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2.2 Chronological Development

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Kampung Datuk Keramat and Kampung Bharu were officially established during the British reign where the status of the new village was a Malay agriculture local area, while Kampung Datuk Keramat was a Malay Reserved Land. Kampung Datuk Keramat was once known as “Gonggan Estate” and “Tangga Cina” village according to the records of the capital commissioner in 1955 to 1958.



It started as a village area of multiple Malay ethnic such as Jawa, Bawean, Bugis, Minangkabau etc. around the early 1920s.

Kampung Datuk Keramat was officially explored. The earliest settlements started along the Klang River. The socioeconomic activities of the villagers at that time were more towards subsistence farming such as growing vegetables, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and so on.



Kampung Datuk Keramat was placed under the administration of Capital Commissioner. Kampung Datuk Keramat became a new settlement area together with Kampung Pandan, Kampung Ulu Kelang and Kampung Air Panas.

Kampung Datuk Keramat was announced as Malay Reserve Land area under the Enactment 3(1) (F.M.S Cap. 142). This village was situated in both Mukim Setapak and Ampang. In this year, the area of Kampung Datuk Keramat was 170 acres, and has about 639 housing units which includes 317 squatter houses, and 200 housing units were built by the Housing Trust.


1960 1970

This village settlement had rapidly developed as squatter’s area. According to Kuala Lumpur city board report in 1959, Kampung Datuk Keramat area was one of the main squatters’ area in Kuala Lumpur with the majority of the residents were Malays.


Kampung Datuk Keramat had developed into larger area, the coverage of Kampung Datuk Keramat area became 204.9 acre. The total number of populations was 13,061 and from the total population, 6,817 residents were male, and 6,244 residents were female.

The main land use in Kampung Datuk Keramat was mainly residential area with the coverage of 111.9-acre, 105.39 acre of the residential area were built on legitimate lots and only 6.36 acre remains as squatter’s area. During this year, only 3.48 acre was designated for commercial area and 11.38 acre was provided for recreational purposes. Meanwhile, the other land uses included road reserve, river reserve and main transit routes reserve. Furthermore, Kampung Datu Keramat was equipped with various public facilities such as mosque, two suraus, public and private kindergarten, primary school, religious primary school, public recreational field, police station and wet market.



Nowadays, Kampung Datuk Keramat remains as Malay reserve area, therefore, there are still many single storey houses and wooden houses which mostly are handed down from previous generations. On top of that, the development of Kampung Datuk Keramat seeks to give the residents affordable living lifestyle in Kuala Lumpur. Furthermore, the area has experienced rapid development as its location in the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, and it has expanded into Taman Keramat. Kampung Datuk Keramat is now a mixed development area with great accessibility and variety of amenities and public facilities provision. The area now has 3 high rise residential properties; however, this development is said to slowly change the landscape of the area.

Ahmad, A. B. (2000).

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