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and Public Facilities

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b. Institution and Public Facilities

Table 3.5: Policies stated in NUP regarding Institution and Public Facilities POLICIES DESCRIPTION


Thrust 1: An Efficient and Sustainable Urban Development

NUP 9 Open space and recreational areas shall be adequately provided to meet the requirements of the population. • Ensure recreational areas are provided in accordance to hierarchy and guidelines as well as standards. • Provide adequate public open spaces by the adoption of a standard of 2 hectares: 1000 urban population. • Ensure open space and recreational areas are provided with various sports facilities based on the requirement and needs of the local residents. • Gazette recreational areas and monitor the implementation of their development. • Promote the contiguous and integrated development of green areas in urban centres. • Ensure that development face rivers and water bodies. • Adopt the National Landscape Policy in the preparation of landscape. • Review guidelines and standards pertaining to the provision of open space and recreational areas.

Thrust 5: Creation of a Conducive Liveable Urban Environment with Identity

NUP 22 Adequate, fully equipped and user-friendly public amenities shall be provided with continuous management and maintenance. • Provide public amenities such as educational facilities, health, religious buildings for all religions, burial grounds and other facilities based on population requirements as well as planning guidelines and standards. • Provide user-friendly public amenities at accessible locations. • Provide high quality public amenities. • Review planning guidelines that relate to the provision of public amenities to suit current requirements. • Improve access to public amenities through continuous ample pedestrian network and bicycle lane that are safe, comfortable and user-friendly. • Inculcate the practice of continuous management and maintenance.

Source: National Urbanization Policy

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