Wellbeing Sout East Media Kit 2012

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media kit audience




For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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audience What’s Inside Wellbeing Magazine, launched in 2006 is available to the general public offering advice and information on wellbeing, health, food, fitness, the home and working environment.

Wellbeing Magazine offers tried and tested features, reviews, case studies and unbiased articles for our readers. Written by passionate experts in their field, our contributors offer valuable advice to our readers.

Rachel Branson Publisher & Editor

Wellbeing is about prevention rather than cure, offering simple lifestyle advice to help our readers make informed choices for themselves and their family.

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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audience Our Reader

Why Free?

We are a free magazine and use images of nature

We have always believed in educatiing

rather than ultra slim models! For this reason we

our readers, convertiing those who

appeal to both men and women, young and old. From

traditionally would not be interested

attendance at our regular reader events we know

in health and wellbeing. By offering a

our main readers are aged between 30 and 65, are

magazine that is freely available we

predominantly women and have an interest in looking

have encouraged those

after their health and wellbeing through nutrition, food,

who would not normally

therapies and fitness.

purchase a health

Many of our readers are looking for alternative ways to take

magazine to pick up a

responsibility for their health decisions.

copy and start to live a

Some of our readers have been diagnosed with an illness

health and happy life.

and are looking for products and lifestyle choices to work alongside or inplace of allopathic medicine.

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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what’s inside

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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circulation health

Readership 45,000 Kent & Sussex 20,000 We currently produce two versions of the magazine to target Kent and Sussex. This offers the advertiser the choice to go in selected editions or across both magazines. Because of our distribution network there are no wasted magazines and the distribution is the same for every issue guaranteeing 20,000 copies with an average readership of 45,000 for the printed copy and an average pf 5,000 for the digital


10,000 copies available though selected Sainsburys, Morrisons and Waitrose across the South East, 10,000 through outlets such as clinics, gyms, doctors, hospitals.

Online Readership - 4,053* Our magazines and articles are also available through our website as an online magazine and downloadable PDF adding an additional 4053* readers a month. (*average taken over 6 months from Jan 11 - July 11 Google Analytics 24,320)


For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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rates All sizes are in millimetres height x width DISPLAY Prices cover both Kent & Sussex, contact us for individual areas Double page spread (240 x 340 trim) £1100 Full Page (240 x 170 trim)


Half page portrait (224x 70)


Half page landscape (101x145)


Quarter page (101 x 70)


THERAPY ROOM PAGES Eighth Page (52x 70)


COVER POSITIONS Inside front cover (240 x 170 trim)


Inside back cover (240 x 170 trim)


Outside back cover (240 x 170 trim) £795 SERIES DISCOUNT: For 2 -4 issues 10 %, 5-6 issues 15%

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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sizes mechanical details DPS

240mm x 340mm


240mm x 170mm

Half Portrait

224mm x 70mm

Half Landscape

101m x 145mm


101mm x 70mm

Therapy Rooms Eighth

52mm x 70mm

Size: B5 240mm x 170mm - Add minimum 3mm for bleed, type size 201mm x 145mm. Supply as High Res 300 dpi, CMYK, PDF, Jpeg, Tiff. Artwork to be sent to Production Department production@wellbeingmagazine.com


For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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websites Since our launch in 2006 our magazines have always been available online as a book version and as a downloadable PDF. All articles are archived giving our readers a library of information to access when ever they need it. Each month we email our readers a newsletter highlighting articles, promotions and competitions from our magazine, giving the advertiser added value being both in the print and online version.

Competition We are happy to work with you on a promotion or competition. The prize value should be a minimum of ÂŁ200. www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk/competitions

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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other ideas Bespoke magazine We can create and deliver a bespoke magazine for you or your client. Sponsor a whole edition and we will tailor the editorial content for your campaign. Tie the campaign in with TV or radio advertising and chose distribution by region into supermarkets, pharmacy stores and gyms. We can cover: LWT, Meridian, Carlton Central, Granada and Carlton West Country using our distribution routes into Sainsburys, Tescos and

Database Access Each month we produce a newsletter which is emailed to our readers and members, we have a few opportunities for companies to be featured on the newsletter which will link through to your information on our website. So if you have a new product, special offer or are organising a promotion why not utilise our database of readers. Main Sponsor - ÂŁ250, 3 x small sponsors - ÂŁ100 each All adverts and articles will remain on the website giving you daily coverage that is searchable and actively promoted.



Fot more information and pricing contact: Rachel

We can review your products and company for our Review or Tried and Tested

Branson on 0800 881 5375.

features. Send your product in for consideration or we can come and try your treatments or services. www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk/reviews

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com


the team HEAD OFFICE

Haywood Media 2 The Hall, Turners Green Road Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6TR Tel: 0800 881 5375 www.haywoodmedia.co.uk

www.wellbeingmagazine.co.uk www.wellbeingdirectory.co.uk www.wellbeingevents.co.uk

Rachel Branson Publisher / Editor Tel: 0800 881 5375 rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com Richard Branson Website richard@wellbeingmagazine.com Katherine Slessor Editorial Assistant katherine@wellbeingmagazine.com Associate Travel Editors Frances Barnes & Nick Hordern

Publishers Kent Edition Rachel Branson rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com East Sussex Edition Hannah Rosalie hannah@wellbeingmagazine.com

Regular Contributors Kate Arnold Cheryl Hersey Pat Crawford Charlotte Watts Accounts Department Mark Bennett

For all advertising please contact Rachel on 0800 881 5375 - rachel@wellbeingmagazine.com

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