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Table 6.2: Environmental aspects stated in Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan

6.4.2 Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020

Table 6.2: Environmental aspects stated in Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan



EN 4 DBKL shall ensure the landscaping of rivers and the rehabilitation of ex-mining lands. EN 5 DBKL shall initiate an appropriate strategy for integrating the major rivers and abandoned mining ponds as an amenity and feature of the City’s urban design.

EN 8 DBKL shall, in co-operation with the sewerage concessionaire, ensure that there shall be no further discharge of untreated domestic wastewater into the rivers and drainage system.

EN 9 DBKL shall investigate the feasibility of new approaches to increase oxygenation, aeration and water quality of the City’s rivers to support aquatic life in rivers.

EN 10 DBKL shall re-activate the rehabilitation program of Sungai Klang and Sungai Gombak.

EN 11 DBKL shall not approve development involving permanent structures in river reserves.

EN 14 DBKL shall ensure the provision of adequate landscaped buffer areas between highways and other built-up areas.

EN 15 DBKL shall, in co-operation with the Department of Environment, undertake measures to reduce air pollution in the City.


Strategies need to be formulated to Incorporate the rivers and ex-mining ponds into the environmental amenity of the city through landscaping and other improvement measures.

An essential prerequisite for improving the water quality of the rivers is to ensure that all wastewater from local sewers is properly treated before being discharged into the river and drainage system.

The squatter resettlement programs will help to improve water quality by eliminating a major source of pollution. However, alternative methods of cleaning up the City’s waterways by adopting advanced but cost-effective technologies should be investigated. Such methods could include the use of cascades to increase oxygenation and aeration of the rivers and improve their capacity to support aquatic life. DBKL shall continue to cooperate with the Federal Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) in maintaining the flow capacity of the rivers and ensuring that there is no clogging. The feasibility of constructing gross suspended solid traps upstream and at other strategic locations to collect waste and reduce clogging should be investigated to provide more effective long-term measures to prevent flooding. The existing flow capacity of the rivers must not be allowed to be reduced any further by the construction of permanent structures in the river reserves.

Reducing the amount of road traffic has a direct effect on reducing air pollution. Transportation policies, therefore, that promote the use of public transport over private transport not only assist in traffic demand management, but also reduce air pollution. Other programs to reduce the effects of pollution from vehicles will be implemented such as the building of natural and man-made buffers alongside roads using dense tree planting, hedges and bunds as dust traps. The Department of the Environment is responsible for enforcement measures related to air pollution and it will be necessary for DBKL to coordinate closely with the department in order to reduce air pollution.

Source: Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020

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