A Planned-Giving Nirvana

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The Nature Conservancy Reaps Big Gains From Nearly 40 Years of P1...

https://www.philanthropy.com/article/The-Nature Conservancy-Reaps..



A Planned-Giving ‘Nirvana’ How big investments in fundraising for bequests and other gifts have paid off for the Nature Conservancy. By Heather Joslyn Not long ago, one of the fundraisers Angela Wc Sosdian oversees at the Nature Conservancy turned to her and declared, “This is gift-plann nirvana.”






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The Nature Conservancy invites members of its Legacy Club on trips to places where it works, like Montana’s Teton River.

That’s by design. The environmental charity, founded in 1951, spotted demographic trends decades ago that prompted it to retool its fundraising for the future. It began investing heavily in planned-gift fundraising back in the early 198os, even before it started focusing on attracting major gifts, Sosdian says.

The charity’s board decided to expand the fundraising staff, invest in its professional developmei and do a more sophisticated job of managing investments donors make in annuities, trusts, and other gifts. It also put more resources into marketing its gift-planning opportunities. Today, 20 percent to 25 percent of dollars given to the Nature Conservancy in a given year come from planned gifts, including bequests that have been settled, Sosdian says. Over the last five yea those gifts have totaled more than $100 million. A lot of organizations cut back on planned-gift fundraising during tough economic times, preferring to focus on getting more dollars in the short term, Sosdian notes. “The Nature Conservancy has never done that,” she says. “There’s been a commitment toward [planned giving], and that has paid off. You have to build that basic support and that pipeline.”

Building a Culture Sosdian, a 37-year veteran of the Nature Conservancy and its executive director of gift planning, manages 65 employees, including back-office staff, marketers, and stewardship specialists. The charity, based in Arlington, Va., but with dozens of offices around the country and the world, sends its planned-gift fundraisers to conferences, pays for their membership in professional associations, and trains them extensively. Just as important as the tangible support is the culture

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10/2/20 18, 10:38 MV

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