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Breaking Barriers with Anh-Thu Nguyen: ASIANWOMENSOARINGINAEROSPACE
Interview by Hazel Herrington
HH: Who is Anh-Thu Nguyen?
Anh-Thu Nguyên is the Vietnamese-American aviator to become the 9th women to fly solo to world in a single engine piston airplane to empower Asian women.
HH: What is your favourite quote?
Hansen powerfully said “It takes nothing to stand with the crowd but everything to stand alone.”
HH: What does the term "I AM Woman" mean to you?
I Am Woman is a celebration of the power and influence of all women around the world!
HH: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself as a living role model for young girls determined to chart their territory and to find happiness and success regardless of impossible obstacles.
HH: What are your thoughts on discrimination in terms of racism and sexism for Asian American women?
Asian women have historically been portrayed and objectified as mostly something less than our true selves. To overcome racism and sexism, Asian women need to be visible, powerful, and influential.
HH: If you were the President of Vietnam, what would you change to help women become economically independent and wholly sufficient.
If I were the President of any country, I would ensure that every child is empowered through a nationally required educational program. Education translates to economic independence and freedom.
HH: What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?
Keep pushing for women to be equally represented in every industry and organization.
HH: Do you experience resistance in your job?
I’ve repeatedly experienced resistance in my career. Even having over 4000 hours in flight time and over 200 hours in the plane I am about to fly solo around the world, men in the aviation community are still questioning my ability. Fortunately, I am not a good follower to resistance.
HH: How do you balance work and life responsibilities?
I am an advocate for mental health and physical fitness. With a good diet and exercise, I prioritize.
General Information
Name: Anh-Thu Nguyên
Country: USA
Title: President & Founder of Asian Women in Aerospace & Aviation
Website address: www.awa2.org
Social Media links: Instagram