Experts Panel: Varied Approaches to Evidence-Based Social and Emotional Learning Curricula Schools of the Future October 27, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Room 304B
Our Panelists Experts (and Superheroes) in the field of Social and Emotional Learning and Human Development
Mary Burgess
Loring Knott
Mindfulness Education Coordinator, RULER Implementation Specialist, St. Andrew’s Schools
Marketing and Public Relations, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement
Kelley Oshiro Ambassador, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement
Our Panelists Experts (and Superheroes) in the field of Social and Emotional Learning and Human Development
Mark Collin
Chuck Fisher
Brenda McCormack
Founder of the TOOLBOX Project, author of the TOOLBOX SEL Curriculum
Executive Director of Dovetail Learning / The TOOLBOX Project
Director, International Roots of Empathy
Here’s Our Plan... Introductions Introduce Our Panelists and the SEL Programs
Discussion Questions from the Moderator & Open Discussion Topics
Audience Q & A Questions from Audience Members
What can we learn about some of the SEL programs currently being implemented in Hawaii?
Question 1: Inspiration Tell us how you came to this work. What inspired you to be so involved with SEL and human development?
Question 2: Uniqueness & Strengths Please give us an overview of your SEL program. What makes it so successful and unique? What would you consider as the greatest strength(s) of your program? What does it do really, really well?
Question 3: Program Success Criteria In your experience so far in implementing your programs in schools, what kind of schools seem to be most successful in implementing and sustaining your particular program? What are common challenges you see?
Panel Discussion: Attitudes & Skills for Success In your view, what kind of attitudes and skills do administrators and teachers need most to be successful in bringing SEL to students?
Panel Discussion: Training How might the current generation of teachers and administrators come to embody the skills and mindsets required to effectively include SEL in their day-to-day classrooms and schools?
Panel Discussion: Advice for Those Wishing to Be Involved What advice would you give to teachers and/or administrators who want to help bring SEL to school communities in Hawaii?
Audience Q & A What would you like to ask our panelists?
Resources: RULER TOOLBOX Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement Roots of Empathy Mindful Schools