Valorant: The Next Big Thing WORDS BY SAMEER BAIG
magine if you had the best weapons on the planet. Now, combine those with some lethal abilities. Do you think you could qualify to be one of the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents? While Nick Fury may have already created his team to save the world, you still have the chance to be an
agent with Valorant! What makes Valorant different and a game of choice is that it takes into account the skills of the players not only from the aim of their gun but also their sense of the game. Valorant has recently outplayed Dota 2, League of Legends and Counter 2021
Strike because this game seems to be a combination of all of these. Someone who was good at FPS would excel in Counter Strike while someone who had a great strategic gaming sense and was skilled at using abilities of heroes would master Dota 2 or LoL. Valorant is designed