2016 Asparagus Nutrition
Naufal Khairuddin http://hbfoods.info 2/1/2016
Asparagus Nutrition Fatcs and Its Benefit For Human Body About asparagus Asparagus is a delicious vegetable. You can cook them as soup, salad, grilled with other ingredients, omelet, and pasta with asparagus or even tacos! Asparagus has a lot of variety of delicious and tempting dishes you can try at home. Asparagus also a high priced vegetable because you can find them in the spring. Look at the grocery stores in the spring and you’ll find this beautiful and delicious vegetable. If you love asparagus, do you know about asparagus nutrition? Yes, asparagus has a lot of nutrition inside. Let’s know more about the nutrition of this delicious vegetable.
Asparagus nutrition Beside the delicious taste, asparagus is rich with nutrients. You can find a lot of nutrition that really good for your body in asparagus. It also provide good and positif nutritions to heal disease or any symptoms. We’ll see more about the nutrition below. 1. Vitamins One of asparagus nutrition is vitamins. Asparagus has a lot of vitamins like vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, E, and vitamin K. Let’s take a look at one cup or 180 grams of asparagus. There’re 10% vitamin A, 24% vitamin B1, 19% vitamin B2, 12% vitamin B3, 8% vitamin B5, 8% vitamin B6, 18% vitamin C, 18% vitamin C, 18% vitamin E, and 101% vitamin K. So you can see in one cup or 180 grams of asparagus you can get a lot of vitamins that’s really good for your body. 2. Folate Do you know if you consume one cup or 180 grams of asparagus, you can get 67% of folate? How incredible! One of asparagus nutrition you can get is folate. Folate or folid acid is really important for pregnant woman. A woman should consume folate before conception. This is really important to prevent birth defects and also for the mother, can prevent anemia. There’re many delicious recipe you can try so you can eat this high folate vegetable in various taste. But remember, do not overcooking your asparagus, because you can eliminate folate from the asparagus. 3. Fiber You can also find fiber in asparagus. Yes one of asparagus nutrition is fiber. If you consume one cup or 180 grams asparagus, there’s 14% fiber inside. Quite good, right? Or if you consume ½ cup asparagus, there’re 3 grams of fiber with 33 calories. Fiber is really important for our
bodyto prevent constipation and also can decrease, stroke risk, colon cancer risk and your cholesterol too. So, you can imagine how great the health benefits especially in terms of fiber contained in asparagus. 4. Minerals Asparagus has a lot of minerals too like copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium. In one cup or 180 grams of asparagus, you can find 33% copper, 20% selenium, 14% manganese, 14% phosphorus, 12% potassium, 10% zinc, 9% iron, 6% magnesium, and 4% calcium. Asparagus also has chromium inside that really good for insulin’s ability in your body. Now you can see how rich mineral content in asparagus. Asparagus does have a lot of mineral content and very good for your health. You can cook your asparagus in healthy way to maintain its nutrition. 5. Glutathione Let’s see other asparagus nutrition. We’ll find glutathione or GSH. Asparagus has a rich glutathione inside. If you consume 3 ½ ounce asparagus, you’ll get 28 milligrams of glutathione. Glutathione is really important because it can help to protect your body from cancer. There’re many cancer like bone, breast and also lung cancer. Beside to protect your body from cancer, glutathione also can protect you from viruses and radiations. So, there are some asparagus nutrition. To get best nutrition from asparagus, you can eat them raw. Yes, it’s crunchy and really good for your body. But you can also roasting or grilling them before you eats them. So, why you don’t start to eat this healthy and rich in nutrition vegetable from now? You can cook asparagus in many delicious ways and get the nutrition for your body. Let’s get healthier by this yummy vegetable! Last, thanks for reading and do not forget to follow our Facebook page and Twitter to get the latest useful articles, happy reading.
Source: Asparagus Nutrition Facts and Its Benefit For Human Body