Faces of Philanthropy 2007 Fall

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Faces of

Philanthropy Fall 2007

Quarterly News from the Hawai‘i Community Foundation

change makers I have been an HCF scholarship recipient since 2003 and I am honored to share my story with you as a continuing student in a master’s program—a dream made possible by Hawai‘i Community Foundation.

OUR MISSION We help people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community.

I could say that my story begins at the age of twelve, when I was given an uncompromising passion to pursue international child welfare. But the story I wish to share with you does not concern the details of my journey throughout my adolescent years into late high school. In my heart and mind, I had my dreams, but no where could I find a foundation. Who was I to have such goals? I was no one significant, just another face in the crowd. Besides, I could not afford a college education. Was I intelligent enough for the academic competition? Doubts such as these consumed my daily thoughts and I was convinced that I stood no chance at having opportunities to work towards my dreams becoming a reality. Little did I know that a committee from HCF felt otherwise. And this is where my story begins—a story of personal reflection on faith and character.

individuals who support me in my pursuit of higher education. These scholarships have truly changed my life by impressing a faith in and for me—and in effect, shaped my character to continue to strive for excellence. We are here because we wish to be change makers. We strive to better equip ourselves through education so that we might contribute more significantly through our resources and experiences to the larger community. Quite frankly, the honor each of us has as a scholarship recipient must be overwhelmed by our desire to better the community around us through our individual lives as communicated in our personal statements. Each of us believes that we have a purpose—and we seek to make our lives count. It is easy for me to forget this at times—when I begin to doubt my abilities, to question my aspirations, but then I am reminded of a committee, which represents my passions and dreams, and beyond that, encourages me to continue moving forward because they have faith in me.

Thank you, Hawai‘i Community Foundation, for your continued support and encouragement. I am honored to be one of the many who is forever changed because of I often hear the phrase, “you are your biggest your generosity, but more so, critic.” Often, I lost confidence in my abilities or became discouraged by surrounding circumstances forever indebted because of to the point of laughing at my optimistic aspirations your faith in each of us. and wanting to declare myself a failure who had Remarks by guest speaker given up trying. During those times, which were Julie Barshaw at the Hawai‘i many in my undergraduate years, I was forced to Community Foundation’s question what I was doing with my life and in these reception for scholarship moments I was reminded of HCF and what their donors and recipients held scholarships really meant. on July 28 in Honolulu. My gratitude for HCF is far deeper than an Find out more on page two. appreciation for the monetary contributions which have allowed me to continue my education. The various scholarships I have received from HCF HCF scholarship recipient communicate much more than simply a group of Julie Barshaw For more information on connecting with a cause that you care about, please contact HCF’s Philanthropic Services Department at (808) 566-5560 (toll-free at 1-888-731-3863) or e-mail donorservices@hcf-hawaii.org


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