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Brand Identity Manual


Brand Identity Manual

Contents Mission Statement


Tool Kit


Curves Logo


CurvesSmart速 Logo


Lighted Wall Signs


Club Interior Color Palette


Customized Products


Guest Passes


Typography for Print


Typography for Web


Guidelines for Local Websites


Rules and Regulations for Local Websites


Social Media






Word Usage




Brand Identity Manual

Mission Statement At Curves, our Mission Statement is Strengthening Women.* We commit our methods, systems and motivation to helping people, whether a Curves member or franchise owner, to help themselves in their quest to attain a better quality of life.

Curves has become the largest fitness franchise in the world due to hard work, simple principles and a commitment to service. We and our franchisees are dedicated to our mission statement that directs us to help others to help themselves. The Curves brand is more than a type face or a color. The identity system is made up of many elements — carefully chosen tools — that work together to create a distinctive image and tone. These basic guidelines will introduce the Curves logo and other important identity elements. Our identity offers an opportunity to standardize and focus the Curves brand in all communications. If your communications have a brand message, they must also have the Curves brand identity as described in these pages.

*Note: The Mission Statement may not be used in ANY materials.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Tool Kit Please review these standards and refer to them often as you begin to use the Curves logo. Our identity will have the most impact when these standards are consistently and carefully followed. Beginning immediately, all printed material and signage must incorporate the proper logo and other identity elements.

It has been our experience that on rare occasions these guidelines can be impractical for some projects. In these instances, any alternative graphic solutions must be approved by Ad Approvals ( and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. For questions or additional information, please contact the Curves Corporate Office in Wood Texas. Requests for usage of art MUST be made via

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Curves Logo The Curves logo is a registered mark and should always be followed by a 速. The Curves logo, in full or any part thereof, is a registered mark and requires written permission for use.

The Curves logo MUST NOT be altered in any way. Use the Curves logo only from the authorized reproduction artwork provided below. The standard Curves color is: Pantone 525 CMYK 84, 100, 45, 5 RGB 83, 46, 99

Indicates the Curves logo is a registered mark

Proper application of the Curves logo as PURPLE (PMS 525)

Proper application of the Curves logo as BLACK

Proper application of the Curves logo as WHITE

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Curves Logo Cont’d To keep the Curves logo free of distracting elements, it should always be surrounded by a generous amount of open space. Use this formula for the minimum amount of space that should surround the logo. When available, greater open space is recommended.

Note: The X dimension is equal to the full width of the “C” in the Curves logo. 1/3 x


1/3 x

1/3 x

1/3 x

[ Incorrect Logo Usage ]

Do not print the Curves logo in dark colors on a dark background.

Do not print the Curves logo in white on a light background.

Do not attempt to recreate the Curves logo using another type font.

Do not distort the Curves logo in any way.

is sponsoring this event Do not use the Curves logo as part of a sentence or phrase, use text instead.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

CurvesSmart Logo In order to protect the Curves brand, the CurvesSmart logo is ideally used only when photographed on actual equipment or specific CurvesSmart printed materials (i.e., banners, window cling, any in-store applications). DO NOT make outside permanent signs with the CurvesSmart logo. The logo should not be used as part of a headline or sentence. Instead, the use of CurvesSmart as written text is preferred on ads that include the original Curves Brand logo. Anytime the word or logo is used, the MYTRAK disclaimer must be included once (CurvesSmart. Powered by MYTRAK).

This logo should never be used with any tagline. The logo color is PMS 525. The word “Smart” and the figure are 18.5% shade of PMS 525. The figure to the right shows the “Clear” area associated with the CurvesSmart logo. No other text or logos should encroach upon this area.

2x X-Height

X-Height Baseline

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

CurvesSmart Logo Cont’d The CurvesSmart logo works best on white or lighter colors. If the logo is used on a darker color, please use white as the color. If the layout calls for a black and white version, please use 100% black.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Lighted Wall Signs Cabinets: Lighting: Faces: Letters: Background: Cabinet:

4’ x 8’ S/F Wall Sign

6” White Aluminum Fillers Daylight H/O Fluorescents Embossed Acrylic PMS 525 (Purple) White White

3’ x 8’ S/F Wall Sign

3’ x 5’ S/F Wall Sign

Lighted Channel Letter Signs Returns: Faces: Trim: Neon: Raceway:

5” White Aluminum 3/16” 2287 Purple Acrylic 1” Silver Jewelite 15 mm 6500 White 7 1/4”, Painted to Match Wall Area 8’-10”


3’ x 8’-10” Lighted Channel Letters

3’ x 8’-10” Lighted Channel Letters on Raceway

Letter “C” is 33 ½” Tall

Letter “U” is 19” Tall

Letter “R” is 21” Tall

Letter “V” is 20” Tall

Letter “E” is 19” Tall

Letter “S” is 24 ½” Tall

“®” Mark is 3” Tall

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Club Interior Color Palette Please see the Curves Interim Club Interior Color Palette booklet for complete details, found on in the ClubSmart section, under Management.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Customized Products Letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and other customizable items can be ordered online by going to the Curves Products website. To place an order, go to Club Essentials and click on the Custom Products tab. After entering Custom Products select the link and follow the instructions to personalize products to meet your franchise needs.

1 name / 1 address

2 names / 1 address

1 name / 2 addresses

2 names / 2 addresses

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Guest Passes Will your franchise help make one million women stronger? The Curves Stronger Together Guest Passes are a great way to build your membership and strengthen your franchise by promoting Curves in the community. To place an order for Guest Passes, go to Club Essentials and click on the Custom Products tab. After entering Custom Products select the link and follow the instructions to personalize your Guest Passes to meet your franchise needs.



Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Typography for Print Primary Fonts The standard fonts for Curves International are Garamond and Helvetica Neue. If you do not have Helvetica Neue, Arial will work. The use of any other fonts requires prior approval from Ad Approvals (

Garamond ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Garamond Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Garamond Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Typography for Print Cont’d Helvetica Neue – Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue – Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue – Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue – Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue – Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue – Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Typography for Web The long-standing font for is Verdana. The use of any other font requires prior approval from the Interactive Department (

Verdana – Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Verdana – Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Verdana – Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Verdana – Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Guidelines for Local Websites As with all Curves advertising, local websites should be consistent and compatible with the national website and online advertising. Creative should complement the national corporate websites. There are two different solutions available depending on your individual needs.

1. The preferred, recommended method to create a website is to use our local website

program at The “Local Curves� system can be launched in a matter of minutes and will be loaded with exclusive features and functionality not available through any other solution. This system will automatically update your website with new creative when available and will be tied to other national, corporate systems. There is an annual fee which pays for hosting and unlimited updates. With a Curves local website, you have the ability to quickly and easily customize and make changes to your site without the use of a programmer. This special back office feature also allows you to track visits to your local website, track your online leads, and to find out which of your members have logged into MyCurves. The Curves Websites program at is the only local website vendor endorsed and supported by the corporate office. To learn more about this program, please go to or send an email to

2. If you have additional requirements for your website or if you have a local vendor

that you would like to work with, you may order a CD from the corporate office, containing an approved web template and other creative elements. Each CD costs $30.00. After the website has been built, you will need to submit this for approval to be linked on Websites built through this method will need to be updated with new creative elements as national corporate elements change. If you decide to build your website with this method, you should fully research potential expenses associated with regular site updates. Additionally, you need to make sure to follow the Rules and Regulations for Local Websites.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Rules and Regulations for Local Websites Websites built through the program will automatically be updated to the latest approved creative and content without the added expense of a programmer. The Curves Websites program is the only local website program that is endorsed and supported by the corporate office. If you are interested in this program you will not need to order the CD template, nor do you have to be concerned with any of the requirements below. If you have additional questions regarding this system, please send an email to If you have decided to build your own website by using a local vendor and the website template CD, please review the information listed below.

1. The look and feel of the site must follow the Curves corporate creative. This design

will complement the creative elements displayed at Website templates are available in a CD format. Franchisees should provide this disc to the person or local vendor selected to build the website. It is recommended that a programmer be used to implement this or a person who is familiar with java script and style sheets, in addition to html. Unfortunately, the corporate office cannot assist you with technical questions regarding how to implement this website.

2. If the creative on changes and a new template is produced, it is the

responsibility of the franchisee to update their site to the new creative within six months.

3. Each page of the site must be clearly identified with the club’s address information, preferably at the top of each page. 4. Franchisees using this system are responsible for keeping their site up to date.

Examples include: properly licensed images; appropriate taglines; current national offers (if a national offer is displayed); and the correct number of Curves locations/countries if applicable.

5. If, at any time, unapproved activities or unapproved products are listed on a local site, that site will be removed from without further notice. Examples include: items such as listing Pilates or yoga classes; selling or endorsing unapproved products such as diet pills or other substances; and displaying unapproved promotions or programs.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Rules and Regulations for Local Website Cont’d 6. Franchisees should not display the club franchise number or the ID on their local website. Franchisees may choose to add additional elements such as a newsletter or flash animation. This is allowed, however; it is recommended that some consideration be given to the time required to refresh this content on a frequent basis. A well maintained site should not contain outdated information and should provide the user with a positive experience.

7. It is recommended that franchisees who decide to build their own website be somewhat familiar with vendors and services required. This would include a company or companies that would assist with website design/programming, site hosting, and domain registration. It is recommended that the franchisee always be listed as the owner of the domain and not the agency that was employed to build the website. 8. We cannot link to websites that are set up through a hosting service that requires ad serving. What does this mean? Some internet providers will offer free web-hosting or free websites, if they can frame a section of the site for sponsored online ads. In most cases, these sponsored ads will include advertisements for competitors. This type of advertising will not be allowed on approved local websites. If you have any questions regarding this, please send an email to 9. Domain names should be localized to the franchisee’s territory using either territory

name information or the city in which the club is located. Any domain names using the name “Curves” in the title should be approved prior to registration. Please send proposed name to

Once you have built your website, please submit a request for approval to Please make sure to include your domain name and franchise number. REQUESTS FOR APPROVAL MUST COME FROM THE FRANCHISE CLUB OWNER. For more information, please send an email to

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Social Media Many franchisees get excited about creating a special account for their club on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. This is perfectly acceptable. However, you must make sure to identify your group as a local group. For example, if your Curves club is in the fictional town of “Anywhere”, then your group should be “Curves of Anywhere”, or “Anywhere Curves”. You should not imply that it’s a national group or one created by the corporate office by utilizing names such as “Curves for all Women” or simply “Curves”. You should also make sure to include copy somewhere on your landing page that states: This site is not supported or endorsed by the Curves corporate office. Lastly, as with all public Curves materials, you should only use approved, licensed images and approved content. Management of an account on a social network can be time consuming so you should make sure you consider the return on investment. Analyze this by asking yourself these questions:

1. Do you or your staff have time to manage subscriber lists? 2. Do you or your staff have time to manage content on your profile? Keep in mind that a public site will most likely generate both negative and positive posts. You will need to have a plan of action to handle difficult situations and to keep your site content fresh. 3. What is your goal? Is it to provide a place for your members to connect or is it intended

to generate new members? If it’s to generate membership, how will you track membership sales so that you may evaluate the site’s effectiveness? Social networks are rapidly becoming a popular tool used by consumers to reach out and connect to like-minded people. By their very nature, they can be difficult to manage and challenging to measure results. You may find that a lot of people may be more interested in the social networking than in the information you want to communicate.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Social Media Cont’d Ready to Launch Your Own Social Media Campaign? If you’re ready to launch your own social media profile, take a moment to learn what other franchisees are doing to ensure success. As we hear back from clubs, we will provide additional information about how fellow franchisees are using these avenues.

• Use Facebook to “friend” former members. Use the opportunity to work Curves communications into your profile. Some franchisees have communicated success in getting former members back to the club. • Follow the Curves corporate Twitter profile at Retweet posts to your own account. The messages have been approved by the corporate office and do not require you to generate your own.

For more questions or approval of a social network group, please send an email to

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Photography Curves photography features women exercising on the circuit, having fun, and interacting with members. The following photos are available for your local use. Please email for use of these photos.

File Name: C01_2.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: C08_2.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: C11_3.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: H_US.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: H_US_2.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: I_US_3.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: US_2.tif File Size: 7”x5” and 14”x10”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: US_Circuit.tif File Size: 12”x7” and 24”x16”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Unlimited Usage Rights

File Name: CircuitWorkout_Trainer.tif File Size: 10”x9”, 30”x29”,* 52” x 50”,* and 62”x 52”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires January 2011

*Larger sizes will be shipped on a disk to your franchise. Please include franchise number with your address. Delivery will take 5 to 7 business days for U.S. and 8 to 10 business days for Canada.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Photography Cont’d Curves photography features women exercising on the circuit, having fun, and interacting with members. The following photos are available for your local use. Please email for use of these photos.

File Name: Aine_Rock_0058_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Aine_Rock2_0174_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Cynthia_Abernathy2_0560_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Diana_Ruettiger2_0707_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

*Larger sizes will be shipped on a disk to your franchise. Please include franchise number with your address. Delivery will take 5 to 7 business days for U.S. and 8 to 10 business days for Canada.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Photography Cont’d Curves photography features women exercising on the circuit, having fun, and interacting with members. The following photos are available for your local use. Please email for use of these photos.

File Name: Elledge_080918_2875_JC_0925_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Heather_Shaw_0740_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Judith_Cervantes5_1205_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

File Name: Karina_Chan_1244_C.tif File Size: 4”x8” and 9”x17”* @ 300 dpi (Color or BW) Expires December 31, 2010

*Larger sizes will be shipped on a disk to your franchise. Please include franchise number with your address. Delivery will take 5 to 7 business days for U.S. and 8 to 10 business days for Canada.

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Abbreviations From time to time, you will see certain words abbreviated. Here is a list of commonly used abbreviations and what they stand for. BR BRs CD-ROM CLE CLEs CLEarly CS DVD DVD-ROM EFT EFTs FAQ HR POS ROM SC

Buddy Referral Plural Buddy Referral Training CD inserted into the computer’s CD-drive Curves Learning Experience Plural Curves Learning Experience Curves training program for the CLEs CurvesSmart® Media inserted into a TV connected to a DVD player Training DVD inserted into the computer’s DVD drive Electronic funds transfer Plural electronic funds transfer Frequently asked questions Heart rate Point of sale Range of motion Success Coach

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Word Usage Always capitalize the first letter of each word. Ab/Back Bicep/Tricep Chest/Back Club Assessment Dip Shrug Fitness Assessment Glute Health History Hip Abductor/Adductor Lateral Lift Leg Extension/Leg Curl Leg Press

Math Calculator Member Service Agreement Oblique Pec Dec Phone Script Price Presentation Recovery Board Recovery Stepper Shoulder Press/Lat Pull Squat

Curves’ websites should be written as follows:

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Word Usage Cont’d Only place a TM or ® after the first occurrence of the word.* 1-800-Curves 30 Only hyphen 1-800-Curves. Please include a space between the word Curves and 30. 1-month Hyphenated when used as an adjective (1-month guest pass) 30-minute workout Only hyphenated when used as an adjective ClubSmart Customer Experience Enhancement program, one word, always capitalize “C” and “S” Co-Op Always capitalize the “C” and the second “O” Curves® *® after the “s” Curves Fitness & Weight Management Plan When referring to the book (always use ampersand) Curves Weight Management Classes When referring to the classes Curves Learning Experience® *Three words and ® after Experience CurvesSmart® *One word, always capitalize “C” and “S” and ® after Smart

Strengthening Women.


Brand Identity Manual

Disclaimers Curves’ disclaimers should be written as follows: Curves Corporate Disclaimer: Š 2010 Curves International, Inc. Vendor Disclaimer: Curves is a registered mark of Curves International, Inc. CurvesSmart Disclaimer: CurvesSmart. Powered by MYTRAK. Content Disclaimer: Reproduced with permission from Curves International, Inc.

Strengthening Women.


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