Bachelor portfolio

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Bachelor of Architecture from Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan,P.R.China M.arch Environmental Design from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom E m a i l : d x m d h r h l q @ g m a i l . c o m

In ancient China, there is a famous poet named Bai Juyi. His poem is clear and easy to understand. When he completes his poem, he always reads it to old ladies first, and then amends the unclear part. That’s why his poetry can be circulated all the time. So does architecture. After all, the things it can bear are limited. If we pursue modality and external things too much, the internal things will be reduced. I have opposed to those unreal design concepts, and insisted on contacting concepts with human’s perception rather than only letting construction remain the height in the state as we are talking about. Conceptions must be mapped in space, shadow, tactility and any parts can be exact perceived. My way of architecture is not smooth, but no matter what will happen in the future,I will love it as I did before. Because design is an indispensable part in my life, and I love all parts of it,even the pain.

This project won the first prize of this international competition In this competition,we were required to design a Building-Bridge above the River Guadalquivir. The project must address the pedestrian connection between two different urban areas of the city. The campus stands now on the left bank. Furthermore, in this same area stands San Telmo Palace. On the right bank, bridge-building is intended to connect Los Remedios neighborhood.witch is containing mediumhigh density residence without any equipment. This area originated as a connection between the historical city and the Maria Luisa Park. Therefore the main objective of the proposal should be the hybridization of uses, the urban connection and the location of a new public space inside the city.Finally, the proposal should take into consideration the site characteristics and their integration into the landscape of the city of Seville. The building-bridge is intended to contain a mixed-use program,including mediatheque,auditorium, commercial spaces,museum and parking area.

Locate the function chunk according to stream of people.

When connecting both sides, constructions should give organization of people some guidance.

1.keeping river way visual corridor 2.forest scene 3.tension for residential area.

Restrict buildings’ border position according to the original constructions, meanwhile, create a plaza in front of the building.

The elevation of entry caters to residential area, park and palace, which brings about vision hint, as well as fascinates a stream of people to the ancient reserved square located in a side.

during the day, she shows her elegant history and people live in a relaxing and quiet way; when night falls, she bursts out indefinite enthusiasm and energy. Beautiful Flamenco dancers send out their attractiveness in the bars or at the plazas with the beautiful city.

We hope that the buildings belong to the city. We hope that the buildings can be entrusted the same character as the city. At the daytime it is quiet and elegant; at the nighttime it is as charming as Flamenco dancers. The later the night is, the more beautiful the building will be.

Creat floating space above the river, and remains the visual corridor for Guadalquivir river. Meanwhile, it looks like a concise linear leaf from San Telmo Palace,which protects city’s view from too much interference during day time.

The building skin is mirror glasses. During the day a foggy view is created in the middle;in addition, the building’s volume and ratio are strictly controlled so that buildings can be as elegant as historical buildings in Sevilla. At night, lights are thrown to the inner building, which comes from the skirt of Flamenco dancers, so that indefinite enthusiasm can be shown and the building will dance with the city when night falls.

This is my latest project for a world-wide competition, and also my first design for a foreign building. When conceiving my design, I considered that nowadays a large number of foreign architects design China’s constructions in an international point of view. So why didn’t I view Seville, a tourist city, from an international point of view? Hence, I consulted and read abundant traveling diary about Seville, trying to find out visitors’ impression on this city. Eventually A brief impression of Seville was constructed. Finally, my team under my leadership won the first prize in international competition, which symbolized the confirmation for my undergraduate course career, and all my efforts were paid back.

Mount Phoenix Col Mount Phoenix col is the most beautiful scenic spot in Mount Phoenix

MOUNT PHOENIX A serial of evolving mountains

FOOTPATH BY RIVERSIDE Every scenery of Mount Phoenix can be caught in sight, but the architecture is overlapping with the back landscape.

FOOTPATH The feelings for area’s full scene is the most integrated. Pay attention to the feeling in this angle.

PEACH LAKE Water quality is good. Part of Hydrophilic interface can be created.

MAIN STEM Traffic is heavy, which requires visitors to enjoy the view quickly.

We a r e a s k e d t o d e s i g n a lakeside sports park, and the key point of this design is a long span gym supported by arch structures. This course can be divided into two parts: The first part is the study and exploration of the arch structures, and the second part is the design of the gym park.

1. Aesthetics’ expression of the long span structure. 2. Perfect combination between structure,form and function. 3. Gym park’s attitude to city.

MRT STATION The influence by stream of people from bus station to the entrance of the venue should be taken into account.

Due to current situation of site, curving lake shoreline and organic form of the foot of the hill are extruded out as the base side boundary. I come up with the essential east-west axes at Mount phoenix col, and locate the main building here in case that massif are squeezing each other.

1. Keep the arch structure easily recognized both inside and outside, and highlight structure aesthetics. 2. Analyze and optimize the inside space of sports gym. 3. Make sure that building can integrate with the back landscape from the city’s perspective. 4. Sink the main sports gym to enhance the visual interchange between the inside and outside activities.

Start from the base to seek area’s spatial relationship. When processing the design of the venue, the focusing points of picture, as well as the most obvious squeezed parts by the shoreline in the base are taken as the major public activity area so as to link with other related sports function.

ventilation system and different kinds of membranes are used to make environment inside better.

Considering that Chang Sha is hot in summer and cold in winter. power-operated sunscreen should be used outside the building, which can control construction in absorbing heat so as to reduce energy consumption.

Sunscreen will b e p a c ke d u p in winter so that construction can gain more quantity of heat.

Sunscreen will be put down in summer so that construction can avoid direct solar radiation.

In the east and west of sports gym (primary axis direction), visibility of the inside things and visitors’ sight line of the east and west should be guaranteed. Inside the sports gym, the sight line( the least end of the seat)’s angle from court to scoreboard should be controlled in 300( distinguishing field of vision of human eyes)so that audience can enjoy the competition more comfortably.

In the early days, we’ve studied more than 10 cases of long span arch structures, from all kinds of sports gym to bridges. On the basis of mechanics experience accumulated by repeatedly manual model deliberation and exploration, structure in the late period has been deliberated about its innovation and modeling, in which proper arch structure mechanics knowledge was applied to both main structure and substructure.

HIGH ARCH Us ed t o d ecr ea s e foundation side thrust EQUIVALENT ARCHE Assumed arches w i t h e q u a l efficiency LOW ARCH Low arch meet the space demandof the function, but produce a large foundation side thrust.

Low arches which only provide essential height are designed to provide comfortable space, and then the higher arches connected with low arches to digest foundation side thrust.

Connect archs in two different planes in order to reach space stable.

By reversing, two arches will be in different planes, and they will be connected by bars to be a special-stable composite arch, finally becomes the core structure of the entire construction.

The two wings are the main structure to limit spatial extent, which are made up of two sloping arches, and are connected to the core composite arch with cables.

Decrease the angle between the cable and the arch, thus the component force of the cable’s pulling force on the arch’s plane are increased. While the shear force’s decreasing helps the arch to better play its compressive property.

Cable’s base is fixed in the ground.

This is my latest curricular project, by which I hope I could demonstrate my preference to structural aesthetics and my ability of construction. When transforming from design to the real architecture, various complex problems will be encountered, but I really enjoy solving them.

In this project, we are asked to design a Culture-Experience Center, which is located in the connecting point between a traditional residence (Ren Jia Courtyard) whose characteristics are still retained, and the planned residential and commercial district area. In the north, lays the planning city road, while in east, south, and west, the adjacent space is for business, leisure, experience, public activities and residential living. 1. Exploring design strategies and methods in order to achieve ecological design for venue landscape. 2. Balance the relationship between function and special structure efficiently. The design for venue emphasizes on harmonious between space and environment. 3. Analyzing the functional population characteristics, thus optimizing the design of moving lines, workplace atmosphere and scene shape. 4. Two floors on the ground, one floor under the ground, the total height of the building is less than 12 meters.

In the entire urban environment,Ren Jia Courtyard’s axis conflictwith the urban axis.

Stretch the eastern stand towards to Ren Jia Courtyard so that to form a public square with stronger aggregation.

In order to cater the main crowds from the northwest, the entrance trend is formed by cutting.

New buildings should abate the axis conflicts between Ren Jia Courtyard and the city,and integrate the two sets of axis network.

The central part of building is erected, thus the main function is placed on the second floor and underground, and the glass bridge is set in the first floor as a connection between streets and squares and historic architectures.

As a compound promoting the big courtyard coinciding with the city’s axis, it reverses the shape according to the relationship between the two sets of axis.

Northern quadrangle ourtyard community is actually in the mode of connecting courtyard s p a c e b y c h a n n e l s, w h i l e exhibition architectures require large space.

Maintain the channels between courtyards, meanwhile integrate the small space into large space.

The surrounding walls are buffers between the traditional urban environment and modern one.

Architecture separates several courtyard spaces and thus forms the Ren Jia Courtyard, a new "city".

VENTILATION IN SUMMER separating the upper part.


the reflector’s multiple refraction makes the light soft.

A glass bridge furnished based on the central axis of Ren Jia Courtyard runs directly to the central square.

In the second floor, at the end of the path but the climax of the whole design, a high platform is set for people to appreaciate the Ren Jia Courtyard.

This project was done for the sunrise competition in September, 2011. No prize got though, We learned a lot and enjoyed the process.We tr y to decompose the design steps, namely, designing the twostory building and the general volume of the construction separately, and then after respectively considering the needs venue requires for them, they will be pieced together. Their forms are therefore not only in a strong contrast, but also have some certain links.

From the window grille patterns of Ren Jia Courtyard.

From the piled tiles of Ren Jia Courtyard.

From the window pane patterns of Ren Jia Courtyard.

It is really an interesting project, which is floating in the air. The project is set by a series of subtle factors, and we are asked to design under the guidance of these factors. Our task is to design a residence in a 6mĂ—6m area, on a 18m x 18m space center. Interestingly, this 6mĂ—6m area is assumed as the floating zone, which the structure may not be supported by the ground, but is supported by the air.

This is an assumed site, in the gray area of figure the structure may not fall on the ground.

Facing the crowded and chaotic neighborhoods, how do we use the floating quality to improve residence’s internal and external condition?

Taking the surrounding environment and the owners, a pair of young lovers, into consideration, we try to create a pure and simple living experience in this design, hoping to bring a fresh, not materialistic lifestyle. Create an extremely closed space to separate from the chaos of the outside environment.

The internal wave-point glass makes the sky and grass merge together with the residence.

Leave the ground to the general public, only a retractable ladder is used to connect with the ground.

In this special project, we are trying to create a closed world which hugs sky, green land and water, and a purely open in-house world for the pair of lovers, and the internal changeable views by taking advantage of the characteristics of the wave-point glass. In the evening, the building is like a floating street lamp, revealing the full warmth.

Sky, water, and green land, they blend as one here, while the glossy concrete esembling the general marble blocks out the harsh landscape.

In this course, we are asked to design the campus landscape based on existing campus architectures and road layout, the focus is on the center circular teaching area as shown in the right picture. (We are not allowed to alter the existing architectures and the existing main road.) Since the design should based on the existing layout, I want to try an interesting way of thinking:

In this project, I try to deal with landscape in an objective and slightly parameterized thinking pattern, and plan to create the needed landscape with a rigorous logic.

When people flood into the teaching area, the radial lanes are thus needed to meet the demand of the volume of traffic. This is because once the stream flows into the teaching area, it gradually divides into road branch or landscape and building. The road system mentioned in the above compromises and coordinates with the landscape, and that’s how the final landscape is formed. I begin to look for the potential form rules from the center of the circle. As my trial goes further, I find that if centered the same with the original central area, a series of concentric circle closely related to the existing layout can be created. The scale of landscape is controlled by the space between the two control lines.The scale of landscape is thereby appropriate, while a variety of complex control lines also help to create a rich but overall landscape form.

Find out the key point on the base diagram: building entrances, location key points, etc. Then a framework of the preliminary design form is formed.

T h r o u g h c o n t r o l l i n e s, a f t e r b e i n g optimized and integrated, a rough road system is finally formed, and this is the framework of landscape design.

Traffic methods in the program have a great feature advantage for the landscape design, that is, isometry property. The reconstructed and more interesting road network does not increase the actual transport distance at all.

Based on the control lines mentioned above, I further set up landscapes with different needs attributes according to the original architectures’ functions.

I add bike parking area, and changing Here is a enclosed space between landscape here is mainly designed for the parking entrance from the corner teaching buildings, mainly used for students studying in the library to relax, as well as after-school discussion. to a place with a certain distance on students to have a short break. either side.

Provide the shade for rest.

This area is used as the landscape aisle between the dormitory area and the canteen, thus a more pleasant path is created.

This quiet region locates between Center Square as the common activity The road in the south entrance to the the teaching buildings and the office place, aims to promote cross-grade teaching area is expanded in order to buliding. exchanges for students. provide a more convenient way.

Center Square as the common activity place, aims to promote crossgrade exchanges for students from three different grades. Moreover, a pedestrian bridge is erected over it to guide the flow of people in a high level enter the square.

The exhibitions in Arts Plaza therefore can be enjoyed by more students.

By setting curved rails on the ground, panels can slide freely. Make it flexible and vivid. The passing crowds can choose their way. Centre Square can be used as a venue for small performances

Between three teaching buildings, which can provide a comfortable atmosphere.

Grid-like round Gallery avoids the sweeping line of sight.

Make it convenient for students in 2, 3, 4 floor to quickly reach the outdoor activity area in their short break time, and thus promotes the exchange of cross-grade activities.

The landscape here is mainly used for relaxing for students studying in the library, meanwhile, it’s a good place for after-class discussion.

It is my latest landscape project. In this design, facing the existing architecture and road network, the landscape is required to reflect that fact and reveal its limitation in forms. I tr y to convert it into a principle, and create freely on the basis of t h e p r i n c i p l e, w h i c h simplifies the design difficulty and guarantees the environment-wellcoordinated design.


The librar y's exterior steel frames are extended to integrate the landscape and the architecture.


Providing convenience for students in the second floor.


The information of campus public events will be conveyed more conveniently.


Steel frame encloses a mall green space, which can be used as a small gathering place.


Set up yokes on top of the steel frame, and plant vines to shade.


Between the steel frames can set up hammocks, thus students can relax in an easy and joyful way.


Set up long seats aside the railing,once students sit down, their legs are overhanging over the ground.

This is an interior design for a clothing store. The software Grasshopper and Rhinoceros which explores the growth logic of trees and can convert it into computer logic is applied in design.

I was chosen to enroll a studio in the summer of 2011, where the members were asked to do individual designs via hand models,completely free of computers and softwares. For each project we were expected to give a solution to a detailed assignment in less than 5 days with 4~5 models. In the end of camp,4 projects of mine(5 in all) were choosen to be exhibited.

Hexagonal units designed Honeycombed shape is in modularization can be flexible.It will intervenes the conveniently producted. environment in a low level.

Introduce a profiled triangle to transit between the two different modulus unit.

In order to meet the European new teaching standards, that is, 2 ㎥ per capital classroom use area, the length of classroom is 5400mm.

Based on simple concepts, I have been very interested in the impact architecture does to the environment after project’s intervention. Whatever, the intervention of a design should enhance the lives of the surrounding people. In the bridging building design, I try to consider from the city's perspective, which is, choosing the straightforward and simple rectangular volume to correspond with the calm day, while the dynamic curve floor to correspond with the wonderful night scene. Building’s intervention can enhance and strengthen city’s characteristics, optimize travelers’ experience and local residents’ life. The gymnasium design simply breaks the building’s outline and sinks the stadium to create integration between natural scenery and internal and external building, thus improve passers-by’ visual perception across the river and lake and visitors’ experience in the base. In terms of civilization museum design, I empty the first floor of the architecture, and then place the main function in the air and underground, so that visitors can easily pass through the architecture to reach the activity square and historic architectures, at the same time they can experience the exhibition hall during their passing. In the residential design, I simply change the architecture form in order to guarantee the interior space features to be outstanding, and leave the ground entirely to the community, to improve the community's public activities. In the final design of the landscape, I create a simple but effective control principle, guarantee the coordination between the interventional landscape and the original texture easily, thus I am able to focus more on the needs of students, which helps to optimize the experience of teaching.

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