GLOBAL HOTEL INDEX: Asia Pacific - Americas - Europe - MEA Occupancy AD5 March
INSIDE ROUNDTABLE The Th e challenges chal ch a le eng nges ge ess o off na nationalising n ation tion ti nallissin ng an a n iinternational nte nt errn na attiion nall industry ind n us ustr trry try
INVESTMENTS Premier P Pr em e mier ie er In Inn, nn, n S Starwood tarw ta tarw woo od an a and d DAMAC D DA MAC MA C share sh harre pi pipeline p pe elil ne news new ws
Issue r -une r w www hospitalitybusinessme com ww h ww hos ospi pitta alitybusinessme e c co om m
00 Cover June 2014.indd 20
Behind B Be hind hi nd tthe he sscenes cene ce ness of h ne hotel ottel e bedding bedd be dd din ing g and and laundry la aun undr dy dr
Is hospitality an attractive career option? How can the industry attract more national talent? What is the role of emotional intelligence in service industries? pages of analysis and debate inside
6/3/14 4:46 PM