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Table 3.16: Infrastructure and Utilities aspects in Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020

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Key Initiative 3.3a – Encouraging Upscaling of Existing Economies Strategic Direction 3.3: Creating an Innovative City

Encouraging upscaling of existing economies enables Kuala Lumpur to be a competitive global centre for trade and industries


d. Infrastructure and Utilities

Table 3.16: Infrastructure and Utilities aspects in Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 POLICIES DESCRIPTION

Source: Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020

Strategic Direction 10.1: Provision of Infrastructure and Utilities to Support City Growth

Key Initiative 10.1a – Promoting a Coordinated Approach in the Provision of Infrastructure and Utility to Meet Future Requirements • Promote cross-departmental coordination on project development and implementation. • Support implementation of shared facilities especially land for common infrastructure and utilities such as utility tunnel or corridor. • Support the use of new technologies which demand lesser land take for infrastructure and utilities.

Key Initiative 10.1b – Achieving Highest Reliability and Standard in Utility Provision

The KLCP 2020 seeks to encourage the service and provision of electricity supply for the City to meet the following targets which in the long term would also be in line with the MSC requirements of ensuring 99.9% electrical supply reliability. Electrical supply releasing is vital to the development of a modern economy for Kuala Lumpur and for it to remain as a competitive and attractive business city Strategic Direction 10.3: Addressing Climate Change by Encouraging Low Carbon City Initiatives

Key Initiative 10.3b – Promoting Rain Water Harvesting, Recycling and Water Saving

Key Initiative – 10.3c – Reducing Waste Kuala Lumpur needs to practice water conservation and seeks ways to reuse wastewater generated from domestic activities. Rainwater harvesting and the recycling of wastewater are small and easy steps that must be undertaken by the City to overcome long term water supply issue and to reduce carbon emission. Such sources of water could be used for urban services such as landscape irrigation, road cleaning and toilet flushing. A comprehensive programme and plan needs to be put in place in response to the National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management. Kuala Lumpur will need to find alternative sites and use new technologies for waste disposals.

Source: Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020

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