My name is Kathleen but you can always call me Kat, and I have the utmost honor of serving you as your 2023-2024 president :) I have many plans for our club this term and I'm looking forward to having an amazing term with all of you.
playing instruments (piano, guitar, ukulele), badminton, binge watching kdramas, reading, graphic design, CRYING & SLEEPING
My name is Nicole and I’m very excited for the 2023-2024 and grateful to be your Vice President. I hope that you could join us and make many memories serving the community!
reading, watching rom-coms, baking
I'm Jayleene and I'm very honored to be your secretary. Thank you all for putting your trust in me and I'm excited to work with you all and make this a fun and successful key club term! @its.jay.jay18
going out, watching shows, spending on food and boba, sleeping
My name is Danika and I am so honored to say that i will be your new treasurer for the ‘23-‘24 term!!! Along with my fellow board mates, I am looking forward to another new and exciting key club year
@dan1ka.na1 hobbies
reading poetry, drawing, volleyball, going out with friends, playing with my dogs
My name is Althea and I will be your new club historian. I am looking forward to spending unforgettable moments with all of you. I also can’t wait to take cute pictures of everyone<3
traveling, badminton, watching movies & tv shows, shopping
My name is Jazlyne, but feel free to call me Jazzy! I'm super happy and honored to be part of Key Club, As your webmaster. I'm really excited about all the cool stuff we have planned for this year. I've got some awesome ideas to make our online presence stand out. Let's make this year at HCA's Key Club unforgettable with lots of fun and memories together.
starbucks lover, vlogging, photography, volunteering, dancing, HELLO KITTY OBSESSED!
The spring fling festival was an event hosted by the school for the clubs to gather and sell products or introduce activities. This event was similar to club rush which is held at the beginning of this school year. For this event, we chose to sell croc charms and hand out coloring pages for people to color if they’re looking for other activities other than just food and miscellaneous products This was pretty successful in my opinion because we were able to sell out and gain $37 just for a small amount of croc charms Overall, it was a fun event, and we were able to introduce key club to the students who might be interested in joining next year.
The letters for the seniors was a project I thought about as a way to appreciate the graduating seniors as we didn’t really have the proper opportunity to do so in person due to other activities. This was a unique approach to expressing gratitude to the graduating seniors. I had a lot of fun writing the newsletter and compiling notes for the seniors since I believed it would be the finest way to express our gratitude and appreciation for all they did last term. I was able to communicate my comments to the seniors and congratulate them on their accomplishments through this project while also demonstrating my ingenuity in producing the newsletter.
: ➛ june 21st
: ➛ brookside west swimming pool (4615 Winding River Cir, Stockton, CA 95219)
: ➛ 1:00 - 3:30 PM attire: appropriate pool attire (swim suits, swim trunks, etc)
: ➛ sign up link (tinyurl.com/junedcm2324)
nominate a member, officer, advisor to get recognized for this month!
: ➛ form closes on June18 at 6 PM links:
MOTM: tinyurl.com/D27N-motm23
NOTM: tinyurl.com/D27N-otm
AOTM: tinyurl.com/D27N-aotm23
Ate, I have so many things to tell you but I can't say it in this letter :'). I'm so grateful to have gotten closer to you this school year because of Key Club. I'm beyond proud of you for all of your achievements and I hope you continue to inspire people around you. I wish you the best at Davis !! Let's keep in touch ;) I'll miss you so much CUPID !!
Hi ate! Congratulations on graduating and being valedictorian (your speech made me cry) Thank you for being a role model and showing us what a great leader is like Although we never really talked a lot, I'm happy I met you and I can't wait to see what you do in the future! Have fun in college
Congratulations, Ashley! Thank you for everything you have done for Key Club. You have always been such an amazing and energetic person, serving as a great example as a Key Club officer. You have guided others with passion, just as you have for Key Club, For always putting others before yourself when it has come down to events and the club in general. This isn't goodbye; you will always be a part of Key Club! We will miss you so much!! Don’t you dare forget about this stay in touch!!
You’re leaving us!!! D: We’ll always remember your courageousness, determination, and strive. Your dedication to Key Club is what we will try to model as we lead the club on our own. Congratulations on getting into UCLA. I hope you have lots of fun and remember not to become too engulfed into your studies. You’ll make lots of new memories but don’t forget about us!!!
Congratulations on your graduation and honor roll placement. Thank you for your outstanding work as treasurer and for assisting our club's growth The world awaits your extraordinary skills, and I am confident that you will make a significant difference in whichever route you choose.
Hi Gayle, congratulations! You were a remarkable officer and I'll try my best to continue the legacy you left as key club treasurer We'll miss you and good luck on your journey to the future!
Thank you for all of your contributions to the club, we greatly appreciate your dedication to help with community service. As you all embark on this new phase in life, we all wish you the best and we have no doubt that you'll continue to shine brightly. Your successes to date are proof of your potential and the influence you can have on the world. Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, persevere through obstacles, and allow your passion to propel you toward your goals.
Congratulations everyone !
Kathleen Laura Emperador | President
instagram: @klrael
Nicole Peterson | Vice President
instagram: @ .nic0leodeon
Jayleene Seth | Secretary
instagram: @its.jay.jay18
Danika Nai Zulueta | Treasurer
instagram: @dan1ka.na1
Althea Marie Doctor | Historian
instagram: @ altheadoctor
Jazlyne Jimenez | Webmaster
instagram: @jazlynenicole
Doreidy Magaña-Sandoval | Advisor
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