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HBAL Members Donate Labor & Materials to Friendship Home
In Nebraska, nearly 34% of women and 28% of men will experience some form of domestic violence within their lifetime, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. That’s why organizations such as Lincoln’s Friendship Home play an integral role in the community as they provide victims with a safe, secure and confidential shelter. This spring, two members of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln (HBAL), Stephens & Smith Construction and Ready Mixed Concrete Co., teamed up for a driveway and parking lot project at the Friendship Home. “We felt it was a great opportunity to collaborate with our industry partners to do something specifically for a community-based organization,” Ready Mixed Concrete Co. General Manager James Hamlette said. “It was a terrific project for a worthy cause and a great opportunity to work as a team to give back to our community.” Ready Mixed Concrete Co. and Stephens & Smith have partnered on projects for many years. “We enjoy giving back and volunteering our time because it makes us feel like we’re strengthening our community and truly making an impact,” Stephens & Smith Business Development Manager Jereme Montgomery said. “We were happy to have HBAL’s Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation reach out to us to help with this project. I call it food for the soul because it always feels good to help others.” Friendship Home Maintenance Worker Tom Neukirch was amazed by the community’s generosity and describes the employees working on the project as the “A Team.” “They were completely professional and kept me abreast about every single little thing,” said the threeyear employee. “The employees were approachable, nice and a good team. I just couldn’t believe how well they worked together.” When it was all said and done, the project, which involved about 15 yards of concrete, didn’t cost the Friendship Home a dime as the Abel Foundation made a cash donation for the concrete and Stephens & Smith Construction donated their services.

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