Hotel de las ideas - English catalogue 2018

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Details 168 pages Year 2014 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-33448-7-9

After its publication in Fierro magazine, Hotel de las ideas collects in a single book the two parts of Altavista, the fundamental work of Fernando Calvi. Altavista tells the story of the enigmatic sailor Barragán, his journey through the oceans, his encounters with glittering characters, his exploration of the mysteries of the world. A story - an binnacle made of scraps, lost and found images, sensations that rise and fall like the waves of the sea. Juan Sasturain says in his prologue: “In these modern and mixed bookstores, saturated with books covers with diamonds and books that are stepped on and passed over, that rub shoulders and get bored in the rigorous shelves of the market, Altavista looks out front to the sun. Calvi draws his chubby penitent with a redhead pompadour, smoking in a smudged face, retouches the confines of history and releases his little boat of paper in the pond, downstream.” The book contains the complete story plus eight pages made exclusively for this edition. This volume is completed by prologues by Juan Sasturain and Lautaro Ortiz, and closing texts by Diego Parés, Alejandra Lunik, Quique Alcatena, Mariano Lucano and Delius.

SUDOR SUDACA Carlos Sampayo José Muñoz

Details 72 pages Year 2015 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-2-4

The stories in Sudor Sudaca are made of cartoons and loose phrases, interrupted dialogues, allusions and drawings that the reader assembles in a story that always seems to be a moment of a larger plot, because the characters want to continue with their lives beyond the last page. In all the work of Muñoz-Sampayo there is a kind of desire to move on and also to cut and interrupt. Many things happen at once, and in each reading we pay attention to different things. Muñoz and Sampayo started working together in 1974. They had known each other a couple of years before, thanks to a friend in common, the cartoonist Oscar Zárate. The two had tried their luck abroad; Muñoz always drawing; Sampayo writing astrology books, karate manuals or guides on butterflies. And also about jazz, a subject in which he is a great specialist (there is always some jazz in his comics and novels). In the years prior to Sudor Sudaca, their famous detective, Alack Sinner, had been built, with its diverse and changing adventures and also the chapters of Joe’s Bar. But in Sudor Sudaca they got in full with the Argentine theme, stressed between the memories and the portrait of the expatriates who wanted a new life in Europe.



Autores varios

Autores varios

After four editions of the magazine, Clítoris turns into a book format and launches its first anthology: Sex(t)ualidades en viñetas. On this occasion, a large group of scriptwriters and cartoonists offer eight comic strips that revolve around four axes: the right to abortion, inclusion of sexual diversities, canon of hegemonic beauty and sexual exploitation. These topics are complemented by four articles by outstanding specialists in these subjects. Clítoris is once again proposed as a space for the free creation, debate and critique of feminist struggles through comic panels.

After four editions of Clítoris magazine and the first Clítoris anthology, Sex(t)ualidades en viñetas, comes the second volume of the Clitoris collection with short essays and comic strips. This time, under the title of Graphic stories for femininjas, the proposal renews themes and staff with the aim of politically intervening the public space. Clitoris. Relatos gráficos para femininjas, brings together a unique set of writers and draughtsmen who unfold in eight selfconcluding stories fictions that read, in a feminist key, our daily reality. The comic panels that explore humor, science fiction and adventure captures a choral proposal in which different styles and expressions are mixed. In counterpoint, four articles written by activists and specialists in genre and sexuality reconstruct the scenario of current struggles. Clítoris returns with renewed desire to promote a space of free creation, debate and criticism of feminist struggles through the comic book media.

Mariela Acevedo, co-publisher of Clitoris, says in the introduction: “This book is born from a magazine that had four issues and set out to open a space not only to authors wanting to tell stories that question sexism, but it also expected to be a space that enabled a preponderant place for the art of female creators: where we could speak of pleasures, laugh at the victimizations and put humor to the activism. It was intended to be a criticism of the sexist and discriminatory world but also a self-criticism of the ways of communicating which often see comics and graphic humor as simple cartoons, without capturing the transgressor potential that every medium that tells stories has”.

Details Year: 2016/2017 Format: 15 x 20 cm / 96 pages

alien TRISTE Pedro Mancini

Details 112 pages Year 2015 Format 17 x 24 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-0-0

Alien Triste does not have money, he has social problems, he is jealous and resentful. In a few words, he leads a life few would envy. Considering these characteristics, you might think that we’re not facing a lovable character. Nothing further from reality: through irony and cynicism and a (weird and dark) sense of humour, Alien Triste’s strips unexpectedly penetrates readers as a reflection of everything we do not dare to say, but we think of all the time. Through the mask of the autobiographical strip (as fictitious as the same character), Alien Triste, with his face in expressionless appearances, exhibits an original world, overflowing with its own imagery, which makes visible many things we usually prefer to hide.


Details 112 pages Year 2015 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-5-5

Where do jokes come from? Do they have a purpose? How do you knead ideas? How are the funny cartoons we see in newspapers, magazines and internet made? This book tries to answer these questions and many others, immersing itself in the fascinating and mysterious world of graphic humour. The author analyzes the medium and even his own work through reflections and discoveries that shed light on the mechanisms, the hidden plots and the language of drawn humour. Tumor GrĂĄfico is a humour book - and at the same time an essay on humour that will help you be the graphic humorist you always wanted to be.

bubbles Fer Calvi

Details 96 pages Year 2016 Format 14 x 21 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-3-1

The zoo, the snacks, your friends, walking with your parents, your first girlfriend; little delights of childhood ... or not? Bubbles, (like Peanuts, Little Lulu, Nancy, Mafalda or Calvin & Hobbes) is a story about childhood. But not the nostalgic childhood sweetened by memory; it’s the disturbing childhood lived by a child: Bubbles. During that journey Bubbles will face his first love, the naps of summer, the consciousness of death, the circus, the games and all the normal and simple experiences that, lived for the first time, are intense and, often terrifying.

Tortas fritas de polenta Adolfo Bayúgar & Ariel Martinelli

Details 96 pages Year 2016 Format 14 x 21 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-3-1

Tortas fritas de polenta, by Adolfo Bayúgar and Ariel Martinelli, is a story about a hero. But it’s not a heroic fantasy comic, nor one of those “Good or bad” comics, nor a nationalist vindication of the Malvinas (Falklands) war. This book tells a story about a different kind of heroism. There are no great deeds, neither martyrs, nor patriots in these pages. What the reader can find it’s the courage to address a painful and personal issue (Martinelli is a former combatant); Martinelli’s courage to agree to tell his story to a cartoonist so he can draw those episodes with enormous respect. In its unique way, the story of Tortas fritas de polenta has a shared first person. Tortas fritas de polenta is told through drawings and this fact gives us - the readers - the necessary spirit to be able to enter the pain knowing that we can get out of it. Because although it’s an illusory, false and unreal subterfuge, it allows us to protect us in the childish gesture of making us aware that it is, perhaps, a fiction.


Details 120 pages Year 2016 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-7-9

A communist militant duck perceives that his revolutionary dream is getting harder, so he decides to sell brushes door to door to seduce the wives of the bourgeoisie and become an unbridled lover. Saubón is disturbed by his origins: he’s the guilty fruit of the relationship between a housewife and a goose. Under these premises El patito Saubón was published for the first time in Fierro magazine - in black and white. It was published in France under the name The duck that loved chickens - in full color - by Albin Michel in 2000. This edition won the prize to best foreign work in the 2001 edition of the Angouleme Festival. El patito Saubón, according to its author, is a comic book that: “If you cover the drawings, you’ll see it’s like a novel of a Marxist (Raymond) Chandler, with an existential and confessional tone “. The anecdote -at times harrowing with social connotations- transits the irony with the elegance of an exquisite author like Carlos Nine, who, with his personal and unmistakable style, pays tribute to George Herriman’s Krazy Kat.

COBALTO Pablo De Santis Juan Saenz Valiente

Details 72 pages Year 2016 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-­6-­2

As ideal representatives of comics language, De Santis and Sáenz Valiente maintain a particular relationship with it: they master it fluently as if it was their mother language, but they dissect it with studious respect as if it was a foreign language; they can decipher their most convoluted writings, but they trace their signs with the dedication of a japanese calligrapher. De Santis likes to invent characters that seem decadent or crepuscular (“The problems of youth without the youth’s energies” says the apothecary Cobalto, before facing a new adventure) although in reality they are full of life, full of an obsession that is their driving force. Sáenz Valiente knows how to draw like few that divine (heroic) core and the environment in which those creatures lives.

LA SUDESTADA Juan Sáenz Valiente

Details 128 pages Year 2016 (reedición) Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-8-6

Jorge is a Buenos Aires private detective who has never worn a wig or a false mustache; less has he searched the tracks of some digital fingerprint. His investigations are always based on a premise: There are many people who wants to talk. A charlatan neighbor, a rabble employee, and even the victims themselves being investigated... someone always ends up chattering through and giving away the information necessary to the dissimulated and charismatic Jorge. Although Jorge develops in his work with impeccable ease and success, outside his detective role his charisma vanishes, and he becomes a despicable, selfish macho, who carries a great hidden anguish. But everything changes when he must investigate Elvira Puente, a contemporary ballet choreographer of a certain renown, who travels daily, mysteriously and in loneliness to a house on an island in the Delta of Tigre. Pedro Mairal says in his prologue to the book: “La sudestada happens in the glare of a hyperrealist Buenos Aires, dated in 2015. A city where decades have accumulated and where you can find a melancholic coexistence of the old neighborhood club with the peeling postmodernity. Because he knows how to look, Sáenz Valiente makes invisible things visible”.


Details 160 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-00-1 Jorge Luis Borges is fattened, thinned; he’s called to shouts and then exorcised; It is killed and then it is reanimated with mouth-tomouth breathing between reproaches and laments. It can be remembered as a furious nationalist as well as a citizen of the world. The truth is that Borges meekly accepts all the treats given to his figure. Eternal schoolboy, virgin as a blank page, remains available for all rewriting, in the manner of an impassive literary Tintin (will Bioy Casares be his Milú?). Perhaps our games with Borges include that quota of cruelty with which the cat tries to prolong the biography of a dead rat. But it is fair to remember that if Borges, the character, still has things to tell us, it’s only because we are the ones who move the threads of the puppet; and ours is the voice that comes from his lips. Borges, inspector de aves (graphic novel appeared originally in Fierro magazine) is dedicated, with placid unconsciousness, to play all these games, to a great extent aided by the nature of its format. The very idea of ​​forcing a representative of the great literature to officiate as a protagonist in a saga narrated in one of its most derisory, implies something of the legendary degradation to “bird inspector”, inflicted to the writer in the government of Juan Domingo Perón. The episode is what gave rise to these pages, and it’s worth remembering it: in 1946, the new authorities removed Borges from his position as librarian, and he was assigned to inspection tasks in the field of municipal fairs. Lucas Nine imagines him exercising this position in a Bogart raincoat, while he visits henhouses endowed with a climate more typical of the “noir” of Raymond Chandler that immersed in the simple realities of the argentinian chicken.

TANGO CRUZADO Max Aguirre Sebastián Dufour

Details 72 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-01-8

Gardel, his origin, two orchestras, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, New Orleans, a supraterrenal bandoneonist, all mixed in a story that delves into the ocean of years that separates us from that full of mysteries first half of the 20th century. Tango Cruzado is at first sight a tango story, but it’s much more than that if you know how to look between the folds of the story, or between the bandoneón notes of Estardas, a character that knows everything and, nevertheless, walks the same path as the rest of the characters


Details 216 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-9-3 Co-published with La Cúpula (Spain)

Lu and Santi meet, date, fall in love and finally go to live together. Until that point, the traditional route of a young couple. Nevertheless, what begins as a dreamt love story, slowly reveals the nightmare that nests inside. In its 216 pages, Sole Otero tells us how the first differences and short circuits between the two characters transform into coldness, mistreatment and sexist violence. How Lu’s insecurity is the ideal food for Santi’s pride. How the monster that grows between the both of them becomes the usual way to bond. And how a labyrinth can be transformed into a spiral to Hell. Poncho fue shows the darkest face of a relationship, the one that appears when the rainbow of the first months dissolves. But also, it shows a remedy to free yourself from a sick situation. A story that challenges his honesty, that it’s moved by its brutal credibility and that continues to resonate long after the book is closed.

¡VIVA LA CACA! Gustavo Sala

Details 96 pages Year 2017 Format 15 x 20 cm. ISBN 978-987-4164-03-2

In the new and smelly edition, we review all the forms and conceivable consistencies of the poop, its history and evolution. “How disgusting, I stepped on a person!” Exclaims a terrified turd from the cover of the book ... Excrements everywhere, large and small; normal and deformed, long, soft or in balls; This is how the new edition of ¡Viva la caca! the book for boys and girls of Gustavo Sala. A great eschatological work for all ages.


Details 120 pages Year 2017 (reedición) Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-45922-4-8

The future is an alienating and hyper-technified society. A time in which it is difficult to differentiate robots from human beings. An everyday life in permanent police surveillance. Two mega-corporate states fight unscrupulously to win the favor of their citizens / consumers. In the future, there is no place for hope. The illusion is a fly that escapes from our hands, a dream enclosed in a postcard. However, something is about to change. A strange briefcase has fallen from outer space. Take a minute to enter the machine and order an instant coffee: everything indicates that this is going to be a very long day.


Details 176 pages Year 2017 Format 23 x 17 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-02-5

Norton Guitérrez, a shy and (very) silent young men, is the ignored son of a family of greengrocers who exploit him without regard. He spends his solitude days in his room watching science fiction movies. But one day, the singer Emma Tzampak’s show arrives to Norton’s city, and with it, her mysterious and desired necklace, which contains the secret to reach the Fountain of Eternal Youth. Norton will be involved in a dramatic search, which will be the invitation to an adventure that will take him to know the world, magic, romance, love and, why not, himself. Readers of any age can immerse themselves in Norton Gutiérrez y el collar de Emma Tzampak and remain until the last breath of this journey, full of boat trips, fist fights, motorcycle chases, mystical revelations and giant robots. Juan Sáenz Valiente unites masterfully the homage to the classical french-belgian comics and Hollywood films in a story of crystalline narration and meticulous preparation.

DIAGNĂ“STICOS Lucas Varela y Diego Agrimbau

Details 72 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-05-6

The six short stories gathered in this book connect with each other from two possible extremes: on one hand, the protagonists seek to overcome a series of sensory alterations that modify their perception of language, images and their environment. On the other hand, Diego Agrimbau (script) and Lucas Varela (artist) invite these girls (and also the readers) to play with the limits of the comic book language, the relationships between form and content, and the potential of the comic as a narrative medium. DiagnĂłsticos is a luminous and audacious cocktail, one of the most original collaborations of the contemporary Argentine graphic novel and comic book medium.


Details 96 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-06-3

The book by Ariel López V. (with contributions from Oma in texts) takes us through three stories to explore a retro-punk-futuristic universe, with the mystique and clichés from horror and science fiction class B movies. In this world, the most dangerous thing about being punk is not that police stops you, but being abducted by aliens. And it’s not good to go on vacation with friends because, in addition to fights, there will be zombies. Ariel López V. combines parody and homage in a multi-colored journey full of irony. It’s said that the first class B cult movie in Argentina was filmed in the mid-80s. Based on real events, the film narrated the misfortunes suffered by the directors themselves when they toured with their punk band on the stage of the Buenos Aires under scenes. The film carries a sad and heavy karma, since they call it the first curse of the world of alternative spectacle. Ariel López V. makes an attempt to capture in these pages the full story of the extraordinary cult tape. These pages act as a tribute to the filmmakers of this original story that mixes scenes from horror movies and science fiction class B.


Details 128 pages Year 2017 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-07-0

Pedro Mancini has chosen to explore a new world, despite always being William Burroughs’s world. It’s the childhood world of little Bill, a universe in which our usual hatter is none other than Alicia. Mancini, the author of Alien triste (PAGE poner la página de Alien Triste) goes through the first steps of someone who will end up -among many other things- being alien and also sad. And the most fascinating thing is how the slow defoliation of that initiatory flower is framed naturally in the young work of the biographer who ends up autobiographing himself.



MALENKI SUKOLE Ignacio Minaverry

Details 128 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 24 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-10-0

The year is 1964, in Germany. Dora is an assistant investigator during the trial of the Nazis who were in charge of the Drancy concentration camp in France. Dora takes advantage of being close to the International Tracing Service to find out about her own past. But she doesn’t know that she’ll encounter a fundamental secret in the life of her German friend, Lotte. Telling her this secret will turn her world upside down. Minaverry brings us back Dora and her look as the gateway to a world full of details, narrative solidity, and a humanism not without paradoxes. Impunity in trials and blindness in the face of complicity in genocides surround and push the drama of Dora and Lotte. But it is through the rich cast of supporting characters that we find the endless folds of post-war Europe. Neither Dora, nor those around her can give us answers or morals. They breathe and live in the world created by Minaverry, and each one offers us a color, a different dimension of the problem of identity. They jump out of the pages to ask, fifty years ago, questions that continue to have full validity today.

MAGIA BLANCA Simon Hanselmann

Details 112 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-09-4

Megg, a depressive witch and Mogg, a jealous cat are a couple who live together and seem determined to complicate the life of his third roommate, Owl, a young man who represses all his instincts of debauchery to appear an orderly and harmonious life, only to be always involved in the misadventures of his friends. To complete this roster of particular characters, Werewolf Jones, a nearly homeless werewolf who sings songs from viral Youtube videos with a megaphone and spreads herpes to their partners, visits constantly the house. Despite their appearance, these characters are (too) realistic: Simon Hanselmann achieves a perfect blend of contemporary existential thoughts and neurotic delirium, never falling into solemnity, and never ceases to refer to our own experience.

PERFECT HAIR Tommi Parrish

Details 80 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-08-7

The characters of Perfect Hair live minimal scenes, populated with discomfort. A call-girl meets a very particular client, while her roommate visits her grandmother in the hospital, after going through a sauna. Everything daily (a greeting, a train, a funny joke) becomes unknown, as it’s been said by someone who doesn’t like us. Parrish is located at the point where social interaction is something we don’t understand, like when we look into the eyes feigning interest, while we hear something that doesn’t interest us. The labels that we use as a replacement so that we don’t need to know the world from experience (always painful, always confused) are thus revealed .


Details 160 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-11-7

Treacherous gangsters and betrayed men of honor, fatalities and femme fatales, cynical and poor millionaires without redemption, rural bandits and torturers, dreamers and vigilantes, lunatics... all of them and more appear in these stories. A gallery of characters that come together in a fantastic space, in which a street in New York or Chicago can be crossed with a cobblestone street in the argentinian Alberdi neighborhood or with the Amazonian forest itself; in which a bourbon or a fernet can be served with the same naturalness with which the shots and kisses are shared.


EN OTRO LADO Marcos Vergara & Alejandro Farías

Details 136 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-12-4

With Antonio Di Benedetto’s novel Los suicidas as a starting point, the writing of a thesis about the suicides of different writers (Alfonsina Storni, Leopoldo Lugones and Horacio Quiroga) starts up a book that is, at the same time, a kind of mash up in which the works of Di Benedetto, Juan Carlos Onetti, Alejandra Pizarnik and Reynaldo Arenas are fused and confused. In this way the story takes on a new dimension and a new reading, aside from the depth that the graphic medium brings to the story.

BEATNIK BUENOS AIRES Facundo Percio & Diego Arandojo

Details 96 pages Year 2018 Format 17 x 23 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-13-1

In the 1960s, another Buenos Aires existed. A night city that competed with the daytime city. A city that, in its streets and downtown passages, housed an erratic community of artists. Writers, painters, musicians, sculptors, argentinean performers who, impacted by the North American Beatnik movement, sought their own scream. Gathered in coffee shops and bars around the mythical “Di Tella Institute” (a space for experimentation and staging all kinds of “crazy acts”), they gave a new meaning to the Buenos Aires nightlife. In these pages and in their stories we will meet renowned writers such as Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Sábato, Dalmiro Sáenz and Juan-Jacobo Bajarlía, as well artists such as Antonio Berni and Federico Peralta Ramos. But also the others, the unknown artists burst before our eyes: Jalí, The Final Sun (a mysterious fireman who painted burning pictures), the members of Opium (writers who did not write), Iaros, The metaphysical photographer (with more than 300,000 negatives locked in a bathroom), are some of the characters of those Buenos Aires’ nights. In essence Beatnik Buenos Aires rescues throughout its thirteen chapters characters and real situations -with a slight touch of fictionfrom that intense decade.


Details 72 pages Year 2018 Format 21,4 x 27,4 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-14-8 Co-published with La CĂşpula (Spain)

Stroppy works in a production line in one of the many factories of Monsieur Mustache, an unscrupulous businessman. When a musical contest with cash prizes is announced, Stroppy, in a furtive maneuver, enters a song of his friend, Clancy the poet. Stroppy is a fantasy orchestrated by Marc Bell that contains impossible artifacts, unaccustomed creatures, bizarre jokes and abysses of passion. Post hippie fantasy, an allegory of the class struggle, Stroppy is narrated as a musical for the deaf and dumb.

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Croqueta y empanadilla Ana Oncina

Details 132 pages Year 2018 Format 14 x 20 cm ISBN 978-987-4164-15-5 Co-published with La CĂşpula (Spain)

Living together as a couple is, in itself, an adventure, but if love arises between a croquette and a dumpling, it also becomes very fun. A tender and hilarious portrait of the life in common between very particular lovers, with their problems, their joys and the relationship with their pets: Rodolfo, the dog and Bufa, the cat. Croqueta y empanadilla is made up of urban wanderings that take place in scenarios as varied as the family home or the streets of Berlin, and recreates situations based on the personal autobiography of the author with which many readers identify.

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