Quinoa health benefits

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2016 Quinoa Health Benefits

Naufal Khairuddin http://hbfoods.info 2/1/2016

6 Quinoa Health Benefits, Hidden Secret of Healthy Life Two years ago, Bolivia government had assigned ‘2013 International Year of Quinoa’. This event is in commemoration of the quinoa’s role of facing out hunger and poverty around the world. These days, quinoa is known as an extraordinary plant food which has much nutrition. It cannot be denied that quinoa health benefits are being hot topic among these days. Here, we provide you some information about quinoa and its benefits for your body health.

Quinoa, a Preliminary Quinoa is a plant food that firstly found thousand years ago in South America, more specifically in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Quinoa is sometimes considered as a part of grain, but actually it has no correlation with grain. In fact, quinoa is a seed’s plant or a pseudo cereal that contains high proteins and micronutrients like vitamin B, vitamin E, minerals, and fiber. As a matter of fact, quinoa is a plant that can grow well in any kind of condition. This super grain has become a hot issue these days because of its benefits. Basically, the main quinoa health benefits are fulfilling people’s nutrition and also preventing several kinds of disease. Today, some countries in South America like Peru and Bolivia are the biggest producers of quinoa. Besides Peru and Bolivia, United States is also taking a place in proceeding quinoa and exporting quinoa to other countries around the world. Benefits of Quinoa

1. Anti-inflammatory One remarkable quinoa health benefits is it is used as anti-inflammatory. Quinoa is rich in vitamin E. Moreover, vitamin E in quinoa has acid named phenols acids. This is quite beneficial for healing inflammation and swelling. 2. Lowering the Risks of Diabetes Diabetes is one of the disease that mostly attack people nowadays. One of the amazing quinoa health benefits is it can lower the risk of diabetes. Quinoa has widely known as plant-based proteins with nine essential amino acids. Besides, it also has high fiber. Fiber in quinoa controls blood sugar levels and divides carbohydrates into smaller part. The combination of protein and fiber are good for lowering the risks of diabetes. Quinoa also has high magnesium that is quite good for proceeding glucose and insulin in the body. Moreover, quinoa also has low GI (glycemic index) in which diabetic people can consume quinoa like consuming cereal. 3.

Good for People with Gluten-Allergic

Sometimes, some people are having different reaction towards gluten. Having gluten allergic makes some people have to find other alternative foods that are appropriate with their need. Meanwhile, quinoa is a gluten-free food that is safe for people with gluten allergic. Besides, quinoa is also used by astronauts in NASA for their meal since it is digestible. 4. Good for Weight Lose Since quinoa is containing high fiber, losing weight is one of the health benefits of quinoa. Fiber is quite useful for overcoming constipation. Besides, having more fiber makes our tummy full and decreases your appetite to eat. That’s why having quinoa for your meal will help you losing weight fast and efficiently. 5. Preventing Cancer Quinoa is containing high antioxidants and also minerals. As we all know, antioxidant takes an important role of removing and neutralizing free radical. Free radicals can cause several serious illnesses like cancer and tumor. Some researches show that free radical is quite harmful for our body cells. Manganese, a type of minerals in quinoa, can repair the damage cells because of free radical. From this, it can be concluded that one of important quinoa health benefits is good for preventing cancer. 6. Overcoming hair and skin problems Getting rid of hair and skin problems are including in health benefits of quinoa. Quinoa contains 9 essential amino acids that are very beneficial for hair and skin. Consuming quinoa can repair your damaged hair and also overcome dandruff problem. Besides, amino acids are also good at healing some skin problems like acne, dark spot, and pigmentation. Therefore, manganese and copper, two kinds of mineral in quinoa, are good for skin. Manganese and copper are good for anti aging and healthier skin. Last words, those are 6 secret of quinoa health benefits you might just know. Hopefully now you and other readers will realize how good it is and start listing this food on your daily menu. Source: Quinoa Health Benefits

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