28 - 30 September
28 - 30 September 2013 DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE
360° Hospitality, 100% Succe 360° Hospitality, 100% Success
MEDIA PACK FOR: • Official show magazine • Official show preview Year after year, suppliers to the hotel industry exhibit at • Official show catalogue Show, because simply put – it is the largest hotel sup attracting key buyers and decision makers from a • Official show dailies MENA region. Thousands of decision makers use Year after year, suppliers to the hotel industry exhibitand at The Show to source new suppliers sign Hotel new business de • Official show map Show, because simply put – it is the largest hotel supply event
year ahead. attracting key buyers and decision makers from across the · At least 1 in 4 attendees at The Show have MENA region. Thousands of decision makers use TheHotel Hotel spend in sign excess ofbusiness $10m deals for the Show to source new suppliers and 28new - 30 September 2013 · At The Hotel Show 2 out of 3 people who visit your year ahead. DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE either a buyer or a decision maker · At least 1 in 4 attendees at The Hotel Show have a budget spend in excess ofExhibiting $10m at The Hotel Show is the smartest way to pro brand and put your sales team face-to-face with the p · At The Hotel Show 2 out of 3 people who visit your stand are matter. With 495 new hotels currently under const either a buyer or a decision maker the MENA region and the interior design spend in valued at US$56billion, can your you afford not t Exhibiting at The Hotel currently Show is the smartest way to promote brand and put your sales teamusface-to-face with the that Contact today and make surepeople your company is repre matter. With 495 new The hotels currently under construction in Hotel the supply for the ME Year after year,Show, suppliers to largest the hotel hotel industry exhibit event at The Hotel the MENA region and the interior design spend in the GCC Show, because simply put – it is the largest hotel supply event thehotelshow@dmgeventsme.com currently valued at US$56billion, canand youdecision afford makers not to from exhibit? attracting key buyers across the MENA region. Thousands of decision makers use The Hotel +971 4 4380355 to source and sign business deals Contact us today and Show make sure new yoursuppliers company is new represented atfor the year ahead. The Hotel Show, the largest hotel supply the MENA Download the event 2013for Hotel Showregion: Sales Brochu
360° Hospitality, 100% Success
· thehotelshow.com/download At least 1 in 4 attendees at The Hotel Show have a budget spend in excess of $10m
thehotelshow@dmgeventsme.com by: Show 2 out of 3 people who Media partner: · At The Hotel visit your stand are +971 4 4380355 Produced either a buyer or a decision maker
Exhibiting at The Hotel Show is theBrochure smartest way to promote your Download the 2013 Hotel Show Sales brand and put your sales team face-to-face with the people that thehotelshow.com/download matter. With 495 new hotels currently under construction in Alex Bendiouis - Associate Publisher - M: +971 (0) 50 458 9204 D: +971 (0) 4 375 5684 alex.bendiouis@cpimediagroup.com
the MENA region and the interior design spend in the GCC currently valued at US$56billion, can you afford not to exhibit? Contact us today and make sure your company is represented at The Hotel Show, the largest hotel supply event for the MENA region: thehotelshow@dmgeventsme.com