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Mary Whiteford Republican District 80

Michigan House of Representatives District 80 State Representative Mary Whiteford - Republican

Commitees: Appropriations;Health Policy Appropriations Subcommittees: Health & Human Services (C); Joint Capitol Outlay


Lansing Office: 372 Capitol Building P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514

Mailing Address: 372 Capitol Building P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 Phone: 517-373-0836 Email: MaryWhiteford@house.mi.gov

Biography for State Representative Mary Whiteford

PROFESSIONAL State Rep. Mary Whiteford was first elected to serve the 80th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in March 2016.

Whiteford worked in a pediatric neurosurgery unit before working in a pediatric emergency unit. In 1997 she started an accounting business with her husband, Kevin. They now run their own financial planning firm.

Whiteford was an active volunteer in her children’s schools, ran homeowner associations, was appointed to city committees and was appointed to the Michigan Women’s Commission where she worked on raising human trafficking awareness.

EDUCATION Whiteford earned a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Northern Illinois University.

PERSONAL Rep. Whiteford grew up in the Midwest, in the small town of Cary, Illinois and is the oldest of four children. She met her husband, Kevin, in college and they have three adult children and two grandchildren. Whiteford and her husband live in Casco Township.

House District

Michigan State House of Representatives District 80 includes: Allegan Fennville Holland (part) Otsego Plainwell Saugatuck South Haven (part) Village of Douglas Allegan Township Casco Township Cheshire Township Clyde Township Fillmore Township Ganges Township Gun Plain Township Heath Township Hopkins Township Laketown Township Lee Township Manlius Township Martin Township Monterey Township Otsego Township Overisel Township Salem Township Saugatuck Township Trowbridge Township Valley Township Watson Township

HCAM/MCAL Members in District 80

Allegan County Medical Care Community Allegan Douglas Cove Health & Rehab Douglas Ely Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Allegan Life Care Center of Plainwell Plainwell

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