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Empowering Minds: Lifeline Zululand

Andkellymarkeyjoinforcestopromote Mentalhealthandemotionalwellness Awareness

Campaign Hashtag:


#wecare4me Description and features of the campaign The concept is born from the need to promote and support awareness on Mental health and Emotional wellness.

The concept #wecare4me hashtag seeks to normalise ASKING FOR HELP, while attempting to reduce the negative impact and connotation attached to mental health and emotional wellbeing.

In an attempt to describe emotional wellness in an easy and understandable term – a short and simple way will be that it is an individual’s ability to handle their feelings of /in their dayto-day life activities in an acceptable, sufficient, tolerable, decent manner and approach. They may also be able to respond to change in an acceptable manner, subsequently allowing them to improve and cope better in life.

At LifeLine Zululand, we believe emotionally fit and stable individuals may cope better with ‘stress’ or activities that may require more than an average level of emotional commitment or vocabulary. They may handle dealing with every challenges and activities in a more meaningful manner. In addition, individuals tend to feel good about themselves, although they may have had an off day at times, as they are fully aware of their strengths in coping with off days. Emotionally well individuals find it easier to talk to someone when they are faced with a difficult challenge, they are not afraid to ask for help or say NO either, the strength is in knowing that asking for helps is normal and acceptable.

The COVID19 pandemic experienced over the past few years has pushed everyone to their limits and some to the very edge of breakdown. Emotional, mental, physical and financial burdens have led to many individuals feeling helpless and hopeless at the same time – these are common feelings during the time of a pandemic that has affected the whole world.

At LifeLine Zululand we want to change the negative narrative around Mental Health and promote the mission of asking for help and normalise this in society. We all know the saying, a problem shared is a problem halved – it is true as we sail through this tough and challenging times none the wiser than before, yet we hold the key and the answers, it’s just the matter of honing in on tools we learn to help us along to becoming sustainable in our efforts to increasing our own emotional wellness and mental health. few, in an effort to raise awareness on Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health.

LifeLine Zululand explored an innovative and creative way to ‘normalize’ how we approach our advance on our journey to developing emotional fitness and vocabulary to promote positive mental health. Hence the new hashtag #wecare4me was created. The new hashtag concept #wecare4me is helpful, unique, portable, easy enough to share at on platforms anywhere and anytime.

The concept is easy and is pitched at a level that is available and in reach of children and adults

In a world that often seems divided and chaotic, Ambassador Dr. Patricia Gonde's commitment to nurturing global citizens gives hope and inspiration to all who know her.

She truly embodies the values of compassion, dedication, and excellence, and her legacy will continue to shape the lives of countless young people for years to come.

The ultimate aim is to reach i.e. individuals, families, communities, corporates and religious sectors to name a

Much work and research went into developing the LifeLine Zululand hash tag #wecare4me.

The whole concept is aligned to that of ‘ubuntu’, community development and community strengthening towards an emotionally stable individual for a mentally healthy SA. By Using LifeLine Zululand’s hash tag #wecare4me, one is able to help others as well as help themselves In just a few easy and practical steps one is able to enhance their coping mechanism as they sail through the journey we call life.

CONCEPT: #wecare4me


W- WHAT can I do

E- Express feelings

C- Check - Am I OKAY?

A - ASK for Help

R- Restore yourself

E- Engage

4 - 4 people

M - Make a call E- Evaluate



W - WHAT can I do to help myself – how to help myself to increase my mental health and emotional wellbeing?

The direct definition of Ubuntu from the online Oxford Dictionary “Noun SOUTH AFRICAN - a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity. "there is a need for understanding not vengeance, ubuntu not victimization"

This explores the options, honing in on seeking help, support, guidance, using self-help tools, coaching, LineLine personal development course, motivations books and other mechanisms and tools that promote person development and ultimately increases one’s emotional intelligence.

This level of comfort and closeness allows them to be true to themselves and to support and encourage each other in all aspects of their lives. Spending time together strengthens the bonds between partners. The foundation of any relationship is friendship As friends, loving partners can navigate life’s challenges together and grow.

Another important habit of couples that lasts is that they are attentive and selfless. Attentiveness means listening to each other and making the effort to understand each other’s feelings, needs and expectations. They are always there for each other, lending a listening ear, providing a comforting hug, or offering a helping hand when needed.

Attentive couples are committed to “talking things out” no matter how small or big the issue. Hearing each other through open and honest communications, they find solutions that work for both partners

Selfless couples put each other’s needs ahead of their own and make sacrifices to ensure their partner’s happiness and well-being.

When a couple is attentive and selfless, they build a deeper level of trust, respect, and love, and they are more likely to work together through challenges.

In addition to being attentive and selfless, couples that last are affectionate, loving and devoted to each other.

E - Express your feelings (write it down & read it out aloud, record a voice note and listen to it). The process of writing things down has research attached to it, and supports the process of personal growth, builds selfesteem, reduces stress and anxiety, increases communication skills finding one’s own strength, and so much more

It is in the asking that one is eliminated of becoming a slave to things that weigh you down or circumstances.

Asking for help is normal and part of everyday life. We don’t have all the answers to everyday life Asking for help allows one to be authentic and takes you back the Eexpress, C – check, then leads you to ASK, ask without embarrassment, shame or guilt.

C - Check - Am I OKAY?

This allows one to do introspection, and if you are not doing it then it is something you will need to get used to. Checking in on yourself makes provision for you to observe yourself from the past, present and future.

A - ASK for Help – YES you CAN. Asking for help is not taboo.

R - Restore yourself, restore your hope and restore your meaning. Add some positive routines like regular task or activities you once did which you found to be valuable.

You may not be able to restore and revive yourself to the former you, however, the version you are restoring may have meaning and value to you now, as you have new insights, introspection and perspectives on your emotional and mental health.

E- Engage with yourself and /or others in a meaningful way. Allow yourself to engage with people, places and situations that could contribute to your purpose and has meaning and value to you. Your conversations should not restrict you to conform to anyone’s standard, your engagement should allow you to be free and yourself.

4 – 4 people, make a list of 4 people (incl. institutions) you know that may be willing to support you emotionally

Why 4 – to ensure you have an even basket of contacts, making provisions for work, home, school or other (institution) support contacts. Speak to them about your emotional needs and get their permission to lean on them when you feel overwhelmed. Remind yourself that they too are human beings and while they are on your list –you cannot weigh them down, so respecting Boundaries are an essential key to your 4- people with key individuals / institutions that form part of the support structure. It is entirely up to you to have more on your list. Essentially there should be a list – your safety net list.

M - Make a call & Make a change. Make a call to someone, to check how they are doing – it doesn’t mean they wear a smile they are fine. Adjust how you do things ‘make a change’ for yourself – put yourself on the right track build, maintain or strengthen relationships (4people) that are in line with your values.

In addition consider relaxation, spiritual enlightenment, exercise, counselling, support groups as part of your initiative to make a change – all in baby steps set small milestones and achievable targets e.g. walking 1 x per week to start for the first month is much more achievable than telling yourself you going to work out every day and fail to comply with your own self –don’t self- sabotage yourself!

E - Evaluate - what you are doing as often as you can. Engage with yourself - what have you achieved and accomplished thus far. Has it been working?

YES / NO, if not then start the process again until you find an even balance of where you need to focus more time and energy. It’s a case of like to do vs need to do, need to do vs want to do, want to do vs I have to do, ultimately you have to do something – let it be the decision that serves you best and aligns to your values.

Before you find yourself in an emotional rollercoaster - It is also better practice to jot down (record a voice note) your feelings or emotions instead of acting them out –often we tend to hurt ourselves and those we love when in the ‘heat of the moment’ we say hurtful things to each other. This is also a way of evaluating your process

Writing / recording your message allows you the opportunity to hear yourself unfiltered and then make the necessary adjustments and informed decisions.

When one is faced with a stressful situation - Deep relaxing breaths may help to reduce level of stress, allowing you to focus more clearly. And you go back to #WECARE4ME, checking yourself along the process If you need to make that call, then make that call to someone on your list.


If you find yourself overwhelmed by the experiences, complications and ‘burdens’ brought on by your current situation – the oldest cliché – breathe is absolutely valid.

As emotional beings we are not perfect – because there is no perfect! Searching for perfect in a world of different perceptions will cause undue stress and anxiety. Be yourself and start now to take charge of your mental health and emotional wellbeing – an investment #WECARE4ME to last a lifetime.

This campaign if promoted with gusto and driven with passion for the great good, is monitored efficiently it could possibly indicate an outcome, i.e. the reduced number of lives lost thats linked to mental health illness even if it’s by a fraction of a hair of under 1%, its worth the effort.

It is the hope for us to help our communities and society heal, the journey begins with us as individuals wanting to make a difference - as we strive to be better versions of ourselves.

Let us change the narrative on asking for help when it comes to emotional wellbeing and mental health

Bethel (Michelle) Jewlal Director LifeLine Zululand #wecare4me

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