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May 2021 Vol. 58, No. 5
6100 S. 58th Street, Suite C Lincoln, NE 68516 (402) 423-4225 www.hbal.org • info@hbal.org
The Lincoln Business Builder is published 12 times per year by the Home Builders Association of Lincoln. The Lincoln Business Builder is sent to all members of the HBAL.
The Home Builders Association does not accept responsibility for or endorse any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors of any articles.
Executive Committee
Matt Kinning, President Ward Fred Hoppe, President Elect Lori Wellman, CKD, CGR, CAPS, 1st Vice President Perry Haralson, 2nd Vice President
Ryan Trausch, Secretary Bob Bryant, Treasurer Herb Reese,
Immediate Past President Michaela Schwarten,
Executive Vice President
HBAL Staff
Michaela Schwarten, Jennie Korth, Laure Husmann, Andrea Wilkins, Taylor Wyatt
President’s Message
Matt Kinning, HBAL President
The Spring Parade of Homes starts on Mother’s Day, May 9th. There are 30 homes in this Spring’s Parade, with 26 of them open to the public. We are looking forward to once again showcasing our builders' and subcontactors' hard work and talent. Be sure to find time to attend, weekends 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., weeknights 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. HBAL leadership is continuing to work with LES on their proposed new requirements of conduit installation by builders on new home construction. LES has delayed their implementation of the new requirement as we work with them to structure a pilot program to hopefully keep costs down. The new requirement could add up to $1,500-$2,000 to each new home. We are working hard to keep housing affordable. Make sure to vote in next week’s City of Lincoln general election. HOMEPAC has supported the following candidates for City Council: Roy Christensen, Tom Beckius, Bennie Shobe, Mary Hilton and Sändra Washington. HOMEPAC also supported HBAL member, Jason Kreuger for Airport Authority.
Mark Aksamit Bryce Bornemeier Beau Daffer Megan Dreyer Kelly Krueger Hayley Lane
Dan Loeck Pam Magner Jereme Montgomery Blake Pittack Tyler Reynolds Brett Sundberg
Board of Directors
Young Building Professionals Council
Sam Swartz
Remodelers Council
Sue Eaton
Jerry Boyce Jim Christo Steve Fulton John Hoppe, Jr. Justin Johnson Bo Jones Mike Kinning Dan Klein, Sr. Matt Kleinschmit
Rick Krueger Dan Kubr Sam Manzitto Mike May Roger Reynolds
Mike Rezac Dick Robison J. Greg Schwinn Denny Van Horn