Make the Most of Your Retirement Plan Assets

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4 Easy Steps to Make Your Future IRA Gift Donating retirement plan assets is simple. And if you need to change or revoke your gift at any point during your lifetime, you can. Here are quick steps for updating your beneficiary designation: 1. Contact your retirement plan administrator for a simple change-of-beneficiary form. 2. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like the charity of your choice to receive. 3. Name us and the gift percentage on the form.

827 Fort Street Mall Honolulu, HI 96813-4317 808-792-3103

4. Return the form to your plan administrator.

Note: Your will does not govern your IRA, so the most important document related to this asset is the beneficiary designation form you receive from your account’s administrator.


Make the Most of

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The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.

Your Retirement Plan Assets

Do More With Your IRA Why Your IRA Is Worth More as a Charitable Gift Retirement plan assets are exposed to federal income taxes after your lifetime. But these taxes can be eliminated or reduced through charitable giving.

How Retirement Assets Are Taxed

can take an income tax charitable deduction for the

people give other assets that are not as heavily

Qualified retirement plan assets receive favorable

amount of your gift.

taxed, such as real estate or life insurance, to

income tax treatment during your lifetime. No

family members.

federal income tax is owed on the funds as they

If you are 70½ years or older:

A popular way to donate your IRA assets is

are contributed, and no federal taxes are owed on

You can give any amount up to $100,000 from

to name a nonprofit organization like the

the earnings and the appreciation while in the plan.

your IRA directly to a qualified charity without

Hawai�i Community Foundation as the beneficiary

If you’re 59½ or older you can take a distribution

having to pay income taxes on the money. This

of a percentage of your assets on your beneficiary

John wants to treat his two adult grandchildren,

from your IRA at any time, without penalty. When

is known as an IRA charitable rollover. Because

designation form. When you leave a percentage of

Emily and Matthew, equally. He leaves Emily

you turn 70½, required minimum distributions

this transfer does not generate taxable income

your IRA to a nonprofit, the remaining percentage

$150,000 in stock that he had originally bought

must be taken each year. Your distributions will

or a tax deduction, you benefit even if you do not

will still go to family members or friends.

for $50,000, and for Matthew, he designates his

be included in your taxable income and taxed

itemize your tax deductions.

at your ordinary income tax rate. And giving the


$150,000 IRA.

If you have not yet taken your required

Despite his intentions, John would not treat his

account to individual heirs exposes them to federal

minimum distribution for the year, your gift can

two grandchildren equally. Matthew would have less

income taxes up to 37 percent of the funds. Your

satisfy all or part of that requirement. By making

money than Emily after his income tax bill.

retirement dollars can be seriously depleted by

a gift now, you get the satisfaction of seeing your

this taxation.

generosity in action today.

3 Ways to Make a Gift From Your IRA

An ageless gift:

If you are at least 59½ but not yet 70½:

Regardless of your age, an IRA can be one of

You can make a charitable gift from an IRA

the best assets to use for a charitable gift after

during your lifetime, without penalty. If you take

your lifetime. Distributions from your IRA to your

distributions from your IRA—even if paid directly

heirs after your lifetime are usually fully taxable

to the Hawai�i Community Foundation or another

as ordinary income. But because of our tax-

charity—you’ll have to report the distribution as

exempt status, we can bypass federal taxes and

taxable income on your tax return in the year of

put the full value of your gift to work to benefit

distribution. If you itemize your deductions, you

every island community. For this reason, many

KRB23-I © The Stelter Company

We Can Help. We would be happy to answer questions you have about using your IRA to benefit Hawai’i in meaningful ways. 808-792-3103


Matthew* $150,000

IRA Stock


Taxed as Income



Net Amount to Each Grandchild



* Example assumes that Matthew has a marginal 35 percent federal income tax rate. If the estate is subject to estate taxes, Matthew would be left with even less.

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