Wellbeing Magazine Digital Media Kit 2012

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For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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magazine What’s Inside Wellbeing Magazine, launched in 2006 offers advice and information on wellbeing, health, food, fitness, the home and working environment.

Wellbeing Magazine offers tried and tested features, reviews, case studies and unbiased articles for our readers. Written by passionate experts in their field, our contributors offer valuable advice to our readers.

Rachel Branson Editor

Wellbeing is about prevention rather than cure, offering simple lifestyle advice to help our readers make informed choices for themselves and their family.

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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audience Our Reader

Why Digital?

We appeal to both men and women, young and old.

We have always believed in educatiing

From attendance at our regular reader events and our

our readers, convertiing those who

sign up to websites we know our main readers are

traditionally would not be interested

aged between 30 and 65, are predominantly women

in health and wellbeing. By offering

and have an interest in looking after their health and

articles online and in a digital format

wellbeing through nutrition, food, therapies and fitness.

we can reach more people

Many of our readers / visitors are looking for alternative

nationally and encouraged

ways to take responsibility for their health decisions.

those who would not

Some of our readers have been diagnosed with an illness

normally purchase a health

and are looking for products and lifestyle choices to work

magazine to access free

alongside or inplace of allopathic medicine.

articles and start to live a

Through our search facility on the website and in the digital

health and happy life.

magazine they are able to find wht they are looking for.

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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what’s inside interviews

features Easy to read articles in a digital format, pages can be downloaded to devices or printed out for those who still like to read from paper.

Searchable content, with a link to the digital edition and an option to share the content with social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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readership health Readership

Our digital magazine is promoted to our growing database as well as through google, facebook, twitter and throughout the South East through targetted campaigns. Our google analytics are available and are constantly updated as the numbers grow. We currently have just over 5,000 visitors a month and a database of over 10,000 visitors who have signed up for a regular newsletter.

Readership - 60,000* & 120,000 through our newsletter Our magazines and articles are available as a digital magazine and downloadable PDF adding an additional 5,000* readers a month. (*average taken over 3 months from Jan 11 - March 11 Google Analytics) and as all our article are kept and archived over the course of a year you have the potential to reach over 60,000 visitors through articles, competitions, reader offers and promotions and 120,000 a year through our monthly newsletters to our signed up members. www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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why digital? w o r g o t l o o k i ng e s s? n i s u b r yo u

It’s not easy at the best of times, but with the right support and tools you can do it! That’s why Wellbeing Magazine offers a digital platforms to help you get your message across and gain new customers. Over the last few years we have been perfecting our website and social media networks enabling us to target your message to those who are actively seeking information, solutions and ideas.

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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digital rates To make it simple we offer a straight forward digital package:1. Six articles and six quarter page adverts (one an issue), the article can be a case study, information about your business, therapy or product, the article can be any length and include images and video. We then add key search words and promote the article in the digital version and through social media and newsletters. We add links from your adverts to your editorial. (see digital version as an example) 2. A contributor profile with your photos and details of your business with links to your website. 3. Six competitions and six reader offers. This enables you to capture data giving you fresh leads for your business. The great thing about digital is that we can capture statistics and give you reports so that you can track your response. We think digital is the key to growing your business and for only ÂŁ250.00 a year we also think this is excellent value for money.

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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websites Twitter

Digital Magazine


Since our launch in 2006 our magazines have always been available as a digital version and as a downloadable PDF. All articles are archived giving our readers a library of information to access when ever they need it. We also promote articles through social media and each month we email our readers a newsletter highlighting articles, promotions and competitions from our magazine, giving the advertiser added value.

Postcards Sponsor the postcards and have your logo and message on the postcards delivered to 10,000 homes and also have your message and logo on the website for that month. ÂŁ265.00

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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other ideas Database Access


Each month we produce a newsletter which is emailed to

We can review your products and company

our readers and members we have a few opportunities for

for our Review or Tried and Tested features.

companies to be featured on the newsletter which will link

Send your product in for consideration or we

through to your information on our website. So if you have a

can come and try your treatments or services.

new product, special offer or are organising a promotion why

There is no charge for this service but will be

not utilise our database of readers.

considered on receipt of goods or invitation to review your business.

Main Sponsor - ÂŁ250 3 x small sponsors - ÂŁ100 each




All adverts and articles will remain on the website giving you

Sponsor our events by supplying products and samples for the goody bags,

daily coverage that is searchable and actively promoted.

we hold regular social events, film nights and exhibitions. wellbeingevents.co.uk

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com


the team HEAD OFFICE

Rachel Branson Editor Tel: 0800 881 5375 rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

2 The Hall, Turners Green Road Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6TR Tel: 0800 881 5375

Hannah Rosalie Publisher hannah@wellbeingmagazine.com


Richard Branson Website richard@wellbeingmagazine.com

www.wellbeingdirectory.co.uk www.wellbeingevents.co.uk

Associate Travel Editors Frances Barnes & Nick Hordern Regular Contributors Kate Arnold Cheryl Hersey Pat Crawford Charlotte Watts Accounts Department Mark Bennett

For all advertising please contact us on 0800 881 5375 - sales@wellbeingmagazine.com

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