The Spectator

Page 1

Red Carpet Reveals Political Face Off

Brian Burns ’17 gives his insight and opinion on who’s going to take home trophies at the Oscars on page 11.

Turn to page 7 for a face off on the future of political diversity at Hamilton.

Best NESCAC Record Men’s basketball scores its best finish since joining the NESCAC. See page 16 for a recap.

the Spectator

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Volume LIV Number 18

Hamilton hosts first NY6 Spectrum Conference by Kevin Rovelli ’15

a discussion on making the NY6 campuses trans* inclusive, or inclusive of all This past weekend marked students that identify as a bright, new beginning for or- non-cisgender. ganizations dedicated to serv- The unforgettable highing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, light of the NY6 Spectrum Trans*, Queer/Questioning, Conference was the inspirIntersex and Asexual (LG- ing keynote speaker Laverne BTQIA) students who attend Cox, a transgender actress Hamilton College, Colgate who currently stars in the University, Hobart and Wil- Netflix original series, Orliam Smith Colleges, Skid- ange is the New Black. Cox more College, St. Lawrence delivered her speech to about University and Union College, 350 listeners in Wellin Hall on or the New York Six Liberal Saturday, speaking about her Arts Consortium (NY6). life growing up in Alabama One hundred thirty-six and her process coming out representatives from these six to her family as transgender. schools met at Hamilton Col- She ended the speech with a lege for the NY6 Spectrum Q&A session with the audiConference coordinated by ence members, followed by a Amit Taneja, Director of Di- meet and greet in which conversity and Inclusion at the ference members took photos Days-Massolo Center. The with her. conference was designed to The second day of the “help students make connec- conference featured a panel tions with peers on other cam- of speakers under the topic, puses, talk about what it’s like “Voices from the Margins.” to be an LGBTQIA student, These panelists spoke as unfaculty or staff member at an derrepresented voices in the NY6 school and discuss how LGBTQIA community, their to foster positive change on stories ranging from growing our campuses.” up with an intersex identity, The conference opened to the difficulties encountered with activities that challenged when transitioning gender in participants to think critically college, to finding a balance about their intersecting identi- between religion and a queer ties and how in each aspect of identity. The conference our identity, whether it’s spiri- closed with leaders of varituality, race, class, gender, ous organizations exchangsexual orientation or citizen- ing contact information and ship, we can carry privilege participants seeing off their or experience discrimination. newly made friends. The goal of these activities As stated on the NY6 was to begin a dialogue high- Spectrum Conference page lighting the broad range of of the Hamilton College webexperiences students at NY6 site, “The consortium seeks schools have within the LG- to facilitate collaboration BTQIA community. among members in fulfilling A subsequent goal of the educational missions, serving conference was to bring at- the public good and enhanctention to the ing options for “friendliness” students, facof each of the ulty and staff.” NY6 campus The NY6 es. ParticiSpectrum pants evaluatConference ed their respecserved as a vetive colleges’ hicle for stulevel of LGdents to enBTQIA accepcourage distance based on cussion on the college’s Photo courtesy of Hamilton Rainbow Alliance their own coldiscrimination policy, atti- lege campuses, trigger inteltude toward gender-neutral lectual curiosity in various or gender all-inclusive bath- LGBTQIA topics and deepen rooms and insurance policies their understanding of each toward LGBTQIA faculty, other, both as a system of among other factors. higher education and as mul This activity segued into tiple student bodies.

News Contributor

Photo by Sean D. Henry-Smith ’15

Cox advocates for intersectionality, awareness by Bonnie Wertheim ’14 Editor-in-Chief

When Laverne Cox began her keynote speech in Wellin Hall on Saturday, Feb. 22, she identified herself as a “proud African-American transgender woman from a workingclass background raised by a single mother.” She stressed how vital it is for her to “claim various intersecting parts of [her] identity”—especially those which have previously brought her shame. The actress, writer, producer and transgender advocate spoke before an audience comprised of people with similarly varied, multidimensional identities. Cox’s lecture was co-sponsored by the Days-Massolo Center, Kirkland Endowment and the NY6 Consortium, which comprises Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Union College, St. Lawrence University, Skidmore College, Colgate University and Hamilton. Students from the Upstate New York schools were on the Hill for the weekend for the firstever NY6 Spectrum Conference, a weekend-long series of activities and discussions with the purpose of connecting LGBTQIA students from different schools and allowing them to share their experiences. The title of Cox’s

talk, “Ain’t I a Woman: My Journey to Womanhood,” was based on the title of a speech delivered by Soujourner Truth at the Women’s Convention in Akron, OH, which took place in December 1851. Director of Diversity and Inclusion Amit Taneja introduced the talk, citing Cox’s various honors and accomplishments. Though she is best known for her role as Sophia Burset on the Netflix Original Series Orange is the New Black, Cox has chosen to use her celebrity to project her political voice. In 2013, she received the Anti-Violence Project Courage Award. She was also the first African-American transgender woman to produce and star in her own television show, TRANSform Me. Through various media, Cox is “committed to telling diverse and three-dimensional stories” about transgender experiences, Taneja said. Cox explained that telling these stories empowers people to challenge “points of view which disavow our identities… that suggest that no matter what I do, I’ll never be a woman.” While growing up, feminist theorists informed her conception of womanhood. She particularly appreciated Simone de Beauvoir for saying, “One is not born, but rather becomes,

a woman.” The language was evocative of the process of transitioning. “I was very excited,” she said. “I wasn’t quite ready to own my womanhood, but this idea of becoming spoke volumes to me.” Cox was born seven minutes before her identical twin brother, M. Lamar, in Mobile, AL—a historical site of racial oppression and resistance. “Before I knew anything about myself,” she said, “I knew that I was black.” When Cox entered school and began to interact with peers, however, her classmates told her “that [she] acted like a girl— whatever that means, since girls act all sorts of ways.” Perhaps worse than the fact that Cox was bullied was the blame associated with her treatment. “When my mother found out about [the bullying], she would ask what I was doing,” Cox said, “and why I didn’t fight back.” It remains true today that when kids are bullied, it is often because of their gender expression. Cox urged the importance of not using the word “gay” as an insult on the playground but exclusively as a self-determined identity. Additionally, she stressed the need for people to create spaces for children to perform their gen see Cox, page 4

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