Minerals And You Overview :
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen make up 96% of our body weight. Minerals make up the remaining 4%, but lack of just one of them makes life impossible.
Minerals are the elements that comprise the entire Universe, this Earth and everything in it, including you. Like Chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc and so on..
A New Plague: Mineral Imbalance
Your body is a masterpiece, formed from these elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the elements it uses on a daily basis. Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. Processes that can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. Iron for your blood, sulphur for your muscles, calcium for your bones and an aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts to ensure the proper function of your body.
Our body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements known to man in order to maintain health, keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals. With 92 known elements and hundreds of isotopic variations, it's no wonder that scientists are only now beginning to discover the complex effects and interrelationships of minerals in our systems, how minerals maintain a healthy balance and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance.
Minerals are essential for good health. The body utilizes over 80 minerals for maximum function. Because our plants and soils are so nutrient depleted, even if we eat the healthiest foods, we are not getting all the minerals we need. Evidence of mineral malnutrition are various minor and serious health conditions such as energy loss, premature ageing, diminished senses, and degenerative diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer. In many cases, these could be prevented with proper mineral supplementation.
Experts estimate that 90% of us suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency to some degree. It can be even you maybe because of frequent exercise, stress or a diet of overly refined, nutrient poor foods, your body will make futile attempts to correct the situation, usually resulting in food cravings, muscle cramps and general fatigue.
Every living cell depends on minerals for proper structure and function: Minerals are needed for the formation of blood and bones, the proper composition of body fluids, healthy nerve function, proper operation of the cardiovascular system, among others. Like vitamins, minerals function as coenzymes, enabling the body to perform its functions including energy production, growth and healing. Because all enzyme activities involve minerals, they are essential for the proper utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. Nutritionally, minerals are grouped into two categories: bulk or essential minerals, also called macrominerals, and trace minerals or microminerals. Macrominerals such as calcium and magnesium are needed by the body in larger amounts. Although only minute quantities of trace minerals are needed, they are nevertheless important for good health Microminerals include boron, chromium, iron, zinc, and many others. As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for you without minerals. Vitamins cannot be assimilated without the aid of minerals. And though the body can manufacture a few vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral. All tissues and internal fluids of our body contain varying quantities of minerals. Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood, and nerve cells. They are vital to overall mental and physical well being. Of all the elements found in nature, four of them are carbon,
All of the 75 Trace Minerals are in natural food for best immunity and health. New science shows that all the trace minerals must be in food to avoid immune weakness and illness. Our modern food is lethally deficient in trace minerals. Human life needs all the minerals to maintain healthy bodily functions. Real natural food grown under natural conditions carries 75 trace minerals. Our modern altered food growing methodology offers no food of such all trace minerals quality anymore. On the contrary, our modern food is highly deficient in trace minerals and causes contemporary catastrophic health decline. Man interfered with the evolution of natural food and that influences his own evolution. Our planting fields are unable to offer a food chain of all trace mineral quality. Sick soil, sick plants, that leads us as sick people!!! Peter Staheli's research about natural food shows that
today, most human consume food that is disastrously unnatural and unhealthy. food available in the market is not only biochemical but also unfit for human digestion, and highly deficient in trace minerals. Such wrong and defective nutrition works against sound evolution of the Human race, sickness and even children grow up with physical defects. Immunity and health are connected to food habits and food intake. We grow and consume predominantly cereals and other seeds, which contain mostly inorganic acids that, are the main part of human natural food and not fit for the human digestive system, which is predominantly herbivorous. Furthermore, the need for planting land seduced us to cut down all the trees and through that we managed to maneuver ourselves into an irrevocable Trace Minerals Famine! Available natural food is Trace Minerals Famine that causes unnatural immune weakness and epidemic illnesses of all kinds, in particular our epidemic susceptibility to Aids and Cancer. Illnesses and immune weakness plagued modern mankind as well as our domesticated animals. The reason for this is that we eat the wrong food and food that lacks all trace minerals quality. Any upset of the all trace minerals balance, any deficiency of one or another element, the body require causes immune weakness, illnesses, suffering and a shorter life. Aids and Cancer are two classic examples of our modern natural food problem and trace minerals hunger. Aids and Cancer are unseeded but typical degeneration syndromes, illnesses that are widely experienced today. In the present day's demand it has become impossible to plant natural food that can suit our life process and to grow food containing trace minarals. The Stripping of Mother Earth Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits and vegetables, grown in nutrient rich soils have been the primary supply for
the full spectrum of ionically charged minerals. In today's world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is unfortunately becoming rare. As far back as 1936, Senate Document 264 warned Americans that the soils used to grow fruits and vegetables were seriously deficient in needed minerals. Continues cropping and the ravages of pollution robbing the soil minerals needed to sustain life. Aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the Earth's minerals to the surface, where they have been washed away. The introduction of artificial fertilizers at the beginning of the last century greatly increased crop yields but put back into the soil only three nutrients, nitrate, phosphate, potassium, (NPK), sufficient for crops to flourish but not enough for humans to flourish which is over 70, according to most nutritionists. Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to fields where minerals are depleted, but man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life Numerous trace minerals, essential to human life, aren't replenished. We get our minerals in organic form from the plants and animals we eat and plants get them in metallic form from the soil, so our mineral intake is dependent on the mineral content of the soil. Over the years there has been a gradual depletion of minerals in the soil due to over-farming. Where Have All the Minerals Gone? Many of the trace elements once abundant in our soil have been washed into the oceans. There, they are found in proper proportions as same proportions as that are found in healthy bodies. Even today, these life sustaining sea waters cannot be recreated by science all elements necessary to support human life are ionically charged and in perfect balance being absorbed into the cells of your body. In a few surviving inland seas, as the Great Salt Lake in western North America, these essential elements exist in highly concentrated, salubrious proportions. The fact that the minerals are in a similar proportion to healthy living matter is a key and this intricate balance of every mineral and trace element in seawater is why it is so beneficial to the human body. What Are lonically Charged Minerals? An ionic mineral is an element that has a charge, either positive or negative. In molecular level, it means that the element has either one too many or one too few electrons. This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this state, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signs that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place. The body can then facilitate changes to move nutrients to the areas that need them.
The Importance of Ionic Minerals Every second of every day, your body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to generate and conduct billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function. Your brain would not function and the cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance your water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure you get the ionically charged electrolytes your body needs, you should choose only ionic mineral supplements. The Key Role of Absorption You can not benefit from minerals unless you can absorb them. The absorption of minerals takes place primarily in the small intestine. As food passes through, minerals transfer into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.This can only happen if the minerals are ionically charged. Although stomach acid helps to ionize the minerals in foods, a mineral supplement should already contain naturally ionized minerals to be fully absorbed. The Secret of Life in a Dead Inland Sea Western North America's Great Salt Lake is the world's oldest inland' sea. A remnant of the last great Ice Age, it has been collecting and concentrating the minerals and trace elements of the surrounding Rocky Mountains for ten thousand years. The result is nutrient rich water which contain over 70 ionically charged minerals and trace elements, eight to ten times more concentrated than normal seawater and precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids. It is from this source that Mineral Resources International (MRI) harvests the elements and trace minerals that go into every product. Concentrated Mineral Drops Complete, Soluble, Liquid Ionic Minerals Concentrated Mineral Drops originates from the isolated waters of the north arm of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. The Great Salt Lake itself covers some 6,000 square kilometers and represents a terminal collection of the rivers and streams. This drainage system covers an area of 90,000 square kilometers of the Rocky Mountains.
The rocks and soils that comprise the drainage basin represent all the major lithologies igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary and cover the entire time span of the Geological Record from Pre Cambrian to Recent. Consequently the waters of the Great Salt Lake contain within them like the Sea itself in a dissolved ionic form, all the elements present in the Periodic Table. To obtain Concentrated Mineral Drops, the brine of the Great Salt Lake is concentrated further in evaporation ponds to dramatically increase the concentration of dissolved elements. As a result of exposure to the natural elements of the sun, wind, rain and frost, 98% of the water originally placed into the ponds is evaporated and 99.5% of the Sodium Chloride is removed via natural precipitation from what becomes a super saturated solution. Concentrated Mineral Drops, then, is a highly saturated, ionic, brine solution. It is a homogenous “true solution� with all particles in their dissolved ionic state having radii between 27 (BE2+) and 220 (I-) picometers. It contains 78, and possibly more, naturally occuring elements in a saline and charge balanced form. The Concentrate Analysis Summary sheets list the minerals present in order of concentration, their average concentration in ppm and the actual ranges found during analytical testing. It should be noted, however, that the mean of the ranges does not necessarily corelate with the actual average of all the test values. We have committed an extensive amount of resources to find and utilize the world's foremost analytical laboratories in order to determine and validate the composition of concentrated drops. Analytical methods include Ion Chromatography, Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption, Atomic Absorption, Titration, Induced Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry, Induced Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Flame Photometer, and Specific Ion Electrodes.Seasonal variation contributes some what to the broadness of the ranges given, but more significant than this is the variation experienced between laboratories. The later variation is due to interference caused by the complexity of the brine solution and also
differences in methodology of the analytical protocol. Therefore, we are open to results of future analytical work and retain the right to change and refine this document without notice. The information presented has been reviewed and approved by a team of professors from Weber State University, Utah, USA. Contaminants: We test our ponds regularly for a broad spectrum of contaminants, including tests during every major harvest period. Contaminant tests include organic and petroleum chemicals, agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and heavy metals. Heavy metals testing also provide some data on additional trace elements. Concentrated Mineral Drops offers in 30 drops the mineral content equivalent of one third of a cup of sea water with 99.5% of the sodium removed. This product was specifically designed to contain a minimal amount of sodium. Most Europeans have an unnaturally large intake of sodium, of which only 5% comes naturally from the food we eat. It has been estimated that most people consume twice as much sodium as potassium, while an ideal diet should consist of 5 times more potassium than sodium. Indications for use: This product is intended to be a comprehensive mineral and electrolyte supplement, that can be confidently used as a complement to all alternative / complementary therapies to provide a complete, full spectrum trace mineral support. Formulation : Concentrated Mineral Drops offers the versatility of an electrolyte replacement drink, while nourishing the body with a complete blend of essential minerals. The body is constantly working to stay in a state of balance. This product helps you take a step in that direction. Concentrated Mineral Drops also provides the appropriate physiological balance of trace minerals that your body needs. Potassium, sodium and chloride are all considered electrolytes. They function in the maintenance and distribution of water within the body. In addition, they serve the role of controlling acid-base balance, heart contractility, kidney and adrenal function, and vital neuromuscular activity. As a guide, a daily supplement per person would be one drop per 2.7 kilograms (6 pounds) of body weight per day. Ideally this would be best taken in three equal amounts during the day i.e. before breakfast, lunch and evening meal. However, twice a day would suffice. It would be appropriate to err on the side of caution for someone with M.E. type symptoms, as you can provide too much too soon; 1or 2 drops two to three times a day would be
appropriate to begin with: gradually increasing the number of drops as the person concerned feels is appropriate. Due to its 'salty' taste it is best taken either as a few drops (4 or 5) taken regularly during the day with a glass of water or in a larger amount with a fruit juice or herbal tea to taste. 2ml (30 drops) supplies the following: Magnesium
600 mg
45 mg
3 mg
Less than 7.5 mg
Plus the following in naturally occurring trace amounts consult the analysis sheets for more quantitative information. Lithium, Boron, Carbonate, Calcium, Bromide, Fluoride, Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodide, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Copper, Antimony, Arsenic, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Aluminium, Scandium, Tin, Lanthanum, Lead, Yttrium, Barium, Silver, Cadmium, Uranium, Gallium, Zirconium, Vanadium, Beryllium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Hafnium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Samarium, Cerium, Cesium, Gold, Mercury, Dysprosium, Holmium, Lutetium, Thulium, Erbium, Ytterbium, Neodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thorium, Thallium, Rhenium, Indium, Palladium, Platinum Plus other minerals naturally found in sea water.
Minerals: Its Biological Function and Deficiency Symptoms Boron IMPORTANCE: A trace mineral essential for blood biochemical markers of energy and mineral metabolism. Boron is a trace mineral that has many uses in the human body. It is primarily needed for healthy bones and teeth, and the proper, metabolism of the essential minerals calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Boron also enhances brain function, promotes / improves alertness, helps to prevent osteoporosis, and builds muscles. Boron deficiency also accentuates vitamin D deficiency. It is required to convert vitamin D to its most active form within the kidneys. It also appears that boron is required to activate certain hormones including estrogen. Although most people are not deficient in boron, the elderly usually benefit by supplementing their diets with boron in 2mg to 3mg daily doses. It is older individuals, especially
postmenopausal women who have a greater problem with calcium absorption and utilization. A study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture indicated that within eight days supplementing their daily diet with boron, a test group of postmenopausal women lost forty-percent less calcium and onethird less magnesium through their urine than they had before beginning boron supplementation. Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of boron. It can be found in higher concentrations in apples, carrots, grapes, spinach, cabbage, nuts, pears, and many grains. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: decreased calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels, decreased estrogen and testosterone synthesis, breakdown of hormone function, decreased vitamin D synthesis, decreased steroid synthesis.
Calcium IMPORTANCE. Builds and maintains bones and teeth; regulates heart rhythm, eases insomnia, helps regulate the passage of nutrients in & out of the cell walls; assists in normal blood clotting, helps maintain proper nerve and muscle function, lowers blood pressure, important to normal kidney function and in current medical research reduces the incidence of colon cancer,
and reduces blood cholesterol levels. The most abundant mineral in the body, comprising 2% of body weight. Calcium is needed in developing and maintaining the rigidity of bones. It also contributes to the formation of intracellular cement and the cell membranes, and regulation of nervous excitability and muscular contraction. About 90 percent of calcium is stored in bone, where it can be reabsorbed by blood and tissue. Milk and milk products are the chief source of calcium. Phosphorus, is present in many foods and especially in milk, combines with calcium in the bones and teeth. It plays an important role in energy metabolism of the cells, affecting carbohydrates, lipids (fatty acids in the blood that also include cholesterol and triglycerides), and proteins. Calcium builds strong bones and healthy teeth and gums. Keeps your heart beat regular. Aids your nervous system, mainly in impulse transmission. Helps in normalizing blood clotting action, lowering cholesterol levels, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, mascular growth, lower blood pressure, participates in protein structuring of RNA and DNA. Helps metabolize your body’s iron, involved in the activation of several enzymes, maintains proper cell permeability, aids in neuromuscular activity. Helps keep skin healthy, protects against preeclampsia during pregnancy which is the no.1 cause of maternal death. Protects bones and teeth from inhibiting absorption of this toxic metal. May help prevent bone loss associated with Osteoporosis. It is more effective when combined with: Vitamins A, C, & D, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, Silica, Zinc, Boron, Selenium, Chromium, and many other trace minerals. Conditions which may benefit from calcium supplementation: •
People with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) may benefit from calcium. Several clinical studies have shown that calcium supplementation does have a blood pressure lowering effect.
Heart disease and cholesterol levels: In one study, the daily administration of 2 grams of calcium carbonate (800 mg elemental calcium) over a period of one year, resulted’in a 25% reduction in serum cholesterol in men with high cholesterol levels.
Osteoporosis: Supplementation of calcium has been shown to be effective in reducing age-related bone loss or bone brittleness.
Natural sources of calcium are: milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt), soybeans, sardines, salmon. Peanuts, sunflower seeds, dried beans, green vegetables (kale, broccoli, collard greens) whole grains and unrefined cereals. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in arm and leg muscles
spasms, softening of bones, back and leg cramps, brittle bones and nails, rickets, poor growth, osteoporosis ( a deterioration of the bones), rheumatoid arthritis, aching joints, asthma, cataracts, eczema, gallstone, elevated blood cholesterol, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, tooth decay, depression.
Chloride IMPORTANCE: Maintains water balance and acid base balance, important stomach acid Components. A natural salt of the mineral chlorine, chloride works with sodium and potassium to help maintain the proper distribution and pH of all bodily fluids and encourages healthy nerve and muscle function. Chloride contributes to digestion and waste elimination. It is a key component of hydrochloric acid, one of the gastric juices that digest food. A diet of unprocessed natural foods provides enough chloride for human health. a pinch of table salt contains about 250 mg, onethird of the Recommended Daily Allowance. Chloride deficiency is extremely rare and is usually due to illness. Excessive vomiting can reduce the stomach’s chloride level upsetting its pH balance and causing sweating, diarrhea, loss of appetite, slow and shallow breathing, listlessness, and muscle cramps. Although toxic in large amounts, excess chloride is excreted in urine, preventing potentially dangerous accumulation. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: hair and tooth loss, chronic diarrhea and vomiting, trauma, renal disease, hypotension (low blood pressure). In infants, this can lead to failure-to-survive anorexia.
Chromium IMPORTANCE: Works with insulin in the metabolism of sugar and stabilizes blood sugar levels, cleans the arteries by reducing Cholesterol & Triglyceride levels, helps transport amino acids to where the body needs them, helps control the appetite, medical research has shown that persons with low levels of Chromium in their bodies are more susceptible to having cancer and heart problems and becoming diabetic. As a component of a natural substance called glucose tolerance factor, chromium works with insulin to regulate the
body’s use of sugar and is essential to fatty-acid metabolism. Its contribution to metabolism makes chromium a helpful supplement in weight loss programs. Additional evidence suggests that chromium may help deter atherosclerosis and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Inadequate chromium can result in alcohol intolerance, elevate blood sugar levels, and possibly induce diabetes-like symptoms such as tingling in the extremities and reduced muscle co-ordination. Trace amounts of chromium are found in many foods, including: brewer’s yeast, liver, lean meats, poultry, molasses, whole grains, eggs, and cheese. Most people do not get enough dietary chromium and some may benefit from a multinutrient supplement. Supplemental chromium may be used to treat some cases of adult-onset diabetes, to reduce insulin requirements of some diabetic children, and to relieve symptoms of hypoglycemia. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in glucose intolerance in diabetics; diabetes, anxiety, infertility, high cholesterol, depression, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, depressed growth, obesity, fatigue.
Cobalt IMPORTANCE: Promotes red blood cell formation. Cobalt is a mineral constituent of cobalamin which is more commonly recognized as Vitamin B12. Cobalt helps form red blood cells and also maintains nerve tissue. Cobalt is involved in the regulation of the nervous system. It can help decrease hypertension, reduce muscle spasms and-promote healthy formation of mature sperm and ovum. To be biologically useful, (organic) cobalt must be obtained from foods such as liver, kidneys, milk oysters, clams, or sea vegetables. It also can be obtained from Vitamin B12 supplements. Vitamin B12, which is the largest and most complex family of B vitamins, is important for converting fats, carbohydrates, and protein into energy, for assisting in the synthesis of red blood cells and is critical for the production of RNA and DNA. Vitamin B12 / cobalt takes several hours to be absorbed into the digestive tract and is not produced by plants, but can only be supplied through animal products. Signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency area: sore tongue, weight loss, body odor, back pains and tingling arms and legs. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Poor blood circulation, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, agitation, migraine, sterility, and psychosomatic disorders.
Copper IMPORTANCE: Necessary for the absorption & utilization of Iron, helps oxidize Vitamin C and works with Vitamin C to form Elastin, a chief component of the Elastin muscle fibers throughout the body, aids in the formation of red blood cells, helps proper
bone formation & maintenance. Copper is indispensable to human health. Its many functions include the following: helping to form hemoglobin in the blood, facilitating the absorption and use of iron so that red blood cells can transport oxygen to tissues, assisting in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate, strengthening blood vessels, bones, tendons, and nerves, promoting fertility, and insuring normal skin and hair pigmentation. Some evidence suggests that copper helps prevent cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia and that it may help treat arthritis and scoliosis. Copper may also protect tissue from damage by free radicals, support the body’s immune function, and contribute to preventing cancer. Most adults get enough copper from a normal, varied diet, although supplementing with a high-quality multinutrient supplement, insures adequate intake. Seafood and organ meats are the richest sources of copper. Molasses, nuts, seeds, green vegetables, black pepper, and cocoa, among others, also contain significant quantities. Deficiencies may also occur in infants who are not breast-fed and some premature babies. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of copper deficiency include brittle, discolored hair, baldness, skeletal defects, osteoporosis, anemia, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, general weakness, impaired respiratory function, liver cirrhosis, Parkinson’s syndrome, hernia, skin sores, increased blood fat levels and infertility.
Fluoride IMPORTANCE: plays an important role in the bone structure and good teeth condition. Fluoride, a natural form of the mineral fluorine, is required for healthy teeth and bones. It helps form the tough enamel that
sources include: dried seaweed, seafood especially sardines and salmon - cheese, meat, tea, and high-quality multinutrient supplements. Nursing babies and children who do not regularly drink fluoridated water should be given supplements, but only under the supervision of a doctor or dentist. The low fluoride levels in fluoridated drinking water, however, pose no harmful effects to overall good health. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Osteoporosis, tooth decay.
Germanium Organic germanium is a metallic trace mineral that is known primarily to improve cellular oxygenation, classifying it as an antioxidant nutrient. It has many other uses in the human body, to include: fighting pain, keeping the immune system to function properly, ridding the body of harmful toxins and poisons, reducing damage from radioactivity, increasing the body’s ability to absorb calcium from food and supplements, improving stamina and endurance . Researchers have shown that consuming food containing organic germanium is an effective way to increase tissue oxygenation, because, like hemoglobin, germanium acts as a carrier of oxygen to the cells Kazuhiko Asai, a Japanese scientist, found that many illnesses could be improved through the daily intake of 100 to 300 milligrams of germanium. Some of these ailments include: rheumatoid arthritis, fibrositis, allergies, elevated cholesterol, candidiasis, viral infections, AIDS, and even some cancers. Although most people are not deficient in germanium, those that suffer from the aforementioned illnesses and the elderly usually benefit by supplementing their diets with germanium. Germanium is best obtained through the diet and can be found in garlic, shiitake mushrooms, onions, aloe vera, comfrey, ginseng, and suma.
Iodine IMPORTANCE: Aids in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland, regulates the body’s production of energy, helps burn excess fat by stimulating the rate of metabolism, mentality, speech, the condition of the hair, skin, & teeth are dependent upon a well functioning thyroid gland.
protects teeth from decay and cavities, and increases bone, strength and stability. In the 1950’s, many U.S. cities have added fluoride to municipal drinking water at a ratio of about 1 part per million (ppm), or 1 mg per liter/Many believe that this practice is responsible for the 40 tp 70 percent reduction in tooth decay dentists have observed. Fluoride’s decay-reducing effects are strongest if children are exposed to the mineral while their teeth are forming. Fluoride toothpaste is helpful, but not as effective as regularly in gested fluoride. Fluoridated water provides most individuals with at least 1 mg of fluoride daily. Other dietary
Iodine is a nonmetallic element. It is converted to iodide in the gut. It forms an essential component of thyroid hormones that regulate cell activity and growth of virtually all tissues Iodine was one of the first minerals recognized as essential to human health. For hundreds of years, it has been known to prevent and treat enlargement of the thyroid gland, a condition known as “goiter”. Because iodine is part of several thyroid hormones, It strongly influences nutrient metabolism, nerve and muscle function, nail, hair, skin and tooth condition, and physical and mental development. It is also believed that Iodine help convert beta carotene into Vitamin A. In addition, an effective antiseptic and water sterilizer.
Iodine is a fairly easy mineral to find. Seafoods, including seaweeds like kelp, clams, lobsters, oysters and sardines and other saltwater fish are nature’s richest sources of iodine. Vegetables grown in iodine rich soils are also excellent, sources of the mineral. if you have ever noticed the package your salt comes in, it usually says “iodized” which means iodine has been added approximately 70 micrograms per gram of salt. More than half of all salt consumed in the U.S is iodized. Generally, this supplies sufficient iodine in a regular diet. Supplements may not be necessary, unless you follow a lowsalt, or non-seafood diet. Also, there are some foods contain substances, known as “goitrogens” which block the utilization of iodine. Examples of these are: turnips, cabbage, mustard, cassava root, soybean, peanuts, pine nuts and millet. Cooking usually inactivates the goitrogens. Because of it’s essential role in development, pregnant women should make sure they have sufficient intake of iodine for themselves and their babies, to prevent mental retardation and cretinism (a form of dwarfism in infants). Americans generally consume around 600 meg per day. The maximum daily intake should not exceed 1 mg (1000 meg). Iodine can also be used topically as an antiseptic. Antiseptics are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria and reduce the likelihood of infection. Povi-doneiodine (commonly known as Betadine) is used to clean an area of the skin prior to surgery. Iodine can also be used as a douche (1 part iodine to 100 parts water) as it is effective against a wide range of organisms, including trichomonas, Candida, chlamydia and non-specific vaginitis. Betadine is very effective against these organisms and does not sting like pure iodine. Common effects of iodine deficiency are: goiter, weight gain, hair loss, listlessness, insomnia and some forms of mental retardation. Hypothyroidism and an iodine deficiency are associated with a higher incidence of breast cancer. There is also evidence of an association between low thyroid function and Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD). DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in an enlarged thyroid gland, slow mental reaction, mental retardation in children, dry skin & hair, weight gain, loss of physical & mental vigor, goiter.
Iron IMPORTANCE: Its major function is to combine with protein and copper in making hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues which need oxygen to
maintain basic life functions. Iron builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. It is also necessary for the formation of myoglobin which is found only in muscle tissue. Myoglobin supplies oxygen to muscle cells for use in the chemical reaction that results in muscle contraction. Iron also prevents fatigue and promotes good skin tone. Iron is found in hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells. This protein transports oxygen from the lungs to the various body tissues. Iron is also a component of myoglobin, a protein that provides extra fuel to muscles during exertion. Dietary iron exists in two forms: 1. “heme” iron which is found in red meat, chicken, seafood and other animal products 2. “nonheme” iron which is found in dark-green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, dried fruit and other plant foods. Many flourbased products are ironfortified. Heme iron is.easier for the body to absorb, but eating foods containing nonheme irons along with foods that contain heme iron will maximize iron absorption. Also taking Vitamin C along with these foods will help to maximize iron absorption. Lack of iron deprives body tissues of oxygen and may cause anemia. Warning signs of this include fatigue, paleness, dizziness, sensitivity to cold, irritability, listlessness, poor concentration and heart palpitations. The following items have been shown to inhibit iron absorption: coffee, tea, soybased foods, antacids, and tetracycline. excess of calcium, zinc, and manganese can inhibit iron absorption. Iron strengthens immune function, iron deficiency may increase susceptibility to infection. People with high special iron intake needs include menstruating or pregnant women, children under two years of age, vegetarians, and anyone with bleeding conditions such as hemorrhoids, or bleeding stomach ulcers, and blood donors. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in weakness, paleness of skin, constipation, anemia, brittle nails, fragile bones, hair loss, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, obesity.
Lithium IMPORTANCE: prevent behavior disorders, promotes healthy bowel movements, helps in preventing eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. Lithium is a trace element that mediates the transmission of nerve cells by regulating the membrane potential. It has a sedative and non-hypnotic action. It is used in prevention of both manic and depressive mood swings. Lithium stimulates the elimination of urea and uric acid. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: behavior disorders, insomnia, depression, anxiety, gout and various types of pain syndromes.
Magnesium IMPORTANCE: Plays an important role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart, maintains normal heart
rhythm, necessary for proper calcium & Vitamin C metabolism, converts blood sugar into energy. Magnesium is the 4th.most abundant mineral (positively charged atom) in the body, with 60% in bones and 40% distributed equally in muscles and non muscular soft tissue. Plays an important role at least 300 fundamental enzymatic reactions. It is a key substance in proper functioning of nerves and muscles. It is also needed for the healthy maintenance of bones. Magnesium is often coupled with Calcium in supplements because of its synergistic effects (it helps the body absorb the calcium better). It also helps protect the atrial lining from the stress of sudden blood pressure changes. Magnesium is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity, especially enzymes involved in energy production. It assists in calcium and potassium intake, prevents calcification of soft tissue, It plays a role in the formation of bone and in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, helps reduce cholesterol levels, reduces asthma and helps with depression, insomnia, chronic pain syndrome and lung disorders. Magnesium deficiency may play a major role in some cases of angina. It has shown to produce spasms of the coronary arteries and is thought to be a cause of non-occlusive heart attacks. It has also been found that people dying suddenly from heart attacks have a much lower level of heart magnesium as well as potassium than matched controls. Other conditions which appear in people who have lowered magnesium levels (magnesium deficiency): Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney stones, Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP), osteoporosis, and Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to name a few. Heart Attack Tip: If magnesium is introduced into the IV of a heart attack victim as soon as possible, he has a 60% better chance of surviving. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in calcium depletion, heart spasms, nervousness, muscular excitability, confusion; insomnia, rapid heart beat, seizures, asthma, chronic fatigue, kidney stones.
enzymes which are important for proper digestion & utilization of food, a catalyst in the breakdown of fats & cholesterol, helps nourish nerves and brain, necessary for normal skeletal development, maintains sex hormone production. The mineral Manganese is essential for proper formation and maintenance of bone, cartilage, and connective tissue. It contributes to the synthesis of proteins and genetic material, and helps produce energy from food. It also acts as an antioxidant and assists normal blood clotting. Manganese is an important co-factor in key enzymes of glucose metabolism is required for protein and fat metabolism. It is important for a healthy nerve and immune system, blood sugar regulation, normal bone growth and in formation of cartilage and synovial fluid of the joints. It is needed for the utilization of Bl (thiamine) Vitamin I. It is an element in the production of enzymes needed to oxidise fats. It has been found that a deficiency results in diabetes in guinea pigs as well as the frequent birth of offspring who develop pancreatic abnormalities or no pancreas at all.Diabetics have shown to have half the level of manganese that normal individuals have. Another group of people have shown to be deficient in Manganese are individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Manganese functions in the antioxidant enzymme “superoxide dismutase” (manganese SOD). Supplementation with manganese has shown to increase SOD activity indicating increased antioxidant activity. Although studies have not yet been done with manganese and RA, supplementation appears to be warranted. Sources of manganese include: brown rice, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, beans, whole grains, peas, bananas, oranges and strawberries. Excess dietary manganese is not considered toxic. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Results in paralysis, convulsions, dizziness, ataxia, eye and hearing problems, heart disorders, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, muscle contraction, pancreatic damage, arteriosclerosis, digestive problems, blindness and deafness in infants.
Molybdenum Manganese IMPORTANCE: An antioxidant nutrient, important in blood breakdown of amino acids and in production of energy, necessary for the metabolism of Vitamin B-1 & Vitamin E, Activates various
IMPORTANCE: Nitrogen metabolism, conversion of purines to uric acid, promotes normal cell function and impotency prevention. The obscure element molybdenum is a component of the enzyme “xanthine oxidase” and an essential trace mineral. It helps generate energy, process waste for excretion, mobilize stored iron for the body’s use, and detoxify sulfites (chemicals used as food preservatives). Molybdenum is key to normal growth and development, particularly the nervous system. Is also an ingredient of tooth enamel and may help to prevent tooth decay. Molybdenum is necessary for iron utilization, alcohol detoxification, and a component involved in production of uric acid (a nitrogen waste product of protein metabolism). It act as an antioxidant and be important in normal sexual function in men. Molybdenum works with vitamin B2 in the conversion of food to energy. Molybdenum been used to detoxify copper in cases such
as Wilson’s disease where levels are too high. Molybdenum competes with copper at absorption sites and amounts of 500 meg a day has found to cause significant losses of copper. The average adult body contains about 9 mg with the highest concentrations in the liver, kidneys, bone, and skin. Molybdenum deficiency is extremely rare and has seen in people who are on long term tube or intravenous feeding or who have a rare genetic inability to use molybdenum. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat and breathing, headache, night blindness, anemia, mental disturbance, nausea and vomiting. Even have problems with sexual function and dental caries. Marginal molybdenum deficiency has associated with development of cancer. In China, people consuming molybdenum deficient diets have been found to have an increased risk of throat cancer. Low molybdenum levels have been linked to an increased allergic reaction to sulphide food additives.
the body. Potassium works closely with sodium and chloride to maintain fluid distribution and pH balance and to augment nerveimpulse transmission, muscle contraction, and regulation of heartbeat and blood pressure. It helps to reduce the rise in blood pressure during mental stress by reducing the blood constricting effects of adrenaline. Potassium is also required for protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, and insulin secretion by the
Molybdenum is found in: peas, legumes, whole grains, pastas, darkgreen leafy vegetables, yeast, milk, and organ meat. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Impotency, mouth and gum disorders, eczema, gout, anemia, fatigue, less urine formation, increased fatty acid oxidation.
Phosphorus IMPORTANCE helps build bones and teeth, helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Phosphorus is the second most plentiful “essential mineral” in the body and a key component of DNA, RNA, bones, teeth, and other compounds required for life. It is present in many food, especially in milk, and combines with calcium in the bones and teeth. It plays an important role in energy metabolism of the cells, affecting carbohydrates, lipids (fatty acids in blood that includes cholesterol and triglycerides), and proteins. Like calcium, phosphorus is essential for bone formation and maintenance; more than 75% of phosphorus is contained in the skeletal structure and connective tissues. Phosphorus also stimulates muscle contraction and contributes to tissue growth and repair, energy production, nerve-impulse transmission, central nervous system health, and proper heart and kidney function. Phosphorus exists to some degree in nearly all food, especially meat, poultry, eggs, fish, nuts, dairy products, whole grains, and soft drinks. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS : deficiency includes general weakness, loss of appetite, bone pain, and increased susceptibility to bone fractures.
Potassium IMPORTANCE: Works with sodium to regulate the body’s waste balance and normalize heart rhythms, aids in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain, preserves proper alkalinity of body fluids, stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes, assists in reducing high blood pressure, promotes healthy skin. Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body, after calcium and phosphorous. It is critical to maintain proper levels in
pancreas. For diabetics, potassium supplementation yields improved insulin sensitivity, responsiveness and secretion. It works with sodium to regulate the body’s water balance, aids in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain,, helps to dispose of body wastes and aids in allergy treatment. In one study, nutritional support to correct potassium deficiency resulted in significantly reduced rates of surgical complications. Other studies suggest that people who regularly eat potassium rich food are less likely to develop atherosclerosis, heart disease, and high blood pressure as well as strokes. Besides not eating properly, other factors can contribute to a potassium deficiency, such as stress, and the administration of certain medications such as insulin. Marginal potassium deficiency causes no symptoms, but can induce an increase in fluid volume and an impairment of blood pressure regulating mechanisms which can result in hypertension in susceptible individuals. It may also aggrevate existing heart disease More severe deficiency can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, poor reflexes, poor concentration, heart arrhythmia. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS : May result in poor reflexes, reduction in muscle mass, nervous disorders, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, muscle damage.
Selenium IMPORTANCE, A major antioxidant nutrient, protects cell membranes and prevents free radical generation thereby decreasing the risk of cancer and disease of the heart and blood vessels. Medical surveys show that increased selenium intake decreases the risk of Breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. Selenium also preserves tissue elasticity, slows down the ageing and hardening of tissues through oxidation, helps in the treatment and prevention of dandruff.
Selenium is essential to mammals and big plants in small amounts. It is said to stimulate the metabolism, and is an antioxidant, protecting cells and tissues from damage brought by free radicals. Because its antioxidant effects complement those of Vitamin E, both taken together, help reinforce each other. These two compounds together are extremely important in preventing free radical damage to cell membranes. Selenium supports immune function and neutralizes certain poisonous substances like cadmium, mercury, and arsenic can be ingested or inhaled. It’s full therapeutic value is unknown, adequate selenium levels help combat arthritis, deter heart disease and prevent cancer. low level selenium creates high risk of cancer, cardio-vascular disease, inflammatory and premature ageing. Selenium sulfide is used to treat dandruff, acne, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and other skin diseases. Whole grains, asparagus, garlic, eggs, mushrooms, lean meat and seafood are good sources of selenium. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS. Premature ageing, heart disease, exhaustion, growth impairment, high cholesterol, liver impairment, pancreatic insufficiency, sterility, prostate enlargement, dandruff, loose or dry skin, menopausal syndrome.
Silicon IMPORTANCE: synthesis of collagen, plays an important role in bone growth and healthy waste disposal. It is a constituent of bone, tissue, organ and nerve sheath, hair, nails and skin. It is used for removal of morbid waste matter and arthritic nodules and spurs. It is present as a silanate which plays a role in the structure of proteins in the connective tissues. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: lack of silicon may cause aberrant metabolism of connective tissue and bone, depressed collagen content in bone, long bone abnormalities and skull bone abnormalities.
Sodium IMPORTANCE: maintain normal blood pressure, healthy nervous system, maintain water balance.
All bodily fluids including blood, tears, and perspiration contain sodium. Together with potassium and chloride, sodium maintains fluid distribution and pH balance, with potassium, sodium also helps control muscle contraction and nerve function. Most of the sodium in our daily diets is from table salt. Other sources are processed food, soft drinks, meat, shellfish, condiments, snack food, food additives, and over-the-counter laxatives. A single teaspoon of salt contains 2000 mg. Keeping sodium intake within reasonable limits is critical for long term health. When sodium levels are persistently elevated, the body loses potassium and retains water, making blood pressure rise. Adopting a low-sodium diet can reduce high blood pressure (hypertension) and correct a potassium deficiency. Overexertion can induce temporary sodium deficiency, characterized by nausea, dehydration, muscle cramps, and other symptoms of heatstroke. Drinking several glasses of water with a pinch of salt added replaces sodium and eases the symptoms. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Fall in blood pressure that leeds to shock, decreased blood pressure, indigestion, joint stiffness, rheumatism, neuralgia, bladder ailments.
Sulphur IMPORTANCE: Disinfects the blood, helps to resist bacteria, protects the protoplasm of the cells, stimulates bile secretion and protects against toxic substances, found in all body tissues and hemoglobin and is needed for the synthesis of collagen. . Counts some 10% of the body’s mineral content,It is a part of every cell, especially in Protein rich tissues of hair, nails, muscle, and skin.It is an acid forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of the amino acids methionine, cysteine, taurine, and glutathione. It assists in metabolism as part of vitamin B 1, biotin, and vitamin B5; helps regulate blood sugar levels as a constituent of insulin; and helps regulate blood clotting. It is also known to convert some toxic substances into nontoxic ones that can be excreted and used to treat poisoning from aluminium, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Sulphur disinfects the blood, helps body to resist bacteria, and protects the protoplasm of cells. It aids in necessary oxidation reactions of the body, stimulates bile secretion, because of its ability to protect against the harmful effects of radiation and pollution, it slows down the ageing process. Finally, sulphur is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a principal protein that gives the skin its structural integrity. Truly an amazing and very much required essential mineral! Any diet that provides protein also provides some sulphur. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, peas, and beans contain both nutrients in varying quantities. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Causes acne, growth retardation, and lowered resistance to disease.
Vanadium IMPORTANCE: Essential for growth,needed for cellular metabolism, inhibits cholesterol synthesis, hence decreases serum cholesterol.
Vanadium is a trace mineral is vital to the proper function of several body systems. Its role in human nutrition is little known. It is needed for cellular metabolism and for the formation of bones and teeth. It plays a role in growth and reproduction, and prohibits cholesterol synthesis. Evidence suggests that vanadium lowers blood sugar levels in some people and inhibits tumor development, protect against diabetes and some forms of cancer. It appears to contribute to hormone production. A Vanadium deficiency may be linked to cardiovascular and kidney disease, impaired reproductive ability, increased infant mortality. It is known that tobacco use limits the assimilation and nutritional effectiveness. It exists in whole grains, nuts, root vegetables, liver, fish, and vegetable oils. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Diabetes, bone demineralization, deterioration of liver, decreased growth, low blood sugar, increased serum cholesterol and triglyceride, tooth decay, impaired reproductive ability.
stimulate wound healing and
boost resistance to infection,
especially in elders. It is a critical nutrient of immunity, has involved in many immune mechanisms including cell-mediated and antibodymediated immunity, thymus gland function and thymus hormone action. As zinc levels go low, the number of T cells is reduced and many white blood functions critical to the immune response severely lack. Like Vitamin C, zinc also possesses direct antiviral activity, including activity against several viruses that can cause common cold. A doubleblind clinical study demonstrated that zinc gluconate Lozenges (containing 23 mg of zinc) taken every 2 hours significantly reduced the average duration of common cold in seven days. It was shown that zinc lozenges had protective effect against development of cold. Zinc deficiency a well-known complication of Crohn’s disease.
It deficiency play a role in development of diabetes. Zinc is IMPORTANCE: Is an antioxidant nutrient, necessary for
protein synthesis; wound healing, vital for development of reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity, it governs the contractility of muscles, important for blood stability, maintains the body’s alkaline balance, helps in normal tissue function; aids in digestion and metabolism of phosphorus. Zinc is an important mineral for many functions of our body
involved in all aspects of insulin metabolism (synthesis, secretion and utilisation). Zinc supplementation in mice has shown to improve glucose tolerance. It is also very important in treating periodontal disease. Zinc functions in gingiva and periodontium include stabilisation of membranes, antioxidant activity, collagen synthesis, inhibition of plaque growth, and inhibition of mass cell release of histamine. It has also shown to reduce the size of prostate and to reduce symptomatology in majority. Treatment
down to the very core structure of our cells. It is integral to the
with topical and oral zinc has shown to reduce the duration and
synthesis of RNA and DNA, the genetic material that controls cell
severity of herpes outbreaks. Higher level of zinc are also toxic to
growth, division and function. In various proteins, enzymes,
chlamydia and trichomonas and has been used successfully in
hormones, and hormone like substances called prostaglandins,
cases which did not respond to traditional antibiotic therepy.
zinc contributes to many bodily processes, Including:
Increase zinc levels with zinc rich foods in diet or by taking a
• Bone development and growth.
multinutrient supplement that includes zinc chelate, zinc
• Cell respiration.
picolinate or zinc aspartate (most easily absorbed forms). Zinc is
• Aiding enzymes in digestion and energy metabolism.
more effective if taken in combination with Vitamin A, Calcium and
• Wound healing. • The liver’s ability to remove toxic substances such as alcohol from the body. • Immune function. • Regulates heart rate and blood pressure.
Copper, As a topical cream, zinc oxide is used to help skin conditions such as dermatitis, diaper rash and burns. Some good natural sources of Zinc are: Lean meat, Seafood, Eggs, Soybeans, Peanuts Wheat bran, Cheese, Oysters, Seeds, Bone meal, Brewer’s yeast. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS : Delayed sexual maturity,
An adequate zinc intake enhances the ability to taste,
prolonged healing wounds, loss of taste and smell, acne, hair
promotes healthy skin and hair, enhances reproductive functions,
loss, high cholesterol, impotency, infertility, prostate problems,
and may improve short-term memory, attention span. As an anti-
white spots on finger nails, retarded growth, stretch marks,
inflammatory agent, zinc is sometimes used to treat acne,
fatigue, decreased alertness, susceptibility to infections.
rheumatoid arthritis, and prostatitis. Taking supplemental zinc can