The Challenges and Successes of Implementing Social and Emotional Learning in Hawaii

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The Challenges and Successes of Im p le m e n t in g S o c ia l a n d E m o t io n a l Le a r n in g in H a w a ii Schools of the Future Thursday, November 8, 2018 2-3 pm Room 302 B

Our Social Emotional Learning Journeys ● Hawai’i Community Foundation and Pillars of Pe ace Hawai’i ● SEL Cohort

Panelists ● Jamie De la Cruz, Kaʻe le pulu Ele me ntary School ○

Choose Love Program

● Layla Schuste r, Honolulu Waldorf School ○

No Bully and Roots of Empathy

● Caitlin Watson, St. Andre w’s Schools ○

RULER Program

● Chris Zorn, UH Lab School ○

TOOLBOX, Voice s Lite rature and Writing, Facing History and Ourse lve s

Questions for Panelists � De scribe some of the stre ngths of the particular SEL program you’re using at your school.

Questions for Panelists â—? What are some of the factors that are he lping you move forward in your SEL imple me ntation work?

Questions for Panelists â—? How has your work impacte d your school community-faculty, staff, stude nts, and e ve n pare nts? How do you know?

Questions for Panelists � You’re in your third ye ar of imple me ntation. What would you do diffe re ntly knowing what you know now?


Resources ● TOOLBOX: https://dove taille ● Voice s Lite rature and Writing: https://www.zane r-blose sre ading.php

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Facing History and Ourse lve s: RULER Program: http://e i.yale .e du/rule r/ No Bully: Roots of Empathy: www.rootsofe Je ssie Le wis Choose Love : sse le wischoose love .org

More Resources ● ● ● ● ● ●

TOOLBOX - Ke y Principle s Dove tail Le arning Roots of Empathy Introducing Familie s to RULER Je ssie Le wis Choose Love No Bully

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