COVID-19 Toolkit for Nonprofits A webinar series providing Hawaiʻi’s nonprofit sector with expertise and information to navigate the challenges emerging from the COVID-19 crisis.
Solutions for Human Resource and Finance April 2, 2020 • 10 to 11 AM • RSVP Here
Chana Anderson
Heather Piper
Sr. Vice President
President, ED
ABD HR Services
Join Chana for an in-depth conversation on strategies for nonprofits to address: • • • •
Clarifying “essential employees” Managing and supporting remote workers Alternatives to Layoffs Understanding and clarifying the Family First Coronavirus Act for companies of 500 or under • Navigating Federal Benefits for Nonprofits
Hawaiʻi Community Reinvestment Corp
Need help to understand your cashflow in the next 2 to 12 months? Can your organization qualify for Federal Benefits? Heather will discuss the importance of a cash flow needs assessment required to qualify and, by sharing an example, provide guidance on how you can prepare this for your organization. This presentation is a warm up to an in-depth webinar for those wanting to learn more.