God and commit my life to Him. My right is to kneel down before the Lord almighty and commit my ways to Him. He is my Father and is very capable to care for His children. What seemed like persecution to these Christians was God’s avenue for their safety. Neither the Muslims nor the Christians had an idea of what was going to happen in the next 24 hours.


No Time To Die Hardships are often the very catalyst God uses to trigger His victory. We cannot overlook that God is the God of the Universe, His ways are above our ways, He is all knowing and all powerful.

My First Car After buying my first car, I asked my mother and siblings to join me for a journey upcountry to visit our relatives. There was so much excitement involved. I had my car serviced, replaced my old tires in preparation for the long road trip. My mom, brother, his wife and their daughter, and our two sisters, and I set off for a much anticipated family event. Being a Christian family, we made an agreement to pray for the safety of our lives and journey mercies. Early in the morning, we drove out of the city through Gayaza, into Wakiso District, an area in the outskirts of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. While on that freeway, driving at around 80 kilometers per hour, our rear car tire burst. I tried my best to keep the car on the road, but I lost control. We spun around several times on the road, everybody in the car was crying out to God for help. After rotating and spinning around in all directions, we crashed into a huge ant hill on the opposite side of the road, severely damaging the car. Multitudes rushed to the accident scene from the nearby village, believing we had not survived the fate. To everyone’s surprise, when the greatly wrecked car doors were broken loose, we all walked out alive and well. We couldn’t stop praising God for saving and delivering our lives from the snare of death the devil had set against us. We believe it was the power of that prayer. We know it was all the work of the Lord that on such a busy highway, at the


True Inspirational Stories time of the accident, there was no car coming from the other direction – especially our third world roads. The crash could have been so big and could definitely have taken lives. It is no coincidence. God hears prayers. God is a merciful God!

Sudanese Minister A true story of a young Sudanese evangelist inspired my life and fired up my passion for the gospel no matter what may come my way. Hailing from southern Sudan, he began preaching the gospel humbly around his neighboring villages. In a short while, he had become very influential as he rallied many people to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He began gathering great masses of people who would come to listen to him preach about the Savior of the world. The government soldiers started tracking him down because his fame and influence grew and to them he was a political threat. Eventually, they arrested him and placed him into a safe house for interrogation. He was then badly beaten and tortured. After three days of serious punishment, he was told he would be killed unless he denounced his faith and promised to stop preaching. He assured them that he would not denounce his Faith, nor would he stop preaching the Gospel. So they took him out of the safe house and put him under a tree. They pierced through his flesh hooks that tore through his armpit all the way to his back. Then, they tied the hook on to a rope up on the tree and left him dangling like a butchered cow with blood oozing from his body. In great pain, he still vowed not to denounce his faith or to stop preaching the Gospel. It was then that they decided to kill him. They ordered one of the soldiers to go and kill him far away in the bushes. When this soldier took this young evangelist in the bushes, he asked


No Time To Die him one more time to denounce his faith so that he could spare his life. But the young evangelist refused and told him to just go ahead and kill him. At this moment, the soldier having seen the torture this evangelist had endured and the faith he had in what he believed, fell on his knees broken and crying, “I do not know the God that you believe in. But he surely must be a true God and I want to know him.� The evangelist led him to the Lord Jesus Christ. Then the soldier told him to run for his life as he shot bullets in the air to cover him up as he ran away. This man had come to the point of knowing that nothing could separate him from the love of God or the work that God had assigned him to do. He stood up for what he believed in! Not even death could hinder his belief. When we totally commit our lives to God and his work, He totally commits Himself to us and everything that concerns our lives. Assuredly, it was God who protected the life of this preacher. Right from the torture in the safe house, God had his hand upon him. It is God that softened the heart of the soldier so he could have mercy on this evangelist. Humanly speaking, when this man was led to the bush one could hardly imagine that he could ever live again. In those moments when man has reached the end point, God is just beginning. God, however, makes a way where there is no way. He still had a plan for this servant. That is why it is important to wait and continue believing God will save you from the storm. He may seem like He is taking forever, but at the right moment, He will show up and prove His unfailing power to protect you. Friends, I want to bring this to your attention that sometimes God protects us through what we may regard as denial to our rights, yet they are only playing a significant part in God’s plan to save our lives. I want to remind you that no one thought the


True Inspirational Stories torture Christ Jesus sustained would lead to the salvation of mankind. Jesus knew it, that’s why we remember his words amid the torture on the cross, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!” I well remember a time in my life as a young man, when I was filled with bitterness and anger towards my father and all his relatives for treating my mother and I so badly. We experienced enormous suffering just because my father had abandoned us. He was exceptionally rich but nonetheless ensured that we went through a hell of a lifetime. If I had my way, I would have revenged and hurt my dad in one-way or another, just to get even. This suffering, however, compelled me to turn to God as my father and fully trust Him when I gave my life to Him. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. The Bible states, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” Today, I am what I am simply because of God’s love for me and His blessings upon my life. Though it was a struggle to exonerate my father, when I later did, I saw God’s blessings begin to follow in my life in abundance. Conceivably, if my father had not abandoned me, I would not have seen the need to turn to God as my only refuge. God used my Dad’s harshness and indifference to draw me closer to him. My mother and all my siblings later gave their lives to the Lord as well. Today, when I see how God has blessed me, I realize that no amount of love or care from my father would have made me what I am. Because all things work together for the good of all those who Love the Lord, my father’s ill treatment and rejection was my gateway to knowing God’s amazing Love for me as I sought for a father in him. I now look back and give God the glory for everything that happened because He used it all to change my life into a full blessing. When so many tragedies happen to us, even as children of God, we may turn against God wondering


No Time To Die why He forsakes us. But many times, it is such experiences in our lives that God uses to make us better people, and to take us to greater levels as we move towards our divine destiny.

Thieves on my Roof One day thieves stormed my house through the roof. My little sister Annette and I were the only ones in the house. At the time, I had a humble business where I traded computers and other goods. The nature of my business necessitated me to continuously carry them in and out of my house since obtaining another rental was next to impossible. I think some thieves must have been watching my dealings and estimated what could be stolen from my house. That night, a number of thieves came at about 3:00am. They couldn’t use the main gate as it was quite high to jump over and strong to breakthrough. But at the back of my house, the fence was lower and easier to maneuver. The thieves climbed onto the roof from the back of the house and managed to break through my roof. I always trusted the security of the place. I had no weapon for defense, yet I was sure they were armed. I could hear them, but I couldn’t do anything other than pray. My little sister began to cry – I told her to call on God for help. One of them started kicking the ceiling to break through, and finally did. I stood up, briefly switched on the light, and then off again. The thief noticed what happened, yet couldn’t see me. I don’t know what he thought but this must have confused him. He kept silent for a little while, no more kicks. I was silent, so was my sister. He then jumped off the roof, shouted to the other thieves, ‘they are ready for us’! They all ran away, I know God put fear in them as an answer to our prayers in the time we needed a rock to hide in for refuge. Our lives were at stake – had they only broken through to find us within the house, we would have been trapped inside with them.


True Inspirational Stories Simple Truths How many times have you heard of high profile personalities assassinated amidst their body guards? Great ships like the Titanic still sink, and great jets built with high tech concentration to the least detail still crash. The codes of earthly protection have proven over time that they can all be broken. Surely, God’s protection supersedes all other sources of protection. He’s the maker of everything. We need to take refuge in Him, for there’s no other comparison. For the time I have lived, I have lost so many things. One day, my entire house burned to ashes and I lost everything at once. Later, my car was stolen. At times, I would really feel saddened by the loss until I understood this Truth which completely set me free. I began to meditate and understand the difference between contentment with God’s provision and earthly provision. For those who follow their flesh and put their focus on amassing great wealth, they will never be satisfied regardless of how much they have acquired or gained. I am not trying to encourage poverty here, but the issue is seeking contentment in earthly things over Heavenly things. For the Christian, we have the promise of contentment regardless of every circumstance. The apostle Paul wrote from prison saying he had learned to be content in whatever state he was in, even behind bars. He was content with God and what God would provide for him. No kind of loss could take away Paul’s joy or contentment and certainly nothing could separate him from the love of God. After understanding this, I stopped attaching great importance to the things of the world.


No Time To Die The truth is all these things will pass away one day and yet the love of God will forever abide. I must confess that am a good worker and I like living a good life. But I treasure my Heavenly achievements more than the wealth I acquire here. Whenever I lose anything I remember God is my all in all and my joy comes from Him.

Surviving the Rebel Ambush In 2004, I made another mission trip to the war-torn region in Northern Uganda. One of the most affected areas in this region by the longest lived war in Africa caused by the LRA rebels who have killed hundreds of thousands of people. The rebels had also burned people’s houses and looted people’s properties. They sliced off people’s lips, ears, and noses, plucked-out eyes, and left many people without limbs through the planted landmines. Men and energetic young people in some areas were killed and their flesh cut into pieces and boiled. The rebels rounded up family members in the community and forced them to eat the flesh. The remains were then buried in mass graves. Thousands of children were abducted and forced into becoming child soldiers, girls raped, others forced to marry rebels and have their children. While in Kampala City, we always heard and read stories of what was happening in Northern Uganda (only about 4-5 hours away), yet had no real picture of the tragedy of the war and how people were actually affected. The day before we left, the news headlines reported an attack in the very place we were going and the rebels had again killed people, burned their houses and looted their belongings. Some friends suggested we cancel the mission and only a few encouraged us to go. A number of people had registered to go on this mission. However, as the day approached for departure, several people


True Inspirational Stories pulled out of the trip using a variety of excuses. My mother never wanted to hear me say that I was travelling to the north, especially to dangerous places like Gulu District. She was very afraid for my life and so she tried desperately to persuade me to change my mind and abandon the mission. Even though the entire purpose of the mission trip was to save lives and serve ‘the least of these’, when the actual time came to trust God with our lives, the truth came out. Everyone was too afraid. With all the discouraging words disguised as ‘words of wisdom’, I nearly gave up. But my spirit was well, and as I prayed about this mission I felt greater peace. I remembered what God had already taught me. I remembered how God had saved my life a year before in one of the worst accidents in the history of my country. To me, this was enough courage to go forth. Just like David the king, his past achievement of killing lions and bears gave him courage to make greater impact by slaying the giant Goliath. I knew the same God would protect me from any kind of danger while on this trip since it was His will for me to go. So I told my mother not to worry, but only to pray for me. The victory over the past storm will help you overcome the present storm. So I finally set off from Kampala and by evening, we reached Karuma Falls bridge to cross over to the West Nile region through the beautiful forests that harbored some of Uganda’s wonderful wildlife. After crossing the bridge, we traveled for a little while, only to find smoke everywhere and the road blocked. The Uganda People’s defense forces had paraded in the area where vehicles had been burned, people’s property stolen and a few killed by rebels who had set-up an ambush. This was very shocking to all of us and we kept ourselves in prayer. The forces asked us not to proceed with the traveling


No Time To Die because of uncertainties ahead of us. We spent the long scary night in the cold at Karuma Falls. In the morning, we set off into the northern region with the forces escorting our vehicles. When we arrived in Gulu, it was time to face the real truth. It is then that it all dawned on me that these people had greatly suffered and were less reached with the gospel, relief and aid. On the streets of Gulu one was greeted with grim pain that lined itself evidently on the faces of the people. Every evening we saw multitudes of night commuters, men, women, and children traveling miles into safer places especially in Gulu to sleep on the streets. At night, people were lying everywhere on the roadsides. Young children lay starving in the hands of their helpless mothers and orphans who were unattended kept wandering with no place to go. I saw victims of this long lived war without lips, noses, ears, hands, legs, eyes plucked out, those wounded at heart having seen their beloved killed or raped or abducted. It was a very disheartening moment. Naturally I am not a very emotional person. But when I saw this, I broke down with grief and I cried. It was simply very painful. One evening, as we attended to the people, we could not afford to ignore one woman who approached us in tears. She kindly asked us to go and visit her home. On arriving at what this woman called a home, we all broke down in tears. It was an old unfinished building with overgrown grasses. We found a little girl and a boy who were her only family. There were no doors or windows covering this big abandoned house. All they had in this dilapidated building was a pile of rugs that they used as beddings in the night. In the morning she would leave the little ones behind in this building as she went searching for something for them to eat.


True Inspirational Stories Her Saddening story began one morning when the rebels suddenly attacked their village and massacred everyone. Her home was among the homes that were badly affected. She had witnessed her husband being sliced to death with her three children. She was carrying her little baby on her back and she fled in horror after seeing all this happening to her loved ones. She never turned back to her past and decided to find somewhere else to stay. One day, as she moved through the streets, she came across a little boy who was her cousin. The little boy had also lost his entire family as all his male relatives were abducted and his parents murdered before his very eyes. This lady picked up the little cousin. So she decided she will take care of both her daughter and this little boy. So when she found out that we were visiting from Kampala, she wanted us to hear her story. This lady was one among the many whose lives were totally shattered by the war in this part of the world. She committed her life to Christ and the, next day narrated her story to us, and by God’s grace we managed to provide her with shelter, clothes and food for her and her little ones. During the entire week, we visited many wounded people. We gave out all that we had and shared the love of Christ; thousands turned their lives to Christ for salvation and refuge. This left me in great amazement. I was grateful I overcame the fear of going to northern Uganda for that mission. It was a transforming week for thousands of people in northern Uganda, but it also changed my life. I have heard the cry of these people echoing in the wind. Peace and restoration, love, hope and healing. This has led me to travel back to this region time and time again.


No Time To Die The greatest use of life is to invest it into things that will outlast it. I know if I had not gone, the Lord could have sent someone else and I would have missed the blessing of changing lives. Many times, fear makes us miss out on huge blessings. How many times have you seen great opportunities branded as crisis? What did you do?

Godfrey standing in the front of the mass grave where remains of the body pieces of those slaughtered and whose flesh was served to the community, were buried.

Persecution and Revival Outbreak The up rise of the Christian faith in Uganda was a threat to both the political and cultural leaders of the country. King Mwanga I and President Idi Amin Dada respectively, were known for killing the Christians with the intention of putting an end to the


True Inspirational Stories Christian faith. But rather than stamping it out, the massacre of the early Christians only sparked a revival whose flame has continued to burn for decades beyond the century. The hindrances we face in this life may instead be the very challenge God is using to redirect His people. There will be some serious loses and certain things will die in the storm. We may come out crushed and wounded, but the testimony will be “our cause didn’t die amid the storm”. As much as many Christians lost their lives during the persecution in the early days of Christianity, we now remember and celebrate them when we see the revivals and the freedom of worship that our nation enjoys today. As we speak, Uganda is world widely known as a strong Christian nation.

The Martyred When the Christian missionaries came to Uganda, they sparked a turning point in the people’s religious lives. Before Uganda became a British Protectorate in 1895, Uganda was under the rule of tribal kings. In 1877, two Anglican missionaries – Wilson and Shergold Smith – walked nine hundred miles from the Indian Ocean until they reached Lake Victoria. After sailing another two hundred miles across Lake Victoria, they were welcomed with a great ceremony by King Mutesa I who maintained a good working relationship with the missionaries. Mwanga, the young prince displayed a good attitude towards the missionaries, when his father was still alive. Yet, once Mutesa died unexpectedly in 1884, his son Prince Mwanga totally changed and became hostile towards them. He began not only to persecute but also to kill the missionaries. As a young king, he possessed no wisdom concerning policies of the foreigners in his kingdom. Some have commented that perhaps King Mwanga was too young to rule.


No Time To Die King Mwanga lacked the ability and maturity to contain the Muslims, the Catholics and the Protestants who were all busy persuading the local people toward their belief system. He also failed to commit to a particular faith due to his strong traditional ties and inability to convert from his old and traditional lifestyle. The Muslims denounced him for his refusal to be circumcised. He could not be baptized in the Christian denominations because he did not want to fore-go his practice of polygamy. He became a tyrannical ruler who forced his subjects to abide by his every command because this young king was too strong-willed, he vowed to rid his kingdom of the new teachings. Let us not forget that this young man was strongly attached to his traditional beliefs and customs that he never fully embraced any of the new religions. It was barely a year after King Mwanga’s supposition of the throne that he ordered the execution of Joseph Rugarama, Mark Kakumba, and Noah Serwanga the first three Christian martyrs, who were killed at Busega, Nateete on January 31, 1885. King Mwanga was too determined to eliminate all the Christians. He started killing them by burning them alive. At a place called Busega, Natete, he built a great fire where boys of ages eleven to fifteen were burnt alive. All the people were weeping, and the boys’ parents pled with them to give up their Christian faith. But the boys would not. They even began to sing, “O that I had wings like the angels. I would fly away and be with Jesus.” This song became known as the “martyrs’ song” in Christian churches throughout Uganda. The three young heroes Joseph, Mark and Noah asked the executors to deliver this message to the king on January 31 1885, just before being thrown into fire, “Tell the king that he has put our bodies in the fire, but we won’t be long in the fire.


True Inspirational Stories Soon we shall be with Jesus, which is much better. But ask him to repent... or he will land in a place of everlasting fire”. They knew killing the body could not mark their end, but they would still live on eternally and their blood would keep speaking for generations ahead. Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” The storm that these young men were facing was so over whelming. They had to choose between obeying their king or the God they had believed. This in simple terms meant life or death. There will be such storms in our lives that will require very strong decisions to be made. It may not necessarily mean death but will be challenging enough for us to be required to lay down everything to be able to stand for what we believe. Angry because he couldn’t frighten the boys into renouncing their faith, King Mwanga ordered his warriors to cut off their arms and cast them alive into the fire. Joseph, the youngest, pleaded, “Please don’t cut off my arms. I will not struggle in the fire that ushers me to Jesus.” Interestingly, these young Christians had a choice to make. They were given an avenue to escape death. They could easily say no and their lives are spared. As a nation, we cannot place the position of Christianity today without the sacrifice that these young men made. Shaken by the unwavering faith of these young boys, it is documented that forty people watching that day put their faith in Jesus. They knew what it might mean, and the harassment of Christians in Uganda had only begun. Between December of 1885 and May of 1886 many more Christian converts were wantonly murdered. King Mwanga precipitated a showdown in May by ordering the converts to choose between their new faith, and complete obedience to


No Time To Die his orders. Those unwilling to give up their new faith would be subject to death. Courageously, the Christian converts chose their faith. The killing of twenty six Christians at Namugongo on June 3, 1886 was the peak of the campaign against the converts. Ever since then, Uganda has been known for its Christian boom. The church greatly expanded and many people joined the faith. Up to date, these young heroes are still nationally honored and remembered on June 3rd every year. These are only but a few of the martyrs that were registered. However, many more murders went unreported and without record. Rather than hindering the growth of Christianity, the martyrdom of these early believers sparked growth instead. But remember, the history of the persecution dates back to the Early Church during the time when Stephen was put to death for his faith. Church history in general is all clogged up with accounts of people enduring suffering and death for their faith. But for us Ugandan Christians, the blood of these specific martyrs proved to be the seed of reviving faith in our previously witchcraft-based beliefs. Why? Because God works all things for good for the sake of those who love Him.

Idi Amin’s Persecutions For over 100 years, Uganda’s Christian faith had mushroomed; Christians had survived dreadful persecution under King Mwanga of Buganda. Yet the world renowned dictatorial presidency of Idi Amin Dada’s threatened to annihilate this revival. During his reign of terror, he killed and persecuted many Christians including Archbishop Janani Luwum who was an active leader in the East African revival, one of the greatest revival movements of the 20th Century.


True Inspirational Stories Archbishop Luwum often encouraged his congregations to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to trust God even through the hardest times. He gladly faced his own martyrdom in order to speak truth and to show real Christian love. The church continued to survive under severe persecution. Following Idi Amin’s attempt to Islamize the nation, many Christians disappeared mysteriously. So, just as Paul wrote to Timothy from prison in his final days, telling Timothy he must persevere during Nero’s regime and continue the message and truth of Jesus, so did the Christians and great revivalists in Uganda persevere through Idi Amin’s regime. Today, the Christians in Uganda are not without their battles and there is plenty of work to be done, yet they continue to flourish with some of Africa’s great revivalists coming from Uganda. Matthew 5:10 promises an inheritance of the kingdom of God to those persecuted for their faith in God. Killing the followers of Christ, never marks the end or death of the Christian faith, it’s always the beginning of Revival. It is impossible to kill what is the Lord’s by inflicting it with storms or accusations. Right from the death of Christ, the martyrdom of the early church believers up to the killings and persecution of today’s Christians has not only seen the rise of the church in the different regions, but has also greatly sparked the revival flames that keep igniting the Christian faith. Leaders like King Mwanga and Idi Amin Dada, were only instruments used to cause a great revival spark in Uganda. Through the numerous killings and persecutions of Christians in Uganda, and because these men and women offered their lives, we now enjoy the fruits of their obedience and sacrifice to their God. Their efforts live on, it was not in vain. The Christian walk is not a constant rise. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I must go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’ But I


No Time To Die don’t let these moments mark my death in faith, but a search for victory.

Cost of Serving God Christians experience a lot of afflictions in this world, but we are not alone. God promises to be with us. The Lord has also commanded us to take the gospel to all parts of the world. We should always use any opportunity to tell the world the good news. The Lord would love to use that very storm you are facing to change and lift another life. Count it all joy when you go through challenges for they are your stepping stone to greater heights. After the accident, my zeal to preach the gospel increased even the more. It was a wake-up call for me to spread the gospel like never before through the media and mass harvest crusades and across the nations of the world. Whenever situations appear to be holding us down, the Lord wants us to rise up and bring glory to His name. To those, who like me, run forth carrying the banner of Christ we need to count and understand the cost or price of winning souls. There is no earthly price high enough to buy a soul. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can purchase a soul. However, we must endure sufferings for the sake of winning His people. The enemy will never allow us to rescue the captive from his bondage without a fight. Moses did not find it an easy task to rescue the children of Israel from their captivity. Pharaoh put up all the resistance he could. But because the great I AM had purposed to save his people, so it was. For many Christians, the work of evangelism is cast aside or justified as ‘not a part of them or not something they’re good at doing’ because it is not easy. But the longer we take to preach the gospel the harder it becomes to do it. Many would rather remain in the comfort of their homes or churches rather than go out to preach the gospel. Many Christian bodies never


True Inspirational Stories want to identify themselves with evangelism or missionary work because they are afraid of the challenges. In fact, evangelism is not big on the budget. However, Jesus died to save the lost and the only way they will know about his salvation is if we go out there in the market places, on the streets, on the highways and share with them the good news of Jesus Christ. And don’t forget the price others paid to reach you with the gospel. We all must take time to learn from Paul. He was prepared to go to any pagan land bearing all hardships and afflictions for the sake of the gospel. No matter what lay ahead of him, he pressed on amid the deeps and the highs to make Christ known. Today many Christians have been called into the evangelistic work, but they hide under worship teams, church boards, prayer meetings, conferences and other church comfort programs rather than go out and share the Love of Christ with others. When shall we ever lift up our heads for what we believe! Go and tell the whole world. Remember, you cannot take the whole world to Christ but you can take Christ to the whole world. And many hide under the Christian umbrella convincing themselves and others with: I share the gospel through my lifestyle. I use words only if necessary… That sounds good, but when did you last use words to share the gospel and when did you last see someone commit their lives to Christ or change through this ‘lifestyle - gospel’? Didn’t Jesus have an exemplary lifestyle that every Christian would like to emulate? Why then did he go preaching the gospel using words? Think about it. Let’s emulate Jesus’ example of sharing the gospel with a holistic approach (share the gospel in words, lifestyle, help the poor and the destitute, and so on). Come to think of it, Jesus stepped out of his majestic splendor and glory, dressed Himself in frail humanity and took upon Himself every human


No Time To Die weakness for the salvation of the lost. Let’s get out of our comfort places like He did, and go to where we shall be tried for the good and eternal cause. Other Christians have totally given up preaching the gospel because the last three people they preached to never accepted the gospel or responded rudely. It is not our role to save people, but it is our role to witness to them the good news. So when you preach and no one commits their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, don’t be discouraged. The harvest remains plentiful, but the workers are still very few. If you have felt a burden for the lost souls or you have been called to evangelize, wake up and do the work because someone out there is only waiting for you so they can cross over from death to life Eternal. Lay down all the excuses and go to all the ends of the earth and preach the gospel. A farmer will rest and check on his crops once in a while. But should he become a shepherd, He must be out tending them daily, fighting bears and wolves as well as bearing all kinds of weather for them. We must come to understand that it is impossible to pull some one out of the fire while standing at a safe place! It is a rare day to see someone save a drowning person without diving into the water. In my early days, I was too fine to serve the Lord until He trimmed me to His liking. The Lord has taught me that if I am not prepared to suffer everything within the possibility of winning one soul, then I am not prepared to win any. Remember Jesus’ story of leaving the ninety-nine sheep just to save the one that was lost! Even if it was just one soul that was lost, Christ would still die to save it. Let us especially remember not to only rush to where there are big crowds to


True Inspirational Stories share the good news because just one soul is worth the life of the son of God. Men are usually won to Christ through suitable instruments, which suitability lies in the power to sympathize. Your address will not touch a heart unless it meets the state of that heart. That is why if you are a key that will free a locked-up soul; you must be the key that fits well in the tumblers of the lock. You and I must be formed in all sorts of shapes and sizes to fit the mind and heart of the unbeliever. The afflictions you go through, simply prepare you for a better service to the Lord as an honorable vessel. The knife of affliction will be sharp, but Faith will teach you to value it. I am appealing to every self-confessing Christian to take-up courage and step into direct service of the master. The frontlines for the gospel in the bid to save humanity are not for the faint-of-heart. It is for those who know the price paid for a soul. Renounce what hinders you from helping others to obtain the pearl of pearls. Count all things in vain for the sake of standing in the service of the King of Kings. He has determined the end of every person, but the giving of yourself into the ministry of soul-liberating is one of the Lord’s most important goals.

Believers, it’s No Time to Die!





God’s Protection and Refuge Earthly Protection Versus Heavenly Protection God’s protection is better than a few locked doors, or a guaranteed brand new tubeless tire for your car, or greatly built buildings, or a ship built for storms, or a shield made from the hardest material, or wealth, or that strong partner, or talent and gifting, witchcraft and cosmic powers, or anything from earthly sources. “He will say: ‘Where are their gods, the rock in which they sought refuge? Who ate the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them rise and help you, and be your refuge ‘Now see that I, even I, am He and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.” Deuteronomy 32:37-39 One example of what God considers “other gods” are the places, people, circumstances and things in which we seek refuge. God wants you to hide yourself inside – in Him. The way God sees it, anything else is idolatry. Repent from all earthly sources as your security and Refuge! You Can Depend on God, Absolutely! People all over the world have trusted in objects for protection while others use magic to secure their safety. In Africa, many people trust in witchcraft which they believe will keep them safe from harm. It is common to find people carrying different particles on their bodies while others have them actually implanted underneath their skin. However, this has been proven to be pointless to those who trust in this kind of protection. The only true safety comes from the Creator.


No Time To Die You need not pay anything to acquire God’s protection. God will not ask you for a payment. In His kindness, God wants all His children to be safe from all harm. You just need to let God be in control of your life and then He will give you his full protection in stormy times. Just because God promises us His protection does not mean we live carelessly. But we fully know God is always on the side of those who trust in Him fully. One must pay bills for earthly security. But amazingly, even when we have paid so highly for protection, we are still not fully protected. Sadly, the protection that the world gives even in its inefficiency is only for this life. The only sure guarantee for ultimate safety is in God. After all, His protection is for now and hereafter.

God’s Way of Protection Not Our Way of Protection I have seen God showing protection to the people He loves through letting heartbreaks happen between two lovers. Having foreseen the great troubles or evils coming in their future, He allows a partner to disappoint the other. Friend, you don’t know why you lost that job or that deal, that friend, or missed that plane or anything for that matter. It could have been the first step of your journey towards destruction. People put their entire trust in earthly law enforcement officers, or earthly wealth, or parents, children, or their partners to bring them security and protection. How much more can we all put our trust in God to provide us with unconditional love, comfort, security, and protection! God is always protecting us from evil and unpleasant situations. When we trust in God, He will always watch over us, so we do not fall into trouble. But when we fail to accept God’s protection and we think we can do it on our own, we end up being afflicted and we miss out on his Divine protection.


God’s Protection and Refuge It is no issue at all when you discover how many times the enemy tries to attack or destroy you. That is the devil’s sole purpose in this world. To kill people, steal from them and destroy everything. God’s protection upon us is amazing in a way that even when we have not asked God for it, we receive it. This does not mean that we take it for granted and live outside His parameters. God also protects the atheists and gives them a grace period under His protection, for them to acknowledge Him, if they don’t, then He withdraws His protection over their lives at His time, for their eternal condemnation. For those who trust God, He guides our footsteps and gives a covering to eternity.

Trusting God Most of us have a tendency to claim trust in God. However, at the first sign of any difficulty or trial, we begin to doubt God’s love for us because He is allowing this difficulty to happen. The trial is exactly what God is using to test the level of trust we have in Him. It is God’s promise that the trials and tests we go through are for our good (Romans 8:28, Hebrews 12:2, 2 Corinthians 4:17, James 1:2). We learn it is through trust that our relationship with God strengthens and our love for Him grows. We can trust in many things. None, however, offer the protection plan, long-term security, or the benefits that trusting in God offers. All of the other things in which we place our trust can fail. God never fails! In the words of King David, “… be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God--my God--will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.” (1 Chronicles 28:20) As I lay in the hospital after the accident with my hand broken, I was worried about some things, especially as the doctors


No Time To Die had concluded that my hand was to be cut off. I was sad that I would never be able to do many things in life independently. Of course as a young man, I wanted to be in control of my life. Instead of worrying, I chose to trust God for my future. Little did I know, God would heal my hand totally and I would become an encouragement to many! If we knew the plans that God has for us, then we would never worry but trust Him all the way even in the hard times. No matter what you are going through, even as you read this book, believe and trust and keep on trusting, even if things seem hopeless. God is real and is very aware of what is going on with you and He knows that many times you doubt Him. But He desires for you to take one leap of faith to trust Him with your life. And when you take that leap, He is finally able to wrap His arms around you. Jesus asks us to have faith as little children. But as adults, our past disappointments have corrupted us. We need to go back to that place where we have unquestioning Faith and believe as children. And what does that mean? It means you have to relinquish your mind’s control over all situations. And take your hands off and let go of your fear and unbelief. Stop trying to figure things out. “He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” (Psalm 91:4) For God to be the God you trust, He needs your full attention. And it is His full intention to be your strong place of refuge! “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?


God’s Protection and Refuge For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” (Psalm 27:1, 5) “But let all those rejoice who put their trust in you; Let them ever shout for joy, because you defend them; Let those also who love your name be joyful in You. For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:11-12) Job knew that if he trusts God completely the devil cannot do anything in his life without the Almighty’s permission. And if God allows it, then I can trust Him to see me through. There is no way Satan can have victory over me if I trust God completely. Don’t waste your spiritual energy trying to fight Satan; use it to trust God completely. If I am not trusting God completely, I must be scared to death that there might be a test down the road in which I am not ready. Are you ready that no matter what pain you may have to go through, you’re going to keep trusting God? Trust requires us to accept that some questions will go unanswered and to place hard times in God’s hands-believing that even though we do not know all the answers, He does. He has perfect timing for all things in our lives. We all desire and believe for good things to happen in our lives, NOW, not later. Trusting God often requires not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it. We always say, “God is never late,” but He is generally not early either. Why? It’s because He uses those opportunities to stretch our faith in Him, and we grow during times of waiting.


No Time To Die Let us acknowledge that without God we are not able to do anything on our own. Let not the rich man boast in his riches or the strong in their strength. Let those who boast, boast in knowing the Lord. All is in vain unless God is behind it. We need God’s direction in everything for this is the safe path for us to tread alone.

Divine Intervention The power of darkness comes in like a flood He’s raised up a standard, the power of His blood When your enemy presses in hard do not fear Take courage my friend, your redemption is near The battle belongs to the Lord. The Bible is filled with accounts of divine protection for God’s people. It’s no problem for God to bring you out of a fiery furnace or shut the mouth of a lion or keep you in the belly of the fish for three days. He has proven time and again He is well able to get the job done no matter what the circumstances are! But God’s protection is not automatic. Nothing can harm us against God’s will. I have heard people asking so many times why God does not prevent bad things from happening to his people. Yet He is an all-knowing God. For this reason some have blamed God for the bad things that have happened to them or to their loved ones. God is Love and Love does not harm. God never harms us and he never takes any pleasure in our suffering. In fact, when we grieve, it grieves him too because he loves us so much more than parents love their children. That is why Jesus told his disciples that no father can give his child a stone when he asks for bread or a snake when he asks for fish. If God allows you to go through a painful experience, it may be because he wants you to learn something, and it’s for His own


God’s Protection and Refuge glory or for the good of others. As many reasons as there may be for our suffering, God should never be one of them. One may wonder if a person walking according to the will of God can be harmed. The truth is if you are walking according to the will of God, nothing can harm you outside God’s permission. We do not know whether God will allow us to suffer or die for our faith. Obviously, we can only see life from our small perspective, but He can see the big picture and the complete perspective of His plan. At the time, it did not make sense that all of the apostles were martyred (except John). In our immediate lives, it may not make sense when God allows us to suffer or even die. However, we have the absolute confidence that suffering can only come for His purposes and harm can only come within His will. In light of eternity, there can be no harm to the follower of Christ. In a remote village in China, a wealthy businessman came to know about the protection of God through one of his very simple employees who swept his office every morning. This man hailing from one of the rich families in this village had inherited a successful business enterprise from his father. He quickly rose to fame as he expanded in business and began establishing branches all over. The simple woman that cleaned his office every morning would never leave this man’s office before mumbling certain inaudible words. For a long time, this rich man wondered what this woman always said in her language, but he never paid much attention, nor bothered to ask her. On the eve of one Christmas, as he handed her a token for the festive season, she fell on her knees and said to him, ‘God has surrounded this firm and all its branches with his protection. I have prayed for it for a long time’. To this man, these words did not mean so much.


No Time To Die After five days, the lady died and they buried her away in her homeland. The day the entire company was supposed to resume work, everyone woke-up to the horror of this village burning to ashes by intruders and people scattering everywhere. To this man’s amazement, his firm had been used as the hiding place for many people as the village was burning. The guard had forgotten to lock-up before he left for Christmas and so the place had been open all through. While people were fleeing from the horror of death, this was their safe haven. From that day, the name of the company became Safe Haven. This man then not only believed, but also understood that there is power in prayer and intercession. He also witnessed God’s protection upon his company and knew that none of the small gods he believed in and trusted so much would have protected his property like the God of the Heaven and the Earth. He was sad though, that the old woman who had prayed and interceded for this miracle had passed on when it all happened. Let’s review briefly again the story of Job in the Bible. We know that he was a righteous man that suffered greatly in his lifetime. Everything happened to him because God gave the devil permission to afflict him. Why would Job of all people suffer so much under God’s permission? Even his friends were sure he had offended God and he was being punished. Job never blamed God for his suffering. Job knew for sure God loved him and was confident in this love. He never blamed or cursed God during his time of suffering. Instead, he continued to worship, and adore Him until God took away his pain and blessed him again.


God’s Protection and Refuge Here goes a great example of God’s intervention in our life crises… In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, “Remember, O Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the Lord came to him: ‘Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, this is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.’ This is a classic story of a king who knew his seasons. When the Lord says he is going to die, he cries out to the Lord to spare his life and he is given fifteen more years to live. In most cases, God will intervene in our lives when we ask him through prayer. God gave dominion over this universe to humanity. So he expects us to govern and rule over the world. However in those circumstances when things are out of our control, He desires that we invite him to intervene and manage the impossible situations. He is still the master creator and nothing goes beyond his power. There is nothing impossible to God. Never give up thinking that there is no hope for your situation. God is very active in our day-to-day activities and he wants us to live according to his will.


No Time To Die When King Hezekiah saw death on his door, he went back to the one who gives life and he was able to change his verdict. He had perfect health for fifteen more years. How to obtain God’s Protection There are things you have to do in order for God to be your refuge and protection. There are choices you have to make. If you choose to live in sin, you probably won’t live a long, purposedriven, healthy life. If you choose to follow the devil, you will receive the same reward as he will. And, I’m guessing that’s not something you want. Man knew fear for the first time in the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, yet God’s promise and compassion gave them comfort and strength. No matter what troubles and dangers we may face in our lives, none is greater than the power of Sin to keep us from God’s protection and refuge. Instead, desire to be like the Psalmist in Chapter 91. He has made the choice to dwell, or abide, in the secret place of the Most High. He makes his abode there in order to receive the protection that God promises. His dependence is on God. And he stays stable and fixed under God’s wings and shadow by being obedient. When you do what you know is right, follow God and separate yourself from evil. Living on purpose in God is the only safe place to live. You see, people who are obedient are the ones who will receive the promise of protection. Protection is for the resolute (those who have resolved to walk with God). When a person is resolute (determined, sold out, dedicated, single-minded) in his faith and recognizes God’s Presence everywhere, he is protected from all sides. That shows just how powerful God’s promise of protection really is! “When you dwell in the secret place, declare God as your refuge, lean and rely on Him, this is the outcome;


God’s Protection and Refuge for then He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.” (Psalm 91:3-5) Notice, when you know the truth and put your trust in God, You shall not be afraid. Fear has to go. These are serious days. It’s no time to be sitting on the fence being double-minded. You must make up your mind and decide where you are going to dwell; where you are going to put your trust and dependence. Your dependence is not going to be on God without spending time with Him and His Word. Let’s look at the experience of this great patriarch Abraham. He was rich and famous in his land. And I must say he was quiet content with his life. He would well pass for a modern-day successful man. Then one day, God shows up at his doorstep and turns his entire life upside down. His greatest pillar was his faith. Let’s compare our faith to a muscle. If a muscle is not used it will atrophy, become useless. However, if you exercise a muscle it will grow stronger. The same applies to our faith – exercise it. God begins with changing this man’s name from Abram to Abraham. This means that God was stripping Abram away from what he was and stood for into something totally new. Truthfully, you don’t just show up from nowhere and tell a tycoon to relocate and you give them no forwarding address. The man had no idea where he was going, what he was going to do or who he would become. He simply receives the instructions to start life afresh. With a totally surrendered heart, he trusts and follows God without question. He left his wealth, fame and reputation to follow a God he had not even known yet.


No Time To Die Abraham was not a failure per say but chose to forsake his life and all the ways of his fore fathers, because he had realized God’s ways were better. Abraham then started spending time with God more and more because his entire life depended on spending time with God. Without any fear, Abraham decides to tread on unknown land, to depend on God and fully trust in Him.

God’s Protection is Necessary God designed us to have a need for security or refuge. God knows what we need! It is His desire to draw near to us and be our God and more fully than what you may have ever known was possible. When we are emotionally injured for whatever reason, soothing ourselves with God’s word is far more effective than anything else. The refuge we need close to us is God. Everything else just hurts. For the Lord will not cast off forever. Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. For He does not afflict willingly. Nor grieve the children of men. (Lamentations 3:31-33) God designed us to need something close to us, so that we find refuge. A place of refuge has to do with the ways we feel secure with ourselves. It is right that we want to feel secure. God designed us to need a safe place of refuge. He also designed us to love our refuge. It is just that God wants to be our Refuge - not anything else. The scriptures show a direct relationship between making God our refuge and simply quenching our thirsty desires with following Him.


God’s Protection and Refuge Security is an important aspect in every one’s life. It could be economic, social, emotional, or spiritual security. Have you ever thought that whatever people do has got something to do with securing themselves in one-way or another? Unfortunately, our security does not lie in any of the things that we treasure. Our security does not lie in great riches or great relationships or in our great achievements. In fact sometimes some of the most successful people in this world also live the most miserable, unfocused, and lonely lives. True security and fulfillment is in God our Creator. The success of this world can only bring happiness because happiness is determined by what happens around us while Joy comes along with security - it is from the Lord. No matter what we are going through, we can still have the joy of the Lord which is our strength. They that are spiritually secure have attained the fullness of life.


No Time To Die What the Bible says on God’s Protection I want you to have a list of Bible verses which discuss God’s Protection together with a summary of what the verse says about God’s Protection. In times of trouble and in Joy, you can turn to God’s absolute Truth and know He is with you:



protector. Psalm 18:2

S T R E N G T H E N S us and rescues us.


2 Timothy 4:17-18

from evil. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 us while we are being tempted. 1 Corinthians 10:13 us from our enemies. Psalm 56:9 from danger. Psalm 91:3-7 until disaster has passed. Psalm 57:1

IS A L W A Y S protecting us.

Psalm 121:3-8

never leaves. Joshua 1:5 is reassuring. Isaiah 41:10 is powerful. John 10:28-30 is necessary. Psalm 124:1-5

Next are some scriptures which give the promise of God’s divine protection and refuge. God loves you and desires for you to be safe, happy and secure. Trust in God and He will never fail you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (James 4:8) But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all your works. (Psalms 73:28)


God’s Protection and Refuge As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people. From this time forth and forever. (Psalms 125:2) The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned. (Psalms 34:22) You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7) The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways, “In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. (Psalms 91:11-12) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil. (Proverbs 1:33) And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.”In their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone


No Time To Die “You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. “Because he has set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him. And show him My salvation. (Psalm 91:9-16) The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him. And delivers them. (Psalm 34:7) In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge. (Proverbs 14:26) For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11) No grave trouble will overtake the righteous, but the wicked shall be filled with evil. (Proverbs 12:21) When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7) The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe. (Proverbs 18:10) For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:12-13) Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. The LORD will preserve him and keep him


God’s Protection and Refuge alive, And he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. (Psalm 41:1-2) Because you have been my help. Therefore in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind you; your right hand upholds me.” “But those who seek my life, to destroy it, Shall go into the lower parts of the earth. (Psalm 63:7-9a) But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. (Psalms 3:3) Who is the man that fears the LORD? Him shall He[a] teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity, And his descendants shall inherit the earth. (Psalm 25:12-13) But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You. For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield. (Psalm 5:11-12) He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. (Psalm 91:4) Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear, What can man do to me? (Hebrews 13:5, 6) All through the Bible, God has spoken His word concerning his protection for us. We need not live in fear of our lives because God has promised total protection according to His word. God is not man that He will go against His word. He will surely do as He has promised and all those who trust in Him shall be saved.


No Time To Die Praying for God’s Protection It’s good to seek God all the time. Our responsibility in life is to seek God - always. You’ll find you are able to hear a lot in a short time.

Think of such a prayer... Heavenly Father, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of selfdetermination; to believe I am the master of my destiny and my future is in my own hands. As I look around me, I see that attitude everywhere. I see people trying to control the lives of others, or even taking their lives from them, because they can’t agree politically, or religiously. I see hatred for others because they don’t look the same, believe the same, or think the same. Yet, in Your infinite grace, mercy, love and forgiveness You sent Jesus to be fully obedient to You in all things because I and no other human being can. Then You exacted the full punishment for Sin on Him on the Cross - all so that I and all who believe in Him might be forgiven, redeemed, and restored to You forever. Thank you for being my protector. I take great comfort in knowing you are looking after me. I know that as your child, you care for me more than I can understand. Lord, never let me become restless or anxious when trouble approaches. Your hedge of protection is around me - You provide for and protect me. Remind me each day of your protection and deliverance from all that would seek to keep me from you, and strengthen my faith in Jesus that I may live my life in a way that is pleasing to you and a true witness to your love in Christ to others. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.


God’s Protection and Refuge Try Praying the Psalms for God’s Protection “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord. Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:4-8 NIV “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.


No Time To Die He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91 NIV

Prayer for God’s Protection and Christ’s Presence As I arise today, may the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me. May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me. May Christ shield me today...Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Amen.

Revelation of God’s Protection


God’s Protection and Refuge Ephesians 6:13-18 charges us to put on the whole armor of God. As one commentary points out, a shield only partially protects its wearer on three sides, while armor completely surrounds its wearer. The Hebrew word for armor implies circle. You’re completely covered! Jesus said in the book of John, “YOU are in ME as I AM in the FATHER” and that explains the first three outer circles. The apostle Paul asks in the book of Ephesians, “don’t you know that you’re the temple of the Holy Spirit?” and that makes the innermost circle on the above illustration. Before the devil could temper with Job’s life in the story of Job in the bible, he had to get permission from the Father (Outermost Circle). With the Lord being your refuge and protection, rock and strong tower, the devil has no power to take or even tamper with your life. With the Father’s permission and if God permits the devil to dare you, God has already secured sufficient grace for you to go through the test. From this illustration, I learned that we as children of God are protected INSIDE AND OUT! One has to wonder how many times God has protected us when we didn’t know it. Can we ever be thankful enough? Lord, make us aware of your presence and your protection, and then give us thankful hearts! And mostly, Lord, touch those who don’t know about you, to find refuge in you.


No Time To Die God’s Sheltering Covenant with Man Noah’s ark is a great example of sheltering covenant for man from the righteous anger of God because man had sinned, brought violence in the world of God’s creation and man was willing to disobey and turn away from the love of God. God’s plan for destruction was to ultimately destroy all by flood, only those found in the ark would be saved. Any creature or man who was not within the ark was destroyed. The ark was a shelter for the righteous of God. Hebrews 11:7 “Noah by faith became heir to the righteousness of God”. So those who had found grace in God’s sight were spared, those who keep His will in a perverse world were called to come out and be spared. The ark was a place of protection in the midst of destruction. God’s word tells us that God remembered Noah and spared him with a wind upon the sea. Genesis 8:1. The ark was used again to provide protection for the deliverance of Israel. Exodus 2:3-6 says it was also used as a means to protect Moses as an infant when he was still a child under the sentence of death. The ark carried Moses into the arms of someone who could spare his life. Today, the cross bears us into the arms of Christ in much the same manner. Only Christ can spare our lives. Christ is the ark of our protection, refuge, hope, glory, salvation and the only one through whom we receive eternal life. John 14:6



No Time To Die


Look Beyond the Storm The Mind of an Over-Comer If you are going to be an Over-Comer, there will be things you will have to triumph over. Trials and tests are a necessary part of the Christian life. They reveal our character and the genuineness of our faith. Pressure shows us where our weak spots are. Jesus taught that if our faith fails during a trial it is because the Word of God has not taken root in our hearts. In fact the testing of our faith is more precious than gold which is tried and purified by fire. To the master refiner, the gold is only pure when he can see his reflection in it. Often, our most difficult times turn out to be the very things God uses to bring us into our destiny. For example, Joseph endured being sold into slavery, being falsely accused of a capital offence, and many other horrible trials. However, he remained faithful to God, maintained his integrity and became one of the most powerful leaders in Egypt. Similarly, Daniel’s faithfulness in the face of the lion’s den was the avenue for great blessing and promotion in his life as well. This gives us all the more reason to trust in the goodness of God in our suffering. He is the faithful Creator, and we are to commit the keeping of our souls to Him. Captain Lawrence, who fought in World War I, shows us a true heart of an Over-Comer as he explains the ordeal of his experience. Together with his fellow sub-ordinates they fought with courageous hearts to where the battle raged most. Most of them with half limbs could not retreat or surrender. They had a cause to fight and they would see it through before they saw their death. The captain says, he lay under the tree as fellow combatants dropped dead all around him like ants falling off a shaken tree.


No Time To Die With both arms blown off, he still believed he had a great destiny which lay in the God that he trusted. At the end of the war, he was still proud to be called captain as he received each day with joy. When he saw the freedom his nation enjoyed after the struggle, he knew it was worth it. It’s the heart that makes you the winner. Not your physical ability or surroundings. While I was a boy, I was physically tiny and that meant limited physical strength. In Uganda, by then, big boys bullied small boys in school. I remember one big boy who immensely enjoyed teasing and beating me up. He was so much stronger than me. So I thought. One evening, as I walked home, so tired after a football match in the playground, the big boy spotted me from a distance and hid in a small bush ahead of the road. It was a bit dark I didn’t see him. Jumping out of his hiding corner, he took me by surprise and challenged me to a fight. I had endured his cruelty for a long time. Instead of running or pleading with him as usual to spare me, this time I purposed to tough it out. He stood tall in front of me and began hitting my head. Little did he know that this time, I was ready not only to fight but also to beat him at his own game! What shocked him first is the fact that I did not coil away from him. We began fighting and I started tossing him around as I hit him in strategic painful areas. He tried holding me tight but I was too slippery for him. He got into a panic and he began losing his balance. To my advantage, he tumbled and landed down flat on his back. I was now more energized because I realized I could actually defeat my opponent. I came down on him and started raining heavy blows on him.


Look Beyond the Storm At that moment a man passing by found me badly squashing him on the ground with thunderstorm blows that were disfiguring his entire face as he whimpered for mercy from me. The man asked what the problem was and I told him to leave me to settle the score with the guy. Then I heard him begin to plead with me to spare him just as I had always done. At the end, I got up and warned him seriously never to mess with me again. The next morning I found him in the playground and teased him as I challenged him for a fight. All our classmates could not believe as they saw him back off in fear! They were used to him teasing and beating me up all the time. Since then I understood that the will to fight and win any battle lies on the inside of me. All along, I could actually beat up this boy. But you see, I had always looked at his body structure and thought he was definitely much stronger than me. It is until I decided to way-lay my betters that I discovered my potential despite my tiny body. If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. We can experience defeat at certain times in our Christian walk, and every one of us has experienced such times and has learned from them. The Apostle Peter would certainly not be described as victorious when he denied the Lord three times, but his lapse of faith was not permanent and later he boldly confessed Christ before thousands on the day of Pentecost. If you were to take a snapshot of Peter denying his Lord, you might conclude that Peter was a defeated Christian. If you were to take a video of Peter’s entire Christian life, you would conclude that Peter was an Over-Comer! His denial of Christ was an aberration, not the norm.


No Time To Die “He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name in the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels… Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name… To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am seated down with my Father in His throne.” (Revelation 2 and 3)

Turn the Pain into Gain Not to beat a dead horse here, but perhaps there is no better example of a person on earth who suffered more tragically than Job, a man in ancient times who had been a very prosperous landowner and farmer. According to the record, “He was the greatest man among all the people of the East.” For no apparent reason, repeated tragedies struck him. First he lost all of his eleven thousand heads of livestock. Then his many servants were either captured or killed. Next, his seven sons and three daughters were all killed in a severe storm. And as if these were not enough to make any person bitter about life and angry at God, Job then suffered a terrible case of boils, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Job had been a God-fearing person and had lived an honest life. He had no idea why so much had gone wrong. He was so destitute that his wife suggested he curses God and die. But Job’s attitude was, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” And about God he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”


Look Beyond the Storm Although Job wasn’t aware of it, God was allowing him to be tested to see if he could trust him even in the midst of extremely adverse circumstances. Job passed the test with flying colors. Not only did he continue to trust God after he lost everything, but he also prayed for his close friends, who misjudged and condemned him when he was down. God greatly honored Job for his trust. “And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends; and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before... and blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.” After a trial, there is always a temptation to lay down the weapons of war and resign to failure. But at that moment, when God has met you at your point of need, is the perfect timing for you to rise higher than your stakes. God never promised a life in the world without storms, fires, trials, pains, but He promised to be with us through it. That’s an assurance that we won’t die amid the storms. Many times, opportunities come clothed in pains. But if maximized well can be the step up to higher levels in our lives. If you are going through a storm or a trial in your life, try looking at the life of one of America’s famous presidents, Abraham Lincoln. As a young man, Abraham Lincoln went to war as captain and returned a private. Afterwards, he was a failure as a businessman. As a lawyer in Springfield, he was too impractical and temperamental to be a success. He turned to politics and was defeated in his first try for the legislature, again defeated in his first attempt to be nominated for congress, defeated in his application to be commissioner of the General Land Office, defeated in the senatorial election of 1854, defeated in his efforts for the vice-presidency in 1856, and defeated in the senatorial election of 1858. In Africa, we have a saying that goes; ‘by trying often, the monkey learns to jump from the tree.’


No Time To Die At about that time, he wrote in a letter to a friend, “I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth.” And if you know anything about American history, you know Abraham Lincoln is not known for his failure in politics. He’s instead known for his determination and his, ‘Four score and seven years ago, Our Father brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…’ speech. He’s learned to jump from the tree victoriously. What happens when you feel completely lost and dejected? Most of us turn around and retreat from our path. But, those who continue to walk on the trouble-filled path finally meet victory, maybe even save an entire nation from slavery. I charge you to develop a character of searching a way of turning your pains into gains.

Man in Suit, the Pool of Crocodiles A wealthy man organized a cocktail party that took place around his swimming pool at the compound of his elegant house and invited his friends and well-wishers to attend the party that evening. The rich man had placed a number of hungry crocodiles, desperate for meat, in the swimming pool. The invitation had not disclosed the reason for the party. When everyone had come that evening – it was already dark. Amidst the interactive exciting cocktail party, the rich man took over the floor to make his guests feel welcome. He then ordered his servants to switch on the lights, and told all the guests to go and stand around the swimming pool. To their


Look Beyond the Storm surprise, they saw a number of crocodiles that seemed too hungry, floating and panting at them from the surface of the waters. The rich man continued, and told them the reason why he had invited all of them for the cocktail party. He said he had invited them for a competition. And the competition was for anyone who dares to jump into the swimming pool, with its hungry crocodiles, and swim through the pool lengthwise to the other end. Whoever makes it out of the swimming pool alive, wins themselves either his daughter for marriage, or half of his wealth. Before the other guests had realized it, a man in a suit jumped into the swimming pool; the crocodiles became alert and immediately attacked him. He rapidly swam across the swimming pool with the crocodiles steadily and speedily following him. Just as the crocodiles were about to grab him by the legs, he successfully jumped out of the swimming pool at the finishing line. The excited guests were chanting with songs praising the victorious man. The hosting rich man was so surprised. He never imagined someone would dare the competition or make it through the many hungry crocodiles in the swimming pool. Anyhow, he called over the successful man (still wearing his wet suit) to the platform, and asked him, “Between the hand of my daughter in marriage and half of my wealth, what should I give to you?” The successful man responded saying, “Neither, but only give or show me the person who pushed me into the swimming pool to be eaten by the crocodiles.” Of course one would say, they would forget about who pushed them into the pool, and win themselves either a rich man’s daughter for marriage or half of the rich man’s fortune.


No Time To Die One interesting fact I notice is that no matter who pushed him into the pool to be eaten by the crocodiles, he didn’t look back. He had to solve the immediate problem before him. In other words, he looked into how to handle the situation, not crying foul over those who pushed him. He got focused on finding his way towards the finishing line. Interestingly, this man just like any other had showed up for the party without any plans of swimming (especially in his suit) through a pool full of hungry and angry beasts. As he casually interacted with other guests, probably sipping a drink, he had no idea what kind of ability and potential was inside of him. There was nothing much that could distinguish him from the other visitors. But when he was thrust into the pool, it was time to prove he was much more than a casual visitor at party. There are no alert signals for trials in life. If there were, one would take all the necessary precautions in preparation for the tragedy. You just have to be ready and know that at whatever time tragedy strikes, you are a match. I believe strongly that if this man knew he was going to be pushed into the pool and potentially eaten by the crocodiles, he would have stood far from the pool or may have even left the party. But when he finds himself amid great danger, he had to devise means of survival. If you focus on the storm without looking beyond it, you can die in that very storm. I really doubt whether this man had ever been in any swimming competition. But when he had to swim against crocodiles, he became a champion. Truthfully, what makes this hero of ours a champion is the fact that he was not competing with fellow humans but with water creatures which use swimming as a means of survival. The reason why this man outlived his trial is because he believed it was not his time to die. He had not come to this evening party to die but to enjoy life. Within this man must


Look Beyond the Storm have been the belief that he had to make it to the other side of the pool because his dreams and future still lay ahead of him. It is very dangerous for anyone to live without a dream. It is the hope of realizing our dreams that keeps us going through the thick and thin. If no one had pushed this man into the pool of challenge, he could not have jumped into the swimming pool to show his brave heart and, champion ability. He too would never know his hidden potential. If you’re going to make it, you must be willing to pay a higher price than your opponent. If you believe it’s too difficult, it will be but if you believe it’s possible and want it to be, you need to believe it. Use incredible thoughts to manifest an incredible life because your life will be more influenced by your thoughts. If you have a target or an ambition, don’t just think of it, or wish for it; jump in it, go for it and never look back! Remember everyone has an idea, but only those who implement it make a difference. Like most people in Africa, I was faced with the intense challenge of poverty in my life. As a young boy, I had to discover my hidden potential of making enough money to eat and go to school. This challenge at a young age not only taught me how to look beyond my poverty, but left me with skills and ideas for making money in my future. I humbly came from the outskirts of one of the poorest villages in one of the poorest nations of the world, yet God allowed me to become a successful young businessman and minister, putting myself through school and starting a ministry. I’m not only stronger because of it; but it has also greatly impacted my testimony. Now, as an international speaker, I look back on my days in the slums and on the streets of Kampala as my


No Time To Die training ground, it is my swimming pool story and every obstacle is my crocodile. There are no classes for beginners in life: right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult. When our Lord Jesus Christ was going through the pain of the cross, the shame and the entire burden of the sin of man weighing heavily upon Him, He looked ahead and the glory awaiting him on earth and in heaven. He also imagined how all men and women would be set free from the chains of the devil and given eternal life, and he knew he had to endure to the very end of the storm. Then, Jesus persevered until He conquered and became victorious despite His pain. Had he focused on His battered body, His shame, the guilt upon Him, His near death and the grave awaiting Him with all the betrayals He had gone through, as a human being He would have lost His divine purpose. Many people today cry foul over those who cause them failure, or panic and look backwards when faced with the challenge ahead, instead of finding an immediate solution or finding out how to handle the challenge in front of them. Stop living in your past; let your past be an opportunity and stepping stone to your victory.

A Night in the Grave A story is told of a certain man who always passed through a graveyard for ease on his way back home. Through this limbo (graveyard) was a short-cut which linked him to the road back home. He always used to trespass through the graveyard to get home faster. One particular night, while on his way back


Look Beyond the Storm home, as it was his routine, he branched off through the graveyard. Along his path there were several unfinished graves under construction. The only way he would go through was to jump over each one of them. After jumping over three of them, he accidentally missed out on the next one and fell deep down in it. He tried to help himself out by jumping out of the grave but failed. He tried again and again, but all was in vain. Then it occurred to him that if he called out for help, shouting on top of his voice, someone might hear him and come to his rescue. But he posed for a moment; and thought to himself, “who would come to lend help in the dark to a voice calling out from the graveyard?� If anyone could hear him callout for help, am sure they would change direction and go away or run for their lives! When all hope of getting out of the pit was lost, gripped with overwhelming fear, he was forced to unwillingly make bed in the pit and painfully wait for dawn or next day and probably find assistance by then. About an hour later, another man, who was also accustomed to trespassing through the graveyard using the same path, came jumping over the unfinished graves just like the first man had done. As he jumped over the grave which the first one had fallen into, he didn’t make it over the next one and he too fell into it. The first man realized that his colleague, who had just jumped over him, had fallen in the next pit. He kept silent for some time well knowing what his colleague in the next pit was going through. He heard him try with all his might to jump out of the grave until he absolutely failed. He too decided to wait for morning to come as he rested in the pit (ignorant of the presence of another man who had fallen in the grave earlier before him), when the first man realized that his


No Time To Die friend had given up on trying to jump out of the grave and had decided to rest, he decided to open up a conversation with an inquiry, “Hey man, have you also failed to help yourself out of the grave?� On hearing the voice of one, in the next grave, who hadn’t even introduced himself, but had an inquiry, he was certain that the dead were opening a conversation with him. Then he knew that he would never go through the night alive. With one single leap, he made it out of the grave and fled home for his life. The fact is that the second man had accepted and believed that he could not make it out of the pit. He resigned himself to waiting till the next morning. He did not know that God had created within him an ability to enable him to jump out of such a deep pit. When there came a possibility of another challenge (that a dead man was speaking to him) mocking his failure to make it out of the grave, he released his hidden potential and ability and jumped out of the grave he had failed to jump out of, leaving the first man to spend the whole night alone in the graveyard with the already buried. With every challenge before you, God provides grace and ability to either overcome or go through it. Sometimes, your storm can be so severe that it will push you as far as your grave. But if you keep trying, you will never be grounded in the grave. The mere fact that you failed the other time should not be a point of discouragement. Always imagine yourself out of the pit and on the other side of victory and you will find that within you there is still the strength to overcome. Whenever one is in a valley, their next step is the mountain top. So keep on keeping on until you are out of that situation.


Look Beyond the Storm Big Boy Cries in our Exam Room In my life, I have worked and associated with various people and there is a common element I have noted about humanity. Hard times, trials, storms, and pressure moments often push people into tight corners and they end-up releasing the best potentials and abilities that have unknowingly been hidden within them. When one is living a luxurious life or in their comfort zone, they are never pushed to think hard or work hard for anything. So they will just lie low and simply live. When I was at the University, I used to see fellow students run around the entire campus during the examination period. It was a time of testing and so everyone was on pressure and afraid of failure especially those who never took time for early preparation. This is when you would see people reading through the day and the night, thinking of all possible ways of excelling through the trying season. One particular incident amazed me but also taught me a lot about trying moments. During the end of my high school, we sat for a particular examination paper. This was a very vital paper for it determined one’s qualification into the university. So the day finally came and everyone was ready for the test. We were seated in a big hall as the invigilators did their work of supervision. At the beginning of the paper, each of us was given a question paper and we were told to start. There was total silence as everyone began reading and trying to pick out which questions to attempt. I had prepared so well for the paper and was also certain of passing this paper. However, all the questions proved tougher than I thought. For some time, I sat pondering on what questions I could attempt but to no avail. I realized among the four


No Time To Die questions I had selected from the exam, I could hardly do any of the questions satisfactorily. This meant failure. Then all of a sudden, I heard someone from behind the exam room, release a terrible scream. He started wailing and lamenting about the toughness of the paper and how he had failed to attempt any. Everyone turned and looked at the young man weeping and the entire hall burst into laughter. The instructors called everyone to order and ensured silence. I then realized that everyone was being tried by this examination paper. It was not only me having it rough. Then I gathered myself and decided I was going to concentrate and do everything possible to excel. I was challenged to believe that I could make it. I attempted my four questions to the best of my ability. Amazingly, when we received the results, it was one of my best exams with a distinction one pass, that way I made it to the university. Never be afraid of confronting your storm. Just give it your best shot and you will be amazed at what you can do. In the time of trial, do your best and the results may surprise you as well as others.

Built for the Storms There are two kinds of ships. One is built for leisure and the other built strong enough to survive storms. While the ship built to stand storms can work for both leisure time and the stormy times, the leisure ship can’t survive the storm. Note that both ships face the storms but the difference is in the material that made each of them. No one is born an over comer; you just have to build yourself with the right material to become one. Through facing various hardships in life, we have seen champions merge out of life.


Look Beyond the Storm I said I shall not die, for I was built not to die in the storm, but to outlive it. Many people see an end to their lives whenever storms, troubles come into their lives. I remember flying aboard on US Airways from Chicago to Denver, Colorado during a stormy season. I was heading to Steamboat Springs, Colorado through Hayden Airport and my flight from Denver to Hayden was cancelled due to the stormy winds and more snow than any African can imagine! But as we flew into Denver, the winds were quite intense that the plane swayed from side to side. It was a real ice storm. Passengers were crying out, and this alerted me to the situation and I also became a little frightened. But then I knew it was not my time to die no matter what happened. The passenger seated next to me held the chair in front of him so tightly, getting ready for the crash. My heart calmed as I placed the situation into the Lord’s hand, who else can help us from such a crash? Colorado ended up being the most beautiful place I had traveled in America -- the challenge was worth the storm.

Palm Tree Lesson Each one of us can be built to outlast every storm that comes our way. We just have to set our minds to surviving every challenge as winners. Let us take a moment and think about the palm tree; the palm tree is found on river banks or on sea shores. This tree is very amazing. It is never broken down by any sea wave or storm. It grows in such a way that the biggest and strongest part of its stem is anchored deep down in the ground. The softer upper part of this tree is all we see, while the stem and the roots are established so firmly in the ground for it to be able to stand any kind of winds that hit to and from the sea. During a storm, when you stand along the sea and watch this tree swaying in all directions, you cannot imagine that it will


remain standing after the storm. You may be convinced that this palm tree will go down with the storm. But because it has its roots firmly established in the ground, it will still be there when the storm is long gone. This is the kind of material we need to be made of. When we have firmly built our character for the storms of life, we shall only bend but will not be broken. And when the storm is over, we simply move on victoriously.

Don’t Die in the Storm In Luke 8:22-25, before Jesus and the disciples sailed across Lake Galilee; he told the disciples that they were sailing yonder. His destiny was across the Galilee Sea. He even fell asleep on the boat with surety of crossing over no matter what. As He slept, a squall or storm came down on the lake and swamped the boat and they were in danger. The disciples were too frightened they had forgotten what their master had told them, they were to go across. The raging storm convinced them that they would drown and die and they wouldn’t reach their destination. They woke him up crying, “Master, master, we’re going to drown?” Jesus woke up and rebuked them for their little faith. Remember the great exodus; the very reason why some of the children of Israel failed to reach the Promised Land from their captivity in Egypt, and ended up dying there. They focused or put their eyes on the situation they were going through right then and forgot the whole huge package of God’s promise (the land that flows with milk and honey). The challenges they faced brought an end to their lives. It wasn’t God’s intention for them to die on the way. Storms are snares the devil lays before us to de-focus us and hinder us from reaching our destinies. Many people don’t reach their destiny not because they don’t have what it takes to get


there, but just because they focus their eyes on the present storm. When you get to know you are meant to reach your destiny, the storms at present will never de-focus you or bring an end to you, because your breath is built to outlive the storm, you will definitely reach your destiny. When afflictions set in to weigh you down burdensomely like the waves of the sea float over a sinking ship, remember there is a God who hears our cry each time we call on Him. He will never leave nor forsake us no matter what we are going through, where we are, or what we have done. He is always ready to rescue us and take us across the sea of afflictions. There is no single trial that God does not know about. That is why we can completely trust him to stand and see us through every circumstance. The reason Jesus Christ endured pain and shame on the cross is so you and I will have a Victorious life as his followers. When he is in the boat, it does not matter how the boat wavers, he will surely calm the storm and we shall be able to arrive on the other side of the shore.





Conclusion In this world, there are many bad things that happen to us. We face Challenges, trials, storms and a lot of uncertainties. People live in insecurity in every area of their lives. In my book, I hope you have been able to see God’s hand, and give Him even more of your life. With God’s sole protection, you will emerge from the storms as an Over-Comer. People spend almost their entire lives trying to make life better and securing a happy life. However, according to my young experience, the worst thing that can happen to anyone in this world and after is to die in disbelief. I consider this to be the worst tragedy that can befall any soul. We have heard of tragedies that have left us too shocked like the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, plane calamities, the Tsunami and other natural disasters and wars that have threatened to erase the human race. These, however, cannot be compared to a soul that dies in disbelief because such a soul is eternally doomed. It is quite useless for one to strive so hard in this life to become a great achiever only to perish in the life after as a total loser. The only true and everlasting security is in accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior so that we are eternally secure. It profits one nothing to gain the entire world and be master of it only to lose their souls to eternal damnation. I am quite aware of people who do not believe in God. To them, the existence of God is just a fanatical myth that lacks authenticity. I do, however, want to pose a few questions: Who recharges the sun after it burns and heats and fuels the earth through the day and who orders it to rise from the East to the West every day? Who orders the moon to give light during the night? Who tells the waters how far they can go and the hills and mountains to stay within their demarcations?. Who established the sky blanket that holds the magnificent innumerable stars? Why is it that birds in the air have two eyes, one nose,


No Time To Die two ears and one mouth, as well as the beasts of the land and as well as the fish in the waters? Could there be a creator somewhere? Could the mastermind behind these creatures be the same, with a similar art and design system? Who gave man breath and when it is time to die; no man has power to retain it? If science or our advanced super technology is still not able to satisfactorily answer such questions, then we must accept that there is a superior being behind all these mysteries that is above all our understanding! His Excellence Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the republic of Uganda, once stated that if science still does not believe in miracles, then science is not developed enough. Surely there must be a God who created all things with all perfection and in Him lays all answers to all mysteries. He has the ability of doing miracles amidst His creation. All He requires of you is just to believe in Him. My intention is that as you read my book, you became positive about the storm in your life, finding a way out of it. There is always a way out of every pit as long as we have trusted God to see us through. With a positive mind-set, this is how we should see storms and trials in this life: There’s a story that’s told of a mule who fell into a very long ditch. When his owner came, he did all he could to get the animal out of the ditch but failed. So he decided to simply bury the mule in the pit by pouring dirt on him. The mule got hysterical at first until he got an idea; just shake it off and step on it! Finally the mule got out of the ditch by stepping on the dirt. I have lived to appreciate every storm in my life, because it’s been my stepping stone in an upward direction. If the mule thought, ‘No Time to Die’, then why not me on the day of my storm? Once again, say, ‘No Time to Die’ amid the storm. It shall be over and I will see the sun rise again, God is my strong tower and refuge!


Bibliography Used with permission from the Activated Magazine - The Hiroshima Miracle - Activated Vol. 2, Issue 12 (www.activated. org) - & Christian Heroes by Dave and Neta Jackson & - Idi Amin Killer File ( amin) & John H. Armstrong, The Persecuted Church (http:// ) - Surviving the Storm by Mike Frazier & the Tsunami Miracle ( - Newspaper Accident Photos - The New Vision ( & Monitor Newspaper (



Contact To book a speaking engagement or contact the author: Godfrey Mawa Commission International, Inc. P. O. Box 25311, Kampala – Uganda East Africa Or Call: Office: + (256) 312 273 750 Website: Or email him at; We’d also love to know your testimony or any help you may have received from this book when you write us. Your prayer requests are welcome.



Time is Out! From the beginning, God made a covenant with different generations concerning his promises. However, the most prominent covenant of all time that God has made with his creation is giving his only beloved son. All people have fallen short of the glory of God. But through His son all have been given eternal life. That all those who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This covenant shelters us from eternal death and gives us the assurance of life forever. Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior does not cost anything, but will give you eternal life, joy, fulfillment, and peace that surpass all human understanding. Nothing compares to the knowledge of an assurance of eternal existence across this bridge of life on earth. Today is salvation but tomorrow is judgment, no time to procrastinate; here is an opportunity for you to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and to begin a relationship with Him who will usher you into eternal life.

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I believe you died for me on the cross and shed Your blood for my salvation. I believe you rose from the dead and ascended on high. I believe You are coming back again to earth. I am a sinner. Forgive my sin. Come into my heart. Save my soul. I give you my life. I receive You now as my Savior, my Lord, and my God. Amen!






TESTIMONY INSPIRATION PROTECTION OUTLIVE YOUR STORMS Everyone goes through storms in this life, brought about by personal decisions while others are thrust upon us by unavoidable circumstances. The storm however is not what defines us. The way we battle in the storm and how we come out on the other side is our defining moment. Shall you die amid or survive the trying times?

ALSO IN THIS BOOK: Amazing and Inspiring Stories

Securing God’s Protection

Turning your Pain into Gain

The Bleeding Leader

How to React to Trying Times Godfrey Mawa is an evangelist, motivational speaker and has spoken in many conferences internationally; he’s an author and broadcaster. He is the founding director of Commission International; a non-profit mission organization involved in evangelization, leadership building, helping those affected by war, AIDS, poverty, among others. He’s also an entrepreneur with Matrix Financial Solutions, Inc. based in Uganda. He survived several near-death experiences and not a long time ago he miraculously walked out alive from the horrific pile of 60 dead bodies and in this book he tells it all!

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