2020 Child Care Stimulus Grant Program Application Package

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2020 Child Care Stimulus Grant Program Online Application Deadline: Friday, October 30, 2020 by 4:00 pm HST Hawaii Community Foundation has established the Child Care Stimulus grant program. The program is made possible through the Department of Human Services (DHS) which was awarded $15 million of Hawaii’s federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds passed by Congress in March 2020. The goal of the Child Care Stimulus grant program is to provide child care programs with one-time, flexible funding to ensure the continuity of program operations, prevent permanent closure and spur child care providers to re-open their operations if safe to do so. Another key goal is to ensure child care facilities are able to meet the additional health and safety measures set by DHS for reducing risk of exposure to COVID-19 for children, families and staff. There are two options for child care providers, although the grant program and application form is the same: 1) Child Care Stabilization Option, or 2) Child Care Reboot and Reopen Option. Providers may apply for one of these grants, but not both programs (with the exception of multi-site/service providers): Grant Options

Child Care Stabilization Option •

Description and Purpose


Allocation of One-time Award Maximums

Child Care Reboot and reopen Option

To help relieve some of the immediate financial burdens caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To provide emergency relief to providers that are open and providing care to protect against permanent closure.

Licensed providers must be currently open and operating for at least 30 days prior to applying.

Cannot be affiliated with a private educational institution.

To encourage providers to reopen if they are safely able to do so.

Priority will go to programs in areas with child care shortages, especially rural areas, and those serving special populations.

Licensed providers must agree to reopen within 15 days of grant award, or November 1, 2020 whichever is sooner. Cannot be affiliated with a private educational institution.

Family and group child care homes


Family and group child care homes


Group child care centers


Group child care centers


Infant and toddler centers


Infant and toddler centers



(per licensed site/service)

Before or after school care programs, and A+ program operators


Before or after school care programs, and A+ program operators


Supplemental If additional funds are available once applicants have received initial funding, HCF will make Grant supplemental grant awards not to exceed your total award maximum from the first round. Awards Application/ Award Management

Hawaii Community Foundation

Application Start/End

Application Open: October 6, 2020 and Closed: October 30, 2020

Designated CARES Act Funds

DHS is allocating a total of $15 million toward child care stimulus grants. Nearly all of it will be awarded as grants to eligible providers. These funds are made available through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed in March 2020.

Time Period for Funded Projects

October 1 through November 20, 2020, with supplemental awards having an extended project time periods of March 1 through September 30, 2020. For supplemental award recipients the total time period is March through November 2020.

Note: Applicants are not eligible for BOTH the Stabilization option and the Reboot and Reopen option. The only exception is providers with multiple facilities with separate license numbers if some of their facilities are open and others are closed. If you have questions, please email CareGrants@hcf-hawaii.org.


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Applicant must be located in Hawaii. Applicant must be a child care facility licensed by or registered child care program (including before/after school programs) with the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS), or a legally exempt A+ provider (HIDOE contractor) that is in good standing with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Applicant’s program is open (for at least 30 days) or will be open by November 1, 2020 and currently serving families and agrees to stay open for a minimum of six months after receipt of the grant award. If program should be required to close at the direction of the state health department or other authorized officials, applicant will need to notify the Hawaii Community Foundation in order to determine the handling of the grant award. Applicant agrees to reopen once the local health department or other authorized officials determines it is safe to do so. Applicant will serve, continue to serve, or agree to serve upon request, children receiving child care subsidy assistance from DHS. Applicant will update Hawaii Community Foundation (via periodic online survey) of operating status, available space for children, impact of the grant and other necessary information. Applicant will use the DHS Guidelines for Child Care Facilities to Reopen or Continue Care (updated June 9, 2020) called “Guidelines for Child Care Facilities updated June 9, 2020.” Additionally, the applicant will utilize health and safety practices that prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawaii Department of Health guidelines as much as possible. Applicant fulfills insurance requirement in accordance with section 346-157, HRS and provides verification of Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) Good Standing with no past due of all state and federal tax obligations. 2

Applicant allows full access to its records, reports, files, and other related documents for compliance review purpose relating to this grant. Furthermore, when required, applicant shall complete an independent financial and compliance audit in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards of the Office of Management and Budget. For-profit and sole proprietor businesses (usually home-based providers), a W-9 form will need to be submitted within five business days of grant award notification.

PRIORITY CRITERIA Priority points will be given to programs that meet the following criteria: • •

• •

Full day/Full year Program: providing care for approximately 36+ hours per week for 12 months, or provides non-traditional hours Providing care in an area with child care shortages, especially rural areas. Or provide care in a DOE Complex Area with a B-5 population designated high-risk3 (Hawaiʻi Island: Kaʻu, Kealakehe, Laupahoehoe, and Pahoa; Molokaʻi; and Oʻahu: Waiʻanae and Nanakuli) Applicant currently (or pre-COVID-19 in February 2020) served families receiving DHS Child Care Connections subsidy Currently accredited and meeting national standards (such as Hawaii Association for the Education of Young Children (HAEYC) or other accreditation

FUNDING MAXIMUMS We will consider the proposed budget as well as the needs of each provider. You may request up to the cumulative total for all your eligible sites/services in one application. If you have more than one site/service, please use the Maximum Grant Award Calculator Worksheet to determine the maximum funds the applicant can request. The maximum amount is based on site/service type, number of sites, and if those sites are open or closed. ALLOWABLE USES OF GRANT FUND • • • • •

• • •

Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies (soap, bleach, hand soap/sanitizer) Personal protective equipment (masks, gloves—often referred to as PPE—or thermometer) to maintain safe environments Lease/rent/mortgage payments (must cover the business-related portion) Utilities/insurance payments (business-related utility or insurance payments only) Payroll expenses for employees to maintain or resume child care operations (i.e. operational costs including employee salaries). Expenses are not limited to those whose services are dedicated to interim cleaning, or health and safety protocols. The hours charged to the payroll expense are documented and available audit purpose by HCF. Staff training Reopening costs needed to safely operate the child care facility, including making minor improvements to the provider’s environment, and purchase equipment (e.g. hand washing station, air filtration and purifying) or supplies to better respond to health guidelines. Purchasing supplies for caring for children, diapers, wipes, infant formula


ONLINE SUBMISSION If you are interested in applying, please fill out the Interest to Apply survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J6QS7KW. You will receive an email confirmation with login credentials to access Nonprofit Gateway and the restricted Child Care Stimulus Grant Program application. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS • Only complete applications will be accepted. Applications missing information or required attachments may be administratively denied. • The online application has fillable boxes with character limits. The character counts in MS Word may not match the character counts in the application. If you cut and paste your work into the application, please be sure your text fits the space provided. We will not accept documents that are larger than the maximum character counts. • We recognize the significance of diacritical markings in written Hawaiian as pronunciation guides; however, the online application system is unable to accept diacritical marks. Please do not include these in your narrative it may cause errors in the way the online system processes your proposal. NARRATIVE QUESTIONS •

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• • • •

Please provide a brief description of your program. Please include how long you have been operating your child care or after-school program, the age range of children you serve, and the number of employees and the types of staff roles you have at your facility (home for family child care providers). (max 2,000 characters = ½ page) Briefly provide a narrative description of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your program (you may choose to share about loss of revenue, declining enrollment, increased expenses, etc.) (max 2,000 characters = ½ page) Describe the overall project you would complete if awarded grant funds. If you have not reopened, please include a description of your plan to reopen no later than November 1, 2020. The grant program goal is to provide relief and ensure child care facilities are able to meet the additional health and safety measures set by DHS for reducing risk exposure to COVID-19 for children, families and staff. (max 2,000 characters = ½ page) Provide a description of any anticipated challenges with completing the proposed project. (max 1,500 characters = 1/3 page) Do you provide any nontraditional hours or full year service? Please briefly describe the hours of operation in a week and months out of the year. (max 500 characters) Do you currently serve any of the following populations? o A child age 2 or under o A child with special needs or developmental delays Do children enrolled in your program, or recently enrolled (pre-pandemic, January 1 to March 15, 2020) in your program receive any of the following tuition assistance? o Child Care Connections Hawaii (CCCH) subsidy o Preschool Open Doors o Pauahi Keiki Scholars o Quality Care for Hawaiian Keiki (QCHK) Child Care Subsidy (Maui) Is your program accredited by any of these groups? o National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 4

o National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) o National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) o Other, please specify Have you or your staff participated in professional development or training in the last year? If so, please select the organization that provided the training. o Learning to Grow o PATCH o Other, please specify Have you applied for any loans or grants programs? *This information will help HCF understand any other funding you have received. Business experience must not be duplicated by utilizing or requesting the same expense across funding sources (we ask that you do not double-dip). If yes, please indicate the amount. o Department of Human Services’ Child Care Emergency Contract Program o Hawaii Community Foundation’s Home Based Child Care Provider Emergency Grant Program o Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan o Paycheck Protection Program o County CARES Act Funds o Aloha United Way COVID-19 Rent & Utility Assistance Program, or Helping Hands or Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement Family Emergency Assistance programs o Unemployment Insurance, PUA o Other, please specify If Applicable, please disclose and explain any pending litigation to which the applicant is party, including any outstanding judgement. (max 2,000 characters = ½ page)

Declaration: Applicant agrees to the following eligibility and criteria requirements should grant be awarded to applicant's program: a. Applicant must be a licensed or registered child care program with the State of Hawaii Department of Human Service, a before/after school program, or a legally exempt A+ provider (HIDOE contractor) that is in good standing with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. b. Applicant is currently compliant with the applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination against any person or any basis and the state labor law 103-55, HRS. c. Applicant’s program is open or will be open by November 1, 2020 and currently serving families and agrees to stay open for a minimum of six months after receipt of the grant award. If program should be required to close at the direction of the state health department or other authorized officials, applicant will need to notify HCF to determine how to handle the grant award on a case by case basis. Applicant agrees to reopen once the local health department or other authorized officials determine it is safe to do so. d. Applicant will serve, continue to serve, or agree to serve upon request, children on child care subsidy. e. Applicant will update Hawaii Community Foundation (via monthly online survey) of operating status, available space for children, impact of the grant and other necessary information. f. Applicant will use the DHS Guidelines for Child Care Facilities to Reopen or Continue Care (updated June 9, 2020). Additionally, the applicant will utilize health and safety practices that prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawaii Department of Health guidelines as much as possible. 5

g. Applicant’s proposed project and budget is free of nepotism and conflict of interest (Nonprofit applicant please submit organization bylaws or policies outlining how these issues are addressed) h. Applicant certifies that none of the expenses in the project budget are being paid using other federal, state, county or private (philanthropic) funds. i. For sole proprietor businesses (usually home-based providers), a W-9 form will be submitted within five days of grant award notification. ATTACHMENTS The following attachments must be uploaded to the online application: Nonprofit 1. Maximum Grant Award Calculator 2. Project Budget Worksheet 3. Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) Certificate of Good Standing 4. Board of Directors List 5. Bylaws

For-profit Business 1. Maximum Grant Award Calculator 2. Project Budget Worksheet 3. Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) Certificate of Good Standing

DEADLINE: Submit your application by clicking the "Submit" button at the end of the online application by 4:00 pm HST on Friday, October 30, 2020. QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS RFP If you have any questions regarding the application, please email CareGrants@hcf-hawaii.org. We know this is a difficult time with many uncertainties for all child care providers. We appreciate the care provided to the keiki and ohana you serve. On behalf of staff and volunteers of Hawaii Community Foundation, we wish you good health and continued success in your business.


Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement (GTA) 2020 Child Care Stimulus Grant Program Award Date: Award Date Grant ID: Grant ID # Grantee: Grantee Address: Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Grant Purpose: Project Title Grant Amount: $Grant Amount Grant Period: 3/15/2020 through 11/20/2020 Final report due 11/20/2020 HCF Fund: Fund Name The grantee is responsible for compliance with the following terms and conditions: I. Grant terms and conditions specific to the Child Care Stimulus Grant: A. Payment rules and procedures: 1. Definitions: a. “CARES Act” means the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020. b. “Child Care Stabilization Option” means providing emergency relief to providers that are open for at least 30 days prior to application and providing care to protect against permanent closure due to COVID-19. c. “Child Care Reboot and Reopen Option” means encouraging providers to reopen if they are safely able to do so. Providers must agree to reopen within 15 days of grant award, or November 1, 2020 which ever date is sooner. d. “Budget” means the budget template submitted as part of your application e. “Grant Fund” means Eligible Expenditures are allowed that: a. Are incurred in connection with either one of the Child Care Stimulus Grant Options; and b. Are actually incurred by your organization from March 15, 2020 through November 20, 2020 inclusive of the any supplemental grant award, if applicable. If no supplemental award expenses may start October 1, 2020 through November 20, 2020; and c. Expenses incurred to purchase or pay for: i. Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies (soap, bleach, hand soap/sanitizer) ii. Personal protective equipment (masks, gloves—often referred to as PPE—or thermometer) to maintain safe environments iii. Lease/Rent/mortgage payments (must cover the businessrelated portion) iv. Utilities/insurance payments (business-related utility or insurance payments only)


vi. vii.


Payroll expenses for employees to maintain or resume child care operations (i.e. operational costs including employee salaries). Expenses are not limited to those whose services are dedicated to interim cleaning, or health and safety protocols. The hours charged to the payroll expense are documented and available audit purpose by HCF. Staff training Reopening costs needed to safely operate the child care facility, including making minor improvements to the provider’s environment, and purchase equipment (e.g. hand washing station) or supplies to better respond to health guidelines. Purchasing supplies for caring for children, diapers, wipes, infant formula

d. Are otherwise allowed under HCF’s agreement with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Human Services (DHS) or the CARES Act. However, specific costs are not allowed under this Grants Fund i. Administrative costs and indirect costs ii. Expenses incurred for the purposes of entertainment, perquisites, campaign contributions, or lobbying activities. iii. Costs that are determined to be inappropriate or unallowable, Recipient will have to repay HCF the grant and/or subject to appropriate action under state law. f. “Recipient” means an individual or organization that is awarded a grant. g. “Incurred” means the Eligible Expenditure has been paid by Recipient. h. “Payroll Expenses” means monetary compensation and fringe benefits provided to Recipient staff who maintain or resume operations implementing either one of the Child Care Stimulus Grant Options and perform direct services that are reasonably necessary to respond interim cleaning, health and safety protocols, etc. due to COVID-19. The hours charged to the payroll expenses are documented and available for audit purpose by HCF. j. “Receipt” means written evidence that an eligible expenditure has been paid. For purchased goods or services, the written evidence is a printed or electronic receipt issued by the payee to the grantee. For other expenses where a receipt is not typically issued by the payee (for example, for staff payroll and fringe benefits), the written evidence is the recipient’s proof of payment used for its own financial records. Confidential personal information shall be redacted from receipts submitted to HCF when requested. 2. Procedures: A. Grantee understands that after HCF’s receipt of the signed Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement (GTA), HCF will disburse 100% of the total grant amount to be spent the end of the grant term. At the end of the grant term, Grantee understands that HCF’s final grant payment will equal the total amount of Grantee’s final request for reimbursement less the amount of the Advance. Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 2

B. Recipient understands and acknowledges that payments on this grant are subject to the availability of funds from the State Department of Human Services Fund (Fund). The Hawai‘i Community Foundation administers the Fund under a contract with the State of Hawaii. The original source of funds is a federal grant to the State of Hawaii from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020, Federal Grant ID# CFDA #21.019. C. If you do not spend all or a portion of the Grant, the remaining funds are called “unexpended funds.” Grantees must return any unexpended funds to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation by November 20, 2020. If the total amount of funds spent is less than the grant award maximum, the remainder of the grant will be returned to HCF and the State. D. HCF reserves the right to conduct virtual visits or site visits and monitor the Recipient’s project while it is in progress and/or once the project has been completed. E. Recipient is required to submit a final report by November 20, 2020. The final report shall include brief narrative summary of the impact of the grant, details on the child care services provided, and a final financial report documenting how funds were spent on eligible expenses. F. Acceptance of this grant of CARES Act funding may subject the Recipient to an audit by HCF, State, or the federal government, or their designees. Recipient shall keep complete and accurate records of all reimbursement requests, financial transactions, and reports related to this grant for at least seven (7) years after the November 20, 2020 ending date of the grant. Recipient shall provide HCF with access to these records upon request and shall cooperate with any audit of this grant required by HCF, State, or the federal government, or their designees. G. Recipient must provide services described in its proposal to all individuals without regard to, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, age, gender, gender expression, disability, or status as a person living with HIV or AIDS, except as permitted by law. H. If any change in the Budget is anticipated, Recipient must notify HCF staff with the budget modification request to CareGrants@hcf-hawaii.org. B.

Certification: 1. Recipient Agreements: a. Recipient agrees to the following requirements for receiving the Child Care Stimulus Grant Program: a. Recipient must be a licensed or registered child care program facility with the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Service, a before/after school program, or a legally exempt A+ provider (HIDOE contractor) that is in good standing with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. b. Recipient is currently compliant with the applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination against any person or any basis and the state labor law 103-55, HRS. c. Recipient shall ensure payment of all applicable federal, state, and county taxes and fees which may become due and owed by the Recipient by reason of this Grant. d. When required, Recipient shall complete an independent financial and compliance audit in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 3

e. f.

g. h.



k. l.


Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards of the Office of Management and Budget. Recipient shall maintain insurance acceptable to the State in full force and effect throughout the term of the GTA in accordance with section 346-157, HRS. Recipient’s program is open or will be open by November 1, 2020 and currently serving families and agrees to stay open for a minimum of six months after receipt of the grant award. If program should be required to close at the direction of the state health department or other authorized officials, Recipient will need to notify HCF to determine how to handle the grant award on a case by case basis. Recipient agrees to reopen once the local health department or other authorized officials determine it is safe to do so. Recipient will serve, continue to serve, or agree to serve upon request, children on receiving child care subsidy assistance from DHS. Recipient will update Hawai‘i Community Foundation (via periodic online survey) of operating status, available space for children, impact of the grant and other necessary information. Recipient will use the DHS Guidelines for Child Care Facilities to Reopen or Continue Care (updated June 9, 2020) called “Guidelines for Child Care Facilities updated June 9, 2020.” Additionally, the Recipient will utilize health and safety practices that prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawai‘i Department of Health guidelines as much as possible. Recipient proposed project and budget is free of nepotism and conflict of interest (Nonprofit Recipient please submit organization bylaws or policies outlining how these issues are addressed) Recipient certifies that none of the expenses are being paid using other federal, state, or private (philanthropic) funds. Payroll expenses for employees to maintain or resume child care operations (i.e. operational costs including employee salaries). Expenses are not limited to those whose services are dedicated to interim cleaning, or health and safety protocols. The hours charged to the payroll expense are documented and available audit purpose by HCF. These employees are included in the Budget, at least one of the following applies: i. The employee is hired to work exclusively on mitigating or responding to ‘COVID-19 hardships; or ii. The employee is performing work to mitigate or respond to COVID -19 hardships either within or in addition to the routine requirements of the employee’s job classification; or iii. The employee is performing work beyond the routine work hours required for COVID-19 related activities; or iv. The employee has to work in order to implement either one of the Child Care Stabilization option or Child Care Reboot and Reopen Option

Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 4

n. Recipient has an accounting system in place to track and allocate employee work time to each funding source, include this Grant, and will make those records available for audit purposes. o. Recipient indemnifies and holds the State of Hawaii harmless from and against any claims relating to activities carried out by the Recipient under this Grant and assumes the sole liability to the Recipient’s employees and agents, and to any individual not party to the GTA, for any loss, damage, or injury caused by the Recipient, or the Recipient’s employees or agents in the course of their employment for purposes of performance under this Grant. p. A Recipient under this Grant who withholds or omits any material fact or deliberately misrepresents facts to HCF shall be in violation of the GTA and shall be prohibited from applying for any DHS grant for a period of five years from the date of termination of the GTA or determination by DHS of the violation. b. Recipient certifies that every purchase of goods or services charged to this Grant were reasonable and appropriate, including measures to avoid conflicts of interests, avoid unnecessary or duplicative purchases, select vendors and supplies that are reputable and responsible, and assume that every expense would be considered reasonable by a prudent person. c. Recipient has the necessary documentation to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the GTA.

II. General grant terms and conditions for all HCF grants: A. This grant is to be used only for the purposes set forth in the approved application package. Any changes to the nature of the activities for which these funds were granted must be approved in writing before the funds may be expended. B. The Grantee acknowledges that the services provided in connection with the proposal are provided solely as a Grantee and there is no principal/agent or employee/employer relationship between the Grantee and HCF. C. The Grantee must notify HCF immediately if any of the following situations should occur: 1. Performance under the grant does not comply with the proposal and/or this Agreement; or 2. The grantee materially changes its programs, activities or mission; or 3. The grantee plans on permanent closure of its business or organization; or 4. The grantee changes designated program or lead staff; or 5. The non-profit grantee changes or loses its exemption from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. D. Please review the Guide to External Announcements for Grantees (Appendix B) for information on publicity of the grant award. For more information on publicizing your HCF grant, please contact Chips DaMate at 808-566-5542 or cdamate@hcf-hawaii.org. E. Hawai‘i Community Foundation reserves the right to delay payments and/or terminate the grant for failure to comply with any part of this Agreement.

Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 5

Certification By submitting this Grant Award Letter and Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement (Agreement), the Recipient certifies that it agrees to and can satisfy all the terms and conditions described in the Agreement. Your Application and Attachments are incorporated and made a part of the Grant Award Letter and Agreement upon approval of the Hawaii Community Foundation. The undersigned authorized representative certifies under penalty of law that all information provided in its application and proposal and any other information submitted are true and correct and complete. I hereby agree to comply with the above grant terms and conditions. Two signatures required unless grantee is the sole staff:

Chief Executive Officer Signature

Print Full Name


Program Manager or Coordinator Signature

Print Full Name


Return the signed Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement by email to CareGrants@hcf-hawaii.org

Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 6

Appendix A: Sample Financial Report Multi-site/service providers will be asked to identify expenses by provider license type and by island child care service is provided. HCF will periodically collect data for monitoring and understanding the impact of the grant award and collect a final grant report including financials from each grantee. Expenses (Mar through Nov 2020)

Select Type


Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Revenue Other Sources (DHS, SBA, private grant/loan, etc.)

Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies [Cleaning Expense 1] [Cleaning Expense 2]

$0.00 $0.00

[Cleaning Expense 3]


Cleaning SUBTOTAL Personal protective equipment [PPE Expense 1] [PPE Expense 2]


[PPE Expense 3]


PPE SUBTOTAL Rent/mortgage payments [Rent/mortgage Expense 1] [Rent/mortgage Expense 2]


[Rent/mortgage Expense 3]


Rent/mortgage SUBTOTAL Utilities/Insurance payments [Utilities/Insurance Expense 1] [Utilities/Insurance Expense 2]


[Utilities/Insurance Expense 3]


Utilities/Insurance SUBTOTAL Payroll expenses [Payroll Expense 1] [Payroll Expense 2]


[Payroll Expense 3]


Payroll SUBTOTAL Other [Other Expense 1] [Other Expense 2]


[Other Expense 3]




Financial Narrative

Narrative description and justification


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00





Additional Narrative: Use this space for any general notes not included above

Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 7

Appendix B: Guide to External Announcements for Grantees   Why Publicize Funding? HCF asks its grantees to join us in promoting public understanding of the vital role philanthropy and foundations play in strengthening and improving our community. Sharing information about the funding received may also garner additional support for your program and others like it in our community. We encourage nonprofits, businesses, and individuals to publicize the funding in any press releases, presentations, media coverage, or announcements and to recognize the source, when applicable, who helped make the funding possible. For more information on how to do this, see the below section, “How to Refer to Hawai‘i Community Foundation and the Child Care Stimulus Grants Program.” HCF Review of Draft Communication Organizations must notify HCF staff members in advance of communication efforts, related to HCF or its funding. Please send draft communication, such as press releases, to HCF staff at CareGrants@hcfhawaii.org for review, who will also route it to the HCF Communications Department. Review and approval will be handled as soon as possible, however, please note that a response may take a maximum of two business days. Media Relations If the media has approached your organization about work that is related to your funding from the Child Care Stimulus Grants Program, please inform your contact at HCF in order to allow us to track the coverage, and/or be prepared to respond to any media requests. How to Refer to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation and the Child Care Stimulus Grants Program Please refer to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation as “the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF)” in the first mention. Our preferred second reference is “HCF.” When referring to the funding please use the following language: the Child Care Stimulus Grants Program administered by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. Example: Our organization received funding from the Child Care Stimulus Grants Program administered by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. If further explanation on why CARES funding is being administered by HCF for press releases or other publicity, the following language may be used: The State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services has contracted Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) to administer CARES Act emergency relief funds (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) for Hawai‘i nonprofits, businesses, and individuals. HCF has a unique role in Hawai‘i’s disaster preparedness and response. The organization collaborates with partners, both inside and outside of philanthropy, including elected leaders, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, community groups, and the private sector, to obtain a rapid assessment of community needs, coordinate efforts and deploy resources for maximum community impact. From the flooding on the North Shore of Kaua‘i to volcano eruptions on Hawai‘i island, and most recently with the coronavirus pandemic, HCF has demonstrated a trusted ability to deploy funds quickly to organizations that are meeting the critical needs of our community. HCF Logo Usage HCF does not typically allow awardees to use our logo on materials such as brochures, websites, or Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 8

promotional materials. The majority of funds are from donor funds at HCF (or in this case, federal funds), and we believe that those donors should be the primary focus for recognition. Boilerplate for HCF About Hawai‘i Community Foundation With over 100 years of community service, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) is the leading philanthropic institution in the state. HCF is a steward of more than 950 funds, including more than 280 scholarship funds, created by donors who desire to transform lives and improve communities. In 2019, HCF distributed more than $63 million in grants and contracts statewide, including more than $7 million in scholarships. HCF also serves as a resource on community issues and trends in the nonprofit sector. To learn more about HCF’s response during coronavirus, please visit https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/coronavirus Announcing Funds on Social Media If your organization announces the funds via social media, please consider tagging HCF • HCF Twitter: @HCFHawaii • HCF Instagram: @HawaiiCommunityFoundation • HCF Facebook: @HawaiiCommunityFoundation Highlighting Grantees in HCF Materials In an effort to share the work of HCF initiatives, programs, and community efforts, we may highlight grantees and their work on HCF’s website, social media, print collateral, and other external channels or materials. To this end, we may approach your organization for the following: interviews, quotes, or photo sessions with staff, board, or clients; available photographs, slides, or graphics, with signed releases where required; or background material related to the funded project. Mahalo for all that you are doing for our community. We appreciate you.

Child Care Stimulus Grant Award & Agreement | 9

2020 Child Care Stimulus Grants: Maximum Grant Award Calculator Worksheet

Child Care Stabilization Option

Child Care Type Allocation of Onetime Awards Maximums (per regulated site/service)

Max.per Site

Child Care Reboot and Reopen Option

No. of Eligible Licensed Sites/Services

Max. Funds per Site/Service Child Care Type Family and group child care homes

Family child care



Group child care homes


$0 Group child care homes

No. of Eligible Licensed Max. per Site Sites/Services

<-- Enter the number of eligible regulated site/services that are included in the application. Please leave blank if none of a certain type.

Max. Funds per Site/Service $0




Group child care centers



Group child care centers



Infant and toddler centers



Infant and toddler centers



Before or after school care programs



Before or after school care programs



A+ program operators


$0 A+ program operators




0 $0.00 Total Maximum Amount Grant Award




Child Care Stimulus Grants - Multi Site Budget Template Provider Name: [Insert Name] Oahu Sites Only Family Child Expenses (Oct 1 through Nov 20, 2020)Care

Category Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies [Cleaning Expense 1] [Cleaning Expense 2] [Cleaning Expense 3] Cleaning SUBTOTAL Personal protective equipment [PPE Expense 1] [PPE Expense 2] [PPE Expense 3] PPE SUBTOTAL Rent/mortgage payments [Rent/mortgage Expense 1] [Rent/mortgage Expense 2] [Rent/mortgage Expense 3] Rent/mortgage SUBTOTAL Utilities/Insurance payments [Utilities/Insurance Expense 1] [Utilities/Insurance Expense 2] [Utilities/Insurance Expense 3] Utilities/Insurance SUBTOTAL Payroll expenses [Payroll Expense 1] [Payroll Expense 2] [Payroll Expense 3] Payroll SUBTOTAL Other [Other Expense 1] [Other Expense 2] [Other Expense 3] Other SUBTOTAL


Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Group Child Care Home

Group Child Care Center

Infant/Toddler Before/After Exempt A+ Center School Program Provider


Project Budget Narrative

Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Other Sources (DHS, SBA, private grant/loan, etc.)

Narrative description and justification

Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

Amount: HCF Child Care Stimulus Grant Request

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Additional Narrative: Use this space for any general notes or comments not included in the notes above referencing specific budget lines.

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