Dragon's Tale Magazine - Fall 2009 Issue

Page 1

Digital Animation Students get animated

Go Green What HCC is doing to become more eco-friendly

dragon’s tale staff

andrew Carpenter, Jerron Conner, shelby robinson, Collin shores, dustin stoll, Chealsea Weaver, rachel Willbanks The Dragon’s Tale is published two times a year by the Magazine class of Hutchinson Community College, 1300 North Plum, Hutchinson, KS 67501. When compiled, the two issues serve as an overview of the activities and the people of HCC during the school year.

Contents Fall 2009 Volume 20: Issue 1





2 going green


12 lunch Choices 14 Christian Challenge 16 Construction 20 smoking


6 James taylor 8 Kansas state Fair

22 digital animation 24 sports

dragon’s tale taBLE Of CONtENts 1

photos & story by collin shores


The phrase, “my school’s greener than your school” may sound childish, but it is something every college student should want to boast. With fears of global warming, and landfills full to the brim, many students feel that now is the time to take action, before it is too late. “It’s so easy to recycle!!” Erica Gaither, Inman, said. “A lot of things you use can be recycled.” Gaither is the Co-President of the Hutchinson Community College Phi Theta Kappa club. This year, they are hoping to help teach students to be more aware of their impact on the environment. This impact is often referred to as a carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is a measurement of how many tons of carbon dioxide we individually produce. Carbon dioxide is reportedly contributing to global warming. Making adjustments, such as conserving energy and carpooling, can help to reduce your individual carbon footprint. Members of Phi Theta Kappa are encouraged to promote the use of re-usable water bottles over disposable ones. “Recycling one water bottle can power a 60 watt light bulb for six hours” Gaither said. She, along with the other members of the group, helped place recycling bins all over the HCC campus in efforts to curb the amount of trash being produced. Phi Theta Kappa’s “Operation Green” campaign is comprised of four main facets: Education & Raising Awareness, Recycling,

Beautification, and Clean Communities. The HCC chapter hopes to make progress in each area this year. Along with water bottle recycling, Phi Theta Kappa is also encouraging students to take advantage of the many paper recycle bins which have been placed in campus buildings. “Recycling paper uses sixty percent less energy than manufacturing paper from virgin timber. For each ton of paper you recycle, you save 17 trees, 64 gallons of oil, 42 gallons of gas, 7,000 gallons of water, and more than 3 cubic yards of landfill space,” Gaither said. It is statistics like that which stress the importance on recycling. Gaither acknowledges the stigma many students associate with recycling. “I’ve been called a tree hugger” she said. “I’m just trying to make use of what we have here and that’s what Phi Theta Kappa is trying to do.” It is estimated that almost 50 percent, or 42 million tons, of paper is recycled every year nationwide. With the added cost of recycling, efforts such as curbside recycling programs have decreased due to the current economy. Along with paper and plastic recycling, Phi Theta Kappa is also recycling e-waste such as old cell phones and ink cartridges. Conserving energy is another easy way to help reduce HCC’s carbon footprint. Virtually every classroom on campus is equipped with motion sensors that automatically turn off the lights when no one is in the room.


Students are becoming aware of their carbon footprint and making changes Esther Wagler, Hutchinson, recycling her papers in the recycled paper receptacle in Lockman Hall. These large bins are located on a three floors.


Along with facilitating paper recycling, the college is also encouraging, and often requiring students to print off their own handouts for class. Teachers are discouraged from making copies. This campaign is setting a good example for students to be more eco-friendly. Creating these good habits in college will hopefully follow students into the future and help, not only reduce the college’s carbon footprint, but all who attend here.

Motion sensors control the flore scent lights, turnin g them off when no one is in the room to conserve energy.

Pa pe r re cycl in g ebaskets are conv niently placed by printers.

Plastic and glass recycling bins such as this one in Lock g in be e man Hall ar fplaced in high tra e th er ov fic areas all campus.

> Paper-only recycling bins are placed in various spots all over campus as a part of the campaign to “Keep Kansas Clean.”

Large paper recycl in g re ce pt ac le s boast HCC’s efforts to encourage students to recycle.


< Mackenzie Allen, Burrton, utilizes the recycling bins in the Rimmer Learning Center. These blue bins have been placed beside every printer.


Christopher Carithers, Haven, recycles a bottle. Plastic recycling bins are placed near vending machines.



bou A l l A





Taylor tells all in this exclusive interview. Got questions? Just ask him. photos & story by rachel willbanks ames Taylor is known campus-wide for teaching general biology and loving botany. Few know much more about him. Did you know that Taylor plants thousands of flowers for Dillon Nature Center every year? Did you know that Hutchinson Community College was his first and last job? Did you know that Taylor was president of the Faculty Association? Here, Taylor shares the who, what, where, and why. “The strange thing about my career is that it was my first job out of college, and it was my last,” Taylor said. Taylor was just finishing up his masters degree when his high school biology teacher, working at the college then, told him about the opening. “Normally the school wouldn’t hire somebody with no teaching experience, but a position opened up in the middle of the school year, and all of the high school instructors

that might have loved to have this job were under contract,” Taylor said. After teaching at Hutchinson Community College for 32 and one-half years, Taylor retired early in 2003. “My wife and I don’t have any children. One reason that I could retire early was that we don’t have kids in the house, the house is paid for and the car is paid for, so we could live off of KPERS,” Taylor said. After retiring, Taylor and his wife took their hobby of planting flowers on fulltime. “At the time I retired we were starting, growing, and transplanting 1,500 plants at the Hutchinson Zoo, and 1,500 at the Dillon Nature Center,” Taylor said. They no longer plant at the Hutchinson Zoo, but continue planting at the Dillon Nature Center, and various flower beds around town. Taylor has also started an annual fundraiser for the Dillon Nature Center. The fundraiser is called the “Lesser Known Lovelies”



When Taylor got the job teaching at HCC, he had just finished his masters, so he was about the same age as the students. To differentiate himself from the college students, Taylor wore ties. This particular tie has a Toucan.

< Taylor has a variety of ties. This tie just happens to have a design called a tessellation, created by artist M.C. Escher. This tessellation, or interlocking pattern, is of many different colored fish. Taylor wears ties to distinguish himself as a teacher, but also to show some personality. This pansy covered tie shows Taylor’s love for botany. Pansies survive and bloom in the winter and not in the summer. This is why one may be called a pansy, they can’t take the heat.

because the flowers they plant are flowers that aren’t available at the greenhouses around town. “My goal is this: I know that I can’t keep doing this forever, so ideally they will put [the money] into a fund, so when I’m no longer able to plant flowers, they’ll have some money to keep planting,” Taylor said. “It’s a way of leaving a legacy, so to speak.” He came back to Hutchinson Community College to teach just for the semester, and he said he wouldn’t miss working with

the new technology. “I think I have the only overhead projector still in use,” Taylor said with a chuckle. Taylor has these words of advice to say to high school students, college students, and biology majors, “Take as much chemistry and math as possible while you are in high school and college.”


Years of Thrills & Fun

97 story by jerron conner

From horse riding and acrobats to an old-fashioned sideshow, Hutchinson’s biggest attraction drew a record crowd in 2009 Labor Day is officially the last day of summer but most of the time it doesn’t show at the Kansas State Fair. The city of Hutchinson is filled with men and women still wearing their big brimmed hats to keep their delicate faces out of the sun,

while wiping sweat off of their foreheads. Back when Hutchinson was barely a year old, a team of businessmen came to the city and formed an agriculture society. This society hosted the first fair in a small stable. Wanting to keep

> Out with the old and in with the new. The new sky ride seems a lot like its predecessor. The things that separate the two are, more durability and stainless steel construction. It’s just over all built better so it can bear the cold lonely winters. Photo courtesy of Kansas State Fair


the cash flow going, the society aimed toward making the fair bigger and better by bringing in more attractions. In order to do this, they had to raise taxes. The Ag society found an area of soil that would be big enough to host a fair-like event of its size. It was then the society could hold a large event, so, on the 28-30 of September 1875, the first official Reno County Fair was held. The Kansas State Fair is the largest Kansas attraction. It takes the staff an entire year to plan for the eleven-day event. The Fair features some of the biggest performing music acts of the time as well as some music legends.

Through the years, the Fair has changed but still has some of the old look and feel of the early days. The sky ride featured at today’s fair, is one of the fairs most successful attractions you can find. There was an older version of the ride but it was eventually taken apart due to lack of durability. Regardless of change, the Fair has stayed true to the live stock competitions and wide variety of vendors, it shows that some things never change. There is always something new each year. The staff strives to provide entertainment that attracts all ages. The year 2009 went down in the books for record attendance. Due to people not having the money to travel out of state for vacation, most people stayed in Kansas and enjoyed the atmosphere of the Fair.

HISToRy oF THE HoRSE plow A majority of today’s farmers use tractors to plow their land and soil. But it seems over the last few years and even now farmers have resorted back to using the good old fashion horse plowing method. Experts say that one of the large reasons why farmers have resorted back to horses is the rise of the organic farm

< A fair visitor observes a pair of turkeys at the Expo Center. Photo by Jerron Conner

industry. It has also been known for quite a while that using horses instead of machines is easier on the soil it doesn’t compact it as much. These sudden changes of events will most certainly resurrect horse plowing in the fields but plowing competitions at state fairs.

In the days of the Reno County Agriculture Fair, the event was held on grounds located southeast of the present sight. Photo courtesy of Kansas State Fair

< The fair has always been a place for businesses. Photo courtesy of Kansas State Fair












< Pete “Poobah” Terhurne takes in some heat as he attempts to down some fire. Pete has also appeared in over two hundred different movies, most notable was The Wizard of OZ. Photo by Jerron Conner

A mother and her child have fun as they bump the competition out of the way at the bumper car ride. Photo by Jerron Conner

Veteran line dancers show off there precise choreography as they try to impress a number of judges at the AT&T Arena. Photo by Jerron Conner



clowning around with Bardo He’s not your everyday kind of clown. J.B. Bardo Holdren, also known as Bardo the Clown, started touring with the circus as a clown 27 years ago. Holdren is also know around Hutchinson as the man who designs the signs for the Kansas State Fair. This man is much more than a mire clown or sign designer, he is also a master craftsman, show painter, carver, entertainer and a musician. Anyone could easily tell this man loves his job. His motivation for doing his job is his fascination with how people read, take in, and process information. With all of these different crafts, it doesn’t leave much time for vacationing. “Where would I go, I’ve been all over the world traveling with the circus, going as far as New Zealand,” Holdren said. One unknown fact about Bardo the Clown, he has been known to take in wild animals, such as wolves, and nurse them back to health. In recent years, he has decided to give up this hobby. “Taking care of a domesticated animal is one thing, but taking care of a wild animal is another,” Holdren said. Holdren won’t be found performing as a clown at the fair anymore. He is content working on his sign designs that will be seen by thousands of people at the fair next year.

Back in the glory days of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Bardo the Clown was a part of the every show around the world for 27 seasons.


Looking at different lunch options for college students photos & story by dustin stoll

Students ate lunch at the cafeteria located in the Parker Student Union. Non-dorm students dined at the cafe as well.


$0-20 $21-40 $41-60 $61+

76% How much money do students spend on groceries each week?

17% 5% 2%


of students would rather take the time to cook than spend money on fast food Although fast food is less healthy and more expensive than cooking, it is much more convenient, especially when you are in a hurry. When Ryan Chambers, Pretty Prairie, was asked what he eats for lunch most of the time, he said, “Whatever fast food place has a good deal.” Fast food is also becoming more tempting since most places offer value menus. Another option for students is cooking. When asked what motivates her to cook, Terrasel Yoder, Partridge, said, “It tastes better and you get bragging rights.” Even though cooking is much more time consuming than going to the McDonald’s drive-

through, it is much healthier and costs less. Out of 358 students surveyed, 272 of them spend between $0-20 on groceries every week. This means that you can buy groceries for a week at the same cost as two days of fastfood meals. One more choice to consider is the school cafeteria. It is open Monday through Friday and has many different options to choose from including breakfast, a salad bar, and a hot lunch. When Yoder was asked what she would change about the school cafeteria, she said, “Have student suggestions.” If you’re in a hurry, fast-food may be the right choice. If you


Let’s face it, college students don’t have a lot of money lying around, but they still try to save even the smallest bit of money whenever they can. Some do this by not going to the gas pump as often, while others limit how much they spend when they go shopping. Another way to save money is by looking at all the options there are for food. One option is fast food. According to a survey of the HCC students to see how many times a week they eat fast food, 12% said they don’t eat fast food, 29% said once, 26% said twice, 20% said three times, and 13% said they eat fast food four or more times a week.

Marissa King, Erin Haas, and Kara Boelk, all from Burrton, eat lunch at Taco Bell. They ate lunch together every Tuesday and Thursday when they got out of class.

have time to kill and want something healthier, you could take the time and cook yourself a meal. When asked what the perfect food solution for her would be, Yoder said, “Home cooked and not from a can.”



E G N E L A _L



A _ N I T S RI

photos & story by chealsea weaver

A place for Christian Fellowship for College-aged students

HCC Christian Challenge is an organization that is not actually based out of the college. They minister to College students whom may or may not be HCC students and college-aged people, but they use the facility of Venue 302. When asked how she heard about challenge Heather Briggs, Wichita, said, “There was a booth set up in Parker Student Union, so I talked to them and started going.” “I actually went to college at Fort Hays State University and went to their Challenge. Andy Addis was one of my favorite speakers. So, when I came down to Hutchinson after college for work, I started going to Venue 302. Looking at their Bulletin, I saw they had a Christian Challenge group on Monday nights. So, I started going.” Tim Deffer,

Leadership Team Member, said. Andy Addis is a pastor at Westbrook Baptist Church. He occasionally speaks at Christian Challenge, along with many other speakers. Speakers have included: Eric Miller, Roger Cooper, Josh Holmes, and Nathan Spencer. “It usually lasts about an hour and a half to two hours,” Sid Claytool, Hesston, said about Christian Challenge. The length usually varies depending on what they are doing that night, or who the speaker is. After the worship there is usually an after party that is open for all members to attend. The after parties are a time set aside after worship and the lesson where HCC Christian Challenge members can hang out and talk to friends.


“I go occasionally to the after parties, sometimes they are at a restaurant like Applebee’s and sometimes it is at someone’s house,” Megan Lee, Hutchinson, said. Not only is there Challenge for college-aged students, there is also small group. “We meet at 7:30 on Monday for our worship/ teaching meeting and Tuesdays at 7:30 for our Bible study/small group,” Nelson, said. The group meets on Tuesday evenings for Bible study where they discuss different books of the bible, such as 1 Timothy and James.


Ashley Shogren, Hesston, Joe Fisher, Hillsboro, and Josh Garrett, Joplin, Mo., play a game of UNO. Challenge had their first annual Fall Festival October 26, 2009.

< Jonathan Nelson, Hutchinson, enjoys a chicken wing out of his plunger. Nelson, an HCC Alumni, is the Challenge Director and Leadership team member. Members enjoy a game of Ameba. The goal of the game was to stay in as long as possible, without breaking ones link on the arms or touching the trash can.






CTION photos & story by shelby robinson

New teacher and student friendly lecture and lab rooms will create a better working atmosphere here in the new Science Hall.

The original Science Hall featured old lecture and lab rooms which did not give students enough work space.

Graphic courtesy of Schaefer, Johnson, Cox and Frey, Architecture


A rendered image of what the new Science Hall will look like from the Northeast side was drawn up before construction started. Planning for the new building started in 2005.


The hassle of working your way around a construction site is always a problem. It can mess up your daily routine, or it could make a route to class more difficult than it already is. The Science Hall has been under construction since March 2008. The changes include new lecture and lab rooms, entry ways, hallways, and bathrooms. Most of the new lecture rooms feature stadium seating, three white boards, a projector and a projector screen. The rooms are setup to make the professor feel more comfortable by being able to see all the students instead of everyone sitting at eye level. It also makes it easier for students to see their teacher without having the people in front of them block their line of sight. The lab rooms in the old Science Hall gave little room for students to work and be safe at the same time. The labs will give students more working room that will also keep them safe from other projects that students are working on. According to Dr. Tricia Paramore, Co-Chair of the Natural Science and Mathematics

Department, the science faculty vacated the building in January 2008 and moved into temporary office spaces in Lockman Hall to prepare for the construction. Students who have been lucky enough to start their college experience in a brand new building are able to explore the new features of the lecture and lab rooms and are the first students to experience it. “I told my Biology I students this semester that they were the very first students to ever take a class in this particular room and I felt like we should all sign a plaque for the historical records of the college,” Dr. Paramore said. Numerous change orders were placed during the long process of the Science Hall construction. A change order takes place if problems arise during the construction process or the client changes their mind about what they want to be done. By fall 2010, the Science Hall will be completely finished and students who enroll to take science classes next fall will get the advantage of learning in a newer and healthier environment.


< A student studies in one of the newly remodeled lecture rooms before his class begins. Most of the lecture halls were remodeled as stadium-style seating. Four lecture rooms sit along the new hallway that lies near the entryways close to the Rimmer Lear ning Resource Center and the Kansas Cosmosphere.


What is your take on the smoke break? photos & story by rachel willbanks eople on campus have many habits, good or bad depending on your point of view. One controversial habit is smoking. Some love it and some hate it, and some feel they can’t help it. “They owe it to other people to obey the rules because it is their personal choice. If they can’t obey the rules, they shouldn’t smoke,” Cordell Reed, Wichita, said about the 30-foot smoking rule. Reed, like many others on campus who don’t smoke appreciates those who obey the rule. The 30-foot rule is a Kansas law saying people aren’t allowed to smoke within 30 feet of a public entrance. “I don’t think they should disobey it. I think [smokers] should respect other people,” Steph Shepard, Norton, said. Shepard smokes, but has the same opinion about the rule. When Shepard was asked about the “Truth” commercials, she said, “I think they’re awesome. I like them and I’m not offended by them.”

5% 87%


Like Shepard, Ashley Leihsing, Emporia, also finds humor in the “Truth” commercials. “I think it’s really funny to put it so people understand it. With plain statistics, no one really cares, but with visual aids it puts it in perspective,” Leihsing said. Reed finds the information presented in these commercials helpful in spreading awareness about tobacco. “I think they will open a lot of people’s eyes to how d a n gerous smoking really is because everyone knows the statistics, but seeing them just makes a greater impact,” Reed said.


11-15 cigarettes/day


6-10 cigarettes/day 1-5 cigarettes/day 0 cigarettes/day

Common Age Smoking Habit: What’s your age?

Dustin Kindell, Salina, obeys the 30-foot smoking rule on the Hutchinson Community College campus. Kindell calls himself a social smoker.


of females polled smoke

? 3%

of polled didn’t provide gender


of males polled smoke

This curb is exactly 30 feet away from the entrance in the background. You can see the actual sign in the upper right corner.

People on campus that smoke seem to be educated about cigarettes. When asked what chemicals are present in cigarettes, Shepard said, “There are a lot. I know that there is cyanide and arsenic, and in some there’s even urine. Menthol cigarettes have fiber glass.” There are 4,000 chemicals in most cigarettes, and 51 of them are known to be carcinogenic. Shepard also told about how she got started smoking. “I began smoking when I was 10 because my friend stole his mom’s cigarettes,” Shepard said. Shepard now smokes Camel Crush because she

likes how they taste. She says that one downfall to smoking is that, “Smoking caused [her] to lose lung capacity.” Not only does it affect the person smoking, it also affects non-smokers like Amanda Delimont, Norton. “Personally I’m kind of annoyed by it because [the smoke] aggravates my allergies,” Delimont said. Besides physical irritation to others, the rebellious smokers, according to Leihsing, are being, “disrespectful.” To violators of the 30-foot rule, your peers want a little “R-E-S-P-E-C-T.”



Nathaniel Hoefer’s “Space Scene” is finished. It was one of the first projects assigned in the class. Graphic courtesy of Nathaniel Hoefer

> Students in the Digital Animation class work on their assignments. The class met Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Photo by Dustin Stoll


Dylan Beisel, Abilene, works on his “Mountain Cabin” project. The project was a scene where a jet flies around a cabin in the mountains. Photo by Dustin Stoll

A look inside the Digital Animation class story by dustin stoll

Down in the heart of the Shears Technology Building, there lives a class that not many people know exist. Students are taught and trained how to make the cartoons and animated movies that have kept us entertained for decades. This class is the Digital Animation class which is taught by Vince Puyear. The Digital Animation I class has been around for about 12 years, followed by the Digital Animation II class which was added about five years ago. The most recent class added to Puyear’s list is Video Game Development, which was added this year. Job opportunities in the field of animation are constantly growing. “I wouldn’t say it’s the fastest growing opportunity, but it is growing. More and more schools are stepping up to provide a degree for that opportunity,”

Puyear said. Digital animation is part of the Visual Communications program. After going through these classes, students can go into broadcasting, video production, audio production, and graphic design. With both graphic design and animation, they could get into making commercials and advertisements with television companies. There aren’t many schools around that have a Digital Animation program. According to Puyear, the only other school in the state of Kansas with the program is Johnson County Community College. Some other places that have the animation program include expensive, private schools such as DeVry University and the Kansas City Art Institute. Animation is a very highpaying career. “It is a very spe-

cialized field and takes a lot of training. If people are willing to go through the training, they will be well compensated for it,” Puyear said. Video game animators will make about $47,000 a year with three years of experience or less. If you are hired as a lead animator and have seniority on the job, you can make anywhere from $80,000 to $215,000. It is extremely hard to get jobs with big companies like Pixar. If animators want a job there, they need to be very well trained and have many different skills. Even then, they won’t be working by themselves. Animators work with a team of people on a certain part of the project. Digital animation is a passion for a lot of people. When asked why he likes the class, Nathaniel Hoefer, Hutchinson, said, “I like making things move.”


photos by andrew carpenter


Stefanie Wiesen, Wichita; Sky Chapman, Wichita; Realynn Pounds, Syracuse; Carloina Logato, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Matthew Pearson, Wichita

Angelo Pease Ga., runs over County defend biggest game season. Out plays Pease ru 192 years and for 618 yards fo of 810 years. ( 19, 2009)



Records- Regional Results - Men: 7th / Women: 7th Conference (Jayhawk West) - Men: 5th / Women: 3rd

Records- Conference- 9-0 Overall- 16-1-1


- The mens team started off their season with a 5th place finish at the Wichita State Invitaional. - The women opened their season with a 4th place finish at the Wichita State Invitaional.

Dragon Talk

”We have been affected by weather. We probably haven’t got some quality workouts that I would like to, but you got to go with what you got.” Head Coach Terry Masterson “When regional time comes around he pushes us a little more than normal practices. It’s not much different than last year, its pretty much the same.” Realynn Pounds, Syracuse


- The Lady Dragons set or tied 20 team season including goals scored (122), assists (93) and point The team broke or tied 32 single-game records.

- Heach Coach Sammy Lane was named Coach Year and nine Lady Dragons earned All-Jayhawk ence honors.

Dragon Talk

“Well, usually every day before the game I send text message telling them inspirational quotes, tellin to breath, don’t worry about it, just come down and ball in the back of the net, so I think they kind of loo me a little bit.” –Chelsea Myers, Topeka

“Overall we rate the season as a success and obvious is a disappointment of losing your last game so that sticks with you a little bit but where we were from the the season our expectations were to try to win the con and win the region.” –Heach Coach Sammy Lane

< Alaina Hudson ,Topeka, heads the ball around a Dodge City defender in the first round of the Region VI Tournament. Hutch defeated Cloud 9-0.


< Tamara Gagne ,Wichita, placed 53 in the Friends University Invitational with a time of 22:01.84. Chris Clay, Cuthbert, Ga., and Ray-Ray Davis, Indian Trail, N.C., celebrate after the first touchdown in the game against NEO.

< Debbie Ohl, Hutchinson, and Karol Marins, Arraila do Cabo, Brazil, blocks Colby’s Ulrile Beige. Ohl has a total of 153 blocks. (as of Oct. 29, 2009)



Chris Clay, Guthbert, Ga., dives into the endzone for a touchdown against Butler County on October 2, 2009. Clay rushed for 850 yards on 112 carries. (as of Oct 19, 2009)

VOLLEYbaLL Records- Conference- 10-2 Overall- 30-8


- The Lady Dragons won five Region VI titles in the last six years. - On November 2, the Lady Dragons were down two sets to Barton and came back and won the next three sets. - Debbie Ohl was named Jayhawk West Player of the Year. - In the month of October, the Lady Dragons went 16-1. - Bailea Phelan was named Player of the Week on September 30.

Dragon Talk

“Everyone relaxed and played volleyball and we got it done. We have to trust each other. We all know how to play this game. If we play confident and together all the time, it’s tough to beat us.” –Larol Logato, Rio de Janeiro, brazil

Stephanie Franz ,Buhler, tries to score against Cloud County. Hutch defeated Cloud 9-0. Franz had 25 goals for a season record.



< Lindsay Dusin, Phillipsburg, and Kate Morrell, Ogallala, Neb., blocks a Barton County player. Hutch won in four sets 25-22, 25-20, 21-25, 25-24.

Sky Chapman, Wichita, runs at the Friends University Invitational. Chapman finished 28th overall in the Region VI Championships.

“Some of it was nerves being in the championship game. Some of the freshmen didn’t know what to expect and the sophomores weren’t providing leadership like we normally do.” –Debbie Ohl, Hutchinson


FOOTbaLL Records- Conference- 4-3 Overall- 6-4


- The Dragons won their first game against Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 48-27. - The Dragons entered the first ever Salt City Bowl, December 5 at Gowans Stadium. - Rushing: Sophomore Chris Clay is No. 9 at 112.2 yards per game. Freshman Chris Anderson is 18th at 91.6 yards per game. (as of Nov. 7, 2009)

Dragon Talk

“Ranked as high as 4th in the nation and we got to a point where we lost three games in a row. We went kind of being on top of the world to struggling and now we’ve won three in a row again so we’re kind of back on track and looking forward to playing in a bowl game.” –Heach Coach Rion Rhoades “I’m excited, I get a second shot to play them. Hopefully we’re going to practice well. Give them all we give them.” –adam Davis, Folkson, Ga.

Karrah Durant, Cheney, placed 79t h in t he Friends University Invitational with a time of 23:08.00.

Kelly Roberts, Hutchinson, kicks a field goal against Highland. Roberts made 4 out of 6 field goals this seaon. (as of Nov. 9, 2009)


Emme Russell, Hutchinson, sets the ball against Butler County. Russell had 157 digs this season.

Leilah Saadi, Topeka, kicks the ball around an Allen County defender. Saadi had 36 points with 5 assists. < Bryce Hasenauer, Wallace, Neb., placed 59th in the Friends University Invitational with a time of 29:27.00.



> Karol Marines, Arraila do Cabo, Brazil, celebrates after the victory Chelsea Myers, Topeka, against Butler. Hutch kicks the ball around a defeated Butler 17-25, cloud County defender. 25-19, 25-14, 25-13.

Elisha Schultz, Hays, kicks the ball around two Johnson County defenders in the Region VI Semifinals in Topeka. HCC’s first loss came in the Region VI Semifinals to Johnson 1-0.


< < Jim Hatcher, Wichita, runs at the Friends University Invitational. Hatcher placed 71st with a time of 30:02.00.

Realynn Pounds, Syracuse, and Annelle Chestnut, Clay Center, walk with Terry Masterson, head coach, at the Friends University Invitational.

Carolina Logato, Rio Do Janeiro, Brazil, hits the ball around a Butler County blocker. Logato had 167 kills for the season. (as of Oct. 29)


Adam Davis ,Folkston, Ga., chases the Highland ball carrier. Davis has a total of 34 tackles for the 2009 season. (as of Oct. 30)





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