Faces of Philanthropy 2008 Fall

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Faces of


Hawai`i Community Foundation


1164 Bishop St, Suite 800 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Address Service Requested

Fall 2008

Quarterly News from the Hawai`i Community Foundation

Annual Recognition Reception OUR MISSION

We help people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community.

HCF President Kelvin Taketa presents an honorarium check to Melissa Trew from the Boys and Girls Club of Hawai'i for the yarn leis their Leaders in Training group made for the Foundation staff.

Each year, the Hawai`i Community Foundation holds a recognition event to thank its many donors, current and former Board of Governors, advisory board members and Foundation friends for their generosity in giving back to the community. This year the event was held on May 21 at The Willows restaurant in Mo`ili`ili.

2008 PONO Fellows The Foundation's annual leadership program, Promoting Outstanding Nonprofit Organizations (PONO), said goodbye to another graduated class of community leaders. PONO teaches local nonprofit executives management techniques in a 10!month long program of peer!centered learning. Visit our Web site to learn more about PONO.

Ho`okele 2008 On August 14th, these four nonprofit leaders received the 2008 Ho`okele Awards in recognition for the significant and often less visible role that nonprofit leaders play in improving the quality of life for Hawai`i’s people. Pictured here (l!r) are: Marilyn Cristofori (Hawai`i Arts Alliance), Dr. David Derauf (Kokua Kalihi Valley), Dr. Ku Kahakalau (Kanu o ka `Aina Learning `Ohana), Chipper Wichman (National Tropical Botanical Garden). Visit our Web site to learn more about the Ho`okele Awards. For more information about this and other community building initiatives in which Hawaii Community Foundation is involved, please call our Programs Department at (808) 537-6333

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The crowd enjoyed the music of Weldon Kekauoha

HCF Director of Philanthrop ic Services Amy Luerse n an d HCF Board Governor Sam Cooke

Donors Chuck and Cora Nelson

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Officer Roella Fo

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For more information on connecting with a cause that you care about, please contact HCF’s Philanthropic Services Department at (808) 566-5560 (toll-free at 1-888-731-3863) or email clientservices@hfc-hawaii.org


leading the mission At the Hawai`i Community Foundation, we have stories. Lots of stories. Every name and photo you see in this issue has a story behind it. And so much of what we do at the Foundation is about somebody’s story. Real stories of real people and how the Foundation has helped to transform their lives. It’s what we enjoy most about our work and being able to bridge people and resources, all of which ultimately make our community a better and stronger place for everyone. As you’ve noticed, we’re changing up our quarterly newsletter a little to provide you with a more visual snapshot of the work we do. We welcome your feedback on this format. We’re also interested in knowing your thoughts on how we’re doing with the various programs and funds under our umbrella. Please forward your comments and of course, any ideas you might have on how best to use our resources in serving our community, our home.

Jack & Marie Lord Fund

a message from our board chairman and president

Send us an e-mail (clientservices@hcf-hawaii.org) or contact us at (808) 566-5560. We look forward to hearing from you.

Aloha, Barry Taniguchi Chairman Board of Governors

Kelvin Taketa President and Chief Executive Officer

Maui Scholarship Event

When Marie Lord, widow of actor Jack Lord, passed away in October 2005, a dozen Hawai`i charities were surprised to learn that they were named as beneficiaries of the Lord’s estate. A reception commemorating the generosity of Jack and Marie Lord was held on August 12th at the First Hawaiian Bank’s Bankers Club. Visit our Web site for more information about our various funds and to see more photos from this event.

From left to right: Kelvin Taketa (Hawai`i Community Foundation), Myron Tong (St. Francis Hospice), Edward Hill (Salvation Army Hawai`i), Shelly Hill (Salvation Army Hawai`i), Charles Servey III (Association for Retarded Citizens), Leslie Wilcox (PBS Hawai`i), Tim Johns (Bishop Museum), Karen Sumner (Honolulu Academy of Arts), Pamela Burns (Hawaiian Humane Society), Amy Marvin (Bishop Museum), Kenneth Zeri (Hospice Hawai`i), Vickie Cozloff (Eye of the Pacific Guide Dogs), Don Horner (First Hawaiian Bank), Nani Fife (Eye of the Pacific Guide Dogs), Duane Yee (Variety School of Hawai`i).

Wayne Rapozo Grantee Gathering on Kaua`i Island

Wayne Rapozo, fund creator of Rapozo Kama`aina Fund, welcomed all 2007 and 2008 grantees at a gathering at the historic Wilcox home in Kilohana on March 5th. Rapozo presented each grantee with the award which evoked overwhelming gratitude. Such was the case with Ms. Sabra Kauka of the Näpali Coast `Ohana. She treated the group with a heartfelt and exquisitely delivered Hawaiian chant. All attendees, including the Kaua`i Leadership Council, formed a circle in the room to acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous contribution of aloha and support for the Kaua`i community. “It was a magnificent reception reflecting the reach of the Hawai`i Community Foundation and the goodwill that the Foundation has generated. I am thankful that the reception was held on my behalf,” said Rapozo.

Scholarship Recognition Reception The Foundation held its second annual Scholarship Recognition Reception on July 31st at the Halekulani Hotel in Waikiki. Scholarship donors and recipients had an opportunity to meet and mingle. Visit our Web site for more information about the various scholarships we provide and to see more photos from this event.

Maui scholarship recipients and fund donors had the opportunity to meet each other at the “Celebrating Your Commitment to Higher Education” luncheon held on July 29th at the Café O Lei at The Dunes at Maui Lani. Donors, recipients and guests enjoyed a program that highlighted speakers Rob Shelton of the Lahainaluna High School Foundation; Troy Osorno, a Hew/Shin Scholarship recipient; and Rona Kekauoha, Hawai`i Community Foundation’s Scholarship Officer.

Copies of current and past issues fo Faces of Philanthropy are available at www.HawaiiCommunityfoundation.org

Donor Jim Evans and recipient Kapua Medeiros Recipient Chester Villanueva and donors Mario Palma and Josie Rojas

HCF Scholarship Officer Rona Kekauoha and student guest speaker Mai Jones

Donor guest speaker Pat Duarte

Donor Norman Bode and recipient Garilynn Jellings

HCF Scholarship Team (l-r): Dishaline Swami, Rona Kekauoha, Ken Hasegawa, Jaedine Ehia, Sherenne Perreira and Kaleilani Grant

Vocational Education Scholarships Not Just for Recent High School Graduates

If someone you know was recently laid off from their job, a much too common occurrence these days, tell them about Vocational Education Scholarships offered by the Hawai`i Community Foundation. These two!year scholarships cover tuition, fees and books, but most importantly, these grants can help our many recently laid off Hawai`i residents get re!tooled for a new career. Visit our Web site www.HawaiiCommunityFoundation.org to read how this scholarship benefited Emiliano Tiqui, pictured here. We encourage your comments and questions. Please contact us via email at communications@hcf-hawaii.org ot call (808) 566-5544

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