Biografija - Ana Horvat Rođena 1977. u Zagrebu, diplomirala 2003. na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, na nastavničkom odjelu u kiparskoj klasi prof. Mire Vuce. Izlagala na više skupnih i samostalnih izložbi; sudjelovala na nekoliko likovnih kolonija. Dobitnica Rektorove nagrade 2000. godine te nagrade 2008. Boravila u Cité Internationale des Arts u Parizu, tijekom rujna i listopada 2009. godine. Članica HDLU-a i HZSU-a. Biography – Ana Horvat Born in 1977. In 2003, she graduated in Art Education and Sculpture (class of Prof. Miro Vuco) from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She has exhibited at many group and solo exhibitions, and participated in several art colonies. She was awarded the Rector’s Prize in 2000, and the Prize in 2009. She was a resident at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in September and October 2009. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Artists and the Croatian Freelance Artists Association.
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika / Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija PM / Expanded Media Gallery Radno vrijeme: srijeda – petak 10-14h i 17-21h, subota i nedjelja 10-18h, ponedjeljkom, utorkom i blagdanom zatvoreno. Working hours: Wednesday to Friday 10am–2pm and 5pm–9pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am–6pm. Monday, Tuesday and holidays closed.
Impresum Nakladnik / Publisher Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika / Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, Za nakladnika / For the publisher Josip Zanki, predsjednik /president Upravni odbor HDLU / Executive board of HDLU Josip Zanki (predsjednik / president), Tomislav Buntak ( zamjenik predsjednika / vice president), Fedor Vučemilović (zamjenik predsjednika / vice president), Gordana Bakić, Ivan Fijolić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Anita Kuharić Smrekar Ravnateljica / Director Ivana Andabaka Umjetnički savjet Galerije PM / Artistic board of PM Gallery Nataša Bodrožić, Ivan Fijolić, Tea Hatadi Stručna suradnica / Associate Tea Hatadi Predgovor / Preface Ana Horvat Prijevod / Translation Kristina Saywell Likovni postav / Exhibition design Ana Horvat i Tea Hatadi Grafičko oblikovanje i prijelom kataloga/ Design Ana Horvat Fotografije / Photographs Jasenko Rasol Urednica / Editor Tea Hatadi Tisak / Printed by Cerovski Print Boutique, Naklada / Copies 200 Izložba je ostvarena uz novčanu potporu Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske / The exhibition has been kindly supported by funding from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
Ana Horvat
performans/akcija HDLU, Galerija PM, 2.10.-12.10.2014.
Vrata kružnog prostora Galerije PM zastrta su zastorom. Prolazim kroz tu meku opnu i prodirem u taj jednostavan, arhetipski, samodostatan krug.
The door to the circular space of the PM Gallery is veiled with a curtain. I pass through that soft membrane and enter the simple, archetypal, self-sufficient circle.
Počinem po zidu ispisivati tekst „sada je sada je sada je sada...” Kada napišem riječ „sada“, to je jednostavna istina u trenutku nastajanja. Tren kasnije, to postaje laž, tj. samo uzaludna bilješka nečega što je bilo, i više nije. Gotovo opsesivno nastavljam ispisivati tu tvrdnju, kako bih pokušala uhvatiti ili zadržati taj izrečeni “sada”; biti “sada”; izravno biti prijelaz trenutka u trenutak. Lagano grickam krug, mic po mic, kao udah-izdah, udah-izdah... Završavam pisanje zatvarajući krug teksta, koji uhvativši samog sebe za rep, kao Ouroboros, time ponovno stvara sam sebe. Tada gubi vremensku komponentu od koje počinje, jer sad, kad je puni krug uspostavljen, gdje god da se u njemu zateknemo, čitamo istinu svog (nesavršenog, skliskog) “sada”. Svi ti nabrojani “sada” istovremeno kruže, postaje nejasno i nebitno gdje je tekst započet. Iako je taj niz kao skica za transcendentalnu cjelovitost, koju krug i simbolizira, fizički u tom prostoru uvijek nekom dijelu cjeline okrećemo leđa. Vječnost je naslućena, ali ostaje nesaglediva. Možemo se samo vrtiti u krug, prateći pojedino.
I start to write “now is now is now is now…” on the wall. As I write, the word “now” is a simple truth in the moment of its creation. A moment later, it becomes a lie, just a futile note of something that has passed, and is no longer. Almost obsessively, I continue writing this statement, in an attempt to catch or keep that “now”, to be that “now”, to exist as a direct transition from one moment to the next. I am biting away at that circle, bit by bit, like breathing in and out, in and out… I finish writing when the circle of text is closed. It has caught itself by the tail, like the Ouroboros, and thus created itself all over again. In that moment it loses the time component from which it started, because now, when the full circle has been created, wherever we find ourselves inside it, we read the truth of our own (imperfect, slippery) “now”. All those numerous “nows” encircle us simultaneously and it becomes unclear and irrelevant where the text started. Even though this series of “nows” is a sketch for the transcendent wholeness, symbolized by the circle, in this space we always have to physically turn our back on some part of the whole. Eternity is hinted at, but remains impossible to grasp. We can only spin in circles, following the individual.