Galerija Bačva | 12. - 23. listopada, 2016. | Bačva Gallery | October 12 - 23, 2016
Izložbom u HDLU-u Nevenka Arbanas pravi novi iskorak u istraživanju mogućnosti svoga umjetničkog izričaja unutar ciklusa Listova. Služeći se svojim karakterističnim rukopisom, Arbanas je ovim ciklusom 2010. godine otvorila etapu novih načina promišljanja u svome umjetničkom pristupu. Od toga trenutka, umjetnica nizom izložbi i autorskih mapa sustavno istražuje mogućnosti te proširuje sintaksu svoje novootkrivene gramatike. Prilagodivši se prostoru Galerije Bačva, Arbanas stvara ambijent od Listova otisnutih na predimenzioniranim rolama papira što slobodno vise, prateći kružnicu njezina vanjskog zida. Klasično otisnuta grafika, mišljena da se promatra s obje strane papira, na ovaj način poprima značajke skulpture koju je potrebno obići sa svih strana. Ovi izlošci, međutim, nisu zamišljeni da ih se promatra pojedinačno, već kao cjelinu u interakciji s prostorom što ih okružuje i u kojem se nalaze. Predimenzionirani listovi grafičkih otisaka koji vise u prostoru galerije te se „slijevaju” po njezinu podu nisu novina u nastupima Nevenke Arbanas, a gradnja ambijenata listovima papira započeta je 2010. godine prvom izložbom ciklusa u Studiju Račić. Animacija „listova” u slobodnom, polaganom padu, u centru kružnog prostora galerije, međutim, uvodi novi element u umjetničinu izlagačku praksu. Spori tempo pada minimalističke animacije preslikava i izmiješta u novi medij kompozicije papirnatih otisaka rađene klasičnim grafičarskim tehnikama, što su joj prethodile i što je simbolično i ovdje u smislenoj sintezi okružuju. Pri tome riječ list koristimo u navodnicima budući da baratamo namjerno nesavršenim otiscima stvarnoga lišća, lišenog njegove lokalne boje, ali i apstrahiranim formama što na ovo samo podsjeća, balansirajući tako na samoj granici figuracije prema apstraktnom. Osim toga, kako sam više puta ranije pojašnjavala, termin lista u repertoaru Nevenke Arbanas namjerice igra na kartu ambivalencije značenja između konkretnog biljnog motiva i posljedično elementa prirode, s jedne strane, te tehničkog termina grafičkog lista kao simbola umjetničina „zanata”, s druge. Monumentalnu, fluidnu cjelinu ambijenta karakterizira minimalizam formalne kompozicije, dok je njezina značenjska potka proširena „komplementarnim kontrastom” opipljivoga, konkretnog papirnatog medija s virtualnom naravi i dinamikom animacije. Ovim, usudimo se ustvrditi, uspjelim eksperimentom, Arbanas daje naslutiti smjer svojih budućih umjetničkih istraživanja, koja će možebitno oznaku grafičkoga u njezinu opusu staviti pod navodnike (u klasičnom smislu riječi) baš poput one u „lista”. Ivana Rončević Elezović
Grafika XI (lijevo) Grafika XII (desno)
Nevenka Arbanas’s exhibition at the Croatian Association of Artists marks a new step forward in exploring the possibilities of her artistic expression within the series of works called Leaves. In 2010, with this series and using her distinctive handwriting, Arbanas opened up a period of new ways of thinking about her artistic approach. From that moment on, through a number of exhibitions and portfolios, she has been systematically exploring the possibilities and expanding the syntax of her newfound grammar. Adapting to the space of Bačva Gallery, Arbanas creates an environment made of Leaves printed on free-hanging, oversized paper rolls, which follow the circular shape of the gallery’s exterior walls. In this way the traditionally printed graphics, meant to be viewed from both sides, takes on the characteristics of a sculpture that needs to be seen from all angles. These exhibits, however, were not meant to be viewed separately, but as a whole and in interaction with the surrounding space in which they are located. Graphic prints on oversized paper sheets hanging in the gallery space and “pouring down“ the floor are not a novelty in Nevenka Arbanas’s exhibitions; the construction of environment with paper sheets first began in 2010, with the first exhibition of the series in Račić Studio. However, the animation of “sheets1 (leaves)“ in a free, slow fall, in the centre of the circular gallery space, introduces a new element into the artist’s exhibition practice. The slow pace of the fall of a minimalist animation transfers and displaces the compositions of prints produced using traditional printmaking techniques into some new media. These traditional printmaking techniques, which preceded the animation, now surround it symbolically in a meaningful synthesis. The word leaf (sheet)2 is used in quotes because we are dealing with deliberately imperfect prints of real leaves, devoid of their local colour, but also with abstracted forms which only remind one of the same, balancing thus on the border of figuration towards abstract. Besides, as I have explained many times, the term leaf (sheet) in Nevenka Arbanas’s repertoire deliberately plays on the ambivalence of meaning between a concrete plant motif and consequentially an element of nature, on the one hand, and a technical term for graphic sheet as a symbol of the artist’s “craft“, on the other. Monumental, fluid unit of the environment is characterized by the minimalism of the formal composition, whereas its semantic texture is expanded with “a complementary contrast“ of tangible, concrete paper medium having a virtual nature and dynamics of animation. With this, we dare to say, successful experiment, Arbanas suggests the direction of her future artistic explorations, which could put the term graphic in quotation marks when describing her opus (in a traditional sense of the word), just like with the word “leaf“.
Ivana Rončević Elezović
1 Croatian language uses the same word for “sheet“ and “leaf“, i.e. “list“, allowing for a play of words between these two terms, i.e. the meaning they describe, TN 2 The actual word used is “sheet“, but to make the meaning more similar to the original version of the text, I used “leaf“ instead, TN
Grafika VI
Grafika III, Grafika IV
Grafika I
Grafika VII
O autorici:
About the Author:
Nevenka Arbanas, akademska slikarica – grafičarka, rođena je 1950.godine u Batini.
Nevenka Arbanas, academic painter and graphic artists, was born in 1950 in Batina.
Diplomirala je 1975. godine na grafičkom odjelu Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Alberta Kinerta. Na istoj Akademiji pohađala je poslijediplomski studij u trajanju od četiri semestra, te je stekla naziv magistra za područje grafičkih izraza.
She graduated from the graphic art department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in the class of Prof. Albert Kinert in 1975. She attended the four semester postgraduate study program at the same Academy and holds the title Master of Arts in Graphic Art.
Od 1975. godine do danas održala je 44 samostalne izložbe i sudjelovala na više od 200 žiriranih skupnih izložbi ili autorskih koncepcija u zemlji i širom svijeta. Dobitnica je brojnih likovnih nagrada. Redoviti je profesor na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Since 1975, she has exhibited her art in 44 solo exhibitions, as well as participated in over 200 juried group exhibitions and curatorial concepts both in Croatia and worldwide. She holds numerous art awards. She is a Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.
Popis izložaka:
List of works:
Grafika I, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, 2800 x 1080 mm Grafika II, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, 2800 x 1080 mm Grafika III, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, linorez, 3200 x 620 mm Grafika IV, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, linorez, 3200 x 620 mm Grafika V, 2012., akvatinta, bakropis, linorez, 2080 x 1070 mm Grafika VI, 2012., akvatinta, bakropis, linorez, 2200 x 1070 mm Grafika VII, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, foliotisak, 2470 x 1090 mm Grafika VIII, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, foliotisak 2470 x 1090 mm Grafika IX, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, foliotisak, 3000 x 1090 mm Grafika X, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, 2550 x 1130 mm Grafika XI, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, 2640 x 1070 mm Grafika XII, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, foliotisak, 2640 x 1050 mm Grafika XIII, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, foliotisak, 2800 x 1180 mm Grafika XIV, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, suha igla, 2700 x 1020 mm Grafika XV, 2016., akvatinta, bakropis, 2800 x 1070 mm
Grafika I, 2016, aquatint, etching, 2800 x 1080 mm Grafika II, 2016, aquatint, etching, 2800 x 1080 mm Grafika III, 2016, aquatint, etching, linocut, 3200 x 620 mm Grafika IV, 2016, aquatint, etching, linocut, 3200 x 620 mm Grafika V, 2012, aquatint, etching, linocut, 2080 x 1070 mm Grafika VI, 2012, aquatint, etching, linocut, 2200 x 1070 mm Grafika VII, 2016, aquatint, etching, foil print, 2470 x 1090 mm Grafika VIII, 2016, aquatint, etching, foil print, 2470 x 1090 mm Grafika IX, 2016, aquatint, etching, foil print, 3000 x 1090 mm Grafika X, 2016, aquatint, etching, 2550 x 1130 mm Grafika XI, 2016, aquatint, etching, 2640 x 1070 mm Grafika XII, 2016, aquatint, etching, foil print, 2640 x 1050 mm Grafika XIII, 2016, aquatint, etching, foil print, 2800 x 1180 mm Grafika XIV, 2016, aquatint, etching, drypoint, 2700 x 1020 mm Grafika XV, 2016, aquatint, etching, 2800 x 1070 mm
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija Bačva | Galerija Bačva Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | Radno vrijeme: srijeda – petak: 11 – 19 h, subota i nedjelja 10 – 18 h, ponedjeljkom, utorkom i blagdanom zatvoreno Working hours: Wednesday to Friday: 11am – 7pm, Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 6pm, Monday. Tuesday and holidays - closed IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/president), Tomislav Buntak (dopredsjednik/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (dopredsjednik/ vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Monika Meglić, Melinda Šefčić | Umjetnički savjet/Artistic board: Tomislav Buntak, Suzana Marjanić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Branka Benčić, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki, Ivica Župan | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Mia Orsag | Predgovor/Preface: Ivana Rončević Elezović | Fotografija/Photography: Igor Konjušak | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Duje Medić | Prijevod/ Translation: Zana Šaškin | Likovni postav/Exhibition set up: Nevenka Arbanas, Ivana Rončević Elezović | Tisak/Printed by Cerovski | Naklada/Print run: 300 Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba te tvrtki Ekonerg i Etherion d.o.o. / The exhibition is financially supported by the City Office for Culture, Education and Sports Zagreb and companies Ekonerg and Etherion d.o.o.