Wellbeing Magazine January 2014

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Try Something new

Ice climbing Detox Spa Breaks


Call the Midwife


Anti ageing


New Launch to UK + 25% off p.25

MICHAEL NEILL Coaches in Tunbridge Wells

nutrition FODMAP DIET?

Pick up your free copy www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk January 2014



EDITOR’S WORD www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk Welcome to

2014, as I put this magazine to bed

we are still in 2013 and only a few days away from Christmas, however my expectations for 2014 are

positive. I feel everyones excitement for a positive and prosperous year. The challenges of the past few years have seen people finding new ways to incease their

incomes, perhaps starting

a new business or turning a hobby into cash. As the

Kate is our resident nutritionist who shares her insights and knowledge

ZITA WEST Midwife to many an A-lister, and author.

LEILANI MITCHELL Leilani is a qualified counsellor and a UKCP registered psychotherapist and runs a private counselling and psychotherapy practice

dust starts to settle this year should see everyone’s hard work pay off and

blossom. As always we

have lots of thought provoking articles and we hope

perhaps booking tickets to see Michael Neill! (p.28).

HEAD OFFICE Haywood Media 2 The Hall, Turners Green Road Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6TR Tel: 0800 881 5375 www.haywoodmedia.co.uk

Rachel Branson

PUBLISHER Lesley Hallows lesley@wellbeingmagazine.com

these help to

inspire you to try something new,

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept liability to any party loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We are unable to check claims made by advertisers are legal and truthful and that all products and services are safe, Wellbeing does not accept any liability in relation to advertisements placed. © Wellbeing Magazine 2013 Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

EDITOR Rachel Branson rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com WEB DEVELOPER Richard Branson Website richard@wellbeingmagazine.com ASSOCIATE TRAVEL EDITORS Frances Barnes & Nick Hordern


Award winning healthcare provider announces purchase of Seaford Day Hospital Horder Healthcare, the award winning independent healthcare charity that runs The Horder Centre, Crowborough and Horder Healthcare, Eastbourne has purchased Seaford Day Hospital. Planning to open in Spring 2014, the organisation intends to fully refurbish the building and invest in brand new patient facilities for the community, offering consultant led orthopaedic and musculoskeletal (MSK) services, including physiotherapy, with ambitions to also provide diagnostic services such as X-ray. Founded in 1954, the independent charity is recognised for its excellent patient outcomes in orthopaedic surgery and high standards of patient care. The purchase of Seaford Day Hospital will enable the charity to offer their high quality service to more patients within the community, providing services closer to their homes. Di Thomas, Chief Executive of Horder Healthcare said: “We are delighted to be opening a new healthcare facility in Seaford and in the new year look forward to talking to local people to determine local needs, ensuring that our new facility is a real contribution to the community.� The Horder Centre, part of Horder Healthcare, was recently reported in the leading health care publication Laing’s Healthcare Market News as consistently achieving well above the national average for hip operation outcomes. Horder Healthcare works with leading Orthopaedic Consultants and MSK Specialists covering a wide range of fields from their locations in Crowborough, Tunbridge Wells, Horley, Eastbourne, Heathfield and Pulborough. These services include Orthopaedic surgery, Rheumatology, Pain management, Extended Scope Physiotherapy, Neurology, Osteopathy, Audiology and Diagnostics. The organisation also offers complimentary therapies and services including fitness classes, Pilates, yoga, reflexology and aromatherapy as well as working with leading health and wellbeing experts, journalists and dieticians to ensure an extensive range of health information is available to all via their website. For more information about Horder Healthcare please visit hordercentre.co.uk.

what’s inside


FEATURES TRAVEL 18. ICE PICKS AT THE READY Ice climbing is fast growing in popularity there’s even an ice wall in London’s Covent Garden! EVENTS 28.MICHAEL NEILL SUPERCOACH Wellbeing Magazine is excited to announce that we will be hosting Michael Neill as our speaker on February 26th 2014 starting 7pm The Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells






Hello and Happy New 2014 to everyone! I hope this finds you well, and looking forward to the year ahead. For many people the end of one year can be filled with high hopes and aspirations for the next, and mindful resolutions starting to take shape in readiness for action once the midnight chimes have welcomed in January 1st. However, often we come back down to earth with a bump once the new year is under way, and can feel a bit lost, find enthusiasm waning, and realise that the work we need to do in order to bring about our desired changes is not quite so appealing! It’s at this point that we may simply give up, stay stuck in old unhelpful ways, feel despondent, and perhaps that we’ve failed. At times like these it might be helpful to remember that you don’t have to go it alone - that there is a world of information and help you can tap into if you want. Some of the guidance and support you seek you may just find in the pages of this publication. I hope you enjoy this read, and that it helps point your life in the direction you want it to go. Until next time, wishing you all the good things you wish for yourselves.




The philosophy of this project is to make healing therapies, readily available, affordable and accessible to far more people. It is significant that we have chosen to open at the beginning of the year as it is a time when people assess their lives and make resolutions to invest in their wellbeing at all levels. We will be offering affordable work from 4 amazing therapists who have a wealth of experience, and will be providing a safe and caring environment for treatments at St Peter’s Church Hall, Shoreham by Sea. There is onsite parking and the hall has wheelchair access and disabled toilet facilities. Mary is the lead practitioner and will be answering all of your enquiries and helping you to make appointments. Mary has been a reflexology practitioner for 17 years and is able to offer hand and foot reflexology. She draws on a wealth of life experience and has a deep understanding of Aspergers Syndrome and A.D.H.D. She has personal insight into the role of carers, and the extra stress that being in the role of carer carries. Mary has worked with many clients over the years, with a variety of issues including muscular and joint problems, PMT, menopause, arthritis, cancer, circulation



The Human Touch Affordable Therapies For All problems, respiratory problems, digestive problems and emotional issues such as anxiety, stress and bereavement. With her wealth of experience and skills she has been able to help women at pre-conception, and to go into labour, and has supported women who have had a miscarriage or a still birth. After reflexology, clients feedback that they feel deeply relaxed and that they sleep very well following the treatment. They also report that they have an increase in motivation, an alleviation of physical pain, a decrease in stress and anxiety and a calmer state of mind. Contact Mary on 07796 518667 Sophie Joseph is an experienced Aromatherapist and Shiatsu Practitioner who has been providing her treatments to a wide client profile since 1998. She has a particular interest and experience in the area of mental health and well-being and specialises in the therapeutic use of plant essential oils. Sophie will be

offering Shiatsu, which is a full body, clothed treatment, based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Shiatsu helps to release physical and emotional tensions. She will also be providing Natural Face Lift massage, using her Essential Blends natural skincare range Contact Sophie on 07900 260533 Graham Burton’s own personal growth journey has continuously developed over the last 20 years. Initially he completed a degree in Psychology and has researched extensively in the areas of nutrition, digestion, somatic bodywork, and spirituality. Having recently completed short courses in counselling, psychosynthesis, mental health, and mindfulness based cognitive therapy, and is deeply committed to the powerfully regenerative practice of mindfulness. This is a new adventure for Graham to work holistically with the general public and he will bring a wealth of knowledge to the therapists table. Graham will be offering life coaching

through which he looks forward to facilitating the transformation his clients most desire. Contact Graham on 07881 497968 Bob Sheppard is an Animal Healer, Reiki, and Angel Reiki practitioner. As animals have no pre-conceived ideas about healing, they just enjoy the experience and soak up the positive energy. When working with people Bob usually works with a combination of Angel Reiki and Energetic Healing. Passing on healing in this way not only increases the amount of energy, it helps the client to relax to an even deeper state thereby making the healing experience that much stronger. Whether working with people or animals, healing has a positive effect. The relaxation felt helps the body and spirit to heal, reduces pain, and helps the mind have a positive outlook to the problem. Therefore it enables a quicker response and outcome, and is a support to any medical therapy, including medication, surgery, or physiotherapy for example. Contact Bob on 07733 122195



NEWS STICKING TO YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS! The New Year is a great time to make positive changes in your life. A time to give up smoking or maybe even lose some of the weight we all seem to put on over the festive season, and a time to make those changes a more enjoyable part of our lives. Modern Hypnotherapy has a proven track record for helping people achieve their New Year Resolutions and this is often achieved by introducing a more positive way of thinking. The way we think certainly has an effect on the way we perform. We all know that when we feel more motivated we also feel more confident, and when we feel more confident we’re more likely to achieve the goals we set ourselves, and there’s the added benefit of feeling happier and more valued as a result. You can achieve your goals! Most of us want to achieve or change something in our life and modern hypnotherapy and the new Personal Life Therapy techniques can help you take that first step in the right direction by helping you to visualise the long term benefits and giving you the confidence to help you succeed. Support Success comes with feeling more motivated and confident and this principle is used to help our clients achieve their goals, with our support and encouragement provided along the way. And it doesn’t stop there. Over the next few months we’re introducing the new Personal Life Therapy Plan TM - a unique opportunity to help you make a real positive difference to your life. Your New Year Resolution starts here - call 01323 762844 today! www.eastbourne-hypnotherapy.co.uk


TIME TO TAKE ACTION AND HELP YOUR CHILDREN In the last few years, children and young people find themselves under more and more pressure with education, sport and hectic social lives. Whilst being given the practical skills to work through these, very few children are given the tools and knowhow to look after their bodies in a holistic way. That is why I have developed this service to meet those demands. An hour’s session includes massage, crystal healing, essences and self-help techniques. The massage and crystal healing allows each individual to see and feel for themselves the true nature of relaxation, whilst also learning about their muscular and skeletal system and how to incorporate these skills into everyday life with a view to reducing stress, pressure and injuries. Not only will this treatment help with the here and now, it will also benefit any child or young person making the transition into adulthood in knowing when they need to take time out, talk to their family, or seek professional help rather than allowing stress and tension to build up. This type of treatment can be used at any juncture of a person’s life and has been particularly successful with young people undergoing exams and physical challenges. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries. Parents will be asked to stay with the young person if they are aged under 16 years.

Elizabeth Peterken - 07751 833320 EnergyWorks, Waldron, TN21 0QU www.energyworks-waldron.co.uk


Dog Walker’s Shoulder! by Will Wheen Not sure if this is a recognised syndrome yet - though I’m beginning to think it should be! If you walk a dog who likes to retrieve a ball - over and over again - it is likely that you are doing a lot more throwing than the average person. Even if you use one of those bendy ball-throwing devices you may still be over-using particular muscles in the upper arm and shoulder which could develop into a painful and chronic condition. I have treated several people in recent weeks with exactly this problem which prompted me to want to raise people’s awareness of this particular dog-walking hazard. You may be experiencing arm or shoulder pain and not even have linked it to this particular cause. The muscles that are probably being over-used are the ones which forcibly bring the raised arm and wrist forwards and downwards. If you are experiencing arm or shoulder pain try pressing quite firmly into your upper chest area on the painful side, just below the collar bone and note if there is particular tenderness there. Also press into the side of your ribcage a couple of inches below your armpit, using the opposite hand, and see if that is also a tender area. Other painful areas may be anywhere around the shoulderblade, upper arm, elbow or wrist. Try changing the way you play ball with the dog - throw under-arm, use the other arm for a while, kick the ball or just don’t bring the ball with you (though that may not be an option!) If you’re gadget-minded there are mechanically powered devices on the market that will do the ball-throwing for you, however lugging one of those to a suitable patch of open ground may do you just as much damage! Whatever you do, don’t just ignore the problem. If it doesn’t start to

get better by itself, in spite of your preventive measures, there is a risk that it could become a chronic and more difficult to treat condition. The medical approach to these kinds of problems is usually anti-inflammatory medication or, for more chronic conditions, a cortisone injection. Hot or cold applications may bring some relief. You may already know a complementary therapist who has had success with treating this kind of problem. Seek their advice. As a Structural Massage Therapist I can offer deep-tissue massage treatments which aim to free up tense muscles, disperse any build up of lactic acid and improve joint mobility if that has become restricted. As with all complementary therapies, this approach seeks to mobilise the body’s own potential to heal itself. Your body, your choice, (your dog!). Thanks to Equilibrium Health Centre’s Structural Massage Therapist Will Wheen for this article. Will works at Equilibrium in Lewes every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. As the clinic’s most experienced bodyworker, his appointments tend to get snapped up quickly, so please book ahead a little if possible. Call 01273 470955 www.equilibrium-clinic.com


FODMAP Diet Following on from last months article on SIBO, this issue will look at the pros and cons of the low FODMAP diet, an exclusion diet specifically targeted at IBS and bowel problems. For those of you who are suffering from bowel issues and have had no luck with probiotics, Words: other exclusion diets and seem to be reacting to everything you eat Kate you may find the FODMAP helpful. However it is a diet I only suggest Arnold as a last resort because it can be tricky to stick to long term but I do have a few patients doing well following it short term.



(diarrhoea, constipation, or a combination of both), and other gastro-intestinal symptoms.

What is the low FODMAP diet? FODMAP is an acronym referring to Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are complex names for a collection of molecules found in food, that can be poorly absorbed by some people. When the molecules are poorly absorbed in the small intestine of the digestive tract, these molecules then continue along their journey along the digestive tract, arriving at the large intestine, where they act as a food source for the bacteria that live there normally. The bacteria then digest/ferment these FODMAPs and can cause symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome include abdominal bloating and distension, excess wind (flatulence), abdominal pain, nausea, changes in bowel habits

The low FODMAP diet was originally developed in Australia by a team at Monash University in Melbourne. It has been researched for a number of years and been shown to be effective in treating IBS related symptoms. Researchers at Kings College London have successfully adapted the diet to the UK where it has been implemented at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust in London. The diet involves restricting high FODMAP foods for at least eight weeks and replacing them with suitable low FODMAP alternatives. Following this period, FODMAPs are slowly reintroduced step by step in an attempt to understand which FODMAPs are less likely to trigger symptoms. In a recent study 76% of patients that tried a FODMAP diet reported an improvement in symptoms. That is quite substantial and cannot be ignored. However the low FODMAP diet is quite a complex approach and so it is important that you receive good quality advice about how to follow the diet.

Where are FODMAPs found? Excess Fructose: Honey, Apples, Mango, Pear, Watermelon, High Fructose Corn Syrup. Fructans: Artichokes (Globe), Artichokes (Jerusalem), Garlic (in large amounts), Leek, Onion (brown, white, Spanish, onion powder), Spring Onion (white part), Shallots, Wheat (in large amounts), Rye (in large amounts), Barley (in large amounts). Fructo-oligosaccharides: Lactose: Milk, ice cream, custard, dairy desserts, condensed and evaporated milk, milk powder, yoghurt, soft unripened cheeses (eg. ricotta, cottage, cream, marscarpone). Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS): Legume beans (eg. baked beans, kidney beans, Lentils, Chickpeas) Polyols: Apples, Apricots, Avocado, Cherries, Nectarines, Pears , Plums, Prunes, Mushrooms, Sorbitol (420), mannitol (421), xylitol (967), maltitol (965) and Isomalt (953).


WELLBEING FOOD The pros and cons The interesting point about the FODMAP diet is that many of the foods eliminated are the foods that from gut instinct (excuse the pun!) my patients avoid anyway the lactose free, dairy free, grain free diets are the most common in reducing some IBS symptoms. The idea behind FODMAP is excellent and backed up by some great science and it can be a huge help to people suffering from gut problems. However, there are some drawbacks. The diet is quite hard to stick to, especially if you are vegetarian or the foods that you don’t like are on the list of foods to eat. Also what happens when you return to normal eating - a diet is a diet no matter what - normal eating resumed - problem back whether its weight or IBS. I only suggest this as a last resort - in the last year I’ve put about 20 patients on the FODMAP diet most with good results. What needs to come before this is a thorough investigation as to the cause of the IBS in the first place. Rule out any IBDs (inflammatory bowel disease), lactose intolerance and SIBO, assess the possibility of low gut flora and ask yourself if you might have picked up a parasitic infection after recent travel. If all these are not coming up as your cause then by all means try the FODMAP diet - you will need some help to go through the diet as it can be a little complex and you will need recipes as well and a full explanation as to why these foods may cause symptoms.


Eliminate foods containing FODMAPS Below are some lists to help you but be aware that these change depending on where you research.

This is a comprehensive list of low and high FODmap foods Common High FODMAP Foods Apples Apricots Cherries Mango Pears Nectarines Peaches Pears Plums and prunes Watermelon High concentration of fructose from canned fruit, dried fruit or fruit juice Grains Honey Milk products and soft unripened cheese

Level of FODMAPs is increased when these foods are eaten in large amounts: Rye Wheat Custard Ice cream Margarine Milk (cow, goat, sheep) Soft cheese, including cottage cheese and ricotta Yogurt Legumes Baked beans Chickpeas Lentils Kidney beans Fructose High fructose corn syrup Maltitol Mannitol Sorbitol Xylitol Artichokes Asparagus Avocado Beets Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Garlic Fennel Leeks Mushrooms Okra Onions Peas Radiccio lettuce Shallots Sugar snap peas Snow peas

Foods suitable on low FODMAP diet

Common Low FODMAP Foods: Banana Blueberry Grapefruit Grapes Honeydew melon Kiwi Lemon Lime Mandarine oranges Orange Raspberry Strawberry Artificial sweeteners that do not end in -ol Glucose Sugar (sucrose) Butter

Hard cheese, brie and camembert Lactose-free products, such as lactose-free ice cream and yogurt Gelato Rice milk Sorbet Bell peppers Bok choy Carrots Celery Corn Aubergine Green beans Lettuce Parsnip Sweet potato

Tomato Oats Gluten-free products Spelt products If you would like help with the FODMAP diet or any exclusion diet please do contact me on 01323 737814 or at katenut@aol.com


Zita West, midwife to many an A-lister, and author of the Zita West Pregnancy Companion shares her tips for preparing for labour.

“It’s very difficult for first time mums as they have no previous experience to compare labour to, and, up until that point it has all been theory. To help women prepare for their first baby, here are my top tips, and preparing mentally and emotionally is really important. Having been a midwife for thirty years and with many colleagues who also work in midwifery, the experiences we all have when looking after women in labour have common themes.”


Zita’s key tips for mind management for labour: 1. D DAY PREPARATION A common problem today’s women face is exhaustion during pregnancy and in the lead up to labour. There is far more pressure today to work right up until the end of your pregnancy to then get more time off afterwards which is a general trend. Without enough rest or mental space and lack of sleep in the lead up to labour, women are left mentally and physically exhausted for labour, ending up tired postnatally before they’ve even had the sleepness nights looking after a newborn! The problem is that it is very hard to get a woman to think beyond delivery day. 2. MIND, BODY, BABY Connecting to your baby by talking to him or her really seals a bond before birth. Call me old fashioned, but putting your feet and having ‘you and baby’ time is a must. Believe me, if you don’t connect or make the time, your baby will seek attention in its own way! 3. LET YOUR HORMONES HELP YOU Your hormones are your helpers in labour and your mindset can influence how it goes. Endorphins will help with the pain while oxytocin gives the relaxed, ‘spaced out’ feeling. There is nothing better than to be with a woman in labour and see how she progresses

by the patterns of behaviour she displays at each stage. However, the position your baby’s head is in at the start can influence you labour. 4. A FRIGHTENED MIND = A LONGER LABOUR Fear comes from many sources prior to labour, and it is important not to listen to dire advice and warnings about other people’s labours. If someone starts to tell you a story about their labour, stop them and ask of the story has a good ending. If it doesn’t, then tell them you don’t want to hear it. I have seen advice like this cause such anxiety for women. Fear causes adrenaline to be released and labour to slow down. These can be a number of things; from being nervous about your surroundings, to not having a rapport with the midwife and feeling tense with your partner. Once fear gets hold, adrenaline is realised and stops endorphin release. Atmosphere is key to enable you to settle and concentrate on having as relaxed a labour a possible. There are many techniques that can be practiced to help with breathing and relaxation, and these will help labour along. 5. EXHAUSTED BODY, EXHAUSTED MIND You need a lot of energy to get through a labour, and hydration

and hunger don’t help! You need complex carbs, and lots of them. I tell women to really stock up on carbs in the lead up to labour, as well as vitamin C and zinc. During pregnancy, you also need good stores of DHA and vitamin D which are both so important for fetal development. 7. A LABOUR OF LOVE Having your partner with you and going through labour together can be a really bonding, however don’t force any partner to be in the room unless he really wants to be there. I have seen that it can cause a problem after the baby is born with a couple’s sex life, so make sure he is happy to be there with you. 8. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT To ensure you have the best labour you can, make sure you practice techniques ahead of labour such as hypnosis for birth, and positive visualisation will help throughout. I am also a great believer in the use of acupuncture in preparation for and during labour.

Zita West has a range of antenatal and postnatal products to prepare and repair www.zitawest.com


Coping with Winter blues As the evenings draw in, it’s easy to start to feel gloomier. With one in four of us expected to succumb to winter blues or full-blown Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), here’s how you can get through the season smiling: Be Prepared It’s said that ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather - just bad clothes!’ Take heed and kit yourself out properly. Tool Up Hate de-icing the car? Don’t let the morning frost catch you frantically scratching the windscreen with one of your credit cards. Invest in an ice scraper, or even avoid this hassle altogether with a night ‘car cap’ from Halfords that can be whipped off in morning. Protect your mitts Avoid dry, chapped-skin by getting into the habit of massaging in some lovely hand cream every time after washing your hands. Get yourself a decent pair of gloves


to keep the cold at bay, and your hands nicely protected. Don’t hibernate “Avoid lie-ins as they can alter your bodyclock, leaving you feeling stiff and a bit down in the dumps before you even start” says Dr James Revell, Chiropractor. Don’t get stuck in bed and end up missing out on precious winter daylight. Get up at your usual time - just go to bed earlier to get more sleep! Winter Fitness Embrace winter and keep fit and active. The Sports Massage Therapists, suggest trying out some indoor sports or activity. Just doing some brisk walks will help keep you warm and happier! Wake Up Smiling Wake up with a ‘dawn simulator light’ which floods your room with daylight. Studies show it boosts your internal body clock. Think Positive Learn to think positively. Negative thoughts

about the winter months can cause the brain to produce depressive chemicals. Try to focus on the small positives instead, even if it’s little things like the train being on time or the traffic lights staying green! Eat Yourself Happy A regular source of fruits and vegetables will help keep colds at bay, and you feeling brighter. Really worth avoiding those empty calories and quick fixes that will only end up leaving you even lower as they wear off. Keep it all in perspective Remind yourself that this will pass. By Christmas, the days are already beginning to stretch again. Get out the holiday brochures and start dreaming! The chiropractors at Lushington will treat every case individually. If you, or someone you know, is suffering then call the clinic now on 01323 722499 www.chirocare.co.uk

When we are annoyed or hurt by something our partner has said or done, how can we express our feelings in a way that they will really hear what we are saying? A common approach in couple conflicts is to accuse our partner of ‘making’ us feel angry, upset or sad by their behaviour. While at times it might be ok to use this approach - sometimes we need to blow off steam - it often fails, as it tends to put the other person on the defensive. It also allows us to avoid taking responsibility for our feelings. This kind of criticism is often accompanied by words like ‘always’ and ‘never’ such as, ‘you always take the kids’ side against me’ or ‘you never listen to me’. Again, this kind of blaming language is unlikely to get the other person to genuinely talk about the grievance you have. While there needs to be a place for argument and conflict in any relationship, if a couple is in the habit of dealing with conflict in an accusatory and blaming way it is unlikely to help resolve problems. Compassionate communication - One approach to avoiding this kind of blaming is called ‘compassionate communi-

cation’, also known as ‘nonviolent communication’. This approach, developed by American Marshall Rosenberg, can be used with our partners or anyone else we may find ourselves in conflict with. It has four components: Observation - we tell the other person what they are doing that we don’t like. We do this without judging the behaviour. Feelings - we say how we feel when they behave like this: afraid? Sad? Hurt? Irritated? Needs - we say what needs of ours are being affected by their behaviour. For example, our need to be respected. Requests - this is when we tell the other person what we want from them that will improve the situation. An example - Sue is feeling more and more frustrated by how little emotional contact Michael is willing to offer. Many women would say, ‘What’s wrong with you? Why are you so closed off? It drives me up the wall!’ While understandable, this kind of response is likely to make Michael even more closed off.

Shifting the energy - When the complainant can be specific about exactly what behaviour he/she is unhappy with and what his/her feelings and needs are it can shift the energy away from blame. So Sue could say ‘When I get home and you don’t ask me about how my day was I feel lonely inside and distanced from you.’ She may add that this means her need for emotional closeness with her partner is not being met. She may then make a request. This could be that they agree to spend some time, perhaps over a glass of wine or while cooking the meal, re-connecting with each other by talking. In his book Nonviolent Communication, Rosenberg says that when we focus on clarifying what is being observed, felt and needed rather than on diagnosing and judging, we discover the depth of our own compassion. He says: ‘Through its emphasis on deep listening - to ourselves as well as to others - nonviolent communication fosters respect, attentiveness and empathy and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart.’ Patrick McCurry offers counselling in Eastbourne and East London phone 07891 295 649 for more information



rest & rejuventate After the exhaustion and excess of the holiday season, the New Year is the perfect time for partygoers to rest and rejuvenate, with spa breaks across the country available from only £97.50 per person. The Bedford Swan, Bedfordshire Perfectly combining its original 18th century character with a host of modern facilities, The Bedford Swan is offering spa packages this winter from only £150 per person.

therapies, designed to realign the body’s harmony and health for balanced wellbeing. Guests are treated to an hour long spa treatment on arrival, along with full use of the Roman inspired pool and Jacuzzi facilities during their stay.

The hotel’s Lotus Spa offers a broad range of Ayurvedic

The package also includes a two-course lunch, overnight


accommodation in a double room, a £25 per person allowance for dinner in the AArosette awarded River Room Restaurant and a full breakfast prior to departure. For more information, or to book, visit www. bedfordswanhotel.co.uk or call 01234 346 565.


The Langstone, Portsmouth Located on England’s south coast, The Langstone enjoys a peaceful setting on the northern shore of Hayling Island, and its overnight getaway and pampering package is available from only £199 per room. The package includes a full body aroma massage, skin refining facial and full use of the hotel’s leisure facilities, including the swimming pool, Jacuzzi, gym and sauna. The treatments are followed by dinner in the hotel’s two AA-rosette winning Brasserie Restaurant, which is headed up by former chef to the Royal Household, James Parsons, as well as overnight accommodation and breakfast in the morning. For more details, or to book, log-on to www. langstonehotel.co.uk or call 02392 465 011.

Grand Jersey, Channel Islands Situated just across from the iconic Elizabeth Castle in St Aubin’s Bay and surrounded by the majestic cliffs and white sand beaches of Jersey, the Grand Jersey hotel is offering an overnight spa package, from just £97.50 per person. Recognised as UK Residential Spa of the Year in the Professional Beauty Awards two years in a row, Spa at Grand Jersey is an ideal place for luxurious indulgence this winter. The one-night package includes a glass of Champagne on arrival, a 30-minute spa treatment, dinner in Victoria’s Restaurant and breakfast before departure the following morning. For more information or to book a stay, call 01534 722301 or log-on to www. grandjersey.com.

Crowne Plaza Marlow, Buckinghamshire Set in five acres of beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside, the Crowne Plaza Marlow is offering an overnight spa package this winter, from just £115 per person. Relax, unwind and be pampered by one of the hotel’s fully qualified beauty therapists, who offer a full range of Susan Monu, Jessica and Sienna X health and beauty treatments. The package includes a treatment, along with overnight accommodation and breakfast the following morning. Guests are also treated to dinner in the hotel’s two AA Rosette awarded Glaze Restaurant, which offers contemporary cuisine using the freshest local produce. For more information or to book a stay, call 01628 496 800 or log-on to www.cpmarlow.co.uk

Crowne Plaza London Docklands Located in the trendy Docklands area of East London, the Crowne Plaza London Docklands is offering a spa break right in the capital this winter, from only £140 per person. The newly refurbished Quad Health and Fitness Club offers manicures, pedicures and waxing for both male and female guests, as well as a choice of aromatherapy massages, facials, anti-ageing remedies and a host of treatments for the mind and body. The package includes a 55-minute treatment of the guest’s choosing, an overnight stay in one of the hotel’s luxury rooms and a full English breakfast before departure. For more information, or to book the package, visit www.cpdocklands.co.uk or call 0207 055 2000.


Ice Picks At The Ready w20 WELLBEING



f the closest your lips have been to ice is in a G&T, it’s probably time you got off your bar stool... Ice climbing is fast growing in popularity - there’s even an ice wall in London’s Covent Garden! - and Grand Hotel Kronenhof, Pontresina (www.kronenhof.com) is making it easy for you to get started by offering an ice-climbing package for beginners and families this winter. Ice climbing dates to 1908 with the invention of crampons (toothed claws that fit onto the bottom of boots), which enabled climbers to gain traction on slippery ice, essential when rock climbers reached high altitudes and had to negotiate icy sections of the mountain peaks. Today, however, it’s a sport in its own right, with adrenaline junkies spending hours (or days) with their faces flat against the side of a glacier or frozen waterfall, living with the constant fear of falling into a crevasse, getting frostbite or being hit by an avalanche... But don’t let that put you off: the ice climbing classes in Pontresina takes place on a frozen waterfall in the heart of the village, where there’s no chance of any of the aforementioned dangers! Furthermore, a plethora of tools and protective gear mean that ice climbing can be safe and is accessible to almost everyone though it helps to have a degree of cardiovascular fitness and a good strength-to-weight ratio. Interested? Grand Hotel Kronenhof’s ice climbing trial course package includes three nights’ accommodation, sumptuous breakfast buffet and half-board

menu daily in the Grand Restaurant, an ice-climbing course at the mountaineering school in Pontresina, a personal training session in the Kronenhof Spa, a 20-minute relaxing Alpine Wild Herb Bath and a 50-minute Kronenhof herbal stamp massage (to help you recover from the ice-climbing experience!), as well as unlimited access to the Kronenhof Spa and a Fit & Fun sports programme that changes daily. The hotel is offering this exclusive package on the following dates only: from 12 to 15 January 2014, from 26 to 29 January 2014 and from 16 to 19 March 2014; the cost starts from CHF1060 (approx £720) per person sharing a double room. However, the ice-climbing course for families is being offered from 12 January to 6 February 2014 and from 5 March to 5 April 2014, for two adults and two children. The family ice-climbing package includes 3 nights’ accommodation, sumptuous breakfast buffet and half-board menu daily in the Grand Restaurant, an ice-climbing course at the mountaineering school in Pontresina for the whole family, a 20-minute hydrojet massage bath for the parents, a 25-minute sports massage for the parents, a private horse-drawn coach ride to Val Roseg for the whole family, ice skating on the hotel’s ice rink and unlimited access to the Kronenhof Spa as well as a Fit & Fun sports programme that changes daily.

The family ice-climbing package, which is for four people sharing two rooms, costs from approx £2370. For more details on both packages, please visit www.kronenhof.com

Already Thinking How To Detox After Xmas? A Rural Retreat In Dorset Has Got It Covered!

Middle Piccadilly, a rural retreat and Spa in Dorset, has designed a special post-Christmas ‚‘Get Clean’ package to reverse the least wanted effects of the festive season. The consequence of Christmas eating, drinking and partying may leave you feeling tired, sluggish and possibly a few pounds heavier. To reverse the effects, this threeday cleanse retreat will assist you feeling healthier, lighter and more mindful of your lifestyle. Your regular meals will be substituted with fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies which will fill you up with valuable vitamins and minerals. Nourishing and relaxing body treatments will help set those toxins free. Enjoy a Holistic Massage, a Detoxing Mud Wrap, and a Citrus Exfoliation Scrub. The treatments will stimulate the cleansing process and leave your mind and body feeling deeply relaxed. Valid from: 29th December 2013 to 31st January 2014 Price: £390 all-in (per person) www.middlepiccadilly.com/fooddetox.html


it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new year Human beings are weird! I should know I am a Psychotherapist - amongst other things. Even within what we might call the ‘normal’ range of thoughts, feelings and behaviours, we are a little bit odd - all of us, and I include myself in that. We have weird and wonderful ways of behaving, thought processes, and ways that we can unconsciously sabotage ourselves from doing the things that we want to do. If you want proof of our weirdness, just look out for the woman knitting out of her vagina on Facebook - in my opinion a slightly odd thing to decide to spend 28 days of your life doing, though obviously important to her! As I said, I have my weirdness too. I have been pondering contentment and discontentment recently. I think as a species we are generally discontent. This is, of course, a terrible generalisation and will not be true for everyone. It also sounds a bit negative and it can be, however it is also the reason that we have evolved so much and that we have all the amazing things we have around us. Electricity was developed because someone was not content with a candle, medicines are developed because people are not content to watch others suffer and die, we have the internet (a mixed blessing you may think) because people were not content with accessibility of information. However causes us unhappiness as well. Having worked with people all my life I know that people are rarely content - we seek, we search, we want to improve ourselves, our houses, our jobs our income. Take a moment to think about yourself - how would you score your level of contentment in these areas? From 1- 5, with 5 being completely content: Your work 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........


Your income 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Your house 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Your family 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Your friends 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Your body/fitness 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Your self esteem 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ Of course this will vary depending on many things. Are all your sores 5’s ? If they are, DO NOTHING! Stop reading, go and put your feet up and revel in your contentment! The New Year is often a time when we re-evaluate and decide to do things differently, we look at the things we are not content with and make decisions - I am going to work less, lose weight, get fit, write a book, change jobs, move house, be happy, get therapy, manage my stress, and so on. How often do we not stick to them though? So what’s going on? Well, we know something is going on because if you continue like this, then it is likely to be a repeating pattern in your life. Anything that happens over and over again in your life is very likely to be to do

though is it a new life? with you - sorry about that! This is both good and bad news. The bad news is that you have to take at least some responsibility and could have done something about it before now. The good news is that if it’s you that’s doing it, it’s you that can stop and do it differently! The Key is Self-Awareness. All sorts of studies are coming out now about how self-awareness can help us in every area of our lives - self-esteem, relationships, stress, depression, anxiety and achieving goals we set for ourselves. I remember a boyfriend of mine at school saying that his Grandad had said to him ‘study hard and get your exams, once you have them no one can take them away from you ‘. It a shame I didn’t listen at the time - that’s another story! I think self-awareness is the same - once we have awareness, no one can take it away - not that it’s a finite journey by any means! Human beings, as well as being a little weird, are fascinating, creative, wonderful and inventive creatures. There is always more to learn about ourselves, how we function, what we unconsciously set up for ourselves, how we communicate and miscommunicate with others, and what our motives are for success and failure of things we set out to achieve. My passion is about facilitating others in their selfawareness. Every area of my work as a Transactional Analyst is about that. It’s such a thrill for me when people experience those ‘ah-ha’ moments of realisation - ‘oh that’s what’s going on in my relationship’ or ‘that’s what’s going on for me at work’.

Each time I think ‘and no one can take that away from you’ and each and every insight will be useful to that person in other areas of their life as well. So, rather than setting yourself the same old goals that you haven’t historically stuck to, how about setting yourself a new goal for 2014? How about going on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness (or starting a new chapter of this journey as many of you will be on already), the more you learn and understand the better it will be for you. That’s not to say that some realisations are not painful and difficult for us to face, however with awareness, we are empowered to make the changes we want and build on our contentment scores. Begin a new project called ‘Me’ and see how much you can discover about yourself by the end of the year. You are an amazing, fascinating, wonderful human being, full of contradictions and creativity. Yes I am talking to YOU! Your life has been a rich tapestry of experience and I wish you well on the rest of your journey. Leilani Mitchell is founder of The Link Centre a training centre in Newick, Sussex. The Link Centre offers courses in personal and professional development as well as training for those wanting to qualify as Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Leilani is an internally recognised Trainer, Supervisor and Psychotherapist. She is Chair of Trustees of UKATA (United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis). Her passion is facilitating others to improve the quality of their lives www.thelinkcentre.co.uk


Is the thought of making a ‘New Year’ resolution quite frankly depressing? Knowing that you have been there many times before, starting out optimistic that ‘this is the year’ and one month later your optimism is jaded and the thoughts of failure are on the horizon again. Oh the pressure! What if there was something that could assist you in making those changes with ease no matter how tough you see it? Either the Deep Mind Body Relax or Vibrational Facelift are the treatments you could be looking for. Both are light touch techniques consisting of hand placements around the head/neck and face, usually received fully clothed and lying down. They take you into a deep relaxed state similar to that achieved by meditation. Using the mind body connection to bring about change; both treatments bring about emotional as well as physical changes. How do the treatments work? View the brain as the hard drive on a computer, using outdated software that is still running round and round in the system creating repeated patterns of thought and behaviour. The deep relaxed state allows the brain to delete these loops and create room for the new updated software to run. It creates more brain/ thought space, therefore clarity and ease of thought, as well as flow in the body. “I love running these two processes on people. It’s an honour to witness the changes brought about. Recently a client mentioned that she hadn’t carried out a self abusive habit for almost a week (previously and for many months before it was several times a day and rising). The joy of it was she had just lost the desire to do it.” Ann Rambaut Imagine if this process could assist you in bringing about the changes you desire for 2014 and beyond. Imagine feeling more confident, happier, motivated, have greater clarity of thought. Imagine having fewer aches and pains, looking more youthful with sparkly eyes and smoother skin. Imagine handling the pressures of life with more ease. Most of all imagine not feeling so at odds with your mind or your body - they can be your greatest asset. Your mind and your body are the only ones you have got - why not make friends with them?

Ann Rambaut is a chartered and registered physiotherapist based in Eastbourne. She offers sessions at The Waterside Hotel, Eastbourne, also at the Charterhouse Clinic, Marylebone, London. For an initial taster at The Waterside in Eastbourne Ann is charging £45 (usually a one hour appointment) For more information including costs please call Ann on 07436 810181


“I just wanted to say how marvellous the recent light touch technique you used on me was. I had been feeling very stressed with house moving etc and after you worked your magic on me I felt completely relaxed. Added to that, I wanted to calm myself before I had a wisdom tooth removed a few days later. It definitely did the trick as I couldn’t believe how relaxed I felt during the very unpleasant procedure, not at all nervous! I will definitely have more treatments after my house move, as it is something we all need to get us through difficult times. Also, I liked the fact it was completely non invasive.” Angela R. Dec 2013 “I had been trying to deal with Post Natal Depression for around 10 months by going to the Doctor, getting put on the waiting list for counselling and taking Prozac. I got to the stage where it was not working any more and I was feeling suicidal. I had constant stuff in my head saying I’m not good enough, I’m not worth anything, and I did not want to talk. I was having panic dreams and my back and shoulders were aching all the time. It was difficult to relax and just be with my children, family and friends without thinking about everything else that ‘needed’ doing and feeling overwhelmed. I called Ann to get some help and she suggested a course of Deep Relax Body and Mind. It really has been a lifesaver - giving me the space I need just to be me and reconnect with myself. I don’t feel suicidal any more as I know I have somewhere to escape to. Ann has helped me immensely; I feel safe with her and am able to relax completely. During the week in-between treatments I find I am using the techniques to calm myself and I am now able to ask for a little time out to centre myself. I have a space where I know everything is ok and am being positive about so much of my life for so much more of the time.” Vicky from Eastbourne, 16th December 2013 (Testimony for Ann Rambaut - Deep Relax) “I don’t understand how this treatment works - but it does! I have a demanding job that has brought particular stresses in the past few weeks. Yet I have felt on top of things, and I’m sure I have made better decisions thanks to the sense of deep calm that Ann’s treatment imparts. It’s astonishing to me that a treatment which works almost instantaneously can also have such long-lasting effects.” Lorraine G Dec 2013

What Ann’s clients have to say...

get your family to eat


5 a day With the recent news hitting the press that supplements are a waste of money (which I totally disagree with). One of the arguments against supplements was that we should be getting our nutritional needs from our diet, but how do we make sure that we are really getting the right nutrition from the right food? I do agree that there are good and bad supplements on the market, but isn’t that the same as the food industry? We pick up food, read the labels and unwittingly purchase food that we think is good for us, only to find that the labels are misleading. It annoys me that a carton of juice can say “100% natural’ when actually it’s made from fruit concentrate and is pure sugar! It has been proved that a fruit smoothie can contain more grams of sugar than a chocolate bar! Even the healthy fruit snacks can lead us into thinking that we are giving our children a healthy dose of vitamins but read the sugar content and it’s plain to see why your little ones might be bouncing off the walls!

Over the last few years there has been a growing interest in whole foods, using powders from wheatgrass and spiralina to baobao and maca. I’ve been using these whole food powders for a while and find them a great way to get good nutrition into my families diet. There are so many different processes for creating these powders, from freeze drying and dehydrating to a new technology guaranteeing that nutritional content and enzymes remain intact. The last few months I have been on a mission to find a good source of whole food powders with good nutritional content, good colour and good taste. One such product was so amazing that we started to work on bringing it to the UK market. It has had it’s challenges, we have shipped in samples, tasted and tested but we were so inspired that we decided to launch a new business to share these amazing powders.

The pioneering technology is so gentle all the nutrients and taste of the fruit and vegetables remains intact. This guarantees the flavour and intensity of the powders. We never add any additional ingredients or synthetic colourings so you can enjoy a 100% natural product. In studies at Washington State University our strawberry powder was shown to retain the same vitamin C content as its original fruit. As this is such a dynamic product there are so many uses and we are sure you will invent a few of your own once you try these powders!

Pre-orders placed before 28th February for delivery from end of February will receive 25% discount on their first order www.wellbeingshop.biz For more information and recipes visit zingology.co.uk



Branch Out And Try Something New In 2014 In The Forest Of Dean


he New Year brings with it a mind-set of resolutions and mental checklists. Tudor Farmhouse Hotel in the Forest of Dean is inviting guests to start the year as they mean to go on, and try their hand at something new in 2014. Linking up with a host of local businesses they have created a 12 month calendar of weekend activity packages that can be enjoyed within the region throughout the year. Developed to give guests a real flavour of the Forest of Dean, the activities offer a chance to learn a fresh skill or experience something new, whilst discovering this beautiful and off the beaten track area. From cookery to caving, walking to wine tasting and foraging to 4x4 off-roading, there’s an activity package to suit every age and every energy level.


Spend the day discovering some of the great adventures that the Forest of Dean has to offer, before heading back to the comfort of the hotel to catch up on the days pursuits over a glass of wine in their cosy lounge. Included in each package is a delicious three-course dinner at their award winning restaurant, overnight stay in one of their beautiful rooms and a legendary full English breakfast the next morning. It’s the perfect way to re-charge those batteries after the festive season, have fun with family and friends, or share a new interest with that special person. Activities planned so far include: January & February - Cookery course at Harts Barn Cookery School March - Clay pigeon shooting at DBC Leisure April - Foraging and lunch with Raoul van den Broucke

May - Deep level caving at Clearwell Caves June & July - Off-roading with Whitebrook 4x4 August - Tutored wine tasting and vineyard tour at Parva Farm Vineyard September - A round of 18 holes at Monmouth Golf Club (personal golf tuition also available from resident golf pro at an additional £10pp - min 4 people) October - Foraging and lunch with Raoul van den Broucke November - Autumn walking tours around the Forest of Dean December - Cycling & mountain biking with Pedalbikeaway Prices include dinner, bed and breakfast and range from £250 to £430 depending on the activity undertaken. For more information or to book your weekend activity package visit tudorfarmhousehotel.co.uk or call 01594 833046


Beauty from within: Staving off the ageing process


he average British woman spends £250 on anti-ageing beauty products each year, with the anti-ageing skincare sector forming a huge chunk of the beauty market. However, despite the fact that many women, and men, will spend a fortune on creams and lotions in order to keep their skin looking young and radiant, some women overlook the fact that beauty comes from within. Simon Bandy from natural supplement company Veganicity says:

“Many women forget that looking beautiful on the outside actually starts from the inside. All the creams in the world aren’t going to make us look any younger unless we think about what we’re putting into our bodies, not just on our skin.” Here are Simon’s top tips for banishing those anti-ageing creams, fillers and botox to stay looking healthy and young from the inside, out:

The importance of hyaluronic acid: One of the key ingredients in the majority of anti-ageing skincare is hyaluronic acid, an important component of connective tissue which cushions and plumps up skin cells. Found naturally in the body, it stimulates collagen production and regeneration of the epidermis, delaying signs of ageing. Hyaluronic Acid is also important for joint health, as it is a major ingredient of synovial fluid. Natural levels of hyaluronic acid deplete as we get older - try Veganicity’s Hyaluronic Acid supplement (£14.45 for 30 tablets, from www.veganicity. com) to help boost the body’s anti-ageing process, from within. Watch your diet: Diet is a key factor, if not the biggest contributor, to premature ageing. Avoid foods high in sugar, which ages the skin, as it decelerates the body’s ability to regenerate, which in turn can accelerate the ageing process. Opt instead for plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

Exercise regularly: Keeping fit and toned will help to ensure our bodies look and feel their best. Exercise helps to reduce the inflammation caused by ageing, which not only decreases the risk of some diseases, but will also lead to a glowing, healthier visage. Aim for a minimum of three 30 minute workouts each week. Take an anti-oxidant: Try to get as many antioxidants in your diet as possible, to stave off free radical damage. Foods rich in antioxidants include tomatoes, blueberries, carrots and spinach. It can also be beneficial to take a supplement such as Veganicity’s Beta Carotene (£5.95 for 30 tablets), which provides a source of potent free radical scavengers. Get a good night’s sleep: There is a certain amount of truth in the concept of ‘beauty sleep’ – not only have scientific studies shown that people look less attractive when they don’t have enough sleep, but our skin rejuvenates and repairs itself overnight.


Michael Neill

Supercoach Wellbeing Magazine is excited to announce that we will be hosting Michael Neill as our speaker during 2014. Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of The Inside-Out Revolution, You Can Have What You Want, Feel Happy Now!, Supercoach, and both the Effortless Success and Coaching from the InsideOut audio programs. He has spent the past 23 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. He is the also the founder of Supercoach Academy, an international school that teaches people how to coach from the inside out. Michael’s books have been translated into 14 languages, and his public talks, retreats, and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and on five continents around the world.

“Michael Neill is the finest success coach in the world today. Since using his approach to create inner and outer success, I have become happier in myself, more successful, and, to be blunt, I have simply made a lot more money!” - Paul McKenna, bestselling author and TV personality He hosts a weekly talk show on HayHouseRadio. com, and you can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook. www.supercoach.com I personally met and spent a day being coached by Michael a few years ago and was extremely inspired by his coaching techniques. If you are looking to make changes in 2014 then this could be the perfect event for you to attend.

Do yourself a favor …It works!”

Michael only comes to the UK a couple of times a year and we are extremely lucky to have him travel to Tunbridge Wells. He is an amazing speaker so we expect tickets to book fast so register your interest and get first notification of dates.

- Egill Egilsson, Producer/Director CSI: Miami

To book your tickets call 0800 881 5375 or visit www.wellbeingevents.co.uk

“Direct and practical – Michael’s presence makes taking on challenges fun.


Dangerous Dreaming!

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Eckhart Tolle Personal development and spiritual gurus agree, living in the present is the aim: to be fully engaged in the now without our minds wandering into the past or future. Putting our focus anywhere else would mean missing out on what’s happening now and therefore not experiencing life fully. When we first become aware of our mind chatter, perhaps because we’ve started meditating, it can be staggering how many times we need to bring our minds back to the present. We’ve all had the experience of driving on automatic pilot so when we arrive at our destination we can’t remember a thing about the journey. Perhaps you’ve also experienced an inability to focus on the work in hand or having an accident when your mind has been elsewhere?

Dreaming is an essential part of being human, using our imagination is part of the creative process and when we have nothing to aspire to we deny part of ourselves. When those dreams are fuelled by love, things we’d love to do, be and have, they enhance our present experience and propel us positively into the future. They can be translated into action and they act as magnets drawing what we want to us. Dreams become dangerous when fear creeps in; fear that our situation will never change and our needs won’t be met, fear of the unknown future, or fear we aren’t good enough to lead happy and successful lives. Then dreams can become our escape from the present, our excuse for not enjoying life now (“it’ll be better when…”) or the chance for our perfectionist selves to measure everything against some unreal idea of perfection.

Generally these situations occur because the thoughts we have about the past or future stir up feelings that distract us from the now. Developing our repertoire of skills and techniques for effectively handling these feelings is critical if we are to live in the present.

So when you’re considering your plans for 2014, ensure they are sourced by love and build them on an acceptance of your present situation. Dream big and bold and allow yourself to feel inspired and motivated, take action towards your dreams, address any fears they stir up, and, most importantly, enjoy each moment on the way.

Though if we’re focused on the present, what about our dreams and plans? How do we square the spiritual practice of being happy now with our desire for things to be better in the future?

To discuss putting your dreams into action, contact Debbie Reeds, Soul Sanook Life Coaching on 07702 737019 or email@soulsanook.com



Wellbeing clinics & treatments


Welcome to the Therapy Rooms, where you will find solutions and ideas to support your health and wellbeing. We encourage you to contact our clinics and therapists to find out how they can help you to improve your health, fitness and knowledge. Enjoy and be inspired.


Wellbeing clinics & treatments



Wellbeing clinics & treatments


n O s ’ hat


January 7th Pilates Body Control, St Michael’s, High St, Lewes 5.45-6.45pm Beginners, suitable for all levels 7.00-8.00pm Improvers, for students with some experience 8.15-9.15pm Advanced, for experienced students £108 for 12 wks Equilibrium 01273 470955

13th 5.15-6.15pm Tai Chi for Beginners, Equilibrium Studio, 33 Cliffe High St, Lewes, £80 for 10 wks 01273 470955

15th Jan & 4th Mar 7pm Local Support Networking Forum, The Link Centre, East Sussex Leilani@thelinkcentre. co.uk www.thelinkcentre. co.uk/ta101.html

18th &19th 9.30am Introductory TA Course (TA101), The Link Centre, East Sussex, £150 Leilani@thelinkcentre. co.uk www.thelinkcentre. co.uk/84.html

23rd Hope for Psychosis “Soteria in the Pub” Fundraiser at The Brunswick, Hove, tickets £5 (£3.50 concessions) visit


the Soteria Brighton www.soteriabrighton.co.uk for more information

26th 10.00am-4.30pm Movement, Meditation & the Magic of the Breath! Come to a one day workshop to experience the ancient practices of Qigong & Meditation in a beautiful setting by the beach in Eastbourne. We will be exploring the power of the breath with gentle, flowing movements & stillness, connecting with our own energy & that of nature. With Yasmin Shah & Nick Neter, Natural Fitness Centre, Eastbourne. Please bring lunch with you to share, investment £45.00, 07773 061309 handswork@tiscali.co.uk www.eastbourneshiatsu. co.uk

4th Jan, 10th Feb & 14th Mar Breath Training with the MyButeyko App Part one includes a three hour training session & one week of close support & monitoring with the MyButeyko App, using your computer or smartphone to get you started on a journey to better breathing & better health, Hawkhurst, Kent, Michael Lingard, 01580 752852

January, February & March New Personal Life Therapy Plan, Weight Loss & Stopping Smoking, Horder Healthcare, Eastbourne 01323 762844 www. eastbourne-hypnotherapy. co.uk

workshop for couples & friends, using simple techniques from Thai Massage, Holistic Pulsing & Yoga, at Yoga Life Studio, Eastbourne, £45 for two, contact tutor Nicola Smith for details 07930 442639 www.bodywisdom.org.uk

January - March

23 Feb & 2nd Mar

8 evenings & one Saturday, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, The Link Centre, East Sussex, £275 Leilani@thelinkcentre. co.uk www.thelinkcentre. co.uk/189.html

10.00am-5.00pm, Reiki Level 1 Certificated Course, Equilibrium, 16 Station St, Lewes, 2 day course £150, 01273 470955

January - June 6 weekends, Diploma in Supervision, The Link Centre, East Sussex, £1,545 Leilani@thelinkcentre. co.uk www.thelinkcentre. co.uk/diploma-in-relationship-based-supervision. html

February 8th & 9th Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Diploma Course, Hastings, 6 weekends over 9 months, leading to practitioner diploma. Open to beginners & professionals, contact tutor Nicola Smith for details 07930 442639 www.bodywisdom.org.uk

16th Opening the Heart & Upper Back, a massage

March 1st 10am-12noon Stepping into Spring, a yoga workshop for finding our roots, all welcome, St Leonards on Sea, £15, contact Nicola Smith 07930 442639 www.bodywisdom.org.uk

4th 7pm Local Support Networking Forum, The Link Centre, East Sussex Leilani@thelinkcentre. co.uk www.thelinkcentre. co.uk/ta101.html

March - May 2 Saturdays & 6 evenings, Multi-Level Certificate in Counselling Skills, The Link Centre, East Sussex, £395 Leilani@thelinkcentre.co.uk www.thelinkcentre.co.uk/186.html

Mondays 2-3pm Qigong & Meditation, gentle exercise & relaxation (rooted in Qigong), Natural Fitness Centre, Eastbourne, £7, first session free, Nick Neter, 01323 732024 info@naturalfitnesscentre.co.uk www.eastbourneshiatsu.co.uk 4.45-5.45pm Elemental Qigong & Meditation, Natural Fitness Centre, Eastbourne £7 per session, £35 for 6 sessions, Nick Neter, 01323 732024 info@naturalfitnesscentre.co.uk www. eastbourneshiatsu.co.uk 5.45-8.30pm (first Monday of the month - 6th Jan, 3rd Feb, 3rd Mar) Seated Acupressure Massage, Natural Fitness Centre, Eastbourne,15 & 30 minute treatments available, free 10 minute tasters, 01323 732024 info@naturalfitnesscentre. co.uk Booking Essential 6.30-7.40pm Foundations of Yoga, 6 week courses in St Leonards on Sea, £40, open to complete beginners & those wanting to review the principles of a yoga practice, contact Nicola Smith, 07930 442639 www.bodywisdom.org.uk

Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am Community Yoga Class in St Leonards on Sea, drop in £7 (£27.50 for 5 classes), all levels

welcome, contact Nicola Smith 07930 442639 www.bodywisdom.org.uk 6.15-7.15pm Qigong & Meditation with Nick Neter at St Luke’s Parish Centre, Stone Cross, £6.50 per session, first one free, 07773 061309 www. eastbourneshiatsu.co.uk handswork@tiscali.co.uk

Wednesdays 10.00am-5.00pm ‘Dandy’s Natural Foods’ a selection of healthy cakes, cookies & raw chocs, all made with hemp seeds & various superfoods, created with health in mind & for all dietary requirements, vegan, wheat free, gluten free, sugar free & dairy free options, Farmers Market, Churchill Square, Brighton 11.30am-12.30pm (every Weds except 2nd of the month) Gentle Exercise & Relaxation (rooted in Qigong), WRVS, Russell Centre, Eastbourne,£4, first session free, Nick Neter, 01323 412279 eastsussexdc@ eastbournewrvs.org.uk 1-5pm (8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th Jan) Allergy Clinic, Equilibrium Health Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, with Robin Ravenhill, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www. equilibrium-clinic.com 1-5pm (5th, 12th, 19th & 26th Feb) Allergy Clinic, Equilibrium Health Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, with

Robin Ravenhill, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www. equilibrium-clinic.com

Fridays 10am-6pm (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st Jan) Aromatherapy & Reflexology Clinic, Equilibrium Health Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, £45 with Dafna & Rachel, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www.equilibriumclinic.com 10am-2pm (second Frday of the month - 10th Jan, 14th Feb & 14th Mar) Walk in Shiatsu Clinic (Japanese holistic bodywork therapy) with Nick Neter, Oya & Machiko, St Luke’s Parish Centre, Stone Cross, 30minute treatment or more for a donation, from £10, some places bookable 07773 061309 handswork@tiscali.co.uk www.eastbourneshiatsu. co.uk 2pm-6pm (fourth Friday of the month - 24th Jan, 28th Feb, & 28th Mar) Walk in Shiatsu Clinic (Japanese holistic bodywork therapy) with Nick Neter & Ben Trowell, Yogalife Studio, Eastbourne, 30 minute treatment or more for a donation, from £10, some places bookable, 07773 061309 handswork@ tiscali.co.uk www.eastbourneshiatsu.co.uk 10am-6pm (7th, 14th, 21st & 28th Feb) Aromatherapy & Reflexology Clinic, Equilibrium Health

Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, £45 with Dafna & Rachel, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www.equilibriumclinic.com

Saturdays 9am-5pm (4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Jan) Massage Clinic, Equilibrium Health Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, £45 with Steve, Dafna & Rachael, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www. equilibrium-clinic.com 9am-2pm (third Saturday of the month - 18th Jan, 15th Feb, & 15th Mar) Walk in Shiatsu Clinic (Japanese holistic bodywork therapy) Natural Fitness Centre, Eastbourne, with Nick Neter MRSS & Darren McCarthy MRSS, some places bookable, 30 minute treatment or more for a donation, from £10, Nick Neter, 01323 732024 info@naturalfitnesscentre. co.uk www.eastbourneshiatsu.co.uk 9am-5pm (1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd Feb) Massage Clinic, Equilibrium Health Centre, 16 Station St, Lewes, £45 with Steve, Dafna & Rachael, Equilibrium, 01273 470955 www. equilibrium-clinic.com


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