Look inside 2017

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Look inside! In this issue:


Big Dog and Squiz have a lucky escape Who’s the Daddy and where’s he from? Mr White tries something different Adventures of Pebblecombe Bay coming soon A is for Alphabet – watch out for Dinosaurs, Knights and Pirates Zoo on the Moon or is it complete nonsense? The Granimal – new early readers Teachings from Aunt Grizelda’s Treasury

H gs Back Books

– a nose for a good book ...


In a flash, Squiz jumped up the bars of the gate and, with a flick of his bushy tail, flipped the latch so that the gate, with Big Dog stuck in it, swung open.

ackwards, Big Dog freed the gate and ran through reated by his small friend. y pushed the gate closed feel the angry bull’s breath ugh his nose.

Fairy House 978-1-907432-19-4 (paper back)

Big Dog and Squiz 978-1-907432-21-7

Sniff 978-1-907432-18-7 (paper back)

Do Not Disturb The Dragon! 978-1-907432-17-0

E is for Egypt 978-1-907432-15-6

F is for Football 978-1-907432-16-3

The Granimal 978-1-907432-22-4 (paper back)

L is for London 978-1-907432-08-8

“Too late!” hissed theThe bull. Shmoogly “Lucky escape!” said Big Dog.

Boo 978-1-907432-23-1 (paper back)

H gs Back Books

– a nose for a good book ...

... and sunbathing hot dogs use mustard sun block.

Mr White in Love - Coming Soon

Zoo on the Moon 978-1-907432-31-6

2017 titles

Aunt Grizelda’s Treasury 978-1-907432-28-6

Welcome to our 2017 catalogue and the launch of our fabulous new titles. We also have news of some future projects, including a new Mr White series, the forthcoming release of Granimal early readers and plans for our Pebblecombe Bay adventures.

The Daddy 978-1-907432-27-9

He would spend his days chasing, playing, swinging, sliding and pretending to be all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures…

Pebblecombe Bay – coming soon!

It’s just another day at the seaside ...

... but for Lenny the Lifeboat, Pedro the Pedalo and Speedy Sid there is work to be done. Just a stone’s throw from shore, the boats are busy with their different jobs. So slip on your deck shoes, pull on your life jacket - it’s time to set sail for the adventures of Pebblecombe Bay.

The cast


The boats of Pebblecombe Bay learn lessons about friendship, working together and enjoying the seaside safely ...

omb The Pebblec

e ‘Ghost’

:a blecombe Bay ppening at Peb ; ha ds e ar ar w gs ck in ba th Strange ing pulled be f el rs r he ei lt th s fe down fishing boat ha rrents running cu ld co r lt de fe un ve ard the yachts ha have been he ostly rumbles keels; and gh the water …

Josephine’s Makeover

Josephine is not impressed by her friend Yolanda’s new white sail and boasts that for her refurbishment she’s going to ask for something more colourful …

al e Carniv mbe Bay and dream,s h t d n a ately bleco Pedro Unfortun epy Peb sle na. bored of lights of the mari ere are ats as th Pedro is t o h b g ll ri a b m e s g th bounds to of visitin is out of a n ri a … m te the rou rrents on strong cu

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The Sc

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Mr White Layout




Maybe being ordinary is what makes life so wonderful. Who needs colour? Not Mr White! Hello, this is Mr White. ... ore So


Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Yiting Lee A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 2–5 years Paperback/ 165 x 165mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-13-2 £4.99


ite La













NEW SERIES Coming soon – three new Mr White titles will join the classic edition by Yiting Lee in a larger (250 x 250mm) format.

1 13 02:4


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White Lay

Mr White

Mr White

e of ourMr s?


Who needs colour? Not Mr White. Maybe being ordinary is what makes life so wonderful ... Yiting Lee

Yiting Lee

i n l o ve For: Ben & Kirsty - MC Tori and Georgia - TF

Marion Clark loves rhythm and rhyme and found writing her first picture book, Croc on the Rock, entertaining and fun. She hopes that it will make you laugh too.

Yiting Lee loves exploring different media

Tanya Fenton ‘snapped’ up the chance to illustrate the story after completing her hugely entertaining Three Silly Chickens, which is also published by Hogs Back Books.

and materials. Her use of loosely drawn lines, and the addition of bright colours to bring scenes to life, inspired Mr White.


14/02/2013 23:25

ISBN 978-1-907432-13-2







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781907 432132



White! t (Mr) n ia l il r Pure b Mr White

Mr White

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ck Books

Hogs Ba

For the best parents Ming and Huei

at the zoo

o n h o l i d ay

Yiting Lee

Yiting Lee

Who needs colour? Not Mr White. Maybe being ordinary is what makes life so wonderful ...


For: Ben & Kirsty - MC Tori and Georgia - TF

Marion Clark loves rhythm and rhyme and found writing her first picture book, Croc on the Rock, entertaining and fun. She hopes that it will make you laugh too.

Yiting Lee loves exploring different media

Tanya Fenton ‘snapped’ up the chance to illustrate the story after completing her hugely entertaining Three Silly Chickens, which is also published by Hogs Back Books.





For the best parents Ming and Huei

14/02/2013 23:25

ISBN 978-1-907432-13-2



781907 432132


and materials. Her use of loosely drawn lines, and the addition of bright colours to bring scenes to life, inspired Mr White.



an an sc

tle i t w


Do you have a friend like Big Dog – someone who will lead you on an adventure, carry you across a stream, clear a path for you and help you on your way? But perhaps one day, your friend may need your help in return. This story explores the friendship between Big Dog and Squiz – a squirrel. Follow them as they set off to explore and see how Squiz’s quick thinking helps to save the day.

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Lloyd Sherratt/Lynne Hudson A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 245 x 278 mm (landscape) 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-21-7 £6.99 Also available in hardback: 978-1-907432-34-7 at £9.99

tle i t w


Zoo on the Moon

Take a rocket tour to the Zoo on the Moon and meet a menagerie of wonderful creatures from banana-shaped tree frogs to orangutan pies – it’s a real blast!

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

... let the jou

rney begin !

rld! is wo h t f ut o It’s o

David Walker A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 278 x 216 mm 24 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-31-6 £6.99




Zoo the Mooon n by Dav

id Wal


tle i t w


Aunt Grizelda’s Treasury of Grim and Grisly Rhymes Aunt Grizelda’s Treasury of Grim and Grisly Rhymes helps you gather grusome lessons about the perils of modern life. e

(Not so) smar t phon

e: Harry got a smart phon natter – For hours he’d text and He didn’t pay attention matter; To the things that really with his dad, Like playing football s, friend his with Or rugby traffic starts Or seeing where the … ends ent pavem And where the


’s Treasur y of Grim and Grisly

Aunt Grizelda’s gruesome verse Of tragic ends and even worse Are cautionary tales that hopefully should Prevent you from coming to no good.


A.L.Best/ N. Pavaliayeva C1H79 & YDP/5AH 7–9 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-28-6 £6.99


H gs Back Boo

Anna Best • Natallia

Author/illustrator CMBC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Aunt Grizelda

as good” ms, but it wEdwin (aged 9) “It was poe

ks Also available in hardback: 978-1-907432-29-3 at £9.99 – a nose for a good

book ...

Aunt Grizelda ’s Treasury of Grim and Grisl y Rhymes

ISBN 978-1-9 07432-2



781907 4 32286


They’re grim and grisly – you have b een warned ! Hogs Back Bo




Anna Best

Natallia Pavaliay eva

Shmoogly Boo The

Who’s afraid of the big, bad Shmoogly Boo? Not Harry. The Shmoogly Boo tries everything – he grows long teeth, he buzzes like a bee, he changes shape. You’d be amazed, scared too most likely – but brave Harry isn’t fazed. Not until ...

y Boo

The Shmoogl

Also available in hardback: 978-1-907432-26-2 at £9.99


• David Walker

Eileen Wharton/David Walker A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 278 x 216 mm 24 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-23-1 £6.99

Shmoogly Boo

Eileen Wharton

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

ld he Wou u jump? e yo mak

Eileen Wh

arton David Wa lker

The Teeny-Weeny Walking Stick

This heart-warming tale of childhood innocence and imagination will enchant small children and parents alike. Beautifully told and illustrated, it is perfect for 3 to 7-year-olds as a bedtime story, and for slightly older children to read to themselves. Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson/Sally Anne Lambert A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–7 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-02-6 £5.99

” “soft, subtle and homely School Librarian The

tle i t w


Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Everyone knows (or at least they think they know) where babies come from. Nobody ever stops to ask where daddies come from. Suppose they grow on trees. The Daddy is a gentle and quirky tale about how other daddies arrived.

Sean Prentice A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–5 years Paperback/ 278 x 216 mm (portrait) 24 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-27-9 £6.99

by Lynne Hudson

Sometimes the things you own become a part of you, and that’s how Scruffy feels about his blanket. So when it goes missing, this loveable little dog sets out on a very smelly journey to sniff it out.

... but they’re not my blanket and they don’t smell of dog. Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!

So I sniff and I snuffle as I scurry around ’til I find a new smell ...

So I’ll grab it and pull it and tug ’til it’s free.

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Lynne Hudson A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 216 x 216 mm 24 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-18-7 £6.99 Also available in hardback:

978-1-907432-24-8 at £9.99


GRANIMAL Also available in hardback: 978-1-907432-25-5 at £12.99


Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Christian Alexander/Tanya Fenton C3N79 & YFB 3–10 years Paperback/ 203 x 127 mm 144 pages/ 100 illustrations - 9 colour 978-1-907432-22-4 £7.99


Christian Alexand


Tanya Fenton


s e i GRANIMAL r se The


The Egg

rest lies Pug’s Hole group of peculiar ed friends, who like r than to eat, sleep er the world around at could be better to an the arrival of a ge, pink egg? Who hatch out of it and tures will result?

GRANIMAL Can Granimals Fly?

Deep in the forest lies Pug’s Hole – home to a group of peculiar and opinionated friends, who like nothing better than to eat, sleep and ponder over the world around them. And what could be better to think about than the arrival of a mysterious, large, pink egg? Who or what will hatch out of it and what adventures will result?



Christian Alexander

Christian Alexander

- a nose for a good book ...



Illustrated by Tanya Fenton


Illustrated by Tanya Fenton




rest lies Pug’s Hole group of peculiar ed friends, who like r than to eat, sleep er the world around at could be better to an the arrival of a ge, pink egg? Who hatch out of it and tures will result?

GRANIMAL The Grand ‘Ummer Ball

Deep in the forest lies Pug’s Hole – home to a group of peculiar and opinionated friends, who like nothing better than to eat, sleep and ponder over the world around them. And what could be better to think about than the arrival of a mysterious, large, pink egg? Who or what will hatch out of it and what adventures will result?



Christian Alexander

Christian Alexander

- a nose for a good book ...



Illustrated by Tanya Fenton


Illustrated by Tanya Fenton



The Granimal Catches A Measle

rest lies Pug’s Hole group of peculiar ed friends, who like r than to eat, sleep er the world around at could be better to an the arrival of a ge, pink egg? Who hatch out of it and tures will result?

GRANIMAL The Blanket

Deep in the forest lies Pug’s Hole – home to a group of peculiar and opinionated friends, who like nothing better than to eat, sleep and ponder over the world around them. And what could be better to think about than the arrival of a mysterious, large, pink egg? Who or what will hatch out of it and what adventures will result?



Christian Alexander - a nose for a good book ...


Illustrated by Tanya Fenton


Christian Alexander Illustrated by Tanya Fenton



Early readers

Look out for nine adventures in the Granimal series.


Christian Alexander


Illustrated by Tanya Fenton


GRANIMAL To Grow a Wool


Christian Alexander


Illustrated by Tanya Fenton


GRANIMAL Roll–a–Wool



Christian Alexander Illustrated by Tanya Fenton

Deep in a forest lies Pug’s Hole – home to a group of peculiar and opinionated creatures, who like nothing better than to eat, sleep and ponder over the world around them. And what could provide something better to think about than the arrival of a mysterious, large, pink egg? Who or what will hatch out of it and what adventures will result?

Coming soon

Boris the Boastful Frog

“superbly il lustrated,

funny story ” Early Years Ed


No one likes a show-off, but you might feel sorry for poor Boris, particularly when you find out what happens to him.

“deliciously explosive” year for young chidren Telegraph - best books of the

Boris the Boastful Frog

Why not sniff out some of our other great titles?

What? No Bananas?

Chakku the monkey chief decides that something has to be done to change the ways of his lazy and greedy tribe.

But what? No bananas?

Kaushik Viswanath

That’s going too far! Will the monkeys manage to survive a whole day without their favourite food?

What? No Bananas?

Shilpa Ranade

ISBN 978-1-907432-06-4



Kaushik Viswanath Shilpa Ranade

781907 43206 4


MOAF cover final (rev

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13/09/2010 21:52

TJ160-12-09 COV 175L CTP:Hugh's Blue Day pbk cover



Page 1

Cyan Magenta Yellow



Karen Hodgson Ross Collins •

Have you ever eaten blue eggs or cleaned your teeth with blue toothpaste or travelled the top of a blue double-decker on bus? Hugh has and all in one day. It’s part of Mum’s plan to cheer him up.

day W:216mmXH:278mm

175L 230 Simple C1S


Join Hugh and his Mum as they turn the whole day blue. And, if you want to have fun, why don’t you try a ‘blue day’ too?

ISBN 978-1-907432-00-2

HBM0001 Hughʼs blue


TJ160-12-2009 IMUK

9 781907 432002


Three Silly Chickens

Nora, Dora and Flora are three silly chickens who constantly bicker over which of them is the most beautiful.

Tanya Fenton

Fed up with their squabbles, the other chickens suggest they ask the Farmer. But surely he’ll put them in his pot for supper!

Concerned for their welfare, the Wise Old Goat grants them three wishes. Will they use them wisely? Not these silly birds.

ISBN 978-1-907432-11-8



781907 43211 8




08/02/2012 15:35

Hogs Back Books - a nose for a good book

For Mum and Dad - KJH

Karen Hodgson/Steve Cox A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 278 by 245 mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-10-1 £6.99 Boris can do anything. He can jump, swim and dive better than anyone else – or so he says. But one day his boastin g gets the better of him …

ISBN 978-1-90743210-1


BBF cover rev05F.indd

781907 43210 1



Karen Hodgson • Steve Cox

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson

Anything you can do he can do , better!

doesn’t care too much for show-offs, but does love a story with an explosive ending. Poor old Boris doesn’t stand a chance! This is Karen’s seventh title published by Hogs Back Books and her most breathtaking yet.

Steve Cox

loves frogs and toads and has produced merchandising for many well known television characters, as well as having books published in different languages all over the world. www.hogsbackbooks.com


Karen Hodgson and Steve Cox 01/03/2013 11:08

Fairy House 04/12/2014


Fairy House

Insides (Cust

W) v1f.indd


Fairy House

Insides (Cust

W) v1f.indd




Fairy House Insides (Cust W) v1f.indd 12 04/12/2014 16:16

Fairy House Insides (Cust W) v1f.indd 13 04/12/2014 16:16

Fairy House

Insides (Cust

W) v1f.ind

d 16



Fairy House

Insides (Cust

This story is told entirely through Sally Barton’s beautiful illustrations and makes us think about our position in the world. The reader is drawn through a hole in the hedge into an enchanted world within. And whether you believe in fairies or not, there’s a hidden, magical world of animals, birds and nature that does exist. Author/illustrator Sally Barton CBMC & BIC A3M79 & YBCS/5AC Age group 3–6 years Format Paperback/ 216 x 216 mm Have you ever heard a rustle in a hedgerow? Perhaps you were too busy to stop and Extent peer in?24 But if pages/full you did, you might havecolour discovered a secret “fairy house” – a hidden comes alive while you sleep. ISBN world that 978-1-907432-19-4 Price £6.99 H gs Back Books - a nose for a good book

ISBN 978-1-907432-30-


W) v1f.ind

d 17


Also available in hardback: 978-1-907432-30-9 at £9.99

Fairy House


... 9

781907 43230 9


Sally Barton


Scram Sam! st wants a Sam ju place

to nap but ...


C Author/illustrator Harriet Rowe CMBC & BIC A3K79 & YBCB Age group 1–3 years Format Board book/ 160 x 160 mm s up in the ... he end Extent 10 spreads/full colour dog house a . gain ISBN 978-1-907432-07-1 Price £6.99 ISBN

Harriet Rowe





7819 07

4320 71




Babies will love Sam – he just wants a place to nap, but gets chased off by each family member in turn. This board book, full of colourful action and crazy rhymes, will appeal to tots and cat lovers everywhere. Mums and To


The King Who Wanted More The King Who Wanted More is wonderfully illustrated with each page a work of art. This traditional-style tale is destined to become a classic. Author/illustrator CMBC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson/Madalina Dina A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 4–9 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-03-3 £5.99

Why not

sniff out other grea some of our t titles?

What? No



Chakku the something monkey chief decides has to be that done ways of his lazy and to change the greedy tribe. No bananas? That’s going too far! monkeys day without manage to survive a whole their favourite food?

The School Librarian

Croc on the

What? No Banan

But what?

Will the




Shilpa Ranade


final (rev

07f) final

for printing.indd

78190 7 432 064



Kaushik Viswanath Shilpa Ranade



Three Silly Chickens

Nora, Dora and Flora are chickens who three constantly bicker silly which of them over is the most beautiful.


The crotch ety croc like bask on his s nothing better tha rock and chase the n to out of the other ani river. mals But he finds tha t a river withou fun at all ... t friends is no

ISBN 978-1-907432-06-4

9 MOAF cover

Fed up with their chickens suggest squabbles, the other But surely he’ll they ask the Farmer. put them in supper! his pot for


Croc on the Rock Tanya Fenton

Concerned for their Old Goat grants welfare, the Wise them three wishes. Will they use them wisely? Not these silly birds.

ISBN 978-1-907432-11-8





78190 7 432 118




Boastful Frog

sniff out other great some of our titles?

What? No


What? No Bananas?



Shilpa Ranade

For Mum

and Dad

ISBN 978-1-907432-06-4




MOAF cover


final (rev

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for printing.indd

COV 175L CTP:Hugh's

78190 7 432 064



Blue Day pbk cover



Kaushik Viswanath Shilpa Ranade


Page 1


Cyan Magenta


Yellow Black


Karen Hodgson

175L 230

Simple C1S


• Ross Collins



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Three Silly


Nora, Dora and Flora are chickens who three constantly bicker silly which of them over is the most beautiful.

Fed up with their chickens suggest squabbles, the other But surely he’ll they ask the Farmer. put them in supper! his pot for

Tanya Fenton

Concerned for Old Goat grantstheir welfare, the Wise them three wishes. Will they use them wisely? Not these silly birds.

ISBN 978-1-907432-11-8





78190 7 432 118




Hogs Back Books - a nose for a good book

BBF cover

Anything you can he can do, do better!

ISBN 978-1-907432-10-1





78190 7 432 101


Karen Hodgson

and Steve Cox

Karen Hodgson

much for doesn’t care show-offs, with an explosive but does love too a story ending. It poor old looks like Boris doesn’t This is her stand a chance. seventh title Hogs Back published Books. by

Tanya Fenton

• Steve Cox



Hughʼs blue

9 781907

Karen Hodgson

Boris can swim and do anything. He can jump, dive better than anyone – else But one or so he says. day his boasting gets the better of him …


Have you ever or cleaned eaten blue eggs your teeth blue toothpaste with the top of a blue or travelled on double-decker bus? Hugh has and all in one It’s part of Mum’s day. plan to cheer him up. Join Hugh and his Mum as they turn And, if you the whole day blue. want to why don’t have fun, you try a ‘blue day’ too?

Marion Clark

Boris the

Why not

Chakku the something monkey chief decides has to be that done ways of his lazy and to change the greedy tribe. No bananas? That’s going too far! monkeys day without manage to survive a whole their favourite food?

But what?

Will the

Steve Cox

has produced loves frogs and toads and well known merchandising for many television as having characters, books published as well languages in different all over the world. www.hogsbackbooks.com



Hogs Back Book - a nose for a good s book




Marion Clar

k and rhym e and fou first pictur e book, C entertainin g will make and fun you laugh

ISBN 978-1 -9074





78190 7 432 149


Tanya Fent on

‘s chance to illustrate th completing her hugel y Three Silly Chickens, by Hogs Back a Books.



Marion Cl


Tanya Fent on

www.hogs back


A jaunty, rhyming story about a crotchety croc who likes nothing better than to bask on his rock and chase the other animals away. But once he has splashed around all by himself, the croc realises that a world without friends is no fun at all and sharing the river is the best way to enjoy it.

All the animals ran to the side of




Furi d th










There were turtles, snakes and a A bison, a hog and a hopping A cheetah, a deer

” R!

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Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group “ W il l y Format ou ge Extent t ou of t m y r ISBN “G i ET v OU e Yell r? ” TO Price ed F “ th I’ll MY ec roc eat RI you on VE the for R!” roc “G my k, ET tea .” O UT Yell e O d FM “I the t’s cro YR only co IV n th me ant e ro ER!” for me ck, !”

and a bat.

Marion Clark/Tanya Fenton A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 245 by 278 mm (landscape) 24 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-14-9 £5.99

What? No Bananas?

It’s pure monkey magic! Children (and parents) will laugh out loud at this silly, quirky tale about Chief Chakku, who is gradually outsmarted by his tribe of cheeky monkeys.

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Kaushik Viswanath/Shilpa Ranade A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–7 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-06-4 £5.99


Practical Pre-School Magazine

Three Silly Chickens Nora, Dora and Flora are three silly chickens who constantly bicker over who is the most beautiful. Fed up with the endless squabbles, the other chickens in the henhouse suggest they ask the farmer. But surely he’ll put these tasty-looking birds in his pot! Concerned for their welfare, the friendly Old Goat grants them three wishes. But will they use them wisely? Not these silly birds ...

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Tanya Fenton A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 245 by 278 mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-11-8 £6.99

Author/illustrator CMBC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson/Rebecca Griffiths A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 2–6 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-04-0 £5.99

Bella’s Bubble All children love bubbles. Bella’s Bubble tells the story of an enormous bubble, which is whisked off on an exciting journey. Young children will be gripped with suspense as the bubble races across town, meeting danger at every point.

y rhythm and a health s, re tu ic p “lovely e end” big pop at th five star review to it with a

“I Don’t Care!” said Claire “hilarious”

The Chichester Observer

Move over The Naughtiest Girl in the School! Eat your heart out Horrid Henry! There’s a new kid on the block and her attitude stinks. Children aged 2–5 will be captivated by the rude redhead, who becomes ever-uglier as she ignores warnings from her family until finally she gets her come-uppance.

Author/illustrator CMBC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson/Harriet Rowe A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 2–5 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-05-7 £5.99

“a super boo k”

Hugh’s Blue Day

Early Years Ed ucator

More than just a lively and fun rhyming story with an entertaining twist at the end, this book offers a great way of coping with grumpy children. Faced with a moody Hugh, his resourceful mum challenges him to make everything blue.

Author/illustrator CMBC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Karen Hodgson/Ross Collins A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 2–5 years Paperback/ 278 x 216mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-00-2 £5.99

Editor’s choice – Book Depository

t children book tha “a lovely

Bear? Where is my

Darcy Coxall Menno Wittebrood

Where is my Bear?

Darcy Coxall • Menno Wittebroo d


907432 N 978-1-


r tire of” will neveThe School Librarian

Wheremisy bear? 27/02/2013

432095 781907




Are you scared of monsters? You won’t be after following the adventures of a young boy and his quest to find his lost bear.

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

Darcy Coxall/Menno Wittebrood A3M79 & YBCS/5AC 3–6 years Paperback/ 278 by 245 mm 32 pages/full colour 978-1-907432-09-5 £6.99 My bear was there this morning, I’d left him safe and sound. Someone must have taken him; Now where could he b

First I peeked bene ath my bed And sa

The Robot Who Couldn’t Cry rky” “fun” and “fittingly quiScho ol Librarian The

This beautifully written and richly illustrated book makes a stunning gift for children aged 3–6. It has a heart-warming message delivered in a gentle and humorous way, with a “twist” at the end.

Author/illustrator CBMC & BIC Age group Format Extent ISBN Price

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nd no one was as dreadful as the people from the water company, who transferred all the water into tiny little bottles, which they sold for £2 ...

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A is for Alphabet Series

We are publishing a whole series of titles covering the entire alphabet, including P is for Pirates, S is for Space, D is for Dinosaurs and K is for Knights.

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Thank goodness, for one moment I thought it was a head!

An A-Z guide to the beautiful game with humorous and bizarre facts. It’s more than a book of two halves.


Jumpers for


“Jumpers for goalposts” hav e been used generations by of children to play football street, in the on the park, in the playground, beach – pret on the ty much any whe planning to re. (Note to any visit the UK – yes, you do nee one take jumper s to the beach.) d to



It was only in 187 were worn, and 0 that the first football kits colours used each team. Wh to en the FA was represent 1863, football established in players didn ’t wear specific kits, but inst ead wore cap s or show which team they belo scarves to nged to. Eac time a player h represented England, he awarded an was international cap (made of white silk with a the front). Wh red rose embroidered on ile players no longer wear caps on the pitch, the term “cap” is used indicate inte rnational app to Before 1913, earances. goalkeepers wore the sam everyone else e kit as in the team. Tod different colo ured shirts. Wh ay, they wear y? To make easier for the it referee to see whether a defe handles the ball instead nder of the goalkee per.

... so I was going to use my tro users for the other post and my socks for the corner fl ags.


Until the 195 0s, jacket or blaz referees usually wore a blac er and the trad k ition of wea black continu ring es today. Ref eree shirts, shorts, socks and foot s wear black ball boots. Since the 199 4 World Cup finals, referees been allowed have to wear red, yellow, green blue, in addition and for internation to the traditional black shir al matches. t,

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Nothing cou ld get past goa lkeeper William weighed 22 stone. He play “Fatty” Foulke, ed more than Bradford City who was 1.93 400 matches between 189 metres tall and for Sheffield 4 two FA Cup United, Che s, and even play and 1907. He helped She lsea and ffield United ed for England win the League . and

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the Olympics” “perfect accompaniment to Surrey Advertiser

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Egypt Book of the


Everyone in Egypt wanted to end up in getting there the Afterlife, wasn’t easy. but Fortunately, the “Book of you had writ the ings from tips, tricks, cha Dead” in your tomb, whi ch were full rms and spel of ls to guide you on your way .

Crocodiles Rich nobles kept crocodiles as statu symbols in thei s r homes, while priests allowed them to roam freely around temples. Often the croc s were dressed they would hav in jewels – I suppose e been called “snappy dres sers”.

Cartouche Pharaohs like d their name to stand out, so when they had tem ples tombs built, their name was or carved into the walls in an oval fram a “cartouche” e called .

Ba Picture this funn y-looking fellow, called a Ba, with your face on it (you can take or leave the false Egyptians beli beard). eved this winged crea ture from your mum would fly mified body to be reunited with your Ka (your life forc your Akh, whi e and body double) and form ch was needed Afterlife. It is to survive in where the exp the ress akh together ” probably didn ion “getting your ’t come from .

Cats Incredible! more I igno The re them, the more they treat me like a god .

Beetle Egyptians love d animals (the y thought they gods in disguise were ) and were part Other sacred icularly fond animals incl of cats. uded: hawks, lions and bab ibises, dogs, oons. Anyone who delibera a sacred anim tely killed al was put to death. Even killings could accidental be punished.

This humble dun beetle (also calle g d a scarab bee tle) represented hope rebirth for Egy and ptians. They believed it rolled the sun acro ss the sky each day in the same way a beetle rolls a ball of dung across the sand.

“this brief, factual romp through the A–Z of Egypt is interesting and light-hearted”

The School Librarian

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the other frogs croaked, “Hello,” he would croak, “ Hello” back, but then add, “My croaking is louder than yours. I have the loudest croak in this pond.” When the frogs invited him to join in their games, he would spoil the fun by boasting that he could ... The Teeny-Weeny Walking Stick 978-1-907432-02-6 “I Don’t Care!” said Claire 978-1-907432-05-7

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