Partnering for CHANGE

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Partnering for


CO NTE NT S 0 2 CHANGE FRAMEWORK 10 CREATING CHANGE • My Living, My Giving Donor Profiles 2 4 COLLECTIVE CHANGE • Stories of Collaboration 26 The Hawai‘i Executive Conference 3 6 The Kaua‘i Resilience Project 4 0 The Hawai‘i Hunger Action Network 4 4 LEADING CHANGE • About Hawai‘i Community Foundation 5 4 OUR ‘OHANA

Volunteers help Paepae o He‘eia pound the bark off of mangrove logs to strengthen it against rot and to prepare it for use on the grounds.

Our vision for CHANGE is to create a future in which all of Hawai‘i’s residents, not just some of them, have the opportunity to


For the past 103 years Hawai‘i Community Foundation has worked to stay relevant — not only by responding to the immediate needs of the community, but also by regularly asking ourselves, “What do we want for Hawai‘i in the next 20, 50, 100 years?” We believe that we are at a critical juncture where working on making our vision a reality is vital to the health and well-being of our people and community, now and in the future. The issues facing our islands are complex: The number of middle class families is decreasing as the number of struggling families is increasing. There is a lack of affordable housing and a growth in homelessness. And fresh water resources are declining as sea levels rise. For all these reasons and more, the need for change in Hawai‘i is far-reaching and urgent. This realization is what sparked the creation of the CHANGE Framework.

When people and organizations from all segments and sectors of the community start to mobilize around critical issues, the chance to move the needle on really stubborn problems and make positive changes that will stick, finally becomes feasible. The work relies not only on leaders whose names you might recognize; and not only on philanthropists whose generosity is well known; but also on community members and groups whose input is critical to assessing where the greatest needs exist and where the most powerful solutions lie. The stories you will read in this annual report represent many more like them; real-life examples of people with the passion to take on tough issues and the perseverance to move mountains … sometimes one pebble at a time. At HCF, we feel privileged and inspired to be working with many of you on CHANGE Framework initiatives and efforts that will benefit Hawai‘i for generations to come. A mission of this scale relies on the talents and passion of each of you and every one of us.

Micah A. Kāne CEO & President

Peter Ho Board Chair

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Why do we need CHANGE?

48 %

How do we create CHANGE? CHANGE strives to create a movement and opportunities through a around the use of a common set common set of data of data to inspire collective action around shared goals A to solve thriving Hawai‘i’s Hawai‘i Create partnerships Align work greatest and commit to and inspire challenges. The Framework identifies

of residents are struggling to make ends meet*

Hawai‘i’s strengths, gaps,

This data point is just one example that underscores the fact that essential elements of our island home are not working well for everyone. A rising challenge as big and complex as this needs the help of people from across all sectors. Only by collectively changing the way we solve large-scale issues can we create a better Hawai‘i now and for future generations. That’s why HCF created the CHANGE Framework.

shared goals

collective action

The Framework uses data to identify where help is needed and which opportunities will make the greatest impact by zeroing in on the following six essential areas:



It is only by using a common set of data, connecting people and resources, linking sectors to accomplish shared goals, and recognizing that the welfare of all island residents is intertwined, that we can create A


H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

* Aloha United Way ALICE Report – Hawai‘i 2017



We recognize that many organizations and groups are already doing great work. CHANGE builds on existing momentum and aligns ongoing efforts that are moving in the same direction.

thriving Hawaii for all


for always

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Strengthening the health of our economy and communities

Empowering Hawai‘i’s people to lead healthy lives

Fostering diverse creative and cultural opportunities

Securing resilient climate and food infrastructures and natural resources


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Inspiring Hawai‘i’s people to do their part in making a difference in their communities


Giving Hawai‘i’s children quality educational and career pathways

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HCF has mobilized a movement to create lasting change for Hawai‘i’s people thanks to the capabilities of its indispensable partners: CO M M U N I T Y M E M B E R S

Partners CHANGE

Undertaking large-scale change begins when a small group of committed individuals with a shared vision enlists leaders to catalyze resources and reaches out to potential allies, including those whose voices currently go unheard. It is only by building effective coalitions across sectors and throughout communities that meaningful progress can occur. The power of partnerships enables better alignment and results for all of Hawai‘i’s people.

As the ultimate stewards of Hawai‘i’s future, community members are engaging with others on the ground to ensure that goals are in alignment with collective and ongoing efforts.

N O N PRO F I T PA R T N E R S Nonprofit leaders are building on their existing engagements in the community and helping assemble collaborative agendas to deliver vital services and programs.

DONOR, BUSINESS & CO R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S Business owners, companies, and investors are contributing their knowledge of important issues facing Hawai‘i and influencing their large networks to take action on measurable goals.

G OV E R N M E N T PA R T N E R S As the state’s largest landowner, employer, and purchaser of goods and services, the federal, state, and county governments are helping to lead and follow the public will on critical community issues.


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Every one of our donors has a reason for giving. The choice to make a difference through philanthropy is a reflection of the values and hopes that an individual holds dear. Who a person is informs how a person gives. We’re privileged to highlight a few of the thousands of individuals we’re honored to partner with to make Hawai‘i a better place. Our heartfelt thanks to each of our donors for their generosity toward our community. For a complete list of funds and the full “My Living, My Giving” donor profiles in this report along with other profiles, visit

Arashiro-Garcia ‘Ohana


D ONOR A DV ISED F U N DS allow maximum flexibility to recommend grants for the benefit of the community. Donors contribute to the fund as frequently as they like and recommend grants when they are ready. What inspires you? My children inspire me. They have accomplished many more things at their age than I ever did when I was younger. And they surprise me with their giving choices: kids with cancer, reading, homelessness. What brings you joy? Seeing tasks taken to completion brings me joy. What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? I hope to keep Hawai‘i green, energy independent, food independent, free from invasive species, and affordable for the next generation. What motivates you to give?

Making a difference motivates me

My dad always said when you borrow something, you return it in better condition than when you borrowed it. People are surprised when they learn: When patients see me outside of the office they don’t recognize me because I’m in t-shirt and shorts (which is how I’m usually dressed). My favorite word is: I don’t have a favorite word, color, song, or food. My preferred drink is water. As shared by Dean Arashiro, DDS, Maui


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Dexter & Mary Kubota

Dick Gushman LE G AC Y S O C I E T Y


What inspires you? It’s inspiring watching folks who do not need to help out share parts of their lives to benefit those in need, and not ask anything in return. What brings you joy? The most pure joy in my life beyond time spent with my grandchildren comes from the precious hours I have in or on the ocean. What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? I have great hopes and strong confidence that the Hawai‘i we know today will continue to morph into a more remarkable place to live and prosper. What motivates you to give? Philanthropy is a part of the every day dynamic where those with some extra capabilities graciously contribute. Being part of that process is inspiring. People are surprised when they learn: I flunked out of college, I was kicked out of college, and I quit college without a degree.

SCHOL A R SHIP F U N DS help Hawai‘i’s students to achieve their goal of obtaining a college degree.

LEG AC Y GIF TS provide lasting support to communities and honor an individual’s passion for making a difference beyond his or her lifetime. Legacy Society members choose to leave a gift to the community in their will or trust, creating a legacy for a particular cause for generations to come.

What inspires you? We are inspired by courageous individuals who are willing to live their lives in service to their community, country, and world.

My favorite word is:

What motivates you to give? We were both fortunate to grow up in families of giving. While we respect our past, the only legacy we own is the responsibility to our future. It is imperative that education of our younger generation is made a priority.


What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? We would like to see Hawai‘i become more progressive and opportunistic in its approach to self and environmental sustainability.

People are surprised when they learn: Mary was a professional singer and performed in the Hawai‘i Opera and Dexter’s first home computer was one he built in college. What brings you joy?

Our greatest joy is time and fellowship with family, friends, and our three furry family members. C R E AT I N G C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


Todd Apo

Senior Vice President, Community Development Howard Hughes Corporation

WA R D V I LL AG E CO M M U N I T Y F U N D What inspires you? When I see how my participation impacts others, it inspires me to continue to do more. What brings you joy? Celebrating 25 years of marriage and two wonderful kids, my family brings me joy. Stepping back and seeing how fortunate we have been goes to why I am inspired to help others.

Margaret & Tad Miura TA D & M A RG A R E T M I U R A F U N D

What inspires you? As a family we were always inspired to give back. My dad was a giver and it was passed on to my present family members to give. What brings you joy?

Having dinner with all my family members present brings me joy

What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? I hope for the continued resurgence of the Hawaiian culture and its integration into mainstream business in Hawai‘i. We should instill our uniqueness into the values we teach our keiki and into what we do in our everyday lives. What motivates you to give?

We just want to help... it 's that simple Whether it’s through time or money, we know that the results of our giving are real and impactful. People are surprised when they learn: I am an NCAA basketball referee. That almost always sparks some sort of conversation.

What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? I have always hoped that the Hawai‘i State Legislature would pass a law making long-term care a state responsibility. Funding would come by deducting portions from everyone earning an income, just like the Social Security deduction. What does it mean for you to give in Kapa‘a? It means a lot. I went to Kapa‘a School for 12 years and was in the second graduating class from Kapa‘a High. Our family business has been in Kapa‘a for 110 years. My three children are the fourth generation running the business. My favorite word is: Love. As shared by Tad Miura

FIELD OF IN T ER E ST F U N DS enable givers to benefit a particular field or certain group of people. When organizations or charities serving that field change, merge, or cease to exist, this type of fund can continue to serve the purpose.


Businesses can utilize HCF to help fulfill their goals for supporting the communities in which they operate. HCF works to ensure their gifts are leveraged to make the greatest impact.


C ATA LYST F U N D contributions provide flexible dollars that enable HCF to address critical issues by convening key stakeholders, creating partnerships, and establishing shared goals to promote systems change for a better Hawai‘i.

J.B. Friday

President Friends of Hakalau Forest NWR

H A K A L AU F O R E S T R E F U G E M A N AG E M E N T E N D OW M E N T F U N D What inspires you? I am inspired for different reasons by Aldo Leopold, Gifford Pinchot, and Father Damien.

Larry Rodriguez C ATA LYS T F U N D D O N O R

What brings you joy? Being out in the forest — whether the native Hawaiian forest up to Hakalau, a tropical island forest on Yap in Micronesia, or a spruce-fir forest back home in New England — is what brings me joy.

What inspires you? Those who show leadership in difficult situations inspire me. I am particularly impressed by the ability to factually present a position that may not be widely accepted and work to a practical solution.

What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? After almost 30 years in Hawai‘i I’ve seen a sea change in the conservation community. The current generation of conservation professionals, people in their 20s and 30s, have much more ownership of conservation issues because they were born here and grew up here. They are passionate about taking care of the land and, as keiki o ka ‘āina, they have credibility.

What brings you joy? My wife and pets bring me joy.

What motivates you to give?

What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future?

We need to make hard choices and have the leadership to accomplish these hard choices

I am motivated to give by gratitude “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required.”

DE SIGNAT ED F U N DS allow donors to select a specific nonprofit organization or group of organizations to receive long-term support. The designated recipients receive regular distributions from the fund.

What motivates you to give? I am motivated by the commitment of HCF to meet its mission. People are surprised when they learn: I collect figurines and artwork of dogs. My favorite word is: Super.

J.B. Friday (center) with Fund creators Richard Wass (left) and Jack Jeffrey.

Patricia Giles


AT H E R T O N FA M I LY F O U N DAT I O N What brings you joy? Family and friends bring me joy and so does knowing I made a difference.

Beau Boice Project Director, Hawai‘i Initiatives, Office of the President


What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? Coming from an agricultural family, I grew up being eternally optimistic. I hope Hawai‘i can become more self-reliant and thus sustainable, providing more jobs and opportunities for residents. What motivates you to give? For me it is a simple answer: I am motivated to give by the difference it makes.

What inspires you? I am enamored with the potential we have as a society to change the world for the better as we increase our knowledge and our ability to work together. What brings you joy? Many of the happiest moments in my life have been on hikes or at the beach with my wife and kids.

The year I turned 50 I decided to do 50 random acts of kindness. They say that a random act of kindness affects the person doing it, the person receiving it, and anyone who witnesses it. I like that thought!

What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? I hope that we can find a way to provide local kids with the career pathways and the skills needed to secure jobs and enjoy a fulfilling life in Hawai‘i.

People are surprised when they learn: I landed on an aircraft carrier. There is nothing in any theme park like it!

What motivates you to give? At Strada Education Network, we want everyone to have the opportunity for a great education.

My favorite word is: Adventure. One of my sayings is “Life is a journey, not a place.”

People are surprised when they learn: If I were not working in education, I would be in the fashion industry! My favorite word is:


What inspires you?

People and art inspire me

When you look at life through that lens, it is easier to learn from trials and setbacks.

F U N DING PA RT N ER SHIPS pool resources including knowledge, funds,

and connections to enable diverse groups of people with shared goals to make a larger impact than any one of them could do alone.

PR I VAT E FOU N DAT ION SERV ICE S including grantmaking and administrative assistance are provided by HCF to help individuals, families, and corporations carry out their charitable missions.

What inspires you?

People who care enough to make a difference inspire me What brings you joy? Knowing you were able make a positive impact on someone’s life brings me joy, and so does seeing the smiles on the faces of people that you’ve been able to help. What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? We all have an obligation to give back to the local communities to preserve what is good in Hawai‘i and improve on what is not. What motivates you to give? My parents couldn’t afford to give much financially, but selfless giving was just part of their DNA. It instilled in me the desire to give back and taught me that even the small things matter a lot. People are surprised when they learn: I rode motocross dirt bikes for over 20 years and only stopped riding three years ago. My favorite words are: Thank you.


Violet Loo

What inspires you? The selflessness of doctors and nurses who risk their lives ministering to victims of highly contagious diseases inspires me. What brings you joy? Seeing the love and support my grandchildren give to each other always warms my heart with joy! What do you hope for Hawai‘i’s future? It pains me to see so many homeless struggling with loaded carts along our roads or huddled in tents or crouched in doorways. I hope meaningful and sustainable solutions will be found in the future to provide shelter for all who need it. What motivates you to give? Nothing feels more gratifying than to have the ability to fund projects that benefit many in the community.

Alan Arizumi is passionate about supporting the talented students from the Hawai‘i Youth Symphony program at the Washington Middle School Boys & Girl Club.


Alan H. Arizumi

People are suprised when they learn I do not know how to swim!

compassion My favorite word is:


CO L L E C T I V E C H A N G E :

TH E H AWA I ‘ I E X E CU TI V E CO N F E R E NCE Duane Kurisu’s compassion for struggling families in Hawai‘i was the driving force behind his reviving the Hawai‘i Executive Conference (HEC). At last fall’s HEC gathering of business, nonprofit, and government leaders, HCF’s CHANGE Framework was introduced as a springboard for tackling major challenges facing our islands. Several of the leaders in attendance chose to commit themselves and their organizations to one of six CHANGE sectors, inspired as they were by the potential for collective impact. First lady Dawn Ige appreciated the systematic approach to CHANGE she heard described by Keith Amemiya, senior vice president of Island Holdings, Inc. and champion of the CHANGE Framework, and reached out to tell him about a statewide initiative called “Jump Start Breakfast.”

Partnering to create a better future for Hawai‘i are (L-R) Micah Kane, Duane Kurisu; and Keith Amemiya.

The only way we’re going to create lasting change for all of the people of Hawai‘i is to be all-in as partners

— Duane Kurisu, Chairman, Hawai‘i Executive Conference C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


Ige has been working to reverse Hawai‘i’s dismally low ranking (49th) for student participation in school breakfast in partnership with Hawai‘i Child Nutrition Programs, Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s School Food Services Branch, Hawai‘i Appleseed, and Safeway Foundation. “Considering that the simple act of eating school breakfast can dramatically change a child’s trajectory, it seems like a good place to start,” explains the first lady. “A better start to the day means a better chance for success in school … and that sets up a better future for our students.” Keith Amemiya immediately understood the cumulative value of the Jump Start Breakfast program and joined in on a visit to Central Middle School, one of ten campuses participating in 2019. “Change begins with a passion like Dawn Ige’s and expands to include others whose missions align,” said Amemiya, Senior Vice President of Island Holdings, Inc. Through that visit, Amemiya learned of an additional need at the school that hindered students from eating their meals: an outside area where they could gather and eat together. Amemiya reached out to others, and a once dusty, sometimes muddy area was transformed to a shaded gathering place for students. One of the contributors was Marcus Mariota and his Motiv8 Foundation. “Just to see it come to fruition and watch kids come to eat breakfast in this area is so meaningful. It will help them to be more prepared and they’ll have an opportunity to hang with their friends and build relationships that hopefully will create a better atmosphere for our entire community,” said Mariota.

“We have to rely on partnerships. A lot of work went into it, but through this partnership we’ve now doubled our daily breakfast participation rate — we could not have done this alone.”

— Anne Marie Murphy, Central Middle School Principal

School breakfast, like so many elements of the CHANGE process, is a wisely chosen small step that can have a positive domino effect on the bigger picture.


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Support from Marcus Mariota’s Motiv8 Foundation, Grace Pacific Corporation, and Island Holdings, Inc. created a brand new courtyard with picnic tables for students to gather over nutritious meals at Central Middle School. Pictured above: Students from Central Middle with Keith Amemiya, Marcus Mariota, First Lady Dawn Ige, and Anne Marie Murphy.

“We want to make an impact on the next generation because they will be the leaders who make decisions for this community.” — Marcus Mariota

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T H E H AWA I ‘ I E X E C U T I V E CO N F E R E N C E & C H A N G E

The HCF CHANGE Framework was adopted at the 2018 Hawai‘i Executive Conference as a way to inspire leaders to collaborate for Hawai‘i



Partnering to create a Hawai‘i where families have the opportunity to live successful, flourishing lives

Collaborating to address the cost and quality of care for Hawai‘i residents.

Community & Economy committee chairs (L-R) Robert Nobriga, President of Island Holdings, Inc.; Rich Wacker, President and CEO of American Savings Bank; Paul Yonamine, Executive Chairman of Central Pacific Bank; and Peter Ho, Chairman, President, and CEO of Bank of Hawaii are working together on projects that will address the cost of living and help to build an innovative and diverse economy.

Bob Harrison, Chair of the Health & Wellness committee and Chairman and CEO of First Hawaiian Bank is joining efforts with David Underriner, President of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals of Hawaii; Ray Vara, President and CEO of Hawai‘i Pacific Health; Art Ushijima, President and CEO of The Queen’s Health Systems; Eric Martinson, President of Queen Emma Land Company; and Mike Stollar, President and CEO of Hawai‘i Medical Service Association to assist with the growth and potential expansion of the Hawai‘i Homeless Healthcare Hui (H4), a comprehensive facility dedicated to responding to the healthcare needs of the homeless. Millions of dollars in costs incurred by hospitals to care for the chronically homeless will be saved through the growth of H4.

48% 30

H4’s growth will help to save

of Hawai‘i’s families are struggling to afford basic necessities

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millions of dollars in costs incurred by hospitals from caring for the chronically homeless population

Pictured L-R: Dr. Landis Lum; Cheryl Guzikowski, Care Coordinator; Bob Harrison; and Andy Mounthongdy, Executive Director of H4 at the Chinatown Joint Outreach Center. C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


T H E H AWA I ‘ I E X E C U T I V E CO N F E R E N C E & C H A N G E

Leaders from HEC created the Hawai‘i CHANGE Initiative to organize their collective efforts that are informed by HCF’s CHANGE Framework



Committed to investing in our expressions of who we are and what we see

Combining efforts to invest in protecting and preserving our natural resources to keep Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i

HEC Arts & Culture Co-Chairs Elliot Mills, Vice President of Hotel Operations for Disneyland Resort Hotels and Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa, and contemporary artist John Koga are partnering to build a scalable model that will coordinate statewide efforts and identify an entity to steward projects that will maximize and sustain the impact of art and culture on our community.

Co-chairs of the HEC Natural Environment committee Kamana‘opono Crabbe, CEO of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Ann Botticelli, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs of Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. are joining efforts on projects that include preserving Hawai‘i’s fresh water resources and utilizing carbon credits to benefit Hawai‘i.

Art and culture enriches the social, economic, and physical elements of a community. 32

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Over half of Hawai‘i’s watersheds have been destroyed and rainfall has decreased by 18% over a 30-year period C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


T H E H AWA I ‘ I E X E C U T I V E CO N F E R E N C E & C H A N G E

HEC leaders engaged others to commit to various initiatives to create a stronger Hawai‘i. For more information visit:



Working together to position Hawai‘i as a model for local and global civic responsibility and collaborative policy development

Collaborating to prepare Hawai‘i’s children to become responsible, contributing adults

“Collaboration among leaders in business, labor, nonprofit organizations, and government is crucial to formulating and adopting sound policies to guide decisions for the benefit of Hawai‘i’s people.” — Colbert Matsumoto, Chair of the HEC Government & Civics committee and Executive Chairman of the Board of Island Insurance Companies.

Tens of Billions in Unfunded Liabilities

The fiscal challenges facing State and local governments are beyond their capacity to address alone 34

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Pictured L-R: Colbert Matsumoto, Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz, Representative Sylvia J. Luke, and Jeffrey Laupola, HEC project manager at the Hawai‘i State Capitol Senate Chamber.

Co-chairs of the HEC Education committee Terrance George, President and CEO of Harold K.L. Castle Foundation; Catherine Ngo, President and CEO of Central Pacific Bank; and Jack Wong, CEO of Kamehameha Schools are collaborating with others on projects that will help to improve and change systems in areas including teacher retention and recruitment, a universal preschool, and creating paths to stable and fulfilling employment.

Only half of Hawai‘i’s 92,000 four-year-olds receive quality early education experiences, in spite of economic research proving that quality early education and intervention is the greatest return on investment for the child and society. C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


CO L L E C T I V E C H A N G E :

TH E K AUA‘ I R E S I LI E NCE PROJ E C T When asked what was most important to Kaua‘i, the community responded with passion and consistency: “Our youth.” Islanders were right to be alarmed, given that one in 11 Kaua‘i teenagers attempted suicide last year. In response, individuals from government, state agencies, businesses, nonprofits, mental health, the faith community, and others came together as the Kaua‘i Resilience Project. With initial funding from HCF, the group was created under Keiki to Career Kaua‘i, an initiative of Kaua‘i Planning & Action Alliance (KPAA), to provide solutions and hope. “Kaua‘i’s kids are all of our kids,” said KPAA President Marion Paul. “We want the community to know that having the support of one caring adult helps build resilience in our young people and protect them from despair. Together, we can help young people withstand adversity and not give up.”

The greatest reward was the chance to change my life, not end it. Bryden regularly volunteers at the Boys & Girls Club in Līhu‘e, helping to mentor, inspire, and support youth.

— Bryden Kaauwai

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The Kaua‘i Resilience Project, chaired by Mason Chock, recently launched an educational campaign for adults and youth with two key messages: “Kaua‘i’s Kids Are Your Kids,” and “You Got This!” The committee’s action plan includes increasing safe places for kids to gather and adding programs that build resilience. So serious and so pervasive is the problem of teen suicide on Kaua‘i that many organizations are getting involved. Among them, the Boys & Girls Club, which 16-year-old Bryden Kaauwai attributes with saving his life. “When I first walked into the Līhu‘e clubhouse, I felt hopeless, like a mistake; my life was so dark, I wanted to end my life.” Little by little, his involvement in the Leaders in Training program gave Bryden not only valuable skills like public speaking, but also a sense of purpose and a chance to mentor other teens. He won the Youth of the Year competition on Kaua‘i and qualified for the Pacific regionals, but “the greatest reward,” he acknowledges, “was the chance to change my life, not end it.”

Kaua‘i’s Kids Are Your Kids Adult support can protect youth from despair. You can be a lifesaver. Here’s how:

1. Remember what it was like to be a teenager and welcome teens as valuable community members.

2. Check in on the teens and

pre-teens in your life every day in person or through a text.

3. If you observe a teen or pre-teen who is struggling or sad, offer to listen or help.

Community leaders are collaborating to help provide hope to Kaua‘i’s keiki (L-R): Bill Arakaki, Complex Area Superintendent on Kaua‘i; Nannie Apalla, Program Manager at KPAA; Joy Miura Koerte, Partner at Fujita & Miura Public Relations, Inc.; Darcie Yukimura, Director of Community Philanthropy at HCF; Marion Paul, President of KPAA; Lindsay Richardson, Family Therapist; Mason Chock, Kaua‘i County Councilmember; Zavier Cummings, Social Media Influencer; Kaulana Finn, Constituent Outreach Liaison Office of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard; JoAnn Yukimura, Kaua‘i Advisory Board Member, Boys and Girls Club of Hawai‘i, Kaua‘i Branch Board member; and Dr. Janet Berreman, State Department of Health District Health Officer on Kaua‘i

For more information about the Kaua‘i Resilience Project and to learn how you can become a part of it, visit

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CO L L E C T I V E C H A N G E :

TH E H AWA I ‘ I H U N G E R AC TI O N N E T WO R K In Hawai‘i, where many of our gatherings with family and friends center around food, it seems unthinkable that so many islanders are at-risk of going hungry — estimates vary between one in seven and one in ten residents, many of whom are keiki (22%) and kūpuna (9%). In response to such a critical reality, HCF pulled together nine funders to create the Hawai‘i Hunger Action Network (HHAN) and support a collaborative of 13 local organizations with expertise in hunger issues. “A strong network is key to closing the gaps in our food and anti-hunger systems,” said Chris van Bergeijk, HCF Senior Vice President of Strategies, Initiatives, and Networks. Building on existing social safety nets like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), members of the Hawai‘i Hunger Action Network mobilized their support of the SNAP Hui’s “DoubleUp Food Bucks” program, which uses federal funds to double the purchasing power for low-income recipients who buy locally grown fruits and vegetables at farmer’s markets and grocery stores.

On an island as bountiful as Kaua‘i, it is unfathomable that 1 in 5 residents needs food assistance. — Wes Perreira Hawai‘i Foodbank Kaua‘i Branch Director C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


“Helping more folks access more nutritious foods is a win not only for families, but also for local farmers and the economy at large. Double-Bucks returns triple benefits.” — Daniela Kittinger, Hawai‘i Hunger Action Network Director and member of the SNAP Hui

Double-Up pilot programs on O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Island, and Moloka‘i have proven that the model works and benefits low-income families, farmers, and grocery retailers. The power of partnerships like these — between funders, nonprofits, farmers, businesses, government, and communities — is fueled by a shared vision for a future where no one in Hawai‘i goes hungry.

Three key priorities:




Increase supply and resilience

Raise the level of food quality and nutrition

Improve resources and access

Hawai‘i Hunger Action Network Aloha Harvest Blue Zones Project Hawai‘i

Kapi‘olani Community College Culinary Arts Program

Hawai‘i Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice

Kōkua Kalihi Valley

Hawai‘i Alliance for Community Based Economic Development

Maui Food Bank

Hawai‘i Community Foundation

Sustainable Moloka‘i

Hawai‘i Foodbank

The Food Basket

Lanakila Pacific Parents and Children Together

Hawai‘i Good Food Task Force C O L L E C T I V E C H A N G E | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T



B U I LD I N G PA RTN E R S H I P S We work to bring leaders together from business, philanthropy, government, nonprofit, and community sectors, helping to align their efforts, invest strategically, and work collectively toward shared goals.

Our Promise We are focused on building a thriving Hawai‘i for all and always

Our promise is to use the knowledge we’ve accrued and the trust we’ve earned over a century of service to be a catalyst for CHANGE. At the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, we deeply care about all of our islands and all of our residents. Our commitment is to help solve some of Hawai‘i’s most complex problems through:

A M PLI F Y I N G TH E P OW E R O F G I V I N G We are dedicated to serving as a trusted steward of funds and to helping donors fulfill their philanthropic passions by ensuring that their gifts make the greatest impact in the communities and causes they care about most.

I N S PI R I N G CO LLE C TI V E AC TI O N Through CHANGE, we strive to construct effective coalitions between people and communities to create a stronger for Hawai‘i for generations to come.

In the work that we do and the way that we work, we hope to ignite a passion for the power of partnership, for the power of philanthropy, and for the power of people with a shared vision for Hawai‘i. 46

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How we help

PRO F E S S I O N A L A DV I S O R S HCF is a resource for estate planners, accountants, and financial advisors seeking charitable solutions for their clients.

Philanthropy is a personal expression of who you are and what you care about

It is our responsibility to amplify the impact of your generosity and ensure that the highest hopes of our givers are honored. By helping HCF donors and partners to connect with and support efforts that achieve specific results, we are working to transform philanthropy into lasting change for Hawai‘i.

N O N PRO F IT S BUSINESSES HCF helps businesses support the community while achieving their own charitable goals.

DONORS OF A LL S I Z E S HCF customizes your plan by helping to find the best method for your giving and connecting your interests with reputable charities.


H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

HCF supports local nonprofits so they can perform at their very best — delivering vital services and programs across the islands that strengthen Hawai‘i’s people and communities.

PR I VATE FOU N DATI O N S Clients can focus on charitable giving while HCF handles administrative, financial, and grantmaking services.

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Where we serve LIHUE ESTd 2001

Kaua‘i & Ni‘ihau • With funds from HCF donors, flood victims began receiving grants WITHIN 24 HOURS from the Kaua‘i Relief and Recovery Fund • There are 69 FUNDS established to benefit Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau including the Kaua‘i Relief and Recovery Fund, the Annie Sinclair Knudesen Memorial Fund, and Kaua‘i Aloha Endowment Fund • Over $6.3 MILLION in grants to nonprofits on Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau in the past 3 years • Over $285 THOUSAND in scholarship awards for over 75 students in 2018 • Office opened on Kaua‘i in 2001



Maui, Lāna‘i & Moloka‘i • There are 68 HCF FUNDS ESTABLISHED TO BENEFIT MAUI COUNTY including Maui Nui Community Fund, Hāna Community Endowment Fund, and Lāna‘i Community Benefit Fund

• More than $1 MILLION raised for the Hawai‘i Island Volcano Recovery Fund helped Puna residents deal with lava flow • 102 HCF FUNDS established to benefit Hawai‘i Island, including the East Hawai‘i Fund, the West Hawai‘i Fund, and the Kūki‘o Community Fund

• Over $9.1 MILLION in grants were awarded to Maui County nonprofits in • Over $16.1 MILLION IN GRANTS to the past three years Hawai‘i Island nonprofits in the past • Over $640 THOUSAND in scholarship 3 years awards for over 120 students in 2018 • Over $1.7 MILLION in scholarship • HCF MAUI OFFICE — serving the awards to 339 students in 2018 islands of Maui, Lāna‘i, and Moloka‘i • FIRST NEIGHBOR ISLAND OFFICE — opened in 2002 opened in 2000 in Waimea • HILO OFFICE OPENED IN 2015 to better serve East Hawai‘i

O‘ahu • Nearly $35 MILLION in grants awarded to nonprofits on O‘ahu in the last year

Hawai‘i Island


• Over $3.5 MILLION in scholarship awards for 715 students in 2018 • The Hawaiian Foundation was ESTABLISHED IN 1916 and renamed Hawai‘i Community Foundation in 1987 • HCF HEADQUARTERS since 2011 at the historic C. Brewer Building in downtown Honolulu

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What we give

62 Million


In 2018, HCF managed over $675 million in assets and distributed more than

in grants to the community from funds at HCF, contracts, and private foundation clients






Initiatives & Partnerships





Donor Designated Grants

Donor Advised Grants



Contract Clients


H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E










$ $






Last year, we supported the community in these CHANGE sectors through our more than 900 funds established by generous individuals, families and businesses:



50.6 Million*



Does not include $11.6 million in grants made on behalf of private foundations and other contract clients. Does include expensed related to implementation of contracts.

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2019 Board of Governors

The Board establishes policies, sets organization-wide priorities and program strategies, and ensures that the financial stewardship and operations of HCF are conducted with integrity and accountability. This year we bid aloha to governor Richard W. Gushman, II. We are grateful for his leadership and dedication to Hawai‘i. We are also pleased to welcome new governors Juliette K. Sheehan and Toby Taniguchi — we appreciate their commitment and guidance.


Peter Ho Bank of Hawaii Chairman, President & CEO


Robert R. Bean Alert Holdings Group, Inc President & CEO (retired)

John C. Dean

Bank of Hawaii

Central Pacific Bank

Sr. Vice President

Chairman Emeritus

Robert S. Harrison

Michael P. Irish

First Hawaiian Bank

Halm’s Enterprise, Inc.

Chairman & CEO




Tamar Chotzen Goodfellow

Mary G.F. Bitterman

Tyrie Lee Jenkins, MD

Paul Kosasa

The Bernard Osher Foundation

Jenkins Eye Care

ABC Stores


CEO & President

Philanthropist & Community Volunteer


Elliot K. Mills


Alan H. Arizumi

Mark E. Agne

First Hawaiian Bank

Private Investor

Vice Chairman

Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa

Judy B. Pietsch Judy B. Pietsch Consulting

Vice President & General Manager


Jeff Arce

Deborah K. Berger The Learning Coalition

Katherine G. Richardson

Jennifer Sabas

The MacNaughton Group Senior Advisor


Community Volunteer


Michael Broderick

Kaleialoha K. Cadinha-Pua‘a

YMCA of Honolulu President & CEO


Roberta F. Chu

H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

Cadinha & Co., LLC President & CEO

Daniel K. Inouye Institute

Juliette K. Sheehan Atherton Family Foundation and James & Abigail Campbell Family Foundation

Toby Taniguchi KTA Super Stores President & COO

Board Member

O U R ‘ O H A N A | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


2019 Neighbor Island Leadership Councils


Leadership Council members provide HCF with personal, in-depth knowledge of community needs across the state. The dedication of these volunteers enables HCF to make a difference in every island community. Over the years, these volunteer leaders have helped HCF further its mission by providing advice on issues relevant to their respective islands.

Katherine G. Richardson

Sara Miura

Gregg Takara

Roberta Weil

Heather Haynes

Robert Kawahara

Kristina E. Lyons Lambert

Paul Mancini

R. Clay Sutherland


H AWA I ‘ I I S L A N D Roberta F. Chu

Nancy Cabral


Robert Kildow

Laura Mallery-Sayre

Rich Matsuda

Alapaki Nahale-a


Tamar Chotzen Goodfellow Chair

John Roth 58

Dale Suezaki

Toby Taniguchi

H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

Cordy MacLaughlin

O U R ‘ O H A N A | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


2019 Scholarship Ambassadors Volunteer scholarship ambassadors have the difficult task of reviewing and making recommendations to assist in awarding over 280 scholarship funds. Made up of community members, educators, and past scholarship recipients, these dedicated volunteers truly understand the impact that education can have on an individual’s future.

O ‘A H U Noe Archambault

Erica Keeley

Tetine Sentell

Jami Burks

Gerald Keir

John Stepulis

Janice Casey

Mary Kubota

Ruth Stepulis

Paul Casey

Kenneth Lee

Karen Takata

Camille Chun-Hoon

Todd Nohara

Cynthia Takenaka

Eric Fujimoto

Judy-Ann Oliveira

Marisa Tanaka

Christine Ho Komer

Sarah Razee

Yukie Tokuyama

Leslie Hsiung

Eileen Sakai

Gae Bergquist Trommald

Roberta Hsu

Marni Sakumoto

Taryn Yonaha

Matthew Ing

Amy Sato



Karen Goodale

Maggie Cole

Teri Peers

Rian Dubach

Mara Toner

Sheila Haynes

Roberta Weil

Claire Miyasato Kyle Sakamoto Charlene Schulenburg Jacob Simons Nicole Spalding


H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

O U R ‘ O H A N A | 2 0 19 A N N U A L R E P O R T


Kayla Mae Abalos Program Associate, Community Grants & Investments

Justina Acevedo-Cross Program Director, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Jana Alamillo Executive Assistant, Communications

Hawai‘i Community Foundation Staff

Leo Amador

A highly motivated team of talented individuals carries out the work of HCF. Staff members are knowledgeable about the community and passionate about making a difference. They walk their talk as HCF professionals and caring members of the community.

Senior Director of Gifts and Compliance & Associate General Counsel

Donor Relations Assistant

Chris Archambault

L. Chips DaMate

Senior Communications Officer

Malu Debus

Philanthropy Officer - Hawai‘i Island

Tess Dela Rama

Front Office Administrator

Ipo Ehia

Gifts & Compliance Associate

Kawena Beauprè

Jaedine Ehia

Ophelia Bitanga-Isreal

Senior Scholarship Associate

Martha Hanson

Director, Donor Relations

Senior Program Officer, Community Grants and Investments

Ken Hasegawa

Iolani Castro

Jaime Hinaga

Diane U‘ilani Chadwick Director of Community Philanthropy - Hawai‘i Island

Wally Chin Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Chelsey Chow Philanthropy Officer - Hawai‘i Island

H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

Vice President of Foundation and Corporate Partnerships

Senior Web Solutions Officer

Program Associate, Community Grants and Investments


Lydia Clements

Senior Scholarship Administrator

Executive Assistant, Community Grants and Investments

Catherine Howland

Associate Director of Communications

Courtney Ikeda

Development Services Manager

Robbie Ann Kane

Director of Programs, Omidyar Initiatives Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Kathryn Nelson

Senior Vice President of Philanthropy

Dana Okano

Program Director, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Carla Pang

Senior Accountant

Luis Pascual

Inger Tully Senior Philanthropy Officer - Maui County

Chris van Bergeijk Senior Vice President, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Elise von Dohlen Program Officer, Community Grants and Investments

System Architect

Robin Pratt

Philanthropy Officer - Kaua‘i

Kevin Rapp

Jolie Wanger Program Officer, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Joanne Watase-Yang

Senior Donor Relations Officer

Donor Relations Officer

Lisa Rodrigues

Hannah Werth

Executive Assistant, Strategies, Initiatives and Networks

Tina Santos

Senior Philanthropy Associate - Maui County

Christel Wuerfel Senior Program Associate, Community Grants & Investments

Micah A. Kāne

Amani Love

Program Associate, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Executive Assistant to the Senior VP, Development & General Counsel

Cheryl Kaneshiro

Amy Luersen

George Seymour

Ethan Wung

Scholarship Associate

Development Data Manager

Michelle Kauhane

Jen-L Lyman

Myles Shibata

Kawehi Yim

Chief Executive Officer & President

Knowledge Management Specialist

Senior Vice President, Community Grants & Investments

Nella Kauwenaole

Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer & President

Tom Kelly

Vice President, Knowledge, Evaluation & Learning

Larissa Kick

Program Director, Community Grants & Investments

Lisha Kimura

Grants Administrator, Community Grants and Investments

Jamee Kunichika

Vice President & Chief of Staff

Eric La‘a

Senior Development Officer

Mary-Joy Llaguno

Vice President, Community Collaboration

Director of Philanthropic Partnerships

Chelsea Maemori

Tara Shibuya

Senior Investment and Fund Accountant

Senior Scholarship Officer

Susan Maltezo

Lynn Shimono

Senior Grants Manager


Lynelle Marble

Linda Takehara

Vice President of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

Uri Martos

Philanthropy Officer - Kaua‘i

Tom Matsuda

Program Director, Community Grants and Investments

Kehau Meyer

Program Officer, Community Grants and Investments

Pi‘ikea Miller

Program Director, Strategies, Initiatives & Networks

Program Assistant, Community Grants and Investments

Natalie Luz Millon

Kate Lloyd

Jamie Mitte

Senior Vice President, General Counsel


Vice President of Development

Program Associate, Omidyar Initiatives

Human Resource Manager

H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E

Accounting Assistant

Executive Assistant & Administrative Coordinator to the Board of Governors

Darcie Yukimura Director of Community Philanthropy - Kaua‘i

Miya Zialcita Executive Assistant to the Senior VP & General Counsel


4268 Rice Street, Suite K Līhu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 Tel: 808-245-4585

This report is a thank you

to the people who partner with HCF. Our goal is to share their stories with the highest quality and in the most cost-effective way so that we continue to maximize our resources for the benefit of our island home.

O ‘A H U

827 Fort Street Mall Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Tel: 808-537-6333 Toll-free: 888-731-3863

M AU I COU NT Y 33 Lono Avenue, Suite 390 Kahului, Hawai‘i 96732 Tel: 808-242-6184


99 Aupuni Street, Suite 214 Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720 Tel: 808-935-1206


65-1279 Kawaihae road Parker Square, Room 214 Kamuela, Hawai‘i 96743 Tel: 808-885-2174


H A W A I ‘ I C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N | PA R T N E R I N G F O R C H A N G E


Mālama Huleia

Hawai‘i Nature Center

Paepae o He‘eia

Hawaii Youth Symphony

Punahou School

Kapa‘a Middle School

The Cole Academy

Hawaii Foodbank Kaua‘i Branch

Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank

Vidinha Farmers Market

Hawaii Homeless Healthcare Hui

Lo‘i Kalo Park

Boys & Girls Club of Hawai‘i Charles C. Spalding Honolulu Clubhouse Boys & Girls Club of Hawai‘i Līhu‘e Clubhouse

Wilcox Elementary School

Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work — Vince Lombardi © 2019 Hawai‘i Community Foundation • Partnering for Change

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