HB Digital Printing Ltd. Print Guide

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WHY USE PRINT? 6WXGLHV KDYH VXJJHVWHG WKDW SULQW DGYHUWLVLQJ LV WKH PRVW FRVW H΍ HFWLYH form of marketing with a higher return on investment than most digital media. Infact, 76% of small businesses state that their ideal marketing mix is a combination of print and digital communications. (Pitney Bowes Survey/Choose Print)

reasons why print is the ideal medium for you to grow your business with:



Less saturation



Print is a physical medium, meaning it can stay around for longer while internet ads and emails are more disposable.





Print is a great way to solidify your brand. Ads should carry a consistent look to them in terms of fonts, colours and imagery to establish greater recognition. Recognition brings a sense of familiarity which makes potential customers more inclined to purchase from you.

Consumers are more engaged when reading printed material than they are on the web, where pages are skimmed in as little as 15 seconds. In short, people are more likely to fully take in what you are saying.

With more and more businesses moving to advertising solely on the internet, print media now has DQ HDVLHU MRE LQ ȴ QGLQJ LWV YRLFH and cutting through the noise.


Printed media often carries a greater sense of legitimacy due to the over saturation of online display advertising, which can be overwhelming for the audience. People are also becoming increasingly cautious of clicking on these ads because of the potential risk of viruses.

THE ART OF PRINTING Printing is often much more complex than it looks and the jargon can be daunting for some. This guide will try and make it as simple as possible for you to get the best out of your prints. GSM Stands for “Grams per square metreâ€?, and refers to the weight of the paper. For example, standard note paper is usually around 90gsm, while business cards are usually 300-450gsm. A standard takeaway menu is typically 130-170gsm. Mic (Microns) When a stock becomes substantial enough, we stop talk about its weight in GSM and start talking about how thick it is in Microns. 100 microns is equal to 0.1mm so this measurement is usually only used for large format substrates. For example, our cardboard display boards come at 2000mic. CMYK Stands for “Cyan-MagentaYellow-Key(Black)â€?. This is the colour gamut used by printers which determines the range of colours that can be reproduced. Computer screens work on an RGB (“RedGreen-Blueâ€?) colour gamut, ZKLFK RÎ?HUV D ODUJHU UDQJH

Paper Types


Silk Coated This type of paper is also known as a satin-matt as it is considered a hybrid between D JORVV DQG PDWW Č´QLVK 7KH paper has a slight sheen to it EXW QRW D IXOO JORVV Č´QLVK

Matt Lamination $ VXEGXHG Č´QLVK WKDW softens colour and adds a smooth texture. Ideal for a sophisticated, modern look.

Uncoated A matt paper with no QRWLFHDEOH Č´QLVK VXFK DV D shine. It is ideal for writing on and commonly used for letterheads and compliment slips. Recycled Uncoated A recycled alternative to the uncoated stock. PVC A durable plastic available on posters. Printed on using UV inks that will take longer to fade than other inks. This is used to create posters that can tolerate being exposed to the British weather. PVC/Latex Hybrid A hardwearing, robust substrate used for our roller banner range. This stock is ČľH[LEOH DQG OLJKWZHLJKW \HW shatter and crack resistant for frequent use.

Gloss Lamination $ KLJK JORVV Č´QLVK WKDW LV ultra-shiny. It makes colours vibrant, rich and punchy as well as helping to hide Č´QJHUSULQWV DQG VFXÎ? PDUNV Ideal for photographic images. Soft-touch Lamination Gives a nice feel to the print likened to the texture of a peach. Colours appear deeper and richer than with D 0DWW /DPLQDWLRQ $ Č´QLVK that gives prints the utmost in luxury. PP (e.g. “8ppâ€?) Stands for “printed pagesâ€? As an example, an A4 piece of paper folded in half is an A5 4pp because it has 4 printed sides each one A5 in size. Spot UV $ Č´QLVK WR UHDOO\ LPSUHVV VSRW 89 KLJKOLJKWV VSHFLČ´F elements of your design with a high-gloss coating. 7KLV VRSKLVWLFDWHG Č´QLVK creates texture and intrigue, making sure your print is remembered. Must be used with matt lamination.

CMYK is called a subtractive process because it is a process that blocks out light using physical colouring agents like ink. RGB, however, is an additive process because it FRPELQHV GLÎ? HUHQW FRORXUHG OLJKW VWUHDPV WR create its colours. RGB can only be produced on electronic screens, hence why we must use CMYK colours in print. Some colours, particularly bright or Čľ XRUHVFHQW RQHV DUH QRW DFKLHYDEOH ZLWK D CMYK printing process and prints may look GLÎ? HUHQW WR KRZ WKH\ GR RQ VFUHHQ This is why it is important to make sure that your artwork is designed in CMYK. RGB colours will be converted to their closest CMYK substitute.

:H RÎ? HU W\SHV RI IROGV • Half-Fold (top left) • Z-Fold (top right) • Cross Fold (bottom left) • C-Fold (bottom right)





FLYERS Flyers make light work of spreading the word for your clients and they’re still one of the PRVW FRVW H΍HFWLYH PDUNHWLQJ PHWKRGV RXW there. Take advantage of our huge range of VWRFNV DQG VL]HV WR FUHDWH WKH SHUIHFW ȵ\HU Finished Size: A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 DL A4 Slim A5 Slim Medium Square Large Square

297x420mm 210x297mm 148x210mm 105x148mm 74x105mm 99x210mm 105x297mm 74x210mm 148x148mm 210x210mm

Stock Options: - 130gsm Gloss - 170gsm Gloss - 115gsm Silk - 150gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk - 350gsm Silk - 450gsm Silk - 90gsm Uncoated - 120gsm Uncoated - 160gsm Uncoated - 350gsm Uncoated - 300gsm Ice Gold - 285gsm Woodstock Betulla Pulp - 300gsm Tinteretto by Fedrigoni - 300gsm Mohawk Felt Cream - 300gsm Conqueror Wove Cream - 280gsm Kraft

6 - Small Format

Lamination Options: (Available on 350gsm and 450gsm Silk) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination Finishing Options: - Spot UV

FOLDED LEAFLETS Whether it’s an informational pamphlet or a small pricing brochure, we’ve got something IRU \RX &KRRVH IURP RXU GL΍ HUHQW DYDLODEOH fold types and a wide range of stocks to FUHDWH WKH IROGHG OHDȵ HW \RX QHHG Finished Sizes*: A6 8PP A5 8PP A4 8PP DL 4PP A6 4PP (A5 Flat Size) A5 4PP (A4 Flat Size) A4 Slim 4PP (A4 Flat Size) A4 4PP- (A3 Flat Size) 148mm Square 4pp 210mm Square 4pp A5 Short Edge 4PP A6 6PP A5 6PP DL 6PP 1/3 A3 6PP 1/3 A5 6PP 148mm Square 6pp 210mm Square 6pp

105x148mm 148x210mm 210x297mm 99x210mm 105x148mm 148x210mm 105x297mm 210x297mm 148x148mm 210x210mm 210x148mm 105x148mm 148x210mm 99x210mm 140x297mm 70x148mm 148x148mm 210x210mm

$OO VL]HV VWDWHG LQ WHUPV RI ȴ QLVKHG VL]H Stock Options: - 130gsm Gloss - 170gsm Gloss - 115gsm Silk - 150gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk

- 350gsm Silk - 90gsm Uncoated - 120gsm Uncoated - 160gsm Uncoated Lamination Options: (Available on 350gsm Silk) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination


BUSINESS CARDS A business card is a mini representation of your business so you need to get it just right. With a huge range of stocks and Č´ QLVKLQJ RSWLRQV WR FKRRVH IURP ZH JLYH \RX everything you need to build the perfect card that represents you. Finished Size: 85x55mm 85x25mm 55x55mm 170mm x 55mm (Folded Short Edge) 110mm x 85mm (Folded Long Edge) Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk - 450gsm Silk - 350gsm Uncoated - 100% Recycled 350gsm Uncoated - 285gsm Woodstock Betulla Pulp - 300gsm Tinteretto by Fedrigoni - 300gsm Mohawk Felt Cream - 300gsm Conqueror Wove Cream - 280gsm Kraft Lamination Options: (Available on 450gsm Silk) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination Finishing Options: - Folded Business Cards - Spot UV - Rounded Corners

8 - Small Format


BUSINESS STATIONERY Letterheads are the centrepiece of any EXVLQHVV VWDWLRQHU\ VHW XQLI\LQJ DOO RÉ?FLDO documents under one branded design. Complete your stationery set with matching compliment slips and correspondence cards for casual and formal notes. Never miss out on an opportunity to share your branding. Finished Sizes*: $ /HWWHUKHDGV É…É…É…É… [ PP DL (Compliment Slips) 210x99mm A6 (Correspondance Cards) 148x105mm $OO VL]HV VWDWHG LQ WHUPV RI Č´QLVKHG VL]H Letterhead/Comp Slip Stock Options: - 90gsm Uncoated - 120gsm Uncoated - 100% Recycled 120gsm Uncoated - 160gsm Uncoated - 120gsm Conqueror Wove Corresponence Card Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk - 350gsm Uncoated - 350gsm Conqueror Wove

10 - Small Format


PRESENTATION FOLDERS Never underestimate the value of presentation. By dressing your documents up in a presentation folder, you give people the impression that you are meticulous with everything you do, as well as utilizing another chance to showcase your brand. Available in oversized A5 and A4, we have 2 options available to you. Interlocking Folders – These are folded and FUHDVHG ZLWK LQWHUORFNLQJ ȵDSV Glued Folders – These are die cut and sealed along one edge for a more secure pocket. Finished Sizes Glued: Oversized A4 Oversized A5

216x304mm 155x219mm

Finished Size Interlocking: Oversized A5 Oversized A4 Oversized A5 (7mm Spine) Oversized A4 (7mm spine)

155x219mm 216x304mm 155x218mm 218x310mm

$OO VL]HV VWDWHG LQ WHUPV RI ȴQLVKHG VL]H Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk Lamination Options: - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-Touch Lamination Finishing Options: - Spot UV

12 - Small Format


STAPLED BOOKLETS For smaller publications, take a look at stapled range. Whether you’re building a magazine or an event programme, we’ve got an option for you. Remember to choose ‘self cover’ if you want your covers to be the same stock as your inners. Finished Sizes: 148mm Square 210mm Square DL Long Edge A4 Long Edge A5 Long Edge A6 Long Edge A4 Short Edge A5 Short Edge Stock Options: - 130gsm Gloss - 115gsm Silk - 150gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk - 120gsm Uncoated Cover Stock Options: - Self Cover - 250gsm Silk - 350gsm Silk - 250gsm Uncoated Page Options: 8pp to 56pp

14 - Small Format

148x148mm 210x210mm 99x210mm 210x297mm 148x210mm 105x148mm 297x210mm 210x148mm

PERFECT BOUND BOOKLETS When you need a wealth of information printed, perfect bound booklets give you ample space for text and imagery. Use them for product catalogues, instruction manuals or event guides and showcase the information clearly and professionally. All perfect bound booklets are made with a thicker cover as standard. Finished Sizes: 148mm Square 210mm Square DL Long Edge A4 Long Edge A5 Long Edge A6 Long Edge A4 Short Edge A5 Short Edge

148x148mm 210x210mm 99x210mm 210x297mm 148x210mm 105x148mm 297x210mm 210x148mm

Stock Options: - 115gsm Silk - 150gsm Silk - 120gsm Uncoated Cover Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk - 250gsm Uncoated Lamination Options: (Available on 350gsm Silk Covers Only) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination Page Options: 40pp to 320pp

WIRO BOUND BOOKLETS The wiro bound booklet is incredibly versatile. Build a branded notepad, planner, instructional manual or simply another form of informational booklet. Wiro binding is particularly useful for any booklets you’ll want WR RSHQ ȵ DW ZLWKRXW GDPDJLQJ WKH VSLQH Finished Sizes: 148mm Square 210mm Square DL Long Edge A4 Long Edge A5 Long Edge A6 Long Edge A4 Short Edge A5 Short Edge

148x148mm 210x210mm 99x210mm 210x297mm 148x210mm 105x148mm 297x210mm 210x148mm

Stock Options: - 130gsm Gloss - 115gsm Silk - 150gsm Silk - 120gsm Uncoated Cover Stock Options: - Self Cover - 250gsm Silk - 350gsm Silk - 250gsm Uncoated - 350gsm Uncoated Lamination Options: (Available on 350gsm Silk Covers Only) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination

16 - Small Format

NOTEBOOKS Complete your stationery cupboard with a batch of branded notebooks. Your covers will be printed on 350gsm silk coated stock and combined with 100pp of our standard 90gsm uncoated inner pages, lined or plain as per your selection. These notebooks would make fantastic free gifts or they can just be useful WR KDYH DURXQG WKH RÉ? FH Finished Sizes: A4 Long Edge A5 Long Edge

210x297mm 148x210mm

Stock Options: - 90gsm Uncoated Cover Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk Lamination Options: - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination


DESK CALENDARS Maybe you are looking to keep organised or maybe you’re looking for a fun marketing tool. Give out desk calendars to customers and keep your branding in plain sight every day. Supplied with a 500mic box board strut card to keep upright. Finished Sizes: DL Long Edge A5 Long Edge Stock Options: - 150gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk Page Options: 13pp or 14pp

18 - Small Format

99x210mm 148x210mm

WALL CALENDARS Not only are calendars great organisational tools, they’re also surprisingly useful in marketing. Get a branded calendar that you can hand out to customers and advertise your business every day of the year. Finished Sizes: A3 Long Edge A3 Short Edge A4 Long Edge A4 Short Edge A5 Long Edge A5 Short Edge 210mm Square

420x297mm 297x420mm 297x210mm 210x297mm 210x148mm 148x210mm 210x210mm

Stock Options: - 130gsm Gloss - 150gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk - 160gsm Uncoated Page Options: 13pp or 14pp


GREETINGS CARDS With our range of premium stocks, you and \RXU FOLHQWV ZLOO EH DEOH WR È´QG VRPHWKLQJ IRU every occasion. Finished Sizes: DL 4PP A6 4PP (A5 Flat Size) A5 4PP (A4 Flat Size) A4 Slim 4PP (A4 Flat Size) 148mm Square 210mm Square A5 Short Edge 4PP

99x210mm 105x148mm 148x210mm 105x297mm 148x148mm 210x210mm 210x148mm

Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk - 350gsm Uncoated - 300gsm Ice Gold - 285gsm Woodstock Betulla Pulp - 170gsm Gloss - 350gsm Conqueror Wove - 300gsm Tinteretto by Fedrigoni - 300gsm Mohawk Felt Cream - 300gsm Conqueror Wove Cream - 280gsm Kraft Lamination Options: (Available on 350gsm Silk) - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination Envelope Options: - Standard (100gsm) - Red (100gsm) - Luxury (120gsm)

20 - Small Format

POSTCARDS Personalised postcards are a great way to share a quick, casual message with customers. You could even include a discount code and send them out as an easy direct mail campaign. All our postcards come with gloss laminated fronts. Finished Sizes: A6


Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk Lamination Options: - Gloss Lamination front only


INVITATIONS Are you hosting a launch party? An awards evening? Or a charity fundraiser? Whatever the event, you can use our invitation range to spread the word. Finished Sizes: A6 A5 DL 148mm Square Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk - 300gsm Ice Gold - 350gsm Conqueror Wove Envelope Options: - Standard (100gsm) - Red (100gsm) - Luxury (120gsm)

22 - Small Format

105x148mm 148x210mm 99x210mm 148x148mm

STICKERS Stickers are great for getting your branding out there and improving the awareness and familiarity of your name. Printed on a 190gsm semi-permanent adhesive with D VLON Č´QLVK WKH\ DUH FRPPRQO\ XVHG DV D SDFNDJLQJ ČľRXULVK RU DV SDUW RI D JHQHUDO marketing campaign. They can even be used for bottle labels. Stickers are available across 3 shapes – square, rectangular or circular. Finished Sizes: Č? &LUFXODU /DEHOV - 37x37mm - 76x76mm - 88x88mm *Size relates to diameter. Č? 5HFWDQJXODU /DEHOV - 80x45mm - 88x63mm - 110x75mm - 140x94mm Č? 6TXDUH /DEHOV - 37x37mm - 45x45mm Stock Options: - 190gsm semi-permanent adhesive labels


TABLE TALKERS The perfect way for retailers, hotels, cafĂŠs, bars and restaurants to advertise the latest RÎ?HUV DQG SURPRWLRQV 7KH\ DUH DOVR D JUHDW way to advertise to a captive audience due to being placed in such prominent positions. 6XSSOLHG ČľDW WDSHG DQG UHDG\ WR DVVHPEOH Finished Sizes*: A6 Portrait* DL Portrait* 1/3 A3 Portrait*

105x148mm 99x210mm 140x297mm

Size is stated in terms of panel size. Stock Options: - 350gsm Silk Lamination Options: - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination

24 - Small Format

STRUT CARDS An essential for point-of-sale promotions and notices. Attract your customers’ attention and highlight what you want to say while they are waiting at the till. Printed on a thick 450gsm silk and supplied with a strut attached to the rear. Make sure you are utilising every opportunity you can to communicate with your customers. Finished Sizes*: A5 A4

148x210mm 210x297mm

$OO VL]HV VWDWHG LQ WHUPV RI Č´QLVKHG VL]H Paper options: - 450gsm Silk Lamination Options: - Matt Lamination - Gloss Lamination - Soft-touch Lamination


POSTERS Make your message stand out from the crowd and reach a large audience for little cost. A well placed poster can be seen by thousands of people making them the ideal marketing tool for high streets and shop windows. Wide format posters are available on a range of stocks to suit all purposes (and weather conditions in the case of our PVC stocks). Finished Sizes: A3












Stock Options: - 150gsm Silk - 170gsm Silk - 250gsm Silk - 220mic PVC Matt White - 400mic PVC Matt White - Lightbox Graphic (300mic Backlit Polypropylene) Ʉ Lamination Options: (Available on 250gsm Silk) - Gloss Lamination

26 - Wide Format


ROLLER BANNER RANGE Roller Banners are great for showing your brand in a professional light at trade VKRZV H[KLELWLRQV DQG RWKHU HYHQWV 7KH\ DOVR PDNH JUHDW VLPSOH GLVSOD\V LQ RÉ?FH UHFHSWLRQV RU RQ WKH VKRS ČľRRU (YHU\ EDQQHU FRPHV SUH Č´WWHG WR WKH EUXVKHG aluminium frame, complete with a carry case to help you get it from A to B. Printed on shatter/scratch resistant 220mic Banner PVC with UV inks, our banners are complete with a grey back to prevent light from showing through.

Standard Roller Banner

Premium Roller Banner Double Sided Banner

The standard Roller Banner comes printed on robust 220mic Banner PVC with UV inks and grey backing to prevent unwanted light showing through. They take seconds to set up, and come with twist out feet provide for stability.

The Premium Roller Banner FRPHV ZLWK DOO WKH EHQHČ´WV of the standard model but with a sleeker looking frame and a slightly more robust build for extra longevity.

Finished Sizes: 800x2000mm 850x2000mm 1000x2000mm Stock Options: - 220mic Banner PVC Lamination is not available on Roller Banners.

28 - Wide Format

Double Sided Roller Banners allow you to target people from 2 angles, making it ideal for busy open locations. They ensure you’re making the most of WKH VSDFH DÎ?RUGHG WR \RX

Finished Sizes: 800x2000mm 1000x2000mm

Finished Sizes: 800x2000mm

Stock Options: - 220mic Banner PVC

Stock Options: - 220mic Banner PVC

Lamination is not available on Roller Banners.

Lamination is not available on Roller Banners.


A-FRAME SIGNAGE An A frame can draw attention to your business premises from afar and get those important clients to come and say hello. Our silver A frames are made from aluminium and steel with a transparent anti-glare cover. They fold away for space saving night time storage and the snap frame ensures you can change the graphics with ease. All A frames are supplied with two 220mic PVC posters as standard. Finished Sizes*: A2 A1 A0 20x30in 30x40in

574x400mm 820x574mm 1168x820mm 742x488mm 996x742mm

*Size is stated in terms of the visable graphic Stock Options: - 220mic PVC matt white

30 - Wide Format

DISPLAY BOARDS Foam Signs - Foam signs are lightweight but slightly more rigid than Correx signs and PRUH FRVW HÎ?HFWLYH WKDQ 'LERQG 7KLV PDNHV them perfect for indoor signage. They are easy to drill and mount or hang. Correx - A lightweight but durable material made from environmentally friendly polypropylene with a corrugated inner. CostHÎ?HFWLYH DQG VXLWDEOH IRU LQGRRU RU RXWGRRU use, Fluted Correx is commonly used by estate agents as “For Saleâ€? signs. Cardboard - signs are a perfect solution for FRVW HÎ?HFWLYH LQGRRU VLJQV 7KHLU OLJKWZHLJKW QDWXUH PHDQV WKH\ FDQ HDVLO\ EH DÉ?[HG WR D wide range of surfaces. Dibond - is a rigid substrate that is made up of a polyethylene core pressed between two aluminium sheets. It is our strongest sign, whilst still being relatively lightweight. 'HVLJQHG IRU PRUH SHUPDQHQW Č´[WXUHV Whiteboard - 440mic Staufen is a lightweight material used for white marker board. It can be written on with a dry wipe pen making them the perfect pick for memo boards, to do lists and team target boards. Finished Sizes: A4 Dibond and Staufen Only A3 A2 A1 A0 Dibond and Staufen Only

210x297mm 297x420mm 420x594mm 594x841mm 210x297mm

Stock Options: - 3mm Foam PVC - 5mm Foam PVC - 3.5mm White Fluted Correx - 2000mic Display Board - 3mm Dibond PLF *ORVV :LSH 2Q :LSH 2Î? 5LJLG Satufen


EXHIBITION POP-UP RANGE The perfect tool for exhibitions, trade shows and other events, the pop-up display is DÎ?RUGDEOH DQG FRQYHQLHQW *LYLQJ \RX D SURIHVVLRQDO ORRN DQG PD[LPXP FRYHUDJH they will certainly help you get noticed at events. Our exhibition pop-ups are available in 4 sizes based on the number of central panels; Graphics are secured to the pop-up frame by magnets. Each stand comes with 2 halogen lamps and a container complete with wheels making them highly transportable. The container can also double as a podium. Exhibition pop ups are printed on a 500mic PVC/Latex +\EULG ZKLFK LV FRDWHG ZLWK DQ DQWL VFXÎ? ODPLQDWLRQ DV VWDQGDUG

1x3 Frame

2x3 Frame

Podium Graphics

No of Panels: 1 central panel + 2 edge panels

No of Panels: 2 central panels + 2 edge panels

Panel Size: 673x2230mm

Panel Size: 673x2230mm

Exhibition Pop-Ups are provided with a wooden counter top to allow you to turn the case into a podium. Graphics are also available for podiums and attached to the case with Velcro.

Total Graphic Area: 2019x2230mm

Total Graphic Area: 2692x2230mm

3x3 Frame

4x3 Frame

Replacement Graphics

No of Panels: 3 central panels + 2 edge panels

No of Panels: 4 central panels + 2 edge panels

Panel Size: 673x2230mm

Panel Size: 673mmx2230mm

Total Graphic Area: 3365 x 2230mm

Total Graphic Area: 4038x2230mm

With magnetic rails to attach graphic panels to, our exhibition stands can be updated whenever you decide to switch up your artwork. Get your replacement graphics printed on our scratch-resistant 500mic PVC/Latex Hybrid.

32 - Wide Format

Graphic Size: 1810x785mm


FLAGS What better way to get your business QRWLFHG WKDQ E\ KRLVWLQJ D ȵDJ KLJK FRYered in your branding? Flags make great exhibition stand accessories and come ZLWK DQ HDV\ WR DVVHPEOH ȴEUH ȵDJ SROH Printed on weatherproof 115gsm AerRPHVK RXU ȵDJV FDQ PDNH D VWURQJ YLVXDO impact at indoor and outdoor events. Feather Flags Size Options:* Large Feather Medium Feather Small Feather

3600mm Tall 3200mm Tall 2200mm Tall

Teardrop Flags Size Options:* Large Teardrop Medium Teardrop Small Teardrop

3200mm Tall 3000mm Tall 2200mm Tall

*Sizes refer to the length and width of WKH ȵDJ EXW GXH WR WKH FXUYHG QDWXUH RI WKH ȵDJV D WHPSODWH LV UHFRPPHQGHG IRU artwork. Stock Option - 115gsm Flagknit Aeromesh Base Options: - No Base - Ground Spike - 20Ltr Standard Base - 30Ltr Tyre Base

34 - Wide Format

PVC BANNERS Our PVC banners vary in size, going up in increments of 0.5cm, meaning loads of choice. Produced using weatherproof 440gsm PVC stock with eyelets included every 30cm DURXQG WKH HGJH LWȇV HDV\ WR ȴ[ WKHP WR D fence or against a wall. Size Options: 0.5 x1m 0.5x1.5m 1x1m 1x1.5m 1x2m 1x2.5m 1x3m 1x3.5m 1x4m 1.5x2.5m 1.5x3.5m 2x2m 2x3m 2x4m 2x6m Stock Option: 440gsm Banner PVC


01531 828712 sales@hbdigitalprint.co.uk www.hbdigitalprint.co.uk /hbdigitalprinting


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