HCC NOW! Magazine Fall 2012

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PRESIDENT’S CORNER programs have been added to meet those local demands. Recognizing that the skill set of the workforce is different today than any previous time, HCC has expanded technical training opportunities with area unified school districts.

“ With health care being the primary employer in Reno County, and a dominant force in the three county service area, Hutchinson Community College is once again responding to a community need.” Dr. Edward Berger Hutchinson Community College continues to “expand the tradition of excellence” that has been a hallmark of this institution for 85 years. As the community evolves, the College also changes to reflect the needs of the citizens of Reno County. The community has come to expect Hutchinson Community College to be a proactive supporter of community initiatives. Recognizing that the cost of higher education continues to escalate, HCC has kept its tuition and fees affordable. Recognizing that students are going to need financial assistance, expanded scholarship programs have been created. Recognizing the changing needs of the workforce, more

This fall semester has seen a significant increase in enrollment largely attributed to legislation proposed by Governor Brownback, which provides student tuition for technical education courses and programs taken while in high school. The goal of the initiative is to provide students with a skill and, in some technical programs, certification, allowing for employment upon graduation; transfer credit to a community college to complete a degree; or to develop a skill that will assist in paying for college. This first year has produced tremendous participation with nearly 600 high school students enrolled in the program at Hutchinson Community College. In an effort to expand the capacity of allied health programs at Hutchinson Community College, the Board of Trustees purchased the Quest Center in December 2011. The renovation of the Quest Center has now begun. The close proximity of the Center to Davis Hall, where the Surgical Technology, Nursing, and Radiology programs are located, will make it possible to have an allied health training center with visibility on Main Street. It is anticipated that the project will take about 300 days to complete which could allow for classes to begin in the Center by January 2014. The plan is to have an expanded presence for the Physical Therapy Assistant and Respiratory Therapy Assistant programs, to relocate the Health Information Technology program from main campus and to relocate the Surg Tech program from the basement of Davis Hall. It is expected that a covered walkway will connect the two buildings so students and instructors will share the space of both facilities. Ultimately the goal is to have a “teaching” patient room that would bring

all of the programs into the same learning environment simulating what occurs in the hospital setting as opposed to the current model of training in individual program areas. The improved lab space and location are expected to allow for considerable growth in all of the allied health programs. With health care being the primary employer in Reno County, and a dominant force in the three county service area, Hutchinson Community College is once again responding to a community need. Another area for expansion is Fire Science. The Hutchinson Community College Fire Science program has long been recognized as the largest and best Fire Science program in Kansas. The number of certifications, diversity of offerings and quality of instruction have been hallmarks for the program. From its inception, the Fire Science program has been in Cameron Hall on South Campus. That location has expanded to include Fire Science East and Northeast on South Campus. While Cameron Hall has served the program well for a number of years, the facility clearly needs to be replaced to meet the needs of fire science education. Discussions with the City of Hutchinson have opened exciting opportunities for a partnership with the Hutchinson Fire Department and the construction of a new facility adjacent to the Hutchinson Fire Department administrative center and fire grounds. This will allow for resources to be shared and educational opportunities for students and continuing education to be dramatically enhanced. This Center will be unique in Kansas and the Midwest and should create a great opportunity for program expansion. For 85 years your community college has striven to meet the educational, training and service needs of South Central Kansas and will continue to do so into the future.

hutchinson community college • hcc now! Fall 2012 • Vol. 19, No. 2 HCC Now! is published twice yearly by the office of Marketing and Public Information. marketing@hutchcc.edu Contributors: Steve Carpenter


HCC Now! Fall 2012

A publication of Hutchinson Community College 1300 N. Plum • Hutchinson, KS 67501 www.hutchcc.edu Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association, 30 North LaSalle, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602 www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org 312-263-0456

Professional news

Kansas Politicians Visit Campus Hutchinson Community College hosted several prominent politicians on campus this fall, coming to view the active technical education programs and business and industry college partnerships. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback spoke with students in the auto mechanics technology program at the Hutchinson Career & Technical Education Academy during his visit to campus. The program is one of several programs Hutchinson USD 308 and Hutchinson Community College offer in partnership. The merged programs provide secondary and postsecondary technical education through shared resources and hands-on learning opportunities. Brownback also toured the HCTEA facility and observed several programs which will receive tuition benefits under Kansas Senate Bill 155, to provide technical training to Kansas high school students in high-demand career fields. Kansas Secretary of Commerce Pat George came to campus during State Fair week to meet with local business owners and entrepreneurs in a special “Lunch and Learn� series sponsored by the Business and Industry Institute. George talked with local businessmen and women about the opportunities and threats facing small business owners in today’s economy. George also visited with college officials about the number of business and industry partnerships which HCC participates in and the growing

number of business training opportunities sponsored by the college to continue to train Kansas workers to meet industry needs.

Governor Sam Brownback views the automotive repair class at the HCTEA.

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran came on campus in October and met with students in the Introduction to Leadership class at Hutchinson Community College. Moran discussed his experiences as a community servant for more than 25 years.

(below left)Secretary of Commerce Pat George enjoys a lighter moment in a discussion with area business owners at HCC.

Moran took the opportunity to tour the Richard E. Smith Science Center, a project he was instrumental in promoting. The Science Center expansion and remodeling project has increased the opportunities for training in the high-demand health care, bioscience and biotechnology fields that are growing concerns in the state.

(below right) U.S. Senator Jerry Moran discusses the growth in health education fields which spurred the remodeling and expansion of the Richard E. Smith Science Center.

HCC Now! Fall 2012


Allied Health Training Center of Excellence

An aging population and an aging building will both benefit, as Hutchinson Community College moves forward with the renovation of the Allied Health Training Center of Excellence.

In October of 2011, the Hutchinson Community College Board of Trustees authorized the purchase of The Quest Center building, located at the corner of East 9th Avenue and Main Street in downtown Hutchinson. The building, constructed in the 1960’s, had formerly served as the home of the Quest Center for Entrepreneurship. Originally constructed as a Safeway Market, and an insurance company office, the building had housed a variety of small businesses in the decades following. In the fall of 2009, Hutchinson Community College rented space in the facility to house the new Physical Therapy Assistant program. The Quest Center,


HCC Now! Fall 2012

located adjacent to the college’s Davis Hall, was an ideal space to put the new and expanding program, as Davis Hall had become already strained with the growing Allied Health programs housed there. When the college expanded health offerings again with the Respiratory Therapy program in 2011, the Quest Center space again became home to another Hutchinson Community College program.

Now the demand for trained health care workers is reaching a critical shortage both regionally and nationally. Kansas is facing a severe shortage in virtually every allied health career area, with the percentage of Kansans over the age of 65 exceeding the national average. In Kansas, 13.2% of the population is 65 or older, and in the college service area, some counties are as high as 18% of residents above the age of 65.

“Hutchinson Community College has always been at the forefront of Allied Health Education,” said Dr. Edward E. Berger, President. “Enrollment in allied health courses has increased by 54-percent in the last five years.” The demand for professionals, and the expansion of the programs, however, had reached the capacity of nearby Davis Hall, which houses the Associate Degree Nursing program, Surgical Technology, Radiology Technology and other allied health training. “Acquiring the Quest Center made sense,” added Berger. “The location of the building was ideal, and gives us much needed space for expansion. The building will also give us a presence on Main Street and allow us to continue to meet the demand for health care training that shows no sign of declining.”

Floorplans & Rendered Artwork Courtesy of Schaefer, Johnson, Cox, Frey Architecture

Construction has begun on the renovation, and the project is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2014. The project will be conducted in three phases. The plan includes office, classroom and laboratory space for the surgical technology and health information technology programs, additional faculty offices, along with improving and expanding the spaces already utilized by physical therapist assistant and respiratory therapy programs.


PHASE ONE Vestibule F

100 - -

Elevator Stair -

110 R P


109 - -

Classroom 112 V R P 838 SF



101 R P

102 C R P 117 SF




103 R P 47 SF

Office Office C


101A R P 94 SF

101E R P 94 SF

Classroom 113 V R P 843 SF

Office Office C


101B R P 94 SF

101F R P 94 SF


101G C R P 95 SF

Office C

101C R P 94 SF

Corridor V

111 R P

Office C

101D R P 94 SF

Classroom 114 V R P 843 SF


104 V R P 111 SF

Office C

101H R P



Portions of the building will also house large meeting and classroom spaces needed by the associate degree nursing program for their online bridge program. This program, which has students from across the nation, meets in Hutchinson twice yearly for required training and testing. With more than 60 students in the program each year, finding a room large enough to host the group had become difficult. The final phase will add a walkway to the existing Davis Hall so the two buildings will become a seamless educational complex for Allied Health.



108 - P

Computer Lab 115 V R P 762 SF

Lobby V

107 R P

6 Reception 136 C R P 313 SF



117 C R P 305 SF


135 X - 151 SF

116 C R P 338 SF

Womens RR T

Mens RR

118 C C


120 C C



137 V R P 100 SF


Electrical / Mechanical

119 - -


122 R P

Corridor V

123 R P

Conference Office

138 C R P 186 SF

134 C R P 262 SF

Physical Therapy Assistant Lab 124 V R P 1646 SF


“The acquisition of the Center of Excellence will allow us to continue Hutchinson Community College’s reputation for excellence in Allied Health training and education,” Berger noted. “It is an ideal solution for everyone.”


133 V R P 106 SF

Surgery Tech Module 129 V R P 677 SF

139 C R P 200 SF

Respiratory Therapy 127 V R P 995 SF

Classroom 125 V R P 729 SF


131 V R P 291 SF


130 V R P 601 SF

Commons 132 V R P 1581 SF

RT Lab Storage 128 V R P 302 SF

Physical Therapy Storage 126 V R P 363 SF






A R C H IT E C T U R E Em p r i se


C e n te r

257 N. Broadway Wichita,


6 7 2 0 2 - 2 3 1 7 Ph. 316.684.0171 F a x.3 1 6 .6 8 4 . 8 8 3 5

HCC Now! Fall 2012

w w w . s j c f . c o m architecture@sjcf.com


Financial update Where our students come from

What our students look like

What our employees look like

294 Full-time 611 Part-time (including student workers) 120 Full-time instructors 374 Part-time and adjunct instructors 76% Instructors with master’s degrees 12% Instructors with doctorates 17:1 Student/Faculty ratio

14,733 Total students 5,550 Noncredit students 9,488 Credit Students 57% Women 27 Average age 80% Working students 500 Dorm students 12.4 Average credits load 864 Graduates last year 41% Graduates in transfer programs 59% Graduates in career and technical programs 170 GED students

Other stats

$60,000,000 5,000 $1,155,469

Economic impact on the area Number of classes offered every year Academic scholarships last year


total college fund

revenues State & Local Grants and Contracts 1%

Property Taxes 28%

Auxiliary Enterprises 12% Other Revenue 4% Auxiliary, Enterprise, and Activity Funds 14%

State Appropriations 22%

Depreciation 10%

Scholarships and Grants 7%

Maintenance & Operations 8% Student Tuition and Fees 12%

Federal Grants & Contracts 19%

Academic Support 5% Student Services 10%


Other Sources 1% Property Taxes 42%

Public Services 4%

Institutional Support 13%


general & vocational Fund

Instruction 31%

Tuition and Fees 29%

Maintenance & Operations 13%

Transfers 4%

Institutional Support 14%

Instruction 45%

Federal Grants & Contracts 1% State Sources 27%

Student Services 16% Academic Support 8%


HCCNow! Now!Fall Fall2012 2012 HCC

student news

Porter Honored with Service Award

Steve Porter, Vice President of Workforce Development and Outreach at Hutchinson Community College has been awarded the Exemplary Service Award by the Kansas Council for Workforce Education. Porter received his award at the annual Kansas Council for Workforce Education Conference, November 2, 2012, in El Dorado. Porter serves on the KCWE board as the Vice President of Partnerships and Collaboration. The award is presented for service to the KCWE. Recipients are nominated by colleagues for consideration for the award, and the nominations are judged by a panel of distinguished, anonymous judges. “Steve has been an integral part of KCWE since its inception, and has tirelessly served in several leadership capacities,” said Donna Kelley Shawn, KWCE President. “He was instrumental in developing the New Instructor Seminar, which has become recognized as a necessity for faculty who leave business and industry to become an instructor.” The Kansas Council for Workforce Education provides a state forum for faculty and administrators in career and technical education as well as workforce development. KCWE provides critical information and professional development to members on best practices, initiatives, and current, as well as, future trends.

Program Celebrates 45 Years

The HCC Health Information Technology (HIT) Program held a 45th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, September 20th. More than 25 current and former students, faculty and support staff attended the event. The celebration was held in conjunction with the Kansas Health Information Management Association Fall Meeting and Vendor Show in Hutchinson. The HCC HIT program is primarily an online program, with students participating from across the country. Professionals in the field of health information management are the experts who secure, analyze, integrate and manage information that guides the health care industry. This information is important to patient care, research, health care planning and decision making, liability protection, quality improvement and reimbursement of claims.

Connect with HCC Social Media

Hutchinson Community College is now social! HCC has joined the social media trend, with the creation of official college pages on the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube platforms. David Planthold was hired this fall to serve as the first Social Media Coordinator for the College. Planthold comes to HCC after several years of experience with LogicMaze of Hutchinson and The Hutchinson News. Connect with HCC through the following addresses:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hutchcc YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/hutchccmedia

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hutchccnews HCC Now! Fall 2012


student news

Partnership with Fort Hays Ag Dept. Hutchinson Community College and Fort Hays State University have been awarded a $277,243 grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture for a precision agriculture partnership. Precision agriculture involves using GPS and satellite technology to map fields and precisely apply chemicals and seed and measure the crop yield. The grant is a collaborative venture between FHSU and agriculture faculty from HCC. The grant allows both institutions to purchase equipment. Co-principal investigators at HCC are Steve Sears, agriculture agronomy instructor, and Dale Conard, ag-diesel coordinator and instructor. Both schools will use grant money to acquire equipment. FHSU will acquire a field tractor with auto-steer capability and a 60-foot crop sprayer with automatic boom section control. HCC will purchase a GPS-compatible combine and a farm utility vehicle with sampling equipment. At HCC, on the college’s 425-acre farm, Sears and his students will use the equipment in the field. The farm utility vehicle will be used with the soils class as one of the laboratory sessions. The class will map out five-acre blocks to collect soil samples and then map zones of similar soil properties. The combine will be used by the ag-diesel students in their classes. “Part of the grant is the collaboration between the two institutions,” said HCC’s Sears. “We’re going to go back and forth with some students and we’re also going to develop a 2-plus-2 transfer agreement that specifically includes a practical and applied precision agriculture component. They could start with us to get the practical, mechanical side of the degree here and get the management and the application of the data at Fort Hays State.”

HCC to Host AFA Nationals

United Way Fundraisers

The Hutchinson Community College Debate and Forensics team will host the 2013 American Forensics Association National Individual Events Tournament this April. The tournament will be held on the HCC campus on April 5-7, and will host more than 300 competitors from across the country, including students from the University and Community College ranks. This is the first time for HCC to host the AFA-NIET, and it is an honor for the College to be selected as the host, since the tournament has typically been hosted by a “major” university like Rice University, the host in 2012. “This is such an honor for our program,” said HCC’s Debate and Forensics Head Coach Travis Roberts. “We have a strong tradition in debate and forensics, and our selection to host this tournament gives us an opportunity to showcase HCC and Hutchinson.”


HCC Now! Fall 2012

Zombies invaded the HCC campus, but all in fun, and all for a good cause. A zombie flash mob, featuring members of the HCC faculty and staff along with several members of the HCC Theatre production of Evil Dead: The Musical, performed the iconic Michael Jackson Thriller Dance on the lawn of Lockman Hall. The event was to celebrate HCC meeting the campus goal for gifts to the annual United Way fund drive. HCC also hosted the third annual Dragon 5K for United Way on September 29. More than 100 runners and walkers participated in the event, which also benefitted the United Way fall fundraising drive.

athletic news

XC Course Dedicated

A collaboration between Westar Energy, Hutchinson Community College and Buhler USD 313 resulted in the creation of a new cross country running course located on Lucille Road, near Prairie Hills Middle School. Westar Energy donated 200 acres of land for the course, adjacent to their power station located off of 30th street in Hutchinson. Prairieland Partners donated equipment and manhours to help create the course, and will assist in the maintenance of the facility. The course is open to the public throughout the year for walking and jogging. The course was designed to preserve the natural beauty of the area, with wild prairie grasses and a variety of local plants and wildlife calling the course home. For competition, the course has varying elevations and numerous twists and turns to create both a physical and mental challenge. The course made its debut on September 13, with a middle-school meet. The course will play host to the 2013 NJCAA Region VI Cross Country Championships next October, and will also host a variety of high school and other events througout the year.

Track Team Recognized Academically The HCC men’s track and field team was again recognized by the NJCAA as one of the top academic teams in America. The HCC men finished second in team grade point average, with a 3.569 overall score. Butler Community College was the top team with a 3.767 average. HCC had two individuals, sophomore thrower Weston Cottrell (pictured left) and freshman thrower Brandon Koenigsman post perfect 4.0 grade point averages. Cottrell finished third in the nation last year in the 2012 outdoor championships in the hammer to earn All-America honors.

Men’s Basketball Schedule Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Feb. 27

Dodge City (at Dodge City) 8:00pm Garden City 7:30pm Butler (at El Dorado) 7:30pm Barton 7:30pm Colby (at Colby) 4:00pm Pratt 7:30pm Cloud County (at Concordia) 8:00pm Seward County 7:30pm Dodge City 7:30pm Garden City (at Garden City) 7:30pm Butler 7:30pm Barton (at Great Bend) 7:30pm Colby 7:30pm Pratt (at Pratt) 8:00pm Cloud County 7:30pm Seward (at Liberal) 8:00pm

Women’s Basketball Schedule Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Feb. 27

Neosho County 5:00pm Dodge City (at Dodge City) 6:00pm Garden City 5:30pm Butler (at El Dorado) 5:30pm Barton 5:30pm Colby (at Colby) 2:00pm Pratt 5:30pm Cloud County (at Concordia) 6:00pm Seward County 5:30pm Dodge City 5:30pm Garden City (at Garden City) 5:30pm Butler 5:30pm Barton (at Great Bend) 6:00pm Colby 5:30pm Pratt (at Pratt) 6:00pm Cloud County 5:30pm Seward (at Liberal) 6:00pm ndars!

ur Cale Mark Yo

2013 NJCAA Track Championships May 16-18 Gowans Stadium

HCC Now! Fall 2012



Donna Alstedt

Larry Bowman

Donna Alstedt has been a member of the HCC custodial staff since 2004. In that time, Alstedt has performed a variety of tasks, but was primarily in charge of the Athletic Building for most of her career, keeping that facility in top condition through her attention to details. She also worked at the Sports Arena in that same capacity during her time at HCC, and her final assignment was as first-shift custodian in the Richard and Jack Parker Student Union.


Ewert has also taught introductory College Success Seminar courses and Career Decision Making courses during his time at the college.

Gay Hewitt worked at Hutchinson Community College from 1998 to 2012 as a member of the Information Technology Services (ITS) staff.

Bowman began his teaching career at the high school level, and taught several years in Alaska before moving to Kansas and teaching in the area.

During that time, she primarily worked with faculty in meeting their technology needs, but also repaired and upgraded equipment for faculty and computer lab facilities in many buildings on campus.

Bowman has particularity enjoyed working with his fellow staff members and students through his years at HCC. Bowman, who had a health scare recently, was pleased to find that three of his nurses who cared for him during his hospitalization were his past students in his science courses.

During that time, Dunsworth assisted students in both the Residence Halls and general student population in utilizing the HCC equipment and facilities in both the Student Union and the Residence Halls.

Cheryl Easter

Jim Ewert

Larry Bowman has served as an instructor in the physical sciences at HCC since 1991. He specialized in teaching chemistry and physical sciences and also is active as an advisory.

Marilyn Dunsworth worked for the college from 1989 to 2012. She worked nearly 10 years as a custodian in the Maintenance Department, and in 1998 became the Recreation Attendant.

Marilyn Dunsworth

Jim Ewert has worked in the Guidance and Counseling offices at HCC since 2003. Ewert started out as a counselor working with the Student Success Services program, and transitioned to the Guidance and Counseling office when the SSS program was eliminated. Ewert has coordinated the tutoring services at HCC and has participated on a variety of committees and task forces throughout his years at HCC, sharing his expertise in working with students who need additional academic assistance.

Some of Marilyn’s tasks included checking out gaming equipment, in addition to ensuring the equipment in the workout areas was functioning properly and receiving necessary maintenance.

Gay Hewitt

Hewitt also assisted on a variety of other major computer upgrade projects throughout her time at HCC, and assisted with classroom education as well. She was named the HCC Employee of the Semester in the spring of 2005.

Marcia Hicklin Marcia Hicklin served as a member of the HCC maintenance staff for two years, starting with the college in 2010. Hicklin performed a variety of maintenance tasks in her time with the college, and worked as a nights and weekend custodian. She was primarily assigned to the Parker Student Union, but also covered most of the main campus on the weekends. In addition, she helped facilitate access to all of the main campus buildings and Davis Hall for any and all weekend events held at HCC.

Cheryl Easter worked with the practical nursing program at the College even prior to the college having a nursing program. Easter was a member of the staff of the Central Kansas Area Vo-Tech school when it merged with HCC in 1993, and had been a member of the CKAVTS staff since 1988.

JoAnn Howell has been an instructor with the practical nursing program in McPherson since 2003. Howell has been a specialist in the area of surgical nursing, and has been a key mentor to hundreds of nursing students in the HCC program.

She served the college as the secretary for the practical nursing program after the CKAVTS merger, and remained in that position until her retirement. In that time, Easter assisted with a variety of tasks for the nursing program and was key in ensuring a smooth transition in the program’s move from the McPherson Hospital to the new McPherson Center in the old Wal-Mart building.

Howell has also helped coordinate the annual pinning ceremonies for the practical nursing program. Howell has advised and mentored hundreds of HCC students during her career at HCC, and was also a key staff member in assisting the practical nursing program in their move from the McPherson Hospital to the new McPherson Center.

HCC Now! Fall 2012

JoAnn Howell

retirees Marilyn Lind Marilyn Lind has been a member of the HCC staff since 2007. Lind served as a Natural Science Laboratory Technician since coming to HCC. Lind’s tasks included preparing any necessary equipment, samples and specimens for hundreds of laboratory classes over the years. She also assisted HCC in maintaining continuity in the lab classes while the faculty and staff was relocated to other campus buildings during the expansion and renovation of the Richard E. Smith Science Center.

Linda McVey served as the secretary to the Vice President of Student Services from 1997 until her retirement this fall.

Linda McVey

Robertson was also in charge of the HCC accreditation processes during her time at HCC, and guided the college through the accreditation process with the Higher Learning Commission AQIP program. Robertson also served as the co-Vice President of Academic Affairs for several months following the retirement of Dr. Sue Darby.

Dr. Martha Robertson

Tonn was the Coordinator of Institutional Research, providing detailed data and reports on HCC students, instruction and projects to a variety of organizations, including the Kansas and U.S. Departments of Education. Tonn was also the coach for the HCC Scholar’s Bowl team for several years as well.

Ron Menefee

Dr. Hence Parson, has served as the Chairperson of the Social Science department for many years, and has also taught sociology and other social sciences courses since beginning his career at HCC in 1972.

Prior to joining the staff at HCC, Tonn was also a member of the HCC Board of Trustees for four years, including serving as a trustee during the construction of the Stringer Fine Arts Center.

Mike Tonn

Donita Winters worked at Hutchinson Community College on two separate occasions, most recently from 1995 until the fall of this year. In total, Winters worked at the College for nearly 30 years.

Dr. Parson has also been active in the coordination and creation of a number of popular social science forums on campus highlighting a variety of social issues, including cultural diversity, Native American culture and the annual Constitution Day activities. Dr. Parson has been instrumental in the coordination of the citywide Dr. Martin Luther King Day activities for many, many years. Dr. Parson will not be completely leaving HCC, as he will remain on as Department Chair and continue to work with the Social Science Forums.

Teresa Preston

Mike Tonn has worked at Hutchinson Community College since 1991. Tonn joined the staff after several years of working in the public school ranks, primarily in the Haven School District.

Ron Menefee served as Director of Financial Aid at HCC from 2003 until his retirement in September. Menefee oversaw the entire HCC financial aid process and supervised a staff of four to six staff members who provided face-to-face and online financial aid services to thousands of HCC students each year. Menefee was instrumental in a restructuring of the department shortly after his arrival on campus to increase student satisfaction with the financial aid process and improve customer service throughout the office.

Preston’s particular interest in the area of jewelry led to her developing a relationship with artists in the African country of Ghana, where she has traveled for several years to participate and facilitate workshops with the native artisans for fellow instructors in the arts. She also has helped bring artists to the United States from Africa to help them share their artistic knowledge with teachers and instructors and foster further cultural understanding.

Dr. Martha Robertson worked at Hutchinson Community College from 2005 until 2012. In that time, Robertson primarily worked in the office of Instructional Services as an expert in academic programs and advised faculty in the creation of new academic courses and programs.

In that time, McVey worked with VP Randy Myers on a variety of tasks, including coordinating the Presidential and Presidential Leadership Scholarship programs, numerous HCC special events and assisting students with questions and coordinating necessary documentation for a variety of office functions. McVey was honored as the Employee of the Semester for her work at the college in the Fall of 2010.

Teresa Preston has been an instructor in art and art history at HCC since 1996. Preston’s passion for the arts has allowed her to mentor hundreds of students, and she has often served as a mentor for the HCC Presidential Scholar Program.

Dr. Hence Parson

Winters was a counselor in the Guidance and Counseling office, and was most recently the International Student Advisor. In that role, Winters assisted students from more than 35 different countries in preparing the necessary documents required to attend HCC, either as an online, or in-person student. She was honored for her work in the fall of 2009, when she was named the HCC Employee of the Semester.

Donita Winters

HCC Now! Fall 2012


Blue Dragon Notes

blue dragon notes Cass Adelhardt is the new junior high and high school math teacher in Argonia. She graduated from Kansas State in May of 2012 with a degree in secondary educationmathematics. Phil Armijo appeared in a recent episode of the USA Network series “Burn Notice.” He has had several acting jobs, including appearing in “Kill Bill” with David Carradine. He resides in Florida. Stephanie Baltazor is a high school science teacher at Pike Valley High School. She resides in Belleville with her fiancé, Clay Mettlen. Ginger Becker has opened Graphic Elegance Photography and Design in Moundridge. She specializes in family and senior portraits and also shoots weddings and other life events. She is also a Graphic Technician at AGCO in Hesston, while managing her own business on the side. She and her husband, Adam, have one daughter, Morgan. Jessica Bowser received her doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in May. She completed her doctoral training at M.D. Anderson, the nation’s leading cancer center. She is currently coauthoring a chapter for the book “Translational Cancer Research: Molecular Therapeutics.” She resides in Houston. Dave Chartier lives in McPherson with his wife, Kathy, He is currently the president of the McPherson Board of Realtors and the McPherson Chamber of Commerce. He has two married daughters and five grandchildren. Marshall Christmann is the Chief Negotiator/President of Local 278c UFCW/ICWUC of Lions. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have three sons and reside in Lions. He recently completed the 2012 Kansas legislative session as an intern for Senator David Haley of Kansas City. Jenny Collum has been hired as a nurse with Dr. Benjamin Davis at the Prairie Star Health Center. Prior to her hiring at Prairie Star, she worked at Buhler Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community.


HCC Now! Fall 2012

Beth Craig (’41) is a resident at Wesley Towers in Hutchinson. She recently retired after 42 years in the banking industry. She worked primarily for Security Pacific National Bank (which is no longer in business) in California, and moved up from a bookkeeper position, through teller, to finally the Assistant Manager of the Vandenberg Air Force Base branch, the position she retired from. She served as a specialist in Escrow and Securities accounts and set up the Escrow Department for Security Pacific during her time at the company.

blogged about the experience on her blog ksuarc2012.blogspot.com

Jared Cripe has graduated from the Kansas Highway Patrol Training Academy in Salina. He is assigned to Shawnee County, where he resides. Prior to his graduation from the KHP, he was a lieutenant with the Shawnee Heights Fire District.

Ryley Haas advanced to the second round of the Kansas Amateur’s Match Play Championship at Sand Creek Station in Newton. He was a former Blue Dragon golfer during his days at HCC.

Emma Ehart was selected as a vendor for the Hillsboro Arts and Craft fair in 2012. Her work in handcrafted silver jewelry was selected by the jury for vending at the fair. She learned to make jewelry as part of her coursework at HCC. Jay Emler lives in Lindsborg, where he operates a small family farm and served 35 years as an attorney in the area. He has been married to his wife, Lorraine, for 42 years and the couple has two grown children. Gayle Nelson Enloe recently retired as the secretary of Lyons High School. She had worked for LHS for 11 years after spending 22 years as an accountant with the federal government in Denver. She resides in Lions and is looking forward to spending more time with her granddaughter after her retirement. Noah Flores presented an exhibit of oils entitled “Somewhere Between the Night and Day” as a guest artist at the Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery in Lindsborg. Flores currently lives in Marquette, where he has a studio. Summer Gajewski competed in the 2012 Women’s Air Race Classic as part of a two-person team from Kansas State in Salina. She participated in the four-day event with pilot Megan Henderson, and

Renae Gifford (’93) is the Coffey County Academy of Learning facilitator. She resides in Burlington with her husband, Nathan, and their five children. Rusty Grafel is the head men’s basketball coach at Colby Community College. He was the assistant coach for CCC, prior to his promotion in August. He played one season for HCC, leading the Blue Dragons to a Jayhawk West title in 2004.

Cody Heitschmidt is a digital communications consultant, specializing in 21st Century marketing. He and his wife, Tamara, live in Hutchinson with their 15-year old daughter and 12year old son. Mitch Holmes has been elected to the Kansas State Senate representing District 33. He served seven years in the Kansas House prior to his election in November. He resides in St. John with his wife and four children. Cassie Becker Johnson lives in Lindsborg with her husband, Jason. She is the McPherson County Deputy Treasurer. Heath Johnson is the new counselor at Lyons Middle School. He lives in Hutchinson, where his wife is a teacher at McCandless Elementary. They have three children. Karen Johnson lives in Westwood, where she has retired from law after a long career. Johnson is now an amateur photographer, and has recently started a Facebook project to post one of her photos from Kansas City each day. Johnson has posted more than 250 different photographs of the Kansas City area, ranging from Harry Truman’s home in Independence to an eagle atop the Wyandotte County Courthouse. Continued on page 15.

Wedding Bells & In Memoriam Weddings & Engagements

Sarah Mozingo / Drew Martin Oct. 29, 2011 Joel Wiens/ Rachel Coerik July 2, 2011 Lisa Tator / Derek Boggs March 10, 2012 Ashley Sewing / Tyler Miller April 21, 2012 Amy Simon / Zach Brucker May 2012 Kayla Brown / Jason Jandera May 5, 2012 Kelsey Bravi / Kent Otto May 25, 2012 Nena Robison / Ryan Haworth June 2, 2012 Aubrey Walden / Jeffrey Weigel June 8, 2012 Shelbi Sasse / Ethan Spicer June 9, 2012 Monica Dillon / Kyle Frye June 15, 2012 Leigha Kaegi / Dustin Hendrickson July 4, 2012 Stephanie Franz / Joshua Madden July 14, 2012 Emily Miller / Jordan Gonzalez July 14, 2012

Bethany Goertzen / Jacob Yates July 27, 2012 Heidi Boller / Joe Rippert Aug. 4, 2012 Melinda Stucky / Dallas Hageman Sept. 8, 2012 Katherine Holloway / Cody Lawrence Sept. 22, 2012 Megan Mans / Bret Smith Sept. 29, 2012 Lindsay Doyle / Andrew Graff Oct. 6, 2012 Elizabeth Johnson / Andy Wills Oct. 13, 2012 Brecken Jones / Weston Klein Oct. 20, 2012 Sierra Radke / Kyle Michelstetter Oct. 20, 2012 Lacey Stone / Weston Tallman Dec. 8, 2012 Liesl Davenport / David Nowlan Jan. 19, 2013 Jessica Stewart / Justin Naccarato June 15, 2013 Alumni, former students, current students and staff are indicated by italics.

J. Timothy Kimmel, Ph D, 60, Inman, May 14, 2012

Benjamin Hebel Ford, 71, Hutchinson, August 28, 2012

Dorothy Irene McQuilliam, 95, Hutchinson, March 6, 2012

Rosa A. Cook, 99, Overland Park, May 22, 2012

Clinton Lee Hendershot, 58, Hutchinson, September 3, 2012

Larry Burnett, 64, Hutchinson, March 6, 2012

Lucetta ‘Jayne’ Tippie Yates, 70, Hutchinson, June 3, 2012

Clarice Sheffler, 74, Hutchinson, September 11, 2012

James O. ‘Pete’ Costello, 82, Hutchinson, March 14, 2012

Michael S. Weve, 44, Mt. Hope, June 7, 2012

Aline M. Kline, 93, Lawrence, September 12, 2012

Betty L. White, 83, Hutchinson, March 17, 2012

Robert L. ‘Bob’ Stone, 79, Hutchinson, June 8, 2012

Danny K. McMurphy, 62, Haven, September 12, 2012

Harry A. Olson, 62, Hutchinson, March 18, 2012

Billy H. Clark, 85, Hutchinson, June 10, 2012

Beverly Sue (Melcher) Rutschman, 39, Newton, September 16, 2012

Hal S. Durham, 64, Hutchinson, March 23, 2012

Linda Kay Hunt, 63, Pittsburg, June 15, 2012

Frances Stewart-White, 94, Hutchinson, September 17, 2010

Barbara Ann ‘Tootie’ Davis, 72, Enid, OK, March 31, 2012

Shirley G. Carlile, 64, Liberal, June 18, 2012

William K. (Bill) Erickson, Jr., 65, Kansas City, MO, September 27, 2012

G. Merl Caldwell, 87, Hutchinson April 3, 2012

Thomas William “Bill” Goodwin, 88,

Lawrence, June 20, 2012

Dorothy Webster, 43, Harper, September 27, 2012

Lyman E. McGregor, 64, St. Augustine, FL, April 4, 2012

William J. ‘Bill’ Garden, 54, Hutchinson, June 27, 2012

Robert (Bob) James Farley, 89, Santa Monica, Ca, October 2, 2012

Marjorie A. Kail, 88, Tribune, April 16, 2012

Patricia L. (Seibert) Wood, 63, Belpre, July 5, 2012

Taylor D. (Tay Tay) Sowell, 18, Wichita, October 6, 2012

Jonetta Kay Spence, 50, Hutchinson, April 19, 2012

Wayne Everett Newell, 82, Eurika, July 20, 2012

Rebecca Sue Shannon, 19, Hutchinson, October 10, 2012

Hutchinson, April 19, 2012

Shirley Crawford Schmidt Taggart, 87,

Cynthia K. (Cindy) Givens, 63, Hutchinson, July 21, 2012

Marion L. (Mel) Ferris, 98, Arkansas City, October 14, 2012

Donnie L. Ahrens, 76, Hutchinson, April 23, 2012

Chet Syres, 78, Hutchinson, July 21, 2012

Douglas M. Mitchell, 70, Hutchinson, October 15, 2012

Dorothy ‘Dottie’ Patton Beeson, 91, Green Valley, AZ, April 26, 2012

Dixie Ralthena Ruiz, 59, Abilene, July 22, 2012

David John Bisoni, 69, Jacksonville, FL, April 27, 2012

Harlen F. Lingerfelt, 95, South Hutchinson, July 24, 2012

Brandon Christopher (Bran) Wolf, 34, McPherson (Windom), October 24, 2012

Kristen E. Jacobs, 59, Wichita, April 27, 2012

Dale F. Zwickl, 81, Hutchinson, July 29, 2012

Curtis ‘Curt’ Ray Blevins, 51, Hutchinson, May 6, 2012

Mary Francis Danforth Austin, 97, Salina, August 8, 2012

Dorothy ‘Dottie’ Patton Beeson, 91, Green Valley, AZ, April 26, 2012

Shirley Anne Hoyt Von Ruden, 85, Hutchinson, August 11, 2012

Curtis Ray Blevins, 51, Hutchinson, May 6, 2012

Gerald D. (Jerry) (Slim) Anderson, 62, Ulysses, August 15, 2012

Jerry P. Matlack, 68, Hutchinson, May 8, 2012

Martha JoAnne (Marty) Case, 57, Windom, August 25, 2012

Georgia Jean Guggisberg, 72, McPherson, October 24, 2012 Rex Linder, 80, Sterling, November 3, 2012 Brian Mark Gaede, 45, Papillion, NB, November 10, 2012 Thomas M. (Tom) McGuire, 65, Hutchinson, November 14, 2012

Friends Remembered

Douglas Clair Huffman, 86, Hutchinson, Nov. 8, 2011

HCC Now! Fall 2012


Alumni News

Alumni Spotlight:

Denny Stoecklein Current Hometown: Hutchinson, KS Family: Wife Michelle (attended HCC in 1985); son Jordan, currently a sophomore at HCC; son Ryan, currently a sophomore at Hutchinson High School. Career: General Manager at the Kansas State Fair; has been with the Fair since 1995, serving as General Manager since 2003. Years Attended HCC: Fall 1986 - May 1988 Graduated from at HCC: Associates is Arts Degree, 1988 What makes HCC special to you? Being a Hutch native, HCC is something we got engaged with at a young age by attending athletic events. Each of my siblings also attended, as does my oldest son, so I’ve always had an interest in seeing HCC prosper. What is the one thing you’d like to tell perspective students from HCC? HCC provided such a valuable transition for me from high school to furthering my education at K-State. The instructors care deeply about helping students achieve at the highest level so they are best prepared for the next step, whether that be a four-year college or joining the workforce.


HCC Now! Fall 2012

Alumnus of the Year Nominations HCC Alumni and Friends is seeking nominations for the 2013 Alumnus of the Year. To be eligible, alumni must have excelled in their fields of endeavor, been involved in significant ways with the college, community, state or county, and have attended HCC for at least two semesters. The award can be given posthumously. To submit a nomination, send a letter to HCC Alumni and Friends, 1300 N. Plum, Hutchinson, KS 67501 or email keastc@hutchcc.edu. Include the following: • The nominee’s name, phone number, address or email address • Your name and phone number • And reasons for the nomination Please submit the nominations by Friday February 8, 2013.

What’s New with You?

We’d like to share your career news, weddings & engagements, educational news and in memoriam updates. Contact the Alumni & Friends at 620-665-3348 or by emailing: alumni@hutchcc.edu-

Alumni News Darius Johnson-Odom has been drafted as the 55th overall pick in the NBA draft by the Dallas Mavericks. Johnson-Odom was then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers for cash considerations after his selection. He played three seasons at Marquette after a season for the Blue Dragons. Emily Kepley has been promoted to customer service representative at First Bank of Harvey County. Dan Klein (’10) is a member of the Coffeyville Fire Department. He is a volunteer with the Boy Scouts and resides in Coffeyville. Emily Konen is an assistant at the Little River Learning Center and Windom Elementary. In addition, she is the assistant high school volleyball coach at Little River. She and her husband, Tyson, have three children. Amie Kreis is a third grade teacher at Eisenhower Elementary School in Great Bend. She and her husband, James, live in Great Bend. Pamela Lawson (’07) lives in McPherson, and is the owner of Brain Punch, an accounting service in McPherson. She is a member of the USD 418 school board, and is active in the McPherson community. She has two children, Michaela and Max, and three grandchildren, Gabriel, Gage and Sailor. Sara Linden is the new librarian at the Jay Johnson Public Library in Quinter. She and her husband, Matt, have one son, James. They reside in Collyer. Sara Marlar is a real estate loan processor with First Bank of Harvey County. Leah Mawhirter is a learning disabilities teacher at Great Bend Middle School. She and her husband, Cassidy, have two children, Jericho and Rallye. Jared McDaniel has been named the head coach at Trinity Academy in Wichita. He played college football for the Blue Dragons. He was previously an assistant football coach at Derby High School.

a principal at Burrton High School. He is married and has three daughters, aged 10, 8 and 4. Logan Mize is a recording artist residing in Nashville. He recently released his newest album “Nobody in Nashville” in March. He has been appearing in concerts and various venues across the Midwest and was a part of the Blake Shelton Celebrity Cruise in October. He played football for the Blue Dragons during his time at HCC. Bruce Mock received the Melvin Jones Award for service as a member of the Dodge City Lions Club. Mock has been an active volunteer to many Lions Club activities, including the annual pancake feed in Dodge City. Stephanie Neuschafer has been named the Assistant Director of Nursing for Prairie Star Health Center. She was the deputy director of public health for Dickinson County prior to joining the staff at Prairie Star. Grady Pauls is the high school physical education teacher at Hesston High School. A native of Hesston, this is Pauls’ first teaching assignment. Rev. Nancy Proffitt is the pastor of the Oberlin and Prairie Chapel United Methodist Churches. She resides in Oberlin at the parsonage with her dog, Sadie, and cat, Recon. Rebeca Sandoval has opened Complete Circle Counseling and Coaching in Hutchinson. She specializes in working with children, teenagers and families in treating mood and anxiety disorders. Ken Schmidt is the Undersheriff of the Edwards County Sheriff Department. He has spent 22 years in law enforcement. Brian Shaw is the head tennis coach of the Winfield High School team. He and his wife, Kristi, reside in Ark City with their daughters, Halston, and Hadley. Lucas Soltow is a real estate agent with Re/Max Royal of Hutchinson. He resides in Hutchinson.

Ray McGavran is the Chairman of Property Management, LLC. in Ottawa County. He has been married for 40 years and has three grown children. He was the owner and manager of the Ada Grain Company for 30 years.

Desiree Skibbe is a branch manager for the First Bank branch in Newton. She is a member of the Newton Community Childrens Choir Board and the Heartland Pregnancy Care Center budget counselor.

JosH Meyer is the new superintendent of USD 350 in St. John. He was formerly

Honor Smith has been hired as a physical therapist assistant at McPherson

Hospital. She graduated from the PTA program at HCC in May, after spending 16 years in the banking industry in McPherson. Stacy Stapleton lives in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, where she teaches third grade at Jefferson Elementary School. She was recently honored as a 2012 Educator of the Year by the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce Education Committee. She received her honor at the Educator Appreciation Reception in October of this year. Chris Swick has been named Sports Editor of the McPherson Sentinel. Swick has been a reporter with Sentinel since July, and worked ten years in the Manhattan area as a member of the Manhattan Broadcasting Company, Inc., where he covered Kansas State University and Manhattan High School athletic programs. Mandi Valek is the manager of in-house advertising and regional promotions for the Belleville Telescope. She is engaged to Eddie Sandberg and is planning a June 2013 wedding in Belleville. Carol Viar lives in Salina, where she is a member of the Southeast of Saline School Board. She is also a member of the Board of Schools for Quality Education, an advocacy group for small schools. Todd Vogts (’06) is a journalism and junior English teacher at USD 376 in Sterling. He received his master’s degree in education from Fort Hays in May. Prior to accepting his teaching job, he ran The Moundridge Ledger newspaper. Mark Willis (’83) has been named by Governor Sam Brownback to the Kansas Commission on Emergency Planning and Response board. He is currently the Deputy chief of the Newton Fire/EMS Department, a position he has held since 1985. Kevin Wondra is the Treasurer of Barton County. He and his wife, Teresa, have two children and three grandchildren. He resides in Great Bend. Joey Young is the new owner and Editor in Chief of the Mount Hope Clarion newspaper. He works alongside his wife and co-owner, Lindsey. The couple reside in Mount Hope.

HCC Now! Fall 2012


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