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Just like that, another year comes to a close!
2021 was a challenge to say the least! Most of us thought the worst was over in 2020, as COVID seemingly dissipated and us Australians got a taste of post-COVID living. This bliss didn’t last long as suddenly, we found ourselves working from home again, trying to navigate life with the Delta strain. Whether you are now back at work trying to remember your desktop password or continuing to WFH, we congratulate you for making it through this difficult time.
This edition of Connections marks our second and final publication for this disjointed year, with a selection of industry stories to help you forget all about COVID. Firstly, we discuss the global rebrand of Holcim and what this means for their separately owned entities. Included in this story is comments by Holcim’s CEO, Mr Jan Jenisch, and an insight into how exactly, Holcim plans to move toward a sustainable business model.
SmartCrete CRC’s new decarbonisation pathways is featured afterward. In light of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, SmartCrete CRC has demonstrated its belief in the need for change by outlining 8 pathways to ensure the successful transition to a cleaner industry. Find out all you need to know in the next few pages!
Next up, ASA member Australian Steel Mill Services (ASMS) supplied a substantial amount of their RBM800 slag to be used in the Nowra bridge upgrade that is part of the ongoing Princes Highway Project. This story is certainly a must-read this edition.
Following this, is another member story- how InfraBuild is improving the Sydney Metro network. Anyone who lives in NSW and has been to the big city knows how ridiculous travelling in Sydney can be due to the amount of people who reside there (not to mention tourists when they are able to be here). Without the Sydney metro network, it’s quite possible that getting from A to B quickly would be impossible. Hence, why this is such an important project. This story will touch on how InfraBuild is involved and how they plan to improve mobility in the city’s future. Speaking of futures, the next story features Boral’s decarbonisation plan. This story was constructed following the release of their Sustainability Report 2021, and features developments with their low-carbon concrete ranges and how they plan to reduce emissions in the coming years.
Bringing our focus back to a local lens, we report on The University of Wollongong’s project to advance research in steelmaking. Announced only recently, UOW has committed to building the ‘ARC Research Hub’ that will provide multiple opportunities for PHD students. PHD recipients will be able to work in the new hub, alongside industry professionals to develop more advanced products. What an amazing opportunity for Wollongong!
In one of our long-term Independent Cement & Lime, Alan Dow provides an insight into Melbourne Cement Facility’s new multi-cell concrete silo (MCS). The MCS is believed to be the largest of its kind in the world and with $90 Million to its name- It’s an update you won’t want to miss reading up on!
Our second last story this year is how the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project is using slag! If you haven’t already read up on this- I strongly encourage you do. Find out where the slag is being used, how much is being used and how it’s helping to contribute to a lower-carbon project and future!
Finally for this edition, we have a feature article conducted from an interview we had with Living Seawalls. A project aiming to make a positive impact on marine biodiversity with concrete… yes, concrete and a mix that features slag! This article is our second exclusive article to Connections, so make sure you give it a read.
To conclude, the Australasian (iron & steel) Slag Association would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year holiday period. We look forward to commencing a new chapter in our story next year and thank our members for the ongoing support through it all.
1. Editorial 2. Holcim Accelerates the Transition to a Low-Carbon Future and Circular Economy with New Branding 3. SmartCrete’s New Decarbonisation Pathways 4. Slag Delivers Again in Regional Roads 5. InfraBuild and the Development of Sydney Metro 6. Boral's Decarbonisation Road Map 7. UOW and Australian Steel Innovation 8. Melbourne Cement Facilities New Multi-Cell Concrete Silo 9. How The $5.1 Billion Snowy Hydro 2.0 Project is Using Slag 10. Living Seawalls: How They’re Bringing Sea Life Back into Busy Urban Areas with the Help of Some Slag 12. Three Teams in the US Join Forces and Give New Life to Stored Ash 13. Carbon Concrete Mix Takes Out Two Prestigious Awards at the 2021 Sustainability Awards 13. Write for ASA Connections
Connections is published by the ASA
The Australasian (Iron & Steel) Slag Association Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4258 0160 Fax: 02 4258 0169 Email: info@asa-inc.org.au Web: www.asa-inc.org.au Executive Director: Craig Heidrich Editor: May Anderson Design: 101 Design Contributors: May Anderson, Dan Webb, Craig Heidrich A bi-annual publication with an online circulation of 1500 copies