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Lead Hazard Control Program
City of Lincoln Seeks Contractors for Lead Hazard Control Program Projects
The City of Lincoln, through its Urban Development Department, has received a three-year, $3 Million Lead Hazard Control Grant and is seeking contractors interested in participating in housing rehab projects to complete interim control or abatement of lead based paint. The City estimates 165 projects over the next three years in residential housing units built prior to 1978 and with at least one child under the age of 6. City Purchasing will be issuing a unit price bid and successful bidders will be placed on an approved contractor list. As projects are identified by the City, contractors on the list will be contacted for availability and a quote. Work is for construction only, lead testing will be completed by the City. Training is required to work on these projects and will be paid by the City of Lincoln. Every contractor will be required to be licensed by the State of Nebraska as a lead abatement firm which requires the company to have at least one statelicensed lead supervisor. Lead Supervisor training is 32 hours over four days. All workers must have received at least one-day HUD/EPA approved lead paint safety training; workers who assist with abatement must have completed twoday lead worker training. All contractors must also be EPA Certified Renovation Firms with at least one certified renovator. Training will be scheduled as contractors are identified.
If interested or for more information, contact Lead Hazard Control Grant Program, Sean McClatchey Program Manager 402-580-6358 smcclatchey@lincoln.ne.gov
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