2020 Hawai‘i Resilience Fund Report

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The Hawai‘i Resilience Fund Report 2020

Resilient, Together


Table of Contents Introduction


The Situation


Donor Response


Timeline: Rapid Response


The Impact


Critical Areas of Need


Distribution of Grants From HRF & CARES Act


Distribution by Island


Strength in Partnerships


Key Partners


Community Connections Profiles: Housing ASAP & Hunger Action Network

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Programs Spotlight


Migrant Community Response & Festival of Hope for Families


What’s Next


Program Spotlight: Food Distribution

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Our Role


Disaster Response Plan






Foundations & Funds




Looking Ahead in 2021

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R E S I L I E N T, T O G E T H E R

An Extraordinary Year health officials reported the first case of COVID-19 in Hawai‘i. Within weeks, residents were under stayat-home orders. Within a month, a 14-day visitor quarantine was in effect, shuttering the tourism industry. By summer, more than 150,000 people filed for unemployment. ON MARCH 1, 2020,

As we watched the pandemic unfold across our state and the world, it became clear that this would be a disaster unlike any before in our lifetimes. With safety nets stretched to the breaking point, we knew government assistance would not reach people in time to meet their immediate needs. Philanthropy needed to move fast to fill in the gap. Days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11, Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) established the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund (HRF) with $2.5 million. Nine months since it was launched, the fund has raised and distributed more than $12 million and helped leverage many times its value in additional COVID relief. Together with nonprofit and business partners, we've supported programs in every community on every island, addressing needs ranging from testing and PPE to food distribution, rent and mortgage assistance, and childcare. This report outlines our collective work.


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Donor Response In 2020, the virus and its impacts touched every community in Hawai‘i and every aspect of our lives. Fortunately, Hawai‘i Community Foundation was prepared. Just one year earlier, we developed a disaster relief plan based on our CHANGE framework, an evidence-based approach to identifying areas of greatest need, and lessons learned during the Kīlauea eruption and Kaua‘i flood emergencies. While the pandemic’s impact was on another level, we knew we could quickly scale up our disaster plan to meet the unprecedented level of need. On March 18, 2020, HCF launched the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund to address the evolving needs of our community. Our donors responded in a big way. The Omidyar ‘Ohana Fund matched HCF with a $1 million donation, and the Stupski Foundation donated $500,000. Soon after, the Bank of Hawaii Foundation made a gift of $3 million, one of the largest corporate donations in HCF's history. p. 04

And the contributions kept coming in. Many of our regular donors asked us to move money immediately from their advised funds into the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund. Others waited for direction on where their dollars could do the most good. As the pandemic surged on and we began to communicate what we were learning about the areas of greatest need, donors responded with a second big wave of giving. Within six weeks of its launch, the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund had raised more than $9 million for pandemic relief and distributed $6 million to the community. (See our list of HRF donors on page 13.)

By the Numbers

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percentage of donations to the HRF that were under $1,000 total number of gifts under $1,000 number of donors to the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund

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The Bank of Hawaii Foundation

Max and Tiana Hannemann

The Bank of Hawaii Foundation's historic $3 million donation had an extraordinary impact on HCF's COVID-19 response. In addition to directly funding programs—including distributing more than $1 million to food banks across the state, $1.2 million to our Social Impact Investment Fund to provide financial relief to families, and $375,000 to health programs— this contribution served as a catalyst to help us raise more than $50 million in additional public and private coronavirus relief dollars for Hawai‘i.

When COVID-19 hit, father and daughter yoga teachers Max and Tiana Hannemann on O‘ahu wanted to give back to the community. Tiana offered a special online yoga class, pledging to donate $1 to the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund for every person who attended. Her students loved the idea and asked to match and add to her donation. Ultimately, Tiana, Max, and their students donated more than $600 for COVID relief in Hawai‘i.


Rapid Reponse to COVID-19 Impacts First COVID-19 case reported in Hawai‘i March 1

HCF establishes Hawai‘i Resilience Fund March 18

March 11 WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic

March 24 First Hawai‘i Resilience Fund grants released


HCF launches Stronger Together HRF donations reach $9 million; Hawai‘i distributions Scholarship Fund total $6 million May 26 April 30 May 4 HCF launches Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund

Multiple partners launch Kaua‘i Education Technology Pilot Program June 25

June 5 HCF launches Social Impact Investment Fund

HCF releases funding for Lāna‘i COVID relief within 24 hours of request Oct 28

Aug 13 HCF begins to administer more than $54 million in CARES Act funding

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Critical Areas of Need Days after the pandemic reached Hawai‘i’s shores, it was clear that funding needed to hit the ground—and fast. HCF streamlined the grantmaking process by implementing trustbased philanthropy. This approach reduces the burden on grant recipients by forgoing a time-consuming application process. Thanks to many longstanding relationships and our knowledge of their work, we could count on our partner organizations to use the funds appropriately and effectively to get the dollars where they were most needed. Our approach to grantmaking focused on five critical areas:

Food The face of hunger changed during the pandemic, with many families turning to food banks for the first time. With a $1 million seed grant from the Bank of Hawaii Foundation, we leveraged donations and partnered with food banks on every island to support mass food distribution events. In the first three months of the pandemic, the state’s four main food banks—Hawai‘i Foodbank, Kaua‘i Food Bank, Maui Food Bank and Hawai‘i Food Basket— served nearly 700,000 people. Throughout the pandemic, other food organizations that were supported, like Aloha Harvest, have distributed almost 1 million pounds of food. Total distributed: $2.8 million

Health Ramping up testing and distributing personal protection equipment (PPE) were crucial priorities in the pandemic's early days to slow the spread. We partnered with Federally Qualified Health Clinics on every island and provided funds to purchase COVID-19 swab and test kits, PPE, sanitation supplies, and equipment for drive-thru testing events. Other funded projects included technology upgrades to support telehealth services, a pilot p. 06

project to build ventilators, and support to deliver supplies—from food to daily medicine—to at-risk populations. Total distributed: $4.3 million

Emergency Financial Assistance With thousands of people unemployed virtually overnight, and the state government working through technology issues and the backlog, we knew it would take weeks before thousands of residents received unemployment checks. HCF partnered with the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Helping Hands Hawai‘i, Hope Services, and others to distribute direct cash assistance to help about 1,800 families cover their housing costs, utilities, car payments, groceries, prescription drugs, and other critical needs. Total distributed: $794,000

Childcare Childcare is the foundation of a working economy, but many providers struggled to stay open due to declining enrollment and revenue in the early weeks of the pandemic. Childcare providers additionally had to implement new health and safety guidelines

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that added costs. Early on, HCF used dollars from the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund to aid facilities providing childcare to frontline workers such as the YMCA and Kama‘āina Kids. We also secured a matching childcare grant from the Home Grown program of the Health Federation of Philadelphia and distributed rapid emergency funds to home-based child care programs. These rapid-response grants helped providers pay operating costs and purchase PPE, sanitation supplies, and other health and safety supplies. The Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund grantees collectively serve over 500 children through licensed childcare homes.

than 370 students have received an average of $6,200 in scholarship money, with about 35% of those students on neighbor islands. Total distributed: $2.3 million Other sectors that received funding included; nonprofit support ($1.7 million); human services ($325,000); legal services ($119,000); and investments in data, 2-1-1, research, and communications ($389,000).

Total distributed: $544,442

By the Numbers


Hawai‘i Resilience Fund dollars reached every community in the state.

Due to financial hardship exacerbated by the pandemic, many families could no longer afford secondary education and students faced an unknown future. In response, we matched $1 million from First Hawaiian Bank to establish the Stronger Together Hawai‘i Scholarship Fund for Hawai‘i public school graduates participating in the University of Hawai‘i’s Next Steps to Your Future program. To date, more

Statewide: $2.4 million O‘ahu (includes statewide organizations): $7.1 million Maui County: $940,000 Hawai‘i Island: $822,000 Kaua‘i: $233,000

HCF Grants from Hawai‘i Resilience Fund & CARES Funds $6,000,000








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Grants from the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund were deployed on March 24, 2020 to address urgent community needs in response to the pandemic. The CARES Act was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020. Roughly four to five months passed before funding was authorized to the community to provide relief assistance. By then, Hawai‘i was facing a surge in cases, with the largest spike in unemployment claims. HCF administered more than $54 million in State of Hawai‘i and City and County of Honolulu CARES Act funding.


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Strength in Partnerships Our most valuable assets are our relationships. Through our network of donors, nonprofits, and government agencies, we accessed on-the-ground intelligence about the areas of greatest need, responded quickly and effectively, and leveraged dollars to go even further. In addition to large-scale statewide efforts, we reached the local level by partnering with county governments and using dollars from the Strong Funds, including Kaua‘i Strong, O‘ahu Strong, Maui County Strong, and Hawai‘i Island Strong. These community-based funds were established after the 2018 Kaua‘i flooding and Kīlauea disasters when we identified the need for a tool to quickly distribute money at the grassroots level where it was needed most.


Housing ASAP

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Key Partners  HCF used $1 million in seed money from the Bank of Hawaii Foundation to trigger a $1 million match from the City & County of Honolulu for mass food distributions. The County of Maui matched $115,000 from HRF and Bank of Hawaii Foundation to provide food relief to newly unemployed Maui County residents.  The Office of Hawaiian Affairs entrusted HCF to administer more than $720,000 in grants to nearly 40 nonprofits for community-based food security programs in Native Hawaiian communities statewide. These grants were distributed through the HCF Strong Funds statewide.  HCF launched the Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund with $100,000 from the Hawai‘i

Early in the pandemic, we reached out to Housing ASAP, a network of homeless service providers that we have supported and engaged with for the past six years. At an emergency meeting, we learned PPE was an urgent need for homeless shelters as was a plan to safely shelter homeless residents

who tested positive for COVID-19. With this knowledge, we worked with the Department of Health and other partners to convert an unused apartment building into a quarantine site. We also distributed funds in order for shelters to purchase the PPE they needed.

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Resilience Fund and secured a $100,000 match from the Home Grown program of the Health Federation of Philadelphia. The program provided relief to licensed home-based childcare providers in Hawai‘i—a critical component for many essential workers.  With $1 million from the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund and a $1 million match from First Hawaiian Bank, we established the Stronger Together Hawai‘i Scholarship Fund for 2020 public high school graduates.  A $1.2 million investment from the Bank of Hawaii Foundation helped leverage $2.4 million in matching funds from HCF, Tides Foundation, and Kaua‘i County to launch HCF's Social Impact Investment Fund. This program provided capital to Community Development Financial Institutions to help working families struggling to afford basic needs, as well as nonprofit organizations and small businesses.  HCF provided $100,000 to leverage $1 million from other funders to launch Operation Masks to purchase surgical masks and other PPE. More than 600,000 units of PPE were purchased and distributed to homeless shelters, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, and community health clinics.  HCF worked with 118 grassroots organizations and local government agencies across the state to distribute almost $1.7 million in community grants through the County Strong Funds.  After we demonstrated our ability to distribute more than $21 million in COVID relief through the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund, Strong Funds, and other programs, the State of Hawai‘i and the City & County of Honolulu partnered with HCF to administer more than $57 million in CARES Act emergency relief for Hawai‘i businesses, nonprofits, and individuals.


Hunger Action Network The Hunger Action Network is a statewide group of food and hunger organizations that has been meeting regularly with HCF for the past two years. Working in collaboration, we swiftly gathered information about where food relief was most needed and how to distribute funds to do the most good. We also collected data from participating organizations about the level of hunger in their communities. We shared this information with the state legislature, which appropriated $5 million for food distribution.

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Migrant Community Response

Festival of Hope for Families

Early in the pandemic, Hawai‘i’s Micronesian community was being disproportionally impacted, with significantly higher rates of both infection and economic need. Multigenerational households, language barriers, and health and economic inequities contributed to this disparity. We partnered with the nonprofit We Are Oceania to support a major education and outreach campaign in multiple languages, to connect this community with information about COVID-19, masking, and how to protect themselves. At the same time, we provided funds to the clinic Kokua Kalihi Valley for mass testing, food distribution, and other health services. Other partners included The Legal Clinic, which provided translation, legal services for landlord-tenant disputes, and support in connecting people with government services; and Papa Ola Lokahi, which provided healthcare services.

The Hawai‘i Resilience Fund supported Child & Family Service (CFS) in expanding its Festival of Hope for Families series of outreach events throughout the islands. These drive-thru events provided groceries, chef-prepared meal kits, PPE items, educational resources, and activity kits for keiki to families during the pandemic crisis. Most importantly, these festivals allowed human service providers to check on the well-being of families and provide screenings and on-site services and resources where needed. Since the start of the pandemic, CFS has held 16 Festival of Hope events at 13 locations throughout Hawai‘i and served a total of 4,721 families.

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What’s Next We've seen an incredible response to the challenges of 2020, but our work isn't done. In fact, we anticipate that in the coming months, the need in our community will only increase. Even with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, the pandemic is not over. The virus will continue to impact our community for a long time to come. With tourism not having returned to a significant level and thousands of people still unemployed, we are far from economic recovery. Another federal relief package hasn’t reached our community yet, and with CARES Act dollars ending on December 31, we are heading into a very tough time. Thanks to the success of the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund, we have distributed almost all of the $12 million initially raised. On Dec. 15, philanthropist MacKenzie Scott donated $10 million to the fund, the largest contribution to HCF's COVID-19 relief to date. While the contribution helps replenish the fund's coffers at the start of 2021, more is still needed. In the coming weeks and months, we'll work on raising more money to support economic recovery programs with a focus on making capital available through Community Development Financial Institutions; food security; public health and the growing need for mental health services; diversifying and building a resilient economy; health programs including vaccine distribution; and addressing the digital divide in our communities. We're also looking toward the future. We're reflecting on the lessons we've learned from this extraordinary year to improve our work in the decades to come. This experience has demonstrated the importance of data to understand the size and scope of needs. From unemployment insurance claims, to SNAP food applications, we will continue to rely on data to guide our work. Time and again, we saw how donors stepped up to the plate to give, and how nonprofits worked speedily to get help where people needed it. Government has an essential role in disaster relief, but its work takes time. Philanthropy is there on the frontlines to fill in the gap. This experience has also shown us the power of trust-based philanthropy and how swiftly nonprofits can respond when freed from a laborious and time-consuming grant application process. We're excited to move toward a faster, more agile system of grantmaking—one built on our longstanding, close relationships within both the donor and nonprofit communities. Finally, as the pandemic shines a spotlight on the inequity and systemic problems within our society, we increasingly feel called upon to lift the voice of the nonprofit community and push for systemic change. Through this crisis, we were advocates, not just grantmakers—and that role will continue. We still have a long way to go in this pandemic, but we’re confident we have what it takes to get through this. By combining the strengths of donors, nonprofits, and government and working as one community, we can rebuild—and heal—together. hawaiicommunityfoundation.org


Food Distribution Long lines of cars, families waiting for hours, and people accepting food for the first time: mass food distribution events have become the most visible face of need in Hawai‘i during the pandemic. The Hawai‘i Resilience Fund provided more than $2.8 million for food programs across the state, with much of the funding going to support food distribution. And the community stepped up in a big way: hundreds of nonprofit employees and volunteers turned out to help fill trunks with eggs, bread, noodles, meat, local fruit and more, alongside police officers and government workers. Over one month, from April 30 to May 31, nine events were held on O‘ahu, distributing food to more than 25,900 households. Similar events have occurred on every island.

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Our Role Hawai‘i Community Foundation was uniquely positioned to lead COVID-19 disaster relief. With our 100-year history, we are known throughout the community as trusted stewards of philanthropic dollars. Donors know we have our finger on the pulse of the community's needs and trust us to deploy their funds where they will make the largest impact. Nonprofits know that they can turn to us for immediate funding when they need to provide services quickly. And government agencies know we are nimble when it comes to distributing relief. In short, we satisfy an important need in Hawai‘i—and we’re honored by the role.

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Our disaster plan was critical in guiding our rapid COVID-19 response. This plan, developed following the 2018 Kaua‘i flooding and Kīlauea eruption disasters, involves four phases: 1. Risk Reduction. We focused on "flattening the curve" by funding testing, contact tracing, and PPE; and meeting urgent needs to help people stay home and stay safe. 2. Rapid Relief. We moved into food distribution, emergency financial assistance, childcare, and other direct economic impacts. 3. Recovery and Stabilization. Over the summer, we began to focus on the state's reopening, investing in education, connectivity, and small businesses. However, as COVID-19 cases increased again and officials put restrictions back in place, we shifted back to Phase 2. 4. Rebuild Resilience. Long-term, we will invest in programs that help communities rebuild with a focus on increasing resilience and social equity, including housing, mental and physical health, education, arts and culture, and the environment.

R E S I L I E N T, T O G E T H E R

Mahalo to all of our donors! Individuals Piia M. Aarma Kathleen O. Ahina-Nua Bobbie K. Aisaka Kapua Aiu-Yasuhara Harriet M. Ajimine Momi Akimseu Mandi S. Alameda Lisa, Leo, & Nick Amador Wayne Anderson Jay Angeluzzi Anonymous - 110 Carol B. Anton Lisa Anne Tamiko A. Arakaki Christopher Archambault Marc Asano Nathan J. Atkin Jane Au Emily Auwae Cordell & Elizabeth Jane Bailey Joyce E. Baker Eugene Bal William Barnes Christopher Barzman Kamaluoawaiku Beamer Kawena Beaupre Mary G.F. Bitterman in memory of Robert "Bob by" Fujimoto Carl S. Bonham Lorna Bonilla Marlene Booth Roxann Bulman Mark & Mary Anne Burak Richard & Eleanore Burson Kevin Byrne Jeff Callangan Nancie Caraway Claudio E. Casteneda Iolani Castro Christopher Cha Peggy T. Cha Diane U. Chadwick Spencer Chang Nicole R. Chapman Eric Chen Luly Cheng Wanda L. Cheung Wally Chin Umi a Liloa Ching-Nakama Derrin Chong


Lester Chu Roberta F. Chu in memory of her father Robert M. Fujimoto Jeffrey Chun Daisy Chung David Chung Guy Churchill Harriet T. Cintron Deanna Cleaves Julie Collins in honor of Savannah Allshouse's 30th birthday Steven W. Colon Lloyd D. Corliss Nadine Cui Robert Cunningham, Jr. Nick Cutter Janet Cutting Alana Daleo Chips DaMate Ann T. Dang Sonja & Bill Davidow Malu Debus Layla Dedrick Tess Dela Rama Justina Desuacido Jason & Deanna D'Olier Tim & Wendy Donohue Ping Dravland Jeff Dunn Scott Durant Amara Eap Christopher M. Edwards Jennifer M. Eggers Bruce Ellinwood Jason K. Ellinwood Matthew Emerson Michael S. Endo Patricia G. Englehard John Erickson Ruth Erickson Elden Esmerelda Joshua Feldman Eric Ferguson Lani Fernandez David Ferrebee Wendy Figueira Kathleen Fitzgerald Gloria J. Flack-Boggs John R. Fleckles Joan E. Foley Sandra A. Fong

Kathleen Friday Jan L. Fried Emily Frumkin Jann M. Fujimoto Susan L. Fukuda Michael Fuller Pam N. Funai Rodney Funakoshi Mark N. Gabbay Heather George Laura E. Gerwitz Sharlene Ginoza-Lee Mr. & Mrs. Norman Glenn Steven M. Goldberg Lisa Y. Goo Tamar & Steve Goodfellow Colin Y. Goshi Lena Goto Tyler K. Green Tiera-Lyn Greig James Griffith Aarin F. Gross John D. Gualdarama Steven Y. Gushi Michelle Gustafson Sven Haarhoff & Allison Shadday Chelsea W. Haina Beverly Y. Hamada in memory of Kiyoko Sult Wayne Hamano Martha Hanson Van W. Harting LeeAnn Hashimoto Miyeko Hashimoto Vern & Beverly Hashimoto James Hauk Ken K. Hayashida Honey Bun & James Haynes William & Vivian Heaney David & Nery Heenan Sterling Higa Roderick Hinman & Shannon Nakaya Penny K. Hirakawa Peter & Michelle Ho Ellen G. Hocker Carol F. Hong Leslie T. Hoshide Ivy Hsu Barbara Hudman John Huffington Judith R. Hughes

Michelle E. Hulst Robert & Judy Huret Marie Imanaka & PrimeLending Larry & Gladys Inamine Susan Ing Roy T. Inouye Bradley Itagaki Elden K. Ito Valerie A. Ito Bryce Iwami D'Vonte Johnson Warren Johnson & Elizabeth Carter Leilani Johnson-Hagmoc Molly Johnston Sean & Kristen Jones Stephanie Shao Jones Vance Jones Lloyd Kajikawa Dennis Y. & Katherine C. Kamada Clem Kamo Micah & Joelle Kāne Robbie Ann A. Kāne Robert & Lilian Kāne Cheryl Kaneshiro Annette Kaohelaulii Johannes Kaps Kaimi Kaupiko Robert Kawahara Brian Kealoha Patrick Kelly Stephen Kelly Marcia J. Kemble Marlene Kennedy & Alex Preiss Ed & Kristen Kenney Susan M. Killeen Allie Kim Edward Kim Jerilynn Kim Richard & Kathryn Kimball Brett Kimura Taylor Kirihara Simon & Lorraine Klevansky Paul A. Ireland Koftinow Ellen M. Kohara Colleen T. Kojima Sonnie Koko Paul Komeiji Renee Kondo Blyth Kozuki

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Donors (continued) M. C. Kuahulu Dexter & Mary Kubota Jamee Kunichika Virginia V. Kuo Duane & Susan Kurisu Eric La'a Jan Lai Renee Lai Jennifer Lam Joan Langan Lillian M. Langeslay David U. Lao Michael E. Latham Eric & Vivien Lau Taryn S. Lau Cindy Le John Leach Jennifer A. Lee Junell Lee Kristi Lefforge Chaz Leong Kathy B. Leopoldino Yin Yan Leung Pam G. Lewis Sonja Lind Louise K. Linker Kate Lloyd & Hugh Jones Caren & Neil Loebel-Fried Vincent Lovato Roger S. Lowen & Anita Barnes Lowen Kent & Sharon Lucien Mary Luck Amy S. Luersen Gail M. Lum Jarett Lum Paula Luv Francesca Luzuriaga Jen-L W. Lyman Diann K. Lynn Karin K. Lynn Patricia Macklin Paul & Cordy MacLaughlin Elizabeth MacNeill Anne Nacey Maggioncalda & Jeffrey Maggioncalda Clare Mamura Shannon Mark Uri L. Martos Sandra Maruyama Carol Marx Ryson Matsumura Iris S. Matsunobu Jean Mahealani M. McClellan William A. McDonald Jo Anne Y. McDowall Brendt McFeeley

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Mizuki K. McGregor Luke McLain Patricia A. McManaman Mary McNamara Peg Meagher Jason Mecham Barbara T. Meguro Sonya Mendez Annette Mente Meleanna A. Meyer Carolyn Mariko Miho Kiana and Mattia Milani Ann L. Miller Michael Miller Michael & Jeanne Milligan Osho Miura Shirley A. Miyasaki Glenn K. Miyataki Steven F. Mizusawa Paula & Andrew Monden James Moniz David & Amy Monk Makoto & Sumiko Morihara Hiromi Morikawa Caden Morikuni Fran Morita Alicia Moy Mark M. Munar Claudette P. Na‘auaao Anne Nacey and Jeffrey Maggioncalda Lorna S. Nagamine Scott Nahme David M. Nakada Lacey Nakaguma Myron & Cynthia Nakano Lynn Y. Nakashima Cheri Namakura Deborah Nehmad I. Robert Nehmad Kathryn A. Nelson Rachel Nichols Sonia & Victor Nichols Deena Nogaki Greg & Julie Noji Sheryl B. Nolte Jayme Nonaka Kathleen Ochikubo Calla Oda Marian J. Okada Brice Okubo Karin J. Okumoto Karen Ono Carole Ota Christopher Otto Daniel D. Palmer Carla Y. Pang

Craig A. Paul & Hiromi Morikawa Ryan Pastorino John A. Pepe LaSharon McLean Perez Douglas Perrine Jill Perry Michael & Judy Pietsch in the name of Emily & Wes Reber Porter by an anonymous donor Marshall A. Prather Robin Pratt Sandy Price Maxx Ramos Dave & Jill Randall Kevin Rapp Janis A. Reischmann Laura B. Richards Cindy Richardson Scott G. Robinson Lia A. Rodriguez Lisa Ann N. Rodrigues Keith Rogers Kathleen Rooney Mark Rossi Thomas P. Ruge Don I. Sakai Eileen A. Sakai Jennifer & John Sabas Violet Sahara Eileen Sakai Kenn Saruwatari Frederick Scheerer Alexander Schumacker Gregory Shepherd in memory of William & Jessie Shepherd Mary S. Sheridan Michele L. Shibuya Tara Shibuya Joan M. Shigemoto Dean Shigemura Ambrosio L. Shimizu Michael Shimoko & Akane Mizutani Aoi Shinagawa Michael J. Shimoko & Akane Mizutani William Shiroma Richard T. Snell Shanae Souza John Stephens Patricia Stillwell Michael & Cynthia Stollar Teresa Sugg Donna & Scott Sullivan

David A. Suzuki Darryl & Stephanie Taira Linda Y. Takahashi Tracy Takano Stacy K. Takekawa Cyrus Tamashiro Barbara Tanabe Faith K. Tanaka Shirley Y. Tanaka in memory of Robert "Bobby" Fujimoto Lynise L. Tarring Susan Thoemmes Judith Thomson Laurie A. Tochiki Jill Tokuda Curtis Tom Kenji M. Treanor Anita Trubitt & Arman Kitapci Lauren T. Tsuchida Peter Tsukazaki Inger Tully Sharon Twigg-Smith Alexandra Unpingco Bette T. Uyeda Jana M. Uyeda Lance K. Uyeda Kelley L. Uyeoka Charlene Van Der Pyl-Chee Michael C. Van Lear Father Theodore Vierra, Jr. Liane & Bruce Voss Kris Wagoner Anna Walker Michael & Laura Wallace Kathrine Wallen Richard E. Wallis Rick Warner Joanne Watase-Yang Kendall P. Watts Cortez Webb Deborah Webster Wedemeyer ‘Ohana Michael & Hannah Werth Cori Weston Lynn White Thomas P. Whittemore Jaylin Winchester Robert Wo Monica L. Wong Shelley Wong Melinda S. Wood John R. Wright Linda L. Wright Ethan Wung Tishanna Yabes Luke Yeh Lulu L. Ying

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Donors (continued) Jan & Kip Yokota Teri Lynn Young Beverley Yuen Darcie Yukimura Miya Zialcita Zaid Ziauddin

Foundations or Funds Agne Family Fund Aloha Foundation American Endowment Foundation Anderson-Beck Fund Anderson Stewart Family Foundation at the direction of Judith G. Munzig on behalf of Topa Equities, Ltd. and Hawaii Coffee Company Anonymous - 6 Anonymous gift through Tides Foundation Aranoff Keiki Fund Atherton Family Foundation Carl & Laurie Chun Family Fund Cooke Foundation, Limited Chung Kun Ai Foundation Dai So & Eleanor Leong Chang Charitable Fund Deviants from the Norm Fund Dr. Philip Liu Fund For Medical Education Dwayne & Marti Steele Fund Eric Gleason & Pippa Robinson Ohana Fund Fitzgerald Giving Fund Fujieki Family Foundation Fund Gerry & Karen Keir Fund Giza Makana Fund Gloria Kosasa Gainsley Fund Gordon & Yolanda Yee Charitable Trust Growney Family Fund Hapa Fund Harold K.L. Castle Foundation Harris Family Fund Hawaii Life Charitable Fund Hawktree International/Donald M. Takaki Fund Hazel H. Takumi Foundation Herb & Leona Chock Fund Hisa & Fukutaro Kawakami Fund `Ili`ili Fund Jeanne Herbert Fund JK Family Foundation Joe & Florence Matsukawa Charitable Fund John & Wendy Nakamura Fund


John Holliday, Jr. Fund Joseph & Vera Zilber Charitable Foundation Kawakami Family of Captain Cook Fund KI Consulting Charitable Fund Kōaniani Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation Kubota Foundation Fund Lai Huynh Family Fund Leonora & Joseph Wee Fund Leroy & Marcia Taira Charitable Fund LGA Family Foundation Marilyn & Schuyler Cole Charitable Account Matsuura Charitable Fund McInerny Foundation Mealoha Kraus Legacy Fund Melvin & Joyce Uyehara Charitable Fund Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Myles & Kathy Inouye Family Foundation Fund Myles & Wanda Shibata Family Fund N.F. Kawakami, H.S. Kawakami, & M. Furugen Fund Nancy Taylor Memorial Fund Nohara-Abaya Family Fund Omidyar 'Ohana Fund Peter & Michelle Ho Family Foundation Fund Rainbow Pineapple Foundation Fund Ronald E. & Ivy L. Timpe Fund Seiju & Ayako Ifuku Family Foundation Stacy Miyake and TM Financial Forensics, LLC Steve and Gloria Gainsley Fund Steven K. Baker & Nan S. Hwang Fund Stupski Foundation Susan M. Kosasa Fund Taketa 'Ohana Fund The Hiroaki, Elaine & Lawrence Kono Foundation The HouseMart Family Fund The San Francisco Foundation Timothy Takaezu & Jodi Lam Fund Tony & Sandra Wong Family Fund UH - John A Burns School of Medicine Class of 2020

Victoria & Bradley Geist Foundation Waikiki Wahine Fund Walk the Talk Fund Walker Interrante Family Fund Ward Village Community Fund Weissman Family Foundation, Inc. Zeri Family Fund

Businesses 11SQUID Alaska Airlines Foundation Alexander & Baldwin, LLC American Resort Development Association American Savings Bank AT&T Bank of Hawaii Foundation BlackSand Capital Dang Essentials LLC Deloitte Dura Finance Factors, Ltd. First Hawaiian Bank Hawaii Commercial Real Estate, LLC Hawai‘i Credit Union League Hawaii Law Enforcement Federal Credit Union Hawai‘i Pacific Health Hawaiian Electric Industries

Charitable Foundation Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. Homestreet Foundation ILWU Credit Union Island Insurance Foundation Jay Miyaki CPA LLC on behalf of the team Jay Miyaki, Trevor Kaiama, Tyler Cox, & Megan Naidu Joan Bennett & Associates, Inc. Klevansky Piper LLP Nareit Hawai‘i Network for Good Niu Pia Land Company, Ltd. Open Society Institute Pasha Hawai‘i Plumbing & Mechanical Contrators Association of Hawaii ProsPac Holdings Group, LLC & Azure Ala Moana LLC Pūlama Lāna`i Rachael Holton Fine Art LLC Ralph S. Inouye Co., Ltd. General Contracting Servco Foundation Tao Investments Hawai`i The MacNaughton Group Foundation Tony Group United Way Worldwide Wellington Management Zephyr Insurance Company, Inc


To learn more about how your contribution makes a difference contact Eric La ‘a at elaa@hcf-hawaii.org or call (808) 537-6333.

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The Hawai‘i Resilience Fund Report 2020

827 Fort Street Mall Honolulu, HI 96813 I (808) 537-6333 I info@hawaiicommunityfoundation.org hawaiicommunityfoundation.org

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