Faces of Philanthropy 2012 Issue 3

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Faces of

Philanthropy 2012 • ISSUE 3

Quarterly News from the Hawai‘i Community Foundation

Kuki‘o Community Fund

Nurturing Youth, Nurturing the Future

OUR MISSION We help people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community.

Serving Our Community Since 1916

FOR POLYNESIANS, THE NIU, or coconut, provided every basic necessity for survival, including food, water, shelter and fiber. Each nut contains the possibility of an entire grove. Along Hawai‘i Island’s Kohala Coast, a small group of Kūki‘o residents—both kama‘āina and newer arrivals— came together in 2001, united by a feeling of connection to the land and a sense of responsibility to the people living in surrounding communities. They established the Kūki‘o Community Fund at the Hawai‘i Community Foundation as a vehicle for charitable giving and ultimately decided to focus specifically on the youth of West Hawai‘i and their families. The sprouting niu is a fitting logo for the Kūki‘o Community Fund because it represents the promise of youth and the hope that, with care, they and their families will thrive. “The fabric of the community has changed,” observes Maui-born Carl Carlson, member of the fund’s Advisory Committee. He wistfully remembers being dropped off at the park by the school bus each afternoon when he was a boy, and playing with friends until his parents came to pick him up after work. Unfortunately, that carefree existence no longer matches today’s reality: Of the approximately 15,000 youth and children in West Hawai‘i, an estimated 35% will not graduate from high school; 70% are members of families who manage with annual incomes of less than $50,000; and geographic dispersion makes quality out-of-school activities difficult to access. Contributions from concerned Kūki‘o residents help to support local nonprofits providing afterschool programs and enrichment experiences for kids who might otherwise fall between the cracks. While the grants tend to be small—often in the $5,000 range— their impact is not. Around 1,000 young people participate in programs funded each year by the Kūki‘o Community Fund.

“Organizations that respond to the annual Request for Proposal offer a peek into what’s going on in West Hawai‘i and the chance to support projects that demonstrate high levels of collaboration, intergenerational engagement and caring adult leadership,” according to Lydia Clements, director of neighbor island philanthropic services at the Foundation.

With help from the Ku-ki‘o Community Fund, middle school students from North Kohala participate in service learning projects along the West Hawai‘i coast.

A small grant to Ocean Warriors, an afterschool program for at-risk youth, enabled middle school students to attend weekly field trips to West Hawai‘i coastal areas so they could learn firsthand about protecting local watersheds. “The funding came at a critical time for us,” said Elizabeth Pickett, who created the Ocean Warriors program as part of her work with the Mālama Kai Foundation. “As the community was ramping up its environmental efforts at Kauhola Point, the kids—who started showing Continued on next page

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